Proton NMR Basics - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Proton NMR Basics is a multimedia tutor designed to shorten the time for student ... both IBM-compatible and Macintosh computers, students can explore...
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Chemical Education: Software Abstract for Special Issue Number 11: Proton NMR Basics Carolyn Sweeney Judd Houston Community College System Houston. TX 77270-7849 Joel D. Morrisetk, Mohan V. Chari, and Jeffrey L. Browning Baylor College of Medicine Houston TX 77030 Proton NMR Basics is a multimedia tutor designed to shorten the time for student mastery of NMR spectral interpretation. On a CD-ROM that can be used by both IBMcompatible and Macintosh computers, students can exlore the theory, the instrument, and the spectral analysis of crm;i:nn pre?erlnc n in; xner sect ons 5 aoo eo'o a *esearcip m e n hVR spac'rojcop, s .sea to determine the structure of a biologically Important molecuie

Windows requirements:

About This Issue: Proton NMR Basics

AMicrosaft Windows compatible computer with an 80486133 or higher microprocessor; a Pentium microprocessor is rec-

ommended; At least 8MR RAM:

John W. Moore, Editor Nancv S. Gettvs. Technical Editor Lo vcrsry of W icons n-Maa son Maa son. WI 53706

Proton NMR Basics is a remarkable achievement by the faculty and technical support staff of the Houston Community College System. I t was made possible only by a close collaboration of teachers and scientists with computer programmers and graphic artists. It represents a n excellent use of the resources of a two-year community college to meet the needs of their chemistry students. Proton NMR Basics was soecificallv oroduced with the needs of two-year college stLdents i n x i n d . This CD is an appropriate introduction to NMR S~ectroscopvfor anv or.. . ganic chemistry student, but is e~pecially';aluahl~for those students a t two-year colleges (and smaller four-year colleges) that are not able to offer students hands-on experience with a n NMR spectrometer. Students will need some knowledge of organic chemistry-nomenclature, structures and functional groups-to receive maximum benefit from the program. The program can be used by instructors in a lecture hall with a large screen monitor or LED projector and a sound system. Instructors could use this presentation to supplement or even to replace a lecture on NMR. a s i t contains the basic information normally presented in a n introductorv " organic cbemistrv course. It could also be used bv students in a computer Yab, where they could explore th"e material a t their own pace. Hardware Requirements

Macintosh requirements:

tian; . A double speed or faster CD-ROM drive with associated driver software; Microsoft Windows version 3.1 or later. Apple Computer's QuickTime software required for both platforms is included on the CD. Acknowledgment The authors acknowledge their multimedia development team: S. Svdnev " " Elliott. develooment coordinator:. Aloana Gupta Arora, programmer; Sophie Diaz-Fonseca, graphics artist: Anabelle S. Parker. instructional desiener: Don W. white, audiolvideo editor;'and Todd W. ~ornsymediacoordinator. Support was through a grant from the Houston Community College System Ofice of Instructional Computing, headed by William H. Pritchard. The staff of JCE: Software offered valuable input into the final project.


Citations 1. NMR rpectm mwtesy of Paul E Schatz. University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2. For example: SpoctraDcck and The Schetr Index liy Paul F Schsfr. Falcon SoRwnre Ine.; Proton Nuclear Mametic Resonance Spectrum Simulator by Kcrsey A. Black. J.C h " Educ.: S"liu."rr. 1990.11C. 111.

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A n Apple Macintosh computer with 68030 or higher microprocessor or a Power Macintosh; a 68040 or Power Macin-

To Order This Issue

tosh is recommended; At least 8MB RAM, 256 color graphics; Acalor monitor capable of displaying 640 x 480 pixel resolution; A double speed or faster CD-ROM drive (such as the Apple CD3OOi);



Journal of Chemical Education: Software (often called JCE: Sofhvare) is a Dublication of the Journal of Chemical Educafion. ~ h e ; eis Order Form card inserted in this issue. ~~~- If this card ~ n oaka t aoc, conlacl JCE Soll.v~re.Ln vers l y ofW 5cons n-Msoson. 1101 Ln vcrs I) Aven~cMaa son W 537061396 Phone 608 262-5153. FAX 608 762.0381. Ema I: ~~











System 7.0 or higher Volume 72 Number 8 August 1995