Proton nuclear magnetic resonance investigation of crosslinked

have been prepared from chemically modified human normal adult hemoglobin (Hb A) and mutant hemoglobin C. (06Glu—*-Lys), where the subscript A or C ...
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Biochemistry 1984, 23, 2492-2499


Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of Cross-Linked Asymmetrically Modified Hemoglobins: Influence of the Salt Bridges on Tertiary and Quaternary Structures of Hemoglobin+ Shigetoshi Miura* and Chien Ho*


Asymmetrically modified hemoglobins, [a(desArg)blA[aPICXL, [a(des-Arg-Tyr)plA[aPICXL,[a(desArg)P(”)I A CXL, and [a(des-Arg)PIA[a@(NES)ICxL, have been prepared from chemically modified human normal adult hemoglobin (Hb A) and mutant hemoglobin C (/36Glu+Lys), where the subscript A or C denotes that the a@ dimer is from either Hb A or Hb C, respectively, and XL symbolizes a cross-linked hemoglobin prepared by reaction with a bifunctional cross-linking reagent, bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate. It has been shown by X-ray crystallography that this bifunctional reagent cross-links the +amino group of the lysyl residue at position 82 of the two p chains [Walder, J. A., Walder, R. Y., & Arnone, A. (1980) J . Mol. Biol. 141, 1951. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of these asymmetrically modified hemoglobins together with their parent hemoglobins, des-Arg(al41) H b A, des-Arg(al41)Tyr(al40) Hb A, NES-Hb A and NES-des-Arg(a141) H b A, have been obtained over the spectral region 5-10 ppm downfield from H 2 0 for the exchangeable proton resonances and 50-80 ppm downfield from H 2 0 for the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonances. The experimental results indicate that the effects on the hyper-

fine-shifted proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonances at pH 6.0 of removing Arg(a141) or Arg(al41)Tyr(a140) from one of the two a subunits are limited to within the a subunit from which the carboxyl-terminal amino acids are specifically removed. These two asymmetrically modified hemoglobins have the exchangeable proton resonance at 9.3 ppm from H20, which has been assigned to the hydrogen bond between a42 tyrosine and p99 aspartic acid located at the alpz subunit interface. This suggests that these asymmetrically modified hemoglobins preserve the deoxy-like quaternary structure in the alp2subunit interface as manifested by the presence of this intersubunit hydrogen bond. The proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of [a(des-Arg)P(NES)] A[afl]&L and [a(des-Arg)pIA[aP(NES)] cXL at low pH cannot be explained simply as a sum of the spectral features specific for the deoxy-like and the oxy-like quaternary structures. The present results suggest that there exist intermediate structures in which the tertiary and the quaternary structural transitions occur asymmetrically about the diad axis of the hemoglobin molecule during the course of the successive removal of the salt bridges.

r e phenomenon of the cooperative oxygenation of hemoglobin (Hb)’ (see Table I) has been investigated by a large number of scientists for several decades. In spite of considerable efforts devoted to this problem, the detailed molecular mechanism for the oxygenation of Hb is neither fully understood nor agreed upon. For a recent review on Hb, refer to Dickerson & Geis (1983). There are two general mechanisms that have been used to describe the cooperative oxygenation of Hb. The two-state allosteric model proposed by Monod et al. (1 965) postulates that the Hb molecule exists in an equilibrium between two alternative quaternary structures with low and high affinities for oxygen. The cooperative oxygen binding to Hb arises from the transition between these twb quaternary structures. The sequential-type model, as proposed by Koshland et al. (1966), has emphasized the importance of changes in intersubunit interactions that result from tertiary structural changes upon ligation of each subunit and thus produce ligand-induced conformational changes in the protein molecule. The main difference between these two hypothetical schemes for ligand binding is that the former postulates only two quaternary structures while the latter suggests multiple conformational states.

By comparing the atomic models of human normal adult hemoglobin (Hb A) in the deoxy form and horse oxy-like methemoglobin, Perutz (1970) proposed a stereochemical mechanism for the cooperative oxygenation of hemoglobin. In its original form, Perutz’s model emphasized the link between the cooperativity and the transition between the two quaternary structures (the deoxy quaternary structure is symbolized by T and the oxy quaternary structure by R). Perutz’s model allows tertiary structural changes to take place each time a subunit is oxygenated, but a single concerted quaternary structural transition (T e R) is responsible for the cooperativity of the oxygenation process. In light of the dovetailed nature of the alp2or aZpl subunit interface, Perutz (1970, 1979) has maintained that there can be only two quaternary structures, namely, T and R, in the Hb molecule. According to Perutz (1970, 1976, 1979), the iron atoms in the a and p hemes that are bound to the proximal histidyl residues (F8) are out of the heme planes in deoxy-Hb. Upon oxygenation, the iron atoms move into the center of the heme planes. He further pointed out that the movement of the heme iron atom is the “trigger” mechanism to initiate tertiary and



From the Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213. Receiued September 9, 1983. Supported by research grants from the National Science Foundation (PCM 82-08829) and the National Institutes of Health (HL24525). The 6OO-MHz N M R spectrometer is supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (RR-00292). *Present address: Department of Biophysical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.


Abbreviations: Hb, hemoglobin (see Table I for abbreviations of hemoglobins used in this work); T, low-affinity deoxy quaternary structure of Hb; R, high-affinity oxy quaternary structure of Hb; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; ppm, parts per million; DSS, 4,4-dimethyl-4-silapentane-l-sulfonate; IHP, inositol hexaphosphate; Bis-Tris, 2,2-bis(hydroxymethy1)-2,2’,2”-nitrilotriethanol;Tris, tris(hydroxymethy1)aminomethane; ESR, electron spin resonance; NaDodS04, sodium dodecyl sulfate.

0 1984 American Chemical Society


Table I: Abbreviations and Descriptions of Hemoglobins Hb Hb A Hb C (p6Glu-Lys) deoxy-Hb @(des-Arg) a(des-Arg-Tyr)

des-Arg(al4l) Hb A

de~-Arg(al41)-Tyr(al40) Hb A des-His(pl46)-Tyr(pl45) Hb A Hb McKees Rocks (pl45TyrTerm) NES-Hb A NES-des-Arg(al41) Hb A

hemoglobin human normal adult hemoglobin mutant hemoglobin in which p6 Glu is replaced by Lys deoxyhemoglobin the carboxyl terminal amino acid Arg(al41) is specifically removed from the a chain the carboxyl terminal amino acids Arg(al41) and Tyr(al40) are specifically removed from the a chain the carboxyl terminal amino acids Arg(al41) are removed from both a chains in tetrameric Hb A the carboxyl terminal amino acids Arg(al41) and Tyr(cul40) are removed from both a chains in tetrameric Hb A the carboxyl terminal amino acids His(p146) and Tyr(p145) are removed from both p chains in tetrameric Hb A mutant Hb McKees Rocks in which (3145 Tyr and p146 His are missing both sulfhydryl groups of Cys(p93) in Hb A are specifically reacted with N-ethylmaleimide both sulfhydryl groups of CYS(093) in des-Arg(al41) Hb A are reacted with N-e thylmaleimide cross-linked Hb A cross-linked hemoglobin where the subscript A or C denotes that the ap dimer in parentheses comes from either Hb A or Hb C, respectively

eventually quaternary structural changes in the Hb molecule upon ligation. Another important feature in Perutz’s stereochemical mechanism for the cooperative oxygenation of Hb is the critical roles played by the salt bridges (Perutz, 1970; Perutz & TenEyck, 1971). The salt bridges of the a chain involve the a-carboxyl of Arg(141al) with both the a-amino group of Val( la2) and the €-amino group of Lys( 1 2 7 4 and the guanidinium group of Arg(141al) with the carboxyl group of Asp( 1 2 6 ~ ~The ~ ) .P chain salt bridges involve the a-carboxyl of His( 146b2) with the t-amino group of Lys(40al) and the imidazole group of His(146,8,) with the carboxyl of Asp(840,). Perutz has stated that the deoxy-Hb molecule is clamped together by these salt bridges. For a more detailed description of the salt bridges, as well as inter- and intrasubunit hydrogen bonds that stabilize the T and R structures, refer to Perutz (1970), Perutz & TenEyck (1971), and Perutz et al. (1974). The basic conceptual framework of Perutz’s scheme shares many features of a two-state allosteric model, such as the one proposed by Monod et al. (1965). The purpose of this paper is to report experiments investigating the effects of the salt bridges on tertiary and quaternary structures of Hb. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has provided a powerful tool for investigating macromolecular conformations in solution. The ‘H NMR spectral changes associated with the cooperative oxygenation of Hb A have been intensively investigated by this laboratory (Ho & Lindstrom, 1972; Lindstrom & Ho, 1972; Johnson & Ho, 1974; Viggiano

VOL. 2 3 , N O . 1 1 , 1984


& Ho, 1979; Viggiano et al., 1979; Ho et al., 1982). For a recent review, refer to Ho & Russu (1981). The ‘H NMR spectra of Hb in H20show several proton resonances in the spectral region 5-10 ppm from H20. The exchangeable proton resonance at 9.4 ppm downfield from H 2 0 has been assigned to the intersubunit hydrogen bond between a42(C7) Tyr and /399(G1) Asp at the alp2interface of deoxy-Hb A (Fung & Ho, 1975), a characteristic feature of the deoxy quaternary structure according to Perutz’s atomic model of Hb. The exchangeable proton resonance at 6.4 ppm from H,O has been tentatively assigned to the intrasubunit hydrogen bond between ,8145(HC2) Tyr and /398(FG5) Val (Viggiano et al., 1978), a characteristic deoxy tertiary structure in Perutz’s atomic model of Hb. These two exchangeable proton resonances have been used to investigate both tertiary and quaternary structural changes associated with the cooperative oxygenation of Hb A (Viggiano & Ho, 1979). Deoxy-Hb A exhibits two hyperfine-shifted exchangeable proton resonances occurring about 59 ppm and 71 ppm from H,O and resulting from the proximal histidyl N,H protons (LaMar et al., 1977; Takahashi et al., 1980). The proton resonance at 59 ppm has been assigned to the N,H of the proximal histidyl residue of the a chain and that at +71 ppm has been assigned to the corresponding position in the B chain of Hb A (Takahashi et al., 1980; LaMar et al., 1980). Nagai et al. (1982) have investigated the effect on the proximal histidyl N6H proton resonances of removal of the salt bridges from specific subunits. They have attempted to correlate the chemical shifts of the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl NBH exchangeable proton resonances with the strain in the ironproximal histidine bond described in Perutz’s stereochemical model of Hb and to interpret the change in the chemical shifts of these resonances as a change in the covalency of this bond. Takahashi et al. (1982) have recently presented evidence to show that such simple relationships as proposed by Nagai et al. (1982) do not occur. Takahashi et al. (1982) have pointed out that the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonances of deoxy-Hb are sensitive to the quaternary structure and to the details of the conformation and dynamics of the heme pockets in Hb. Information from these resonances complements nicely the information obtained from the ferrous hyperfine-shifted and exchangeable proton resonances over the spectral region 6-20 ppm downfield from H20. Asymmetrically modified hemoglobins have been prepared from chemically modified Hb A and Hb C (P6Glu+Lys) by utilizing a bifunctional cross-linking reagent, bis(3,Sdibromosalicyl) fumarate (Walder et al., 1979). The modified hemoglobins prepared are [a(des-Arg)P],[aP] cXL, [a(desAWTY~)PIA[@]CXL,[ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ - A ~ ~ > P ( N E ~ > ~and A[(YPI,XL, [~(~~S-A~~)P]~[(YP(NES)]~XL, where the subscript A or C denotes that the a@ dimer is from Hb A or Hb C , respectively, XL indicates a cross-linked Hb, and NES represents the product of a reaction between N-ethylmaleimide and the sulfhydryl group of ,893 cysteine. The bifunctional reagent bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate was found by Walder et al. (1980) to cross-link the two 6 chains specifically at the 082 Lys. Hb A cross-linked by bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate preserves its cooperative oxygen binding property with a Hill coefficient of about 2.3 (Walder et al., 1980; S. Miura and C. Ho, unpublished results). In the present work, Hb C (P6Glu-Lys) is introduced only to facilitate the isolation of specific hybrid Hb samples. For details, see Miura & Ho (1982) for our earlier work on asymmetric mixed-valency cross-linked hybrid hemoglobins. In the present ‘H NMR



investigation, the exchangeable proton resonances are observed in the spectral region from 5 to 10 ppm downfield from H20, and the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonances are observed from 50 to 80 ppm downfield from H 2 0 . These proton resonances allow us to examine the effect of specific removal of one or two salt bridges on the tertiary and quaternary structures of Hb. We have also made a comparison between the 'H NMR spectra of the naturally occurring mutant Hb McKees Rocks (Pl45Tyr-+Term) and the chemically modified des-His(P146)-Tyr(/3145)hemoglobin prepared from Hb A. Experimental Procedures Preparation of Hemoglobins and Chemically Modified Hemoglobins. Hb A was prepared in the usual manner from fresh whole blood obtained from the local blood bank. Hb C was isolated from homozygous CC or heterozygous AC blood samples obtained from the Sickle Cell Society, Inc., of Pittsburgh. Organic phosphates were removed either by passage through a Sephadex G-25 column equilibrated with 0.01 M Tris buffer containg 0.1 M NaCl at pH 7.5 after dialysis against the same buffer (Berman et al., 1971) or by passage through an Amberlite AG 501-X8 column. Carboxypeptidase A was purchased from Sigma, and carboxypeptidase B (DFP treated) was purchased from Worthington. Des-Arg(al41) H b A and des-Arg(al41)-Tyr(al40) Hb A were prepared from Hb A as described by Kilmartin et al. (1975). NES-des-Arg(al41) Hb A and NES-Hb C were prepared by allowing des-Arg(al41) Hb A and Hb C to react with N-ethylmaleimide as described by Riggs (1961) and Benesch & Benesch (1961). Des-His(/3146)-Tyr(P145) Hb A was prepared as described by Antonini et al. (1961). Hb McKees Rocks was purified as described by Winslow et al. (1976). Preparation of Asymmetrically Modified Hemoglobins. Des-Arg(al41) Hb A, NES-des-Arg(al41) Hb A, or desArg(al41)-Tyr(al40) Hb A in the CO form was mixed with the same amount of HbCO C and allowed to interchange dimers for at least 1 h in an ice bath. The mixtures were then allowed to react with a stoichiometric amount of bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate for 2 h at 37 OC in 0.01 M Bis-Tris buffer at pH 7.1 (Walder et al., 1980) under a CO atmosphere. Bis( 3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate was synthesized as described by Walder et al. (1979). After removal of excess reagent, cross-linked Hb tetramers were separated from unreacted Hb on an Ultrogel AcA 44 (LKB) gel filtration column equilibrated with 0.1 M Tris-HC1 buffer at pH 7.2 in the presence of 1 M MgC12 (Macleod & Hill, 1970). The cross-linked tetrameric Hb in which one dimer is derived from modified Hb A and the other from Hb C was isolated on a CM-52 cellulose column equilibrated with 0.035 M sodium phosphate buffer at pH 6.3 in essentially the same manner as previously reported (Miura & Ho, 1982). [a(Des-Arg)P],[a@(NES)lcXL was prepared from NES-Hb C and des-Arg((~141)Hb A in a similar manner. Each purified cross-linked Hb was analyzed by NaDodSO., electrophoresis (Weber & Osborn, 1969) and by isoelectrophoresing on a polyacrylamide gel column (Righetti & Drysdale, 1971). The conversion of HbCO to HbOZand then to the deoxy form was accomplished by first flushing the Hb solution with O2in ice-water under a heat lamp and then passing N 2 through the Hb solution as described previously (Lindstrom & Ho, 1972). Deoxy-Hb samples were transferred anaerobically to N2-filled 5-mm NMR sample tubes. After deoxygenation, a minimal amount of sodium dithionite solution (0.1 M) was added directly to the NMR sample tube with an air-tight syringe to maintain


the Hb solution in the deoxy form. Measurement of ' H N M R Spectra. High-resolution 'H NMR spectra of the exchangeable proton resonances located between 5 and 10 ppm downfield from H 2 0 were obtained on the home-built 600-MHz NMR spectrometer interfaced to a Sigma 5 computer (Bothner-By & Dadok, 1979). The signal-to-noise ratio was improved by signal averaging about 2000-4000 scans with NMR correlation spectroscopy (Dadok & Sprecher, 1974). The temperature inside the probe was 21 OC. The proton chemical shift is expressed as parts per million (ppm) relative to the water proton resonance, which is 4.99 ppm downfield from the proton resonance of 4,4-dimethyl-4silapentane-1-sulfonate (DSS) at 21 "C. High-resolution 'H NMR spectra of the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton signals were obtained on a Bruker WH-300 NMR spectrometer. The signal was accumulated for about 4000 scans with 40-Hz exponential line broadening applied to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The intense water signal was reduced by preirradiation of the water signal. The temperature inside the probe was controlled by a Bruker temperature controller. It should be mentioned that the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N8H exchangeable proton resonances of various cross-linked asymmetrically modified hemoglobins were not obtained at the same temperature as the 600-MHz 'H NMR spectra of exchangeable proton resonances over the spectral region from 5 to 10 ppm downfield from H20. In order to resolve the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl NBHexchangeable proton resonances due to the normal and modified chains within the tetrameric Hb, we had to vary the temperature. This is based on the finding reported by Johnson et al. (1977) that ferrous hyperfine-shifted proton resonances of deoxy-Hb A are extremely sensitive to temperature. The temperature of each sample is given in each figure. The chemical shift scale is presently defined as positive in the low-field direction with respect to the reference HzO signal. The accuracy of chemical shift measurements is as follows: fO.l ppm for the exchangeable proton resonances over the spectral region from 5 to 10 ppm downfield from H 2 0 and f 0 . 4 ppm for the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl NBH exchangeable resonances over the spectral region from 50 to 80 ppm downfield from H 2 0 . All samples were prepared in 5% D 2 0 (v/v), 0.1 M Bis-Tris, 0.1 M Tris, and 0.2 M chloride buffer. All Hb samples were about 10% (w/v). The pH values of the samples were measured directly on a Radiometer Model 26 pH meter equipped with an Ingold combination electrode (6030-01). Results Hb A and Hb A XL. The low-field 'H NMR spectra of deoxy-Hb A and deoxy-Hb A XL in 0.1 M Bis-Tris plus 0.1 M Tris buffer and 0.2 M chloride at pH 7.4 are shown in Figure 1. Both deoxy-Hb A and deoxy-Hb A XL show two hyperfine-shifted exchangeable proton resonances at 58.9 and 71.1 ppm downfield from H 2 0 at 26 OC, which have been assigned to the proximal histidyl N6H protons of the a and subunits in Hb A, respectively (Takahashi et al., 1980; LaMar et al., 1980). In both deoxy-Hb A and deoxy-Hb A XL, the chemical shifts of these two resonances remain constant (within 0.5 ppm) over the pH range from 6.0 to 8.6 (results not shown). On the other hand, these two resonances show large temperature-dependent chemical shifts as expected for paramagnetic-shifted proton resonances of deoxy-Hb A (Johnson et al., 1977). The chemical shifts are 56.8 ppm downfield from H 2 0 for the proximal histidyl residue of the a subunit and 67.5 ppm for that of the P subunit at 42 OC and





B 42OC

D e o x y NES Des-ArqHbA + 15mMIHP pH6 0


67 5


Deoxy[a(Oes-Arg-Tyr)8]1 p H 8.6



























PPM From H 2 0

[ap] X L













P P M From H 2 0


'H NMR spectra of deoxy de~-Arg(al41)-Tyr(al40)Hb A and deoxy [a(de~-Arg-Tyr)P]~(aP]cxL in 0.1 M Bis-Tris, 0.1 M Tris, and 0.2 M chloride in 95% HzO and 5% DzO:(A) 300-MHz NMR spectra of hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl NsH exchangeable proton resonances at 42 "C; (B) 600-MHz NMR spectra of the exchangeable proton resonances at 21 "C. the position expected for deoxy-Hb A (Figure 3A). Addition of IHP builds up the deoxy quaternary structure marker resonance at 9.2 ppm and makes the proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton signals merge into one resonance at 68 ppm. It should be mentioned here that despite the buildup of the 9.2 ppm resonance by addition of IHP, the exchangeable proton resonance expected at 6.3 ppm from H 2 0 , a deoxy tertiary structural marker, is absent. The 'H N M R spectra of the asymmetrically modified H b prepared from des-Arg(al41)-Tyr(al40) Hb A and Hb C are illustrated in Figure 3. Even at low pH, about half of the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonances have already shifted downfield by about 15 ppm, but the other half of the resonances remain at a position close to that of the a-subunit proximal histidyl N6H proton resonance in intact H b A. It is reasonable to assign the resonance that remains unchanged to the normal intact a subunit of (c ~ j 3 )in~ [a(des-Arg-Tyr)B] A[ a@]&L. In correspondence with the shifted N,H proton resonance of a(des-Arg-Tyr), both resonances at 9.2 and 6.3 ppm have lost about half of their respective intensities, and they disappear when the pH is raised to 8.6. The increase in pH also causes the a-subunit histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonance, normally occurring around 57 ppm downfield from H 2 0 at low pH, to shift downfield by about 14 ppm and the broad resonance 73 ppm downfield from H 2 0 to increase in intensity. NES-Hb A and NES-des-Arg(al4l) Hb A . Figure 4 shows 'H NMR spectra of deoxy-NES-Hb A and deoxy NES-desArg(al41) H b A in the presence and absence of IHP. As previously reported, deoxy NES-des-Arg(al41) Hb A without IHP shows a spectrum suggesting that the H b molecule has an R-like structure, Le., lacking a 9.4 ppm resonance (Fung & Ho, 1975) and exhibiting a downfield-shifted a(des-Arg) proximal histidyl N6H proton resonance (Nagai et al., 1982). Consequently, the spectrum of deoxy NES-des-Arg(al41) H b A without IHP is quite similar to that of deoxy des-Arg(al41) H b A at high pH (Figure 2). Addition of IHP converts this modified H b molecule into a T-like structure with spectral features similar to those of deoxy-Hb A. These results are consistent with the oxygen binding properties of this modified

FIGURE 4: 'H NMR spectra of deoxy-NES-Hb A and deoxy NESdes-Arg(al41) Hb A with and without IHP in 0.1 M Bis-Tris, 0.1 M Tris, and 0.2 M chloride in 95% H20and 5% DzO:(A) 300-MHz NMR spectra of hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N6Hexchangeable proton resonances at 36 "C; (B) 600-MHz NMR spectra of the exchangeable proton resonances at 21 "C.





36OC 7 4













P P M From H 2 0

FIGURE 5: 'H NMR spectra of deoxy [cu(des-Arg)P].[aP(NES)lcXL and deoxy [a(de~-Arg)j3(NES)]~[afl]~XL in 0.1 M Bis-Tris, 0.1 M Tris, and 0.2 M chloride in 95% H 2 0 and 5% DzO;(A) 300-MHz NMR spectra of hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonances at 36 "C; (B) 600-MHz NMR spectra of the exchangeable proton resonances at 21 " C .

H b (Kilmartin et al., 1975). However, the intensity of the proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonance around 60 ppm downfield from H 2 0 , due to the (des-Arg) subunits in NES-des-Arg(al41) H b A, is somewhat smaller than the intensity of the resonance around 70 ppm downfield from H 2 0 even in the presence of IHP. Incomplete recovery of the a(des-Arg) subunit resonance in deoxy NES-des-Arg(al41) H b A on the addition of IHP would correlate with the reduced intensity of the 9.2 ppm resonance. Attaching NES to the sulfhydryl group of Cys(j393) inhibits the formation of the salt bridge between His(j3146) and Asp(/394), which is normally formed in deoxy-Hb A (Perutz et al., 1969). A 'H NMR spectrum of deoxy-NES-Hb A is virtually the same as that of deoxy-Hb A. This result is consistent with the spectrum of des-His(j3146) Hb A (Fung & Ho, 1975; Nagai et al., 1982). [a(Des-A r g )j3] A [a/3 ( N E S )] cXL and [ a (Des-A r g )P(NES)]A[a/3]cXL.In Figure 5 , the spectra of [a(des-Arg)PIA[aP(NES)]&L and [a(des-Arg)P(NES)] A[ a@]&L are










60 P P M From H20



is not observed in the present study. The reason for such a discrepancy is not fully understood. The sample of Hb McKees Rocks used by Takahashi et al. (1982) had been stored in a refrigerator for over a year, so that its integrity may have been uncertain. In the present study, we have used a solution of H b McKees Rocks isolated from a fresh blood sample.



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I 50

6: 'H NMR spectra (300 MHz) of hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonances of deoxyhemoglobins in 0.1 M Bis-Tris, 0.1 M Tris, and 0.2 M chloride with 10 mM IHP in 95% H 2 0 and 5% D20at 36 OC: (A) deoxy des-His(j3146)Tyr(j3145) Hb A; (B) deoxy-Hb McKees Rocks (j3145TyrdTerm). FIGURE

shown. At low pH, both asymmetrically modified hemoglobins have hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonances around 60 ppm downfield from H,O, presumably due to the unmodified a subunits, but reduced in intensity due to the modified subunits. In contrast, both asymmetrically modified hemoglobins lose completely the resonance at 9.3 ppm downfield from H 2 0 , suggesting that the intersubunit interfaces between alp2and a2@1 are significantly altered in both hemoglobins even at low pH. It is noteworthy that the relative intensity of the proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonance located around 60 ppm downfield from H 2 0 in [a(des-Arg)@(NEs)lA[a@],XL is larger than that in [cr(de~-Arg)@]~[a@(NES)]~XL. In both modified hemoglobins, raising the pH diminishes the resonance around 60 ppm and increases the intensity at 72 ppm instead. Consequently, both asymmetrically modified hemoglobins show hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonances of an R-like structure. Hb McKees Rocks and De~-His(/3146)-Tyr(@I45) Hb A . Figure 6 shows the spectra of deoxy de~-His(@l46)-Tyr(@l45) Hb A and deoxy-Hb McKees Rocks (/3145Tyr+Term) in the presence of IHP. Both the chemically modified and the naturally occurring equivalent mutant Hb, Hb McKees Rocks, show essentially identical proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonances. In the absence of IHP, both hemoglobins show a further downfield-shifted @-subunitresonance at about 73.5 ppm and no effect on the a-subunit resonances (result is not shown). Des-His(/3146)-Tyr(/3145) Hb A shows the same spectral change upon addition of IHP as that of H b McKees Rocks in the spectral region from 5 to 10 ppm downfield from H20, indicating a structural change from an R-like to a T-like structure as previously reported (Viggiano et al., 1978). It should be mentioned that the hyperfine-shifted proximal N,H exchangeable proton resonances of deoxy-Hb McKees Rocks in the presence of IHP shown in Figure 6 are different from those reported by Takahashi et al. (1982). Takahashi et al. (1982) observed a splitting of the &chain proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable resonance into two peaks at 71.0 and 73.6 ppm upon the addition of IHP. Such splitting

Discussion Effect of Cross-Linking on Tertiary and Quaternary Structures of Hemoglobin. As previously reported by Miura & Ho (1982), there is essentially no difference between deoxy-Hb A and deoxy-Hb A XL in the 'H N M R spectral region from 5 to 10 ppm downfield from H,O arising from intra- and intersubunit hydrogen bonds in the Hb molecule. Now, the spectral similarity between the hyperfine-shifted proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonances at 50-80 ppm downfield from H,O of deoxy-Hb A and deoxy-Hb A XL has been shown (Figure 1). These results show that the quaternary structure, which is manifested by hydrogenbonded protons located in the alp2and a@1subunit interfaces, and the tertiary structure, manifested by the proximal histidyl NsH exchangeable proton resonances, are essentially identical in cross-linked Hb A and native or unmodified deoxy-Hb A. Thus, changes in spectra seen in chemically modified crosslinked Hb's are not due to the cross-linking and may be interpreted in terms of the modified subunits. Effect of Removing A r g ( a l 4 l ) . The removal of the carboxyl-terminal Arg(al41) from one of the two a subunits, as seen in [a(de~-Arg)@]~[a@]~XL, results in a small change in the chemical shift of the proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonance from one of the two a subunits, when measured at low pH (Figure 2A). The shifted resonance is due to the chemically modified a subunit. However, the removal of one carboxyl-terminal Arg(al41) does not disturb the T-like structure as manifested by the resonance at 9.3 ppm, which is due to the intersubunit hydrogen bond between Tyr(a42) and Asp(P99) (Figure 2B). Thus, the small shift of the a-subunit proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton can be attributed to a small tertiary structural perturbation in the T-like quaternary structure. The removal of a carboxyl-terminal Arg(al41) from both a subunits, as seen in deoxy des-Arg Hb A, also does not disturb the T-like structure at low pH (Figure 2). The a(des-Arg) subunits in deoxy des-Arg(al41) Hb A show a spectrum similar to that of the a(des-Arg) subunit in deoxy [a(de~-Arg)/3]~[a/3]~XL in the spectral region for the proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton of the a chain (Figure 2A). The effect at low pH of removing the carboxyl-terminal Arg(al41) from either one or both a subunits is mainly limited to the tertiary structure within the subunits from which the terminal Arg(a141) is removed. It has been reported that the removal of the carboxyl-terminal Arg(al41) can expose the carboxyl group of Tyr(al40), which can then form a salt bridge with Val(a1) (Perutz & Ten Eyck, 1971). The newly formed salt bridge between the carboxyl-terminal carboxyl group of tyrosine on the al subunit and the amino-terminal amino group of valine on the a2 subunit must be sensitive to pH in the physiological range bcause the pK values of the amino-terminal valine ( a l ) are 7.7 for deoxy-Hb and 7.3 for oxy-Hb (Kilmartin & RossiBernardi, 1971). Thus, breaking the newly formed salt bridge by increasing the pH can cause a downfield shift of the proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonance of the a subunit from which the carboxyl-terminal arginine was specifically removed. The tertiary structural change due to




the destruction of the salt bridge is localized within the modified subunit, and the other intact a subunit in [a(desArg)@]A[a&XL remains unaffected. The alp2(or a2&) subunit interface is altered upon raising the pH as a result of the tertiary structural alteration of the a(des-Arg) subunit. Effect of Removing Arg(al41) and Tyr(al4O). The removal of one Tyr(a140) from [a(des-Arg)@]A[a&XL causes a drastic tertiary structural change in the modified a subunit, even at low pH, without affecting the intact a subunit, as shown in Figure 3. The role of the penultimate Tyr(al40) may now be inferred as follows. The removal of the penultimate Tyr(al40) from the a(des-Arg) subunit results in the destruction of two interactions, namely, the newly formed salt bridge between the amino-terminal amino group of Val(a1) and the terminal carboxyl group of the penultimate Tyr(al40) and the hydrogen bond between the phenolic group of Tyr(a140) and the carbonyl group of Val(a93). A comparison between the spectra of [a(de~-Arg)P]~[afl]~XL and [a(desArg-Tyr)P],[aP],XL at low pH indicates that the two interactions in which the penultimate Tyr(al40) participates play an important role in modulating the a-subunit proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonance (Figures 2A and 3A). It is reasonable to speculate that the hydrogen bond between the penultimate Tyr(al40) and Val(a93) is of primary importance to the a-subunit proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonance because of the proximity of Val(a93) to the proximal histidine at a89. The spectrum of [ a ( d e ~ - A r g ) @ ] ~ [ a f l ] ~atXhigh L pH shows that the newly formed salt bridge between the carboxyl group of Tyr(al40) and the amino-terminal amino group of Val(a1) also contributes to modulating the a(des-Arg) subunit proximal histidyl NIH exchangeable proton resonance (Figure 2A). The salt bridge between the carboxyl group of Tyr(al40) and the amino group of Val(a1) probably helps stabilize the hydrogen bond between Tyr(al40) and Val(a93) at low pH. The tertiary structural transition of the a(des-Arg-Tyr) subunit in deoxy [a(de~-Arg-Tyr)@]~[a@]~XL is transmitted to one of the two intersubunit interfaces between al& (or ad1)so that the exchangeable proton resonance at 9.2 ppm is reduced to about half of its original intensity (Figure 3A). The ‘H NMR spectrum of [a(de~-Arg-Tyr)P]~[a/&xL at high pH shows no resonance in the spectral region expected for the proximal histidyl N8H exchangeable proton resonance of the unmodified a subunit in the a@ dimer from Hb C (Figure 3A). The unmodified (ao)dimer from deoxy-Hb C should have a resonance occurring 57 ppm downfield from HzO, arising from the unmodified a subunit, and such a resonance is not observed for [a(de~-Arg-Tyr)fl]~[aP]~XL at high pH. Thus, the present results clearly show that several features of the ’H NMR spectra of asymmetrically modified hemoglobins cannot be accounted for as a spectral sum of the intact deoxy-Hb C and chemically modified Hb A. Effect of Removing His(j3146) and Tyr(j3145). The spectra of deoxy de~-His(gl46)-Tyr(@145)Hb A support our speculation that the hydrogen bond between the phenolic group of the penultimate Tyr(al40) and the carbonyl group of Val(a93)is of primary importance to the modulation of the N6H exchangeable proton resonance of the proximal histidyl residue. The removal of histidine at b146 does not affect the proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonances from either the a or j3 subunit, and des-His(gl46) shows essentially the same spectrum as that of deoxy-Hb A (Nagai et al., 1982). On the other hand, the removal of the penultimate Tyr(p145) from des-HisMl46) Hb A causes a downfield shift of the &subunit proximal histidyl N8H exchangeable proton resonance by about N

5 ppm without affecting the peak from the a subunit (results not shown). Effect of N-Ethylmaleimide. Destruction of the salt bridge between His(p146) and Asp(j394) by reacting N-ethylmaleimide with one of two Cys(j393) in [ a ( d e ~ - A r g ) @ ] ~ [ a @ ] ~ X L reduces the intensity of the a-subunit proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonance around 60 ppm (Figure 5A), suggesting that both salt bridges between His(p146) and Asp(094) are intact in [a(desArg)fi]A[a@]cXL.However, the effect on the a-subunit proximal histidyl N8H exchangeable proton resonance due to reacting N-ethylmaleimide with the /3 subunit in the same dimer with the a(des-Arg) subunit is less marked than the effect when the P(NES) subunit is in the other dimer (Figure 5A). It is interesting to compare these asymmetrically modified hemoglobins, [a(des-Arg)@],[aP(NES)lcXL and [c~(des-Arg)p(NES)]~[afl]~XL, with their parent hemoglobins. Deoxy-Hb C and deoxy NES-des-Arg(a141) Hb A are the parent hemoglobins of deoxy [a(desArg)fi(NES)]A[aB]cXL. Deoxy-Hb C exists in a T-like structure and deoxy NES-des-Arg(al41) Hb A in an R-like quaternary structure. The proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonances of the resulting asymmetric hybrid hemoglobin, [a(des-Arg)8(NEs)lA{a~lcXL, are quite similar to the spectral sum of its parent hemoglobins at low pH (Figures 4A and 5A). On the other hand, both the parent hemoglobins for [a(des-Arg)j3]A [a@(NES)]cXL, namely, deoxy-NES-Hb C and deoxy des-Arg(al41) Hb A, are in a T-type structure at low pH, but the resulting hybrid hemoglobin does not show merely the spectral sum of its parents; rather it shows an intermediate proximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton spectral feature (Figures 2,4, and 5 ) . The difference between these two asymmetrically modified hemoglobins may be attributed to different interactions between the two different types of dimers. Comparison with Previous Results. Miura & Morimoto (1 980) prepared asymmetrical nitroxyldeoxy hybrid hemoglobin, (aNo(3No)(ad~Y@”xaxy)l and examined the effect on the nitroxyl radical attached to the a subunit of removing one or two carboxyl-terminal amino acid residues from one of the four subunits by monitoring the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of the N O radical. They found that the penultimate Tyr(al40) in the aNosubunit plays an important role in modulating the triplet hyperfine signal from the aNosubunit, while the removal of the penultimate Tyr(al40) in the adeoxy subunit does not affect the triplet hyperfine signal from the aNosubunit. These results are consistent with our present ’H NMR results. However, the removal of His(p146) and Tyr(P145) from the flN0 subunit in (aNo@No)(a/3) diminished the triplet hyperfine signal from the aNosubunit. The removal of His(@146)-Tyr(fl145) from both p subunits in deoxy-Hb A causes a downfield shift of the @-subunitproximal histidyl N,H exchangeable proton resonance without affecting the signal from the proton resonance of the proximal histidyl N,H of the subunit. In our previous study (Miura & Ho, 1982), the ‘H NMR spectra of asymmetrical cyanomet valency hybrid hemoglobins were examined. It was suggested that an asymmetric intermediate structure(s) can exist in which one of the two intersubunit interfaces (alp2or cy2@’) is altered and the other remains intact in the asymmetric valency hybrid hemoglobins with one cyanomet subunit. In the present work, it is demonstrated that there are intermediate structural states in which one of two subunits is converted to the oxy-like tertiary structure (as manifested by the proximal histidyl N6H exchangeable proton resonance at 60 ppm from H20), but the


other a subunit can remain in a deoxy-like tertiary structure. In accordance with this asymmetric tertiary structural transition from the deoxy-like to oxy-like structure, the deoxy-like quaternary structure [as manifested by the resonance at 9.3 ppm from H 2 0 resulting from the intersubunit hydrogen bond between al and P2 (or a2 and &)I is altered somewhat. One may attempt an explanation of the present 'H NMR results based on the equilibrium between two quaternary structures with the observed spectral features. However, this interpretation is unlikely because there is no linear correlation between the tertiary structural marker resonance from the subunit and the quaternary structural marker resonance in the course of successive removal of the salt bridges in deoxy cross-linked Hb. In other words, the present 'H NMR results cannot be explained as a linear combination of the two kinds of 'H N M R spectra. Thus, the present 'H N M R results clearly indicate that there are more than two arrangements of the subunits (quaternary structures) in the course of successive removal of specific salt bridges by means of enzymatic and chemical modifications. Acknowledgments We thank Dr. William E. Brown for amino acid analysis and Allison K.-L. C. Lin for skillful technical assistance. We are grateful to Ruth M. White of the Sickle Cell Society, Inc., for providing us with blood samples containing H b C and to Dr. Paul A. Chervenick for providing us with a blood sample containing H b McKees Rocks. We are also grateful to Dr. E. Ann Pratt for helpful discussions and suggestions to improve the manuscript. Registry No. Hb A, 9034-51-9; Hb McKees Rocks, 58985-22-1; L-Arg, 74-79-3; L-His, 71-00-1; asp, 56-84-8; L - T ~60-18-4; , L-Val, 72-1 8-4; inositol hexaphosphate, 83-86-3. References Antonini, E., Wyman, J., Zito, R., Rossi-Fanelli, A., & Caputo, A. (1961) J . Biol. Chem. 236, PC60-PC63. Benesch, R., & Benesch, R. E. (1961) J. Biol. Chem. 236,405. Berman, M., Benesch, R., & Benesch, R. E. (1971) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 145, 236. Bothner-By, A. A., & Dadok, J. (1979) in N M R and Biochemistry (Opella, S . J., & Lu, P., Eds.) pp 169-202, Marcel Dekker, New York. Dadok, J., & Sprecher, R. F. (1 974) J. Magn. Reson. 13,243. Dickerson, R. E., & Geis, I. (1983) Hemoglobin, Benjaminfcummings, Menlo Park, CA. Fung, L. W.-M., & Ho, C. (1975) Biochemistry 14, 2526. Ho, C., & Lindstrom, T. R. (1972) Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 28, 65. Ho, C., & Russu, I. M. (1981) Methods Enzymol. 76, 275. Ho, C., Lam, G.-H., Takahashi, S., & Viggiano, G. (1982) in Hemoglobin and Oxygen Binding (Ho, C., Eaton, W. A., Collman, J. P., Gibson, Q.H., Leigh, J. S., Jr., Margoliash, E., Moffat, K., & Scheidt, W. R., Eds.) pp 141-149, Elsevier Biomedical Press, New York. Johnson, M. E., & Ho, C. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 3653.

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