Proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of hindered internal rotation

Soc. , 1975, 97 (4), pp 885–888. DOI: 10.1021/ja00837a031. Publication Date: February 1975. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Am. Chem. Soc. 97, 4, 8...
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Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Hindered Internal Rotation of the Dimethylamino Group of N6,N 6 -Dimethyladenine Hydrochloride in Aqueous Solution T. Phil Pitner,* Helene Sternglanz, Charles E. Bugg, and Jerry D. Clickson* Cancer Research and Training Center, University of Alabama in Birmingham, School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama 35294. Received August 5. 1974

Abstract: Rates of rotational isomerism of methyl groups of N6,iV6-dimethyladenine (diMe6A) in DzO were measured by computer simulation of coalescing methyl proton resonances (90 MHz). At DCI concentrations between 0 and 13.4 M three species of diMe6A were detected: neutral diR4e6A, diMe6A deuterated on N ( I ) [(diMe6A)D+)], and diMe6A deuterated on N(1) and N(7) [(diMe6A)Dz2+]. Rates of hindered internal rotation vary in the order neutral diMe6A > (diMehA)D+ > (diMe6A)D22+. Isomerism of neutral diMe”A is too rapid to measure by the line-shape technique under these experimental conditions. Measurable rates occur in the region of N ( 7 ) titration (pK, = -1.2; 1.36-13.4 M DCI). In this range the rotaional rate is proportional to the concentration of (diMehA)D+. Activation parameters are E ; , = 13.2 kcal/mol, log A = 11.4, A G * = 15.0 kcal/mol, A H * = 12.6 kcal/mol, and A S * = -8.0 eu (28’). It is demonstrated that rates too slow to measure by the line-shape method can be determined from the methyl proton spin-lattice relaxation time ( T I) and the extent of saturation transferred to a methyl resonance when the other methyl peak is saturated.

Hindered internal rotation resulting from partial double bond character of the C(6)-N(6) bond of N(6)-substituted adenines yields two rotational isomers shown i n eq 1. Such (syn)








surable by either of these techniques (at 21 K G ) were encountered only in very acidic solutions, the rotational energy barrier for (diMe6A)D+, the predominant species in the pD range 1-4, was obtained. Albert and Brown2s determined the pK, of (diMe6A)D+ in HlO to be 3.9. W e show that the pK, of (diMe6A)Dz2+ can be determined from displacement of the CgH proton resonance.

Experimental Section syn-anti [relative to N ( l ) ] isomerism may influence the conformation and activity of biomolecules containing these modified bases. Adenine derivatives alkylated on N(6) occur as minor constituents of nucleic acid^^-^ and as components of antibiotics such as p ~ r o m y c i n N . ~6 - Methyladenine plays a key role in modification-restriction processes which regulate the preferrential scission of exogenous D N A in certain b a ~ t e r i a . Interest ~-~ in rotational isomerization of these substituted adenines is heightened by X-ray data showing that a series of seven adenine derivatives, monosubstituted on N(6), all crystallize with the substituent exclusively in the syn o r i e n t a t i ~ n . ’ ~ Retention -’~ of such a conformation by N6-alkylated adenines in physiological systems would block the formation of Watson-Crick base pairs. Watson-Crick base pairing has, however, been reported in the 1:l helical complex of poly-U with Nh-monomethylated poly-A, but this complex is markedly destabilized by the presence of the methyl group^.^^^'^ Further evaluation of the biological significance of such rotational isomerism of adenine derivatives requires experimental data on the dynamic and equilibrium states of these molecules in aqueous solution. N m r evidence for hindered rotation about the exocyclic C-N bond has been presented for cytoand adenine 1923.24 derivatives with methyl substituents on the amine nitrogen; however, these studies were conducted in nonaqueous solvents. Here we present total line-shape comparison measurements of rotational rates and rotational energy barrier of diMe6A ( R I = Rz = CH3) in DzO. In addition, it is demonstrated that rotational rates too slow to measure by the line-shape technique can be determined from two parameters: the extent of transfer of saturation between methyl protons, and the methyl proton spin-lattice relaxation time. Even though rates readily mea-

Commercial samples of 6-dimethylaminopurine (diMehA, Sigma Chemical Co., S t . Louis, Mo.), deuterium chloride (Thompson Packard, Inc., Little Falls, N.J.), and deuterium oxide (Stohler Isotopes, Rutherford, N.J.) were used in these studies. Proton nmr spectra were measured on a Bruker HX-90- I8 spectrometer employing an internal standard, tetramethylammonium chloride ( T M A C , Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y.). The pD (pH meter reading 0.40) was adjusted with DCI and NaOD. Solutions at pD > 0 contained l M KCI in order to maintain constant ionic strength. The Hammet H o function for DCI ( D o ) 2 h was obtained from data for HCI” assuming Do = H o . Do has not yet been measured for high concentrations of DCI, but data indicate that D O = H o for DCI and HCI concentrations up to 1 M . 2 x Also, Do = H o for concentrated D2SO4 and H ~ S O J(0.6-12 M).’X


Results The theoretical basis for measurement of chemical exchange rates from the shape of nmr s p e ~ t r and a ~ the ~ ~ap-~ ~ plication of this technique to the measurement of rates of hindered internal rotation of a broad range of molec u l e ~ have ~ ~ been - ~ ~extensively reviewed. Theory predicts that the magnetically distinct methyl groups yield two wellresolved and sharp resonances when the rate of rotation about the C(6)-N(6) bond of diMe6A is slow on the nmr time scale. As the rate of internal rotation becomes increasingly rapid, these resonances first broaden and coalesce and then sharpen again. In the intermediate range of broadened nmr spectra, the mean lifetime ( 7 ) of a methyl group in the syn or anti orientation can be determined by fitting experimental spectra to theoretical curves generated by equations derived by Gutowsky and H 0 l m . 3 ~ Proton nmr spectra of diMe6A in neutral D 2 0 and in dimethyl sulfoxide solution (both at 28’) exhibited a single sharp methyl resonance of six-proton intensity, indicating rapid internal rotation of the dimethylamino group. Esti-

Pitner. Sternglanz, Bugg, Glickson


Internal Rotation of Dimethyladenine

886 0



Titration curves were obtained a t each temperature. Values o f f , the mole fraction of (diMe6A)D+, are included in Table I. No significant temperature dependence of the pK,' was observed. When rotation of the dimethylamino group is too slow to perturb the shape of the methyl resonance, T can be determined by a transfer of saturation experiment, provided that T is comparable to T I , the spin-lattice relaxation time.17 40 Under these conditions saturation of one of the diMehA methyl groups will result in partial saturation of the other. In Figure 3, CY and /3 denote the lower and upper field methyl peak, respectively. Equation 3 governs this effect4'

335 M DCI

where MZ" and Moo are, respectively, the intensities of the CY peak with and without application of saturating radiofrequency power to the p peak. The left-hand side of eq 3, the fractional decrease in the intensity of the observed N peak as a result of saturation transfer, was 0.54 in 13.4 M DCI a t 28'. M o o was measured by applying a strong radiofrequency off-resonance, 21 Hz to low field of the cy peak (Figure 3a). Saturation of the 0 peak (21 H z to high field of the N resonance) yielded M , (Figure 3b). T i , determined by the inversion recovery t e ~ h n i q u e , ~is' . 0.73 ~ ~ sec. The calculated value of 7 is 0.62 sec.

HoFigure 1. Methyl proton resonances of 0.15 M diMe6A in D2O (a) at 40' in various concentrations of DCI and (b) in 3.35 IM DCI at various temperatures.


Discussion Rates of internal rotation of diMe6A in neutral DzO and in dimethyl sulfoxide solution were too rapid to measure by techniques employed in this study. T h e decrease in isomerization rate in more acidic media may originate i n part from contributions of resonance forms such as 1 and 11

mates of T could not be obtained from these spectra by the line-shape technique. A gradual transition to spectra characteristic of intermediate rotational rates occurs at progressively higher concentrations of DCI (Figure l a ) . T varies between 7 and 140 msec a s the DCI concentration increases from 1.67 to 13.4 M . For each acid concentration rates of internal rotation ( 1 / 7 j were determined. At various temperatures Figure 1 b shows representative spectra of diMehA in 3.35 M DCI. Table I indicates that a t each acid concentration rates of internal rotation are more rapid a t higher temperatures. Titration curves showing the dependence of the C2H and C8H chemical shifts on acidity appear in Figure 2. DO replaces pD at DC1 concentrations greater than I M.26Above pD 3 the C2H and CxH chemical shifts depend not only on titration of N(1) but also on stacking interactions of the heterocyclic ring system. However, stacking interactions are expected to be negligible between charged species such as (diMe6A)D+ and (diMe6A)D22+.36Therefore, the second dissociation constant, pK,', can be obtained in highly acidic media. Equation 22h describes the relationship between D O



which would augment the double bond character of the C(6)-N(6) bond of (diMe6A)D+ and (diMe6A)Dz2+, respectively. In addition, examination of space-filling models suggests that steric hindrance between the anti-methyl and the deuteron on N(7) may further restrict rotation of methyl groups. I n the acidity range in which readily measurable rates of isomerization of diMehA occur, the kinetics of rotation can be described by the following scheme k

and concentrations of (diMe6A)D+ and (diMehA)DzZ+. The pK,' (- 1.2) was determined from Do a t half displacement of the C8H resonance (Figure 2j, since eq 1 indicates that DO= pK,' when [(diMe6A)D22t = (diMe6A)D+]. Table I.

(diMe6A)D+ + D'

(4 )

Ab'* rotation

Summary of Rate and Titration Data --1.68


T, 'C

l l ~ sec-I ,

f h


16.7 69.0 143 47 I

0.804 0.811 0.822 0.811

28 40 57 13



DC1 concentrationa --3.35 M--6.71 1 / ~sec-I , f I/., sec-I 11.1 40 91 333

0.429 0.432 0,430 0.443

4.00 13.3 28.6 125



13.4 Ml / ~ sec-' ,


f 0.125 0 . I26 0.112 0.104

Uncorrected for titration of diMe6A. Mole fraction of (diMe6A)D+. Measured by transfer of saturation.

Journal of the American Chemical Society

/ 97.4 / February 19, 1975


1. 6 l C 7.14 23.8 83.3

f 0.018 0.018 0.019 0.019

887 600
















575 -

550 525







- 60









475 450 425

0 -


- 45

400 375


- 50

















- 40


2 D



Figure 2. Chemical shifts of C 2 H and C8H resonances of 0.15 M diMe6A in D20 at 2 8 O in media of varying acidity. Do was determined from DCI concentration corrected for titration of diMe6A. 500






Figure 3. Transfer of saturation experiment on methyl peaks of 0.15 M diMehA in 13.4 M DCI at 28': (a) a strong radiofrequency was applied 21 H z to low field of the a peak: (b) the radiofrequency was then shifted to coincide with the p peak. 21 Hz to high field of the a peak. The same radiofrequency power was employed in both experiments.

where (diMe6A)D22+ and (diMe6A)D+ have the same orientation of methyl groups. Isomerization of the mono- and dideuterated species may be treated as unidirectional reactions since the nmr technique is sensitive to the lifetime of a given configuration of methyls. T h e first-order rate constants for isomerization of (diMe6A)D+ and (diMe6A)D22+ are k l and k2, respectively. T h e decrease in rotational rates a t higher acid concentrations (Table I) indicates that k l >> k2. Single sharp time-averaged C2H and CxH peaks indicate that k I 2 and k r I are large relative to k I and k l . It can readily be demonstrated that when rotational isomerization is rate limiting l / r = h,


( k , - k,)f


Figure 4 demonstrates, in agreement with eq 5, that 1/r varies linearly with f a t each temperature. Least-squares values of k I and k z are summarized in Table 11. k2 is approximately zero within the limits of experimental error.


f Figure 4. I/. as a function o f f at various temperatures. Lines are least-squares best fits to eq 5.

Consequently (diMe6A)D+ appears to be the only significant species undergoing internal rotation in this acidity range. The possibility that in strongly acidic solution neutral diMe6A serves as a transition state for internal rotation was also considered but was excluded on the basis of the following observation. Between D o -0.54 (1.67 M DCI) and pD 1.50 (28') the broad and coalesced methyl resonances remain essentially unaltered and indicate no appreciable Table 11. Summary of Rate Constants for Internal Rotation of (diMe6A)D+( k , )a n d ( d i M e G A ) D P( k 2 )( i S . D . )

k l , sec-'

T , "C 10

28 40 57

Pitner, Sternglanz, Bugg, Glickson

20.8 86.0 177 598


zk 3.7

i 4.8 =k 19

i 102

k z , sec-I 2.2 i 1 . 3 1.8 1.5 9 . 0 =t6 . 1 48.7 i 32.5


Internal Rotation of Dimethyladenine

888 I









2000 c

I E:,





13.2 t 0.6 Kcal/mole

Acknowledgment. W e thank Mrs. Susan Bowden for her patient assistance in the preparation of this manuscript. References and Notes

i 29

of these measurements to the neutral species and to various other adenine derivatives. Higher magnetic fields should permit measurements of more rapid rates of isomerization. However, to the extent that diMe6A is representative of other N(6)-substituted adenines, these experiments suggest that rapid reorientation of these derivatives about the C(6)-N(6) bond probably occurs under physiological conditions, unless rotation is restricted by factors such as formation of hydrogen bonds.









1 / ~

Figure 5. Arrhenius plot of k I, determined from Figure 4, V.T. 1 / T . The least-squarec best line, E,, and its standard deviation are shown.

change in the isomerization rate. This is consistent with rotation occurring via (diMehA)D+, whose mole fraction remains about unity over this range of acid concentration. I f neutral diMe"A were contributing significantly, a large increase in rotational rate would be anticipated, since the mole fraction of this species increases from ca. 2 X lov5 to ca. 2 X between Do -0.54 and pD 1.50, respectively [assuming an approximate dissociation constant of 4.2 for (diMehA)D+; see Figure 21. The rotational energy barrier of only (diMehA)D+ could be obtained under these experimental conditions. An Arrhenius plot ( k I = A e - " , i / K T )is shown in Figure 5 , from which values of E;, = 13.2 kcal/mol and log A = 11.4 were obtained by linear least-squares analysis. This activation energy is comparable to barriers obtained for methylated cytosines. 15- 18 kcal/mol,22 and methylated adenines, 1 1.8'" and 1 2.214 kcal/mol. Molecular orbital calculations of Berthod and Pullman4d indicate a barrier of 16 kcal/mol for N(6)-methyladenine. For (diMehA)D+ in D20, the Eyring equation (eq 6) yields values of AG*, AH*, and (6)

k , = ( i : T / l ~ ) c - I~R T~ *

AS*, which are summarized in Table 111. AG* is essentially independent of temperature. Hence, the energy barrier is primarily enthalpic; AH* constitutes about 84% of the activation free energy. Comparable negative values of AS* have been reported for other rotational isomerization^.^^ These studies demonstrate that the rate of syn-anti isomerism increases in the order (diMe6A)D22+ < (diMe6A)D+ < neutral diMe6A. Definitive conclusions about the physiological role of N(6)-substituted adenines require extension

Table 111. Activation Free Energies. Enthalpies, and Entropies of (diMe6A)D* (=kS.D.) T. T

AG*. kcaljmol



1 4 8 + 0 1 15oi.00




1 5 2 C 0 1

AH*. kcal/mol 1 2 6 f O 1 2 6 f 0 1 2 6 i 0 1254x0

AS*. eu

6 6 6 6

Journal of the American Chemical Society



784z25 8 O i 2 2 8 O i 2 2 82*21



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February 19, 1975