Prove to yourself that this new

Adjusts from very low flame to high flame with- out blowing off grid. New type of port (as well as grid) is universal for all gases (natural, manufac-...
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&νψ»™ BURNER


$42 $4.25 each . in Dozen . X ^ Lots ^/



Exclusive grid construction in " G r e e k - C r o s s " d e s i g n creates series of individual flames...excellent for glass bending.

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Adjusts from very low flame to high flame w i t h out blowing off grid.

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N e w type of port (as well as grid) is universal for all gases ( n a t u r a l , m a n u f a c ­ tured and liquefied petro­ leum).

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Shallow depth of port permits easy cleaning.

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M a y s a f e l y b e used with gas pressures up to 5 pounds.

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Adjusts without utilizing needle valve and p'acking gland found in other types of laboratory Burners, thus e l i m i n a t i n g p o t e n t i a l fire hazard.

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Precise f l a m e adjustment made by large, accessible, " f i n g e r - g r i p " k n o b . Not necessary to reach under base.

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Burner can be turned d o w n to a very low input without danger of flashback.

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Extra-sturdy, h a r d - t o - t i p base has grooves to fit over standard 3 " and 4 " d i a m ­ eter ring clamps.

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Base f i n i s h e d w i t h h i g h t e m p e r a t u r e , corrosionresistant silicone coating.

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U.S. Patent 2,638,976

In the Ohio Area: Chemical Rubber Co. 2310 Superior Ave., Cleveland 14, O. In the Carolinas: Cardinal Products, Inc. P.O. Box 1 6 1 1 , Durham, N. C.


8Vi" high Base 4" wide

< 1

In the New England Area: Macalaster Bicknell Co. 243 Broadway, Cambridge, Mass. In the West Virginia Area: B. Preiser Company 416 W. Washington St., Charleston 2, W. Va. In the Illinois Area: Schaar & Company 7300 W. Montrose Ave., Chicago 34, III. In the New York Area: Standard Scientific Supply Corp. 808 Broadway, New York 3, Ν. Υ.

Prove to yourself that this new Labasco Burner is 10 WAYS BETTER! CAT.



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