Psychopharmacological Agents. Volume I. - Journal of Medicinal

Psychopharmacological Agents. Volume I. Alfred Burger. J. Med. Chem. , 1965, 8 (4), pp 556–556. DOI: 10.1021/jm00328a043. Publication Date: July 196...
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rated to dryiiess in cur/(o to yield 540 tug. (58.3c yie1d)'of oily free amine. T h e neiitral ether ex was wayhed with 15 nil. of satiirat,ed salt solutiori, dried (1 4 ) j and takeii t o tlryiies~ in oaciio to yield 280 nig. of a tieiitral yellow oil. The free amine i i i 1 0 nil. of ether wah ireateti wit ti 4 i n l . o t other satiirated with HCI, :tiid the mistiii,e TWS takt,ri t o tlryiic.. .

Book Rev iew PsychopharmacologicaI Agents. Volume I. Edited t)y 1 I . n W E L L GORDON (Volume I V in t h e series, IIedicinal Chemistry. G. de Stevens, Ed.). Academic Press In(*.>Kew 170rk)1.J7. 1964. xvi 678 pp. 23.6 X 16.5 mi. $23.50.


111the last decade the pave of esp:riision o f medicinal inhemistry 1i:ts been stepped up so rapidly that it reasonahly thorough

('overage of any one of its niany areas is no longer feasible except in specialized rnonographs. The present volume is the first c ~ f two devoted to the drugs vr-hicsh influenc,e the state of the mind. :and which have brought about rrvciliitionary I-hanges in the treatnient of mental diseases. The book has been written hy anti for medicinal cheniists and p1i:trniacologists who are interested in psychopharniacological agents. Each chapter starts with the background of the disc'overy of t h e type of drug under disi:ussion. In sortie vases :t follow-up on ancient folklore h:is heen operative, in others t h e observation of certain types of psychopharmacological side efi'ects of established drugs with unrektted activities. I I o r r often, however, there has been a lack of vauscitive niind processes w1iic.h opened :L new field to investigation. These stories :ire heing told by the very men to wh~rnithese discoveries u e cwditetl, :idthus they form a n authentic docunientation of those e:trly rcsearvhes. h i excellent acwunt of the rherl~icalderivations of t lie drugs, their syntheses, steric c.cinsideraticins, arid strui*ture-activity relationships is presented in e:ich chapter. These sec:tiiins are followed by carefully roiiipiled and restrained sections on t h e general and psyc~hopharmacologyof each major drug, ;tiid often, many of its congeners. T h e fine shades of syrtiptomatic differences in the aninid experiments are wnsideretl together with hasic. actions which niight explain the observed niptonis. Side effects are listed detarhedl?; arid these p:tr.ul:tr sections attest to the highniiiidedness of the rnaiiy investigat,ors in an extremely rornpetitive industry. The in 18iz:ofate of the niitjor drugs has given niuc,h iiisight itiio t8htaiiiechariisrri of actioii of the various agents, :ind ill srirne i'ases, his led t o the discovery of wtivation hy tnetsbolic alteratioii.