Pteridines. XVI. A Synthesis of 2-Aminopyrazine-3 ... - ACS Publications

a n o a ~ e t a t e . ~ ~ Reduction of 16 in 90% formic acid yielded a monoformyl derivative (18) of l-phenyl-. 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole (19), wh...
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Jan. 20, 1958




The reaction product of D P N + PABA and D P N + PABA-substituted compounds were isolated by paper chromatography (1:l mixture of ethanol and 0.1 N acetic acid, ascending, 20 hours, Whatman #1 paper),; The spofs on the chromatogram were detected with a Blak-Ray, long wave ultraviolet source. The following Rf values were PABA = 0.84, D P N + obtained: D P N + = 0.62, D P N + methyl p-aminobenzoate = 0.83, D P N + p-dimethylmethyl p-dimethylaminobenzoic acid = 0.83, D P N + p-acetylaminobenzoic aminobenzoate = 0.84, DPN 3,5-dimethyl-4-aminobenzoicacid acid = 0.62, D P N + = 0.62. The spots were eluted from the paper with distilled water and absorption spectra of the eluted material 3,5-dimethyl-4were determined. D P N + and D P N + pPABA showed an absorption peak a t 260 mp; D P K + acetylaminobenzoic acid showed two absorption peaks, one a t 260 mp (Rr 0.62) and the other a t 310 mp (Rf 0.84). DPN + PABA or methyl p-aminobenzoate, p-dimethylaminobenzoic acid and methyl p-dimethylaminobenzoate showed absorption peaks a t 310 mp.









Discussion Kaplan" has reviewed many D P N + addition reactions. In this report, on the basis of the data presented, a new type of reaction is presented for consideration. PABA has been found to inhibit the cleavage of D P N + by DPNase. The inhibition probably comes about when D P N + combines chemically with PABA forming a new compound for which DPNase is no longer specific. Neither the carboxyl nor the amino groups are directly involved in the reaction. The site of reactivity of PABA is likely the 3- or 5-position. Blocking these (11) N. 0. Kaplan, Rec. Chem. Pivgr., 16, 1177 (1955).


positions by methylation is shown to prevent inhibition of D P N + cleavage probably because the dihydrobenzene ring of the adduct presumably formed cannot regain its aromaticity by loss of proton as in the case of PABA reaction. Acetylation of the amino group decreases the inhibition as expected, since the acetyl group competes with the ring for the pair of unshared electrons of the amino group and decreases the reactivity of the aromatic ring toward electrophilic substitution. o-Aminobenzoic acid and m-aminobenzoic acid were also found to inhibit D P N + cleavage. This is expected since there are positions ortho and para to the amino group a t which an electrophilic substitution reaction involving attack by D P N + can occur. The evidence of D P N + reactivity with PABA and related compounds raises the question of the situation existing in the intact cell. Not only does PABA inhibit D P N + cleavage, but folic acid, the naturally occurring combined form of PABA, is likewise inhibitory. We are investigating the interrelationships of the cellular co-factors on the basis of chemiaal structures, in light of the present data and hypothesis. Acknowledgment.-The authors wish to express their appreciation to the University of Kansas General Research Fund for the support of these studies. LAWRENCE. KANSAS


Pteridines. XVI. A Synthesis of 2-Aminopyrazine-3-carboxamides by Reductive Ring Cleavage of 3-Hydroxy-1-pyrazolo [b]p y r a ~ i n e s ~ - ~ BY E.


A new method for the synthesis of 2-amino- and 2-substituted aminopyrazine-3-carboxamides has been developed which ( 2 ) ring closure of involves the following steps: (1) the synthesis of suitably substituted 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazoles, these intermediates by reaction with a,@-dicarbonyl compounds to give 3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo[b]pyrazines, and (3) reductive ring cleavage by means of Raney nickel of the -3-N- bond of the 3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo[b]pyrazines.Each of these steps is considered in detail. Since previous work has shown that pteridines may be formed by ring closure of 2arninopyrazine-3-carboxamides,the above reaction sequence constitutes a new total synthetic approach to pteridines,

The construction of the bicyclic pteridine ring able limitations which previously have been pointed system may be approached from either of two out.12 I n the second approach, a pyrazine interdirections. I n the first, a suitable pyrimidine mediate is prepared initially and the fused py-rimiintermediate is initially prepared and the pyrazine dine ring is closed in the terminal stage of the synring is closed in the terminal stage of the synthesis. thesis.12-20 This method has not been widely The most widely employed method for the prep(7) W. R. Boon and T . Leigh, ibid., 1497 (1951). ( 8 ) W. R. Boon and W. G . M. Jones, ibid., 591 (1951). aration of pteridines, which involves the condenP. R . Brook and G . R . Ramage, ibid., 896 (1955). sation of a 4,5-diaminopyrimidine with an CY,@- (9) (10) M. Polonovski and H. Jerome, Compl. rend., 230, 392 (1950). dicarbonyl compound, is of this type.5 Although (11) M. Polonovski. M. Pesson and A. Puister, ibid., 230, 2205 several variations of this approach have been de- (1950). (12) E. C. Taylor, 3. A. Carbon and D . R . Hoff, THISJOURNAL, 16, vised,e-ll the over-all method suffers from inescap(1) A preliminary note describing the results of the present investigation has been published (T.s. Osdene and E. C. Taylor, THIS 1 8 , 5451 (1956)). JOURNAL, (2) This work was supported by a grant from the American Cancer

Society. (3) Presented before the Division of Organic Chemistry at the 131st National ACS Meeting in Miami, Fla., April 7-12, 1957. (4) M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, University of Texas, Houston, Texas. (5) A. Albert, Quart. Reus., 6, 197 (1952). ( 6 ) W. R . Boon, W. G . M. Jones and G . R. Ramage, J . Ckcm. SOC., 96 (1951).

1904 (1953). (13) E. C. Taylor, R. B. Garland and C. F. Howell, ibid., 18, 210


(14) W. B. Wright, Jr., and J. M. Smith, Jr., ibid.. 17, 3927 (1955). (15) A. Albert, D . J. Brown and G . Cheeseman, J . Ckcm. Soc., 474 (1951). (16) A. Albert, D. J. Brown and G . Cheeseman, ibid., 4219 (1952). (17) A. Albert, D . J. Brown and H. C. S. Wood, ibid., 2066 (1956). (18) G. P. G . Dick and H. C. S. Wood, ibid., 1379 (1955). (19) G. P. G. Dick, H. C. S. Wood and W. R . Logan, ibid., 2131


(20) E. C. Taylor and W. W. Paudler, Ckcmisfry b I n d r s f r y , 1061 (1055).



Yol. 80

ceH5N=.,--OII used because of the relative inaccessibility of the CNCHzCOOEt ---+CNCHCOOEt xI d H*,i,,. II requisite pyrazine intermediates. We wish t o describe in the present communication a new and I1 general synthetic route to 2-amino- and 2-subN-CeH5 I stituted aminopyrazine-3-carboxamidessuitable for R cyclization to 4-hydroxypteridines and 1-subCNCCOOEt II stituted-4-pteridinones, respectively. This new approach involves the following steps : 1, R -H (1) the synthesis of suitably substituted 3-hydroxy4,5-diaminopyrazoles, (2) ring closure of these inter= mediates by reaction with a$-dicarbonyl compounds to give 3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo[ blpyrazines, and (3) reductive ring cleavage of the -N-N- bond of the 3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo[ blpyrazines to give the 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxamides.These steps 4, R = -H are considered in detail in the discussion which fol5 , R = -H 3, R = -H 9, R = -CHB 10, R = -CHs S, R -CH3 lows. Synthesis of 3-Hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazoles.- (13) and by subsequent conversion (vide ixfra) to Condensation of ethyl phenylazocyanoacetate with 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxylic acid anilide (40). hydrazine or hydrazine hydrate in ethanol solution Reduction of 11 in 90% formic acid, followed by yielded 3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyrazolerecrystallization of the resulting monoformyl de(1). Reduction of 1 with hydrogen in 987, formic rivative (14) from 507, sulfuric acid, yielded 2acid in the presence of palladium-on-charcoal cat- phenyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole(15) sulalyst afforded a diformyl derivative (2) of 3-hy- fate. droxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole(3). Formanilide, the other product of the reduction under these condiCNCHL!OOEt n z E H 5 tions, was conveniently separated from the pyraII?s--cK, zole by ether extraction. Treatment of 2 with 50% CsH5SHXH2 13 sulfuric acid then resulted in cleavage of the formyl groups to give crystalline 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazoleZ1(3) sulfate. In an alternative synthesis of 3, ethyl isonitrosoC6H5S=hT-=-OH cyanoacetate was treated with two moles of hydraHzN-tq,-j H2-rLo:H5 fHz?J-\N/ !4J-CsH5 zine to give the hydrazine salt of isonitrosocyanoacethydrazide22 (4), which was then cyclized with 15 11 407, sodium hydroxide a t 60" to 3-hydroxy-4nitroso-5-aminopyrazoleZ1( 5 ) in almost quantitaBase-catalyzed condensation of phenylhydrazine tive yield. Catalytic reduction of 5 yielded 3 in with ethyl phenylazocyanoacetate yielded a mixhigh yield. ture of 11 and the isomeric l-phenyl-3-hydroxy-41-Methyl-3-hydroxy-4- phenylazo - 5 - aminopyra- phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole (IS), both in poor zole (6) then was prepared similarly by treat- yield. A much more satisfactory route to 16 inment of ethyl phenylazocyanoacetate with methyl- volved the coupling of benzenediazonium chloride hydrazine. Catalytic reduction in 907, formic with 1-phenyl-3-hydroxy-5-aminopyrazole(17), acid gave a monoformyl derivative (7) of l-methyl- available by a four-stage sequence from ethyl cy3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole (S), which was con- a n o a ~ e t a t e . Reduction ~~ of 16 in 90% formic acid verted to the sulfate salt of 8 by recrystallization yielded a monoformyl derivative (18) of l-phenylfrom 50% sulfuric acid. Compound 8 could also 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole(19), which was be prepared by treatment of ethyl isonitrosocyano- converted into the sulfate salt of 19 by recrystalacetate with methylhydrazine as described above lization from a mixture of dilute sulfuric acid and for the alternative synthesis of 3, except that the ethanol. intermediate hydrazine salt 9 was not isolated 3 steps but was converted directly with alkali to l-methyl- CK-CH2COOEt -4 3-hydroxy-4-nitroso-5-aminopyrazole (10). Re- CN-CH2-COSHNHCsH5 -+ H2N-LN/ N --f duction of 10 then afforded 8 in good yield. I 17 CIHS By condensation of phenylhydrazine with ethyl phenylazocyanoacetate, 2 - phenyl - 3- hydroxy - 4phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole (11) was formed, along with a very small amount (2.5yc) of phenylazomalonamide phenylhydrazone-N-phenylhydrazide (12). The structure of 11 was confirmed by an inCEHS C6Ho dependent synthesis from benzenediazonium chlo16 19 ride and 2-phenyl-3-hydroxy-5-aminopyrazole23 Synthesis of 3-Hydroxy-l-pyrazolo[b]pyrazines. -Condensation of the 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyra(21) B. Hepner and S. Fajersztejn, E d . SOL. chim., [ 5 ] 4, 854 (1937). zoles, prepared as described above, with a,P(22) A . Darapsky and D. Hillers, J. 9 r a k t . Chem., 92, 297 (1916). clicarbonyl compounds proceeded smoothly and in (23) A. Weissberger and H. D. Porter, TRISJOURNAL, 64, 2133










(24) A. Weissberger and €1. D Porter, ibid

, 66,

52 (1943)

Jan. 20, 1958



almost every case in excellent yield to give deriva- benzyl groups results in an increased solubility in tives of 3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo[ blpyrazine. Thus, organic solvents and a lower melting point, reflectthe parent member of the series, 3-hydroxy-l- ing a decrease in the strength of intermolecular pyrazolo[b]pyrazine (20), was prepared by con- hydrogen bonding so characteristic of hydroxy- and densation of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole(3) amino-substituted polyazaheterocyclic systems.26 with glyoxal. It is of interest: that 20 is isomeric Reductive Ring Cleavage of 3-Hydroxy-1-pyrawith the naturally-occurring purine hypoxanthine, zolo[ b 1pyrazines.-Reductive cleavage of the -Nand the possibility that derivatives of this con- N- bond of acid hydrazides to yield amines and densed heterocyclic system may possess purine anti- amides has been described by Ainsworth.26 Applimetabolite activity is under investigation. Con- cation of this procedure to the S-hydroxy-l-pyradensation of 3 with biacetyl and with benzil zolo[blpyrazines prepared above resulted in a yielded 3-hydroxy-5,6-dimethyl-1-pyrazolo[b 1- smooth cleavage of the condensed pyrazole ring pyrazine (21) and 3-hydroxy-5,6-diphenyl-1-pyra- with the formation of 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxamides. Thus, treatment of 3-hydroxy-1-pyrazolo[blpyrazine (22), respectively. -pyI n a similar fashion, condensation of l-methyl-3- zolo[ blpyrazine (20), 3-hydroxy-5,6-dimethyl-l hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole (8) with glyoxal, razolo[ blpyrazine (21) and 3-hydroxy-5,6-dibiacetyl and benzil yielded l-methyl-3-hydroxy-l- phenyl-1-pyrazolo[ blpyrazine (22) with Raney pyrazolo[ b] pyrazine (25), 1,5,6-trimethy1-3-hy- nickel yielded 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxamide(32), droxy-1-pyrazolo[ blpyrazine (26) and l-methyl- 2-amino-5,6-dimethylpyrazine-3-carboxamide (33) 3-hydroxy-5,6-diphenyl-l-pyrazolo[ blpyrazine (27), and 2-amino-5,6-diphenylpyrazine-3-carboxamide respectively. l-Phenyl-3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo[b]- (34), respectively. In a trial experiment, the reacpyrazine (29) was similarly prepared from glyoxal tion sequence leading to these pyrazines was and l-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole (19). shortened by several steps by reaction of 3-hy(5) with a mixture Condensation of 2-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diamino-droxy-4-nitroso-5-aminopyrazole pyrazole (15) with glyoxal and biacetyl yielded 2- of biacetyl and Raney nickel in ethanol solution to phenyl-1-pyrazolo[ b]pyrazine-3(2H)-one (30) and give 2-amino-5,6-dimethylpyrazine-3-carboxamide 2-phenyl - 5,6 - dimethyl- 1 - pyrazolo [blpyrazine-3- (33) directly, the Raney nickel effecting both the (2H)-one (31), respectively. reduction of the nitroso group and the cleavage of It was found that 1-alkyl-3-hydroxy-1-pyra-the subsequently formed 3-hydroxy-5,6-dimethylzolo[b]pyrazines could be prepared directly from 1-pyrazolo[blpyrazine (21). In a similar fashion, 20 by alkylation in basic solution, thus obviating 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxamide(32) could be prethe necessity of utilizing substituted hydrazines for pared directly from 5 and glyoxal, although in low their preparation. Thus, treatment of 20 with yield. methyl iodide in dilute sodium hydroxide solution 0 N -I/p 1- OH 0 II 0 I/ R- fN\ iI-CONH2 yielded the 1-methyl derivative 25. The use of benzyl chloride led in high yield to l-benzyl-3hydroxy-1-pyrazolo[blpyrazine (28).







R R R R R 25, R 26, R 27, R 28, R 29, R 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,


33, R 34, R 35, R 36, R 37, R 38, R 39, R

R’ = R ” = -CHs = -H, R’ = R ” = -CaHb R’ = -H, R “ = -CHI = -H,

R ” = -H, R’ = -CHs = -CHs, R’ = R ” = -H = -CHzCaHs, R’ = R ” = -H = -CaH5, R‘ = R ” -H

R’ R” -H -H, R’ = R ” = -CHB = -H, R’ = R ” -CsH6 R‘ = -H, R “ = -CHg R ” = -H, R‘ -CH3 -CH3, R’ R ” -H R ” = -CHa = R’ = -CHa, R’ = R ” = -CaH5 = -CH2CaHs, R’ = R ” = -H -CaH,, R’ = R ” = -H =


All of the above condensation products are yellow, crystalline solids with rather high melting points, which are purified readily by sublimation in high vacuum. Consistent with similar observations in other heterocyclic series, the replacement of the 1-hydrogen atom by methyl, phenyl or

Cleavage of the 1-substituted 3-hydroxy-lpyrazolo[b]pyrazines, 25, 28 and 29 led to 2methylamino-, 2-benzylamino- and 2-anilinopyrazine-3-carboxamide (37, 38 and 39), respectively. A similar cleavage of 2-phenyl-l-pyrazolo[ b]pyrazine-3-one (30) yielded 2-aminopyrazine-3carboxylic acid anilide (40), the structure of which was established by alkaline hydrolysis to 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxylic acid (41) and aniline. Similar alkaline hydrolysis of 38 gave 2-benzylaminopyrazine-3-carboxylic acid (42). One of the disadvantages of the conventional approach to pteridine synthesis via the condensation of a 4,5-diaminopyrimidine with an a-ketoaldehyde is the lack of specificity in isomer formation, and the resulting difficulty often experienced in devising reaction conditions suitable for the formation of adequate amounts of the desired (usually the 6substituted) isomer. It was thus of interest to investigate the possibility that the condensation of a 4,5-diaminopyrazole with similar a-ketoaldehydes might lead t o more specific isomer formation. However, condensation of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole (3) with methylglyoxal led t o the forma(25) A. Albert in “Recent W o r k on Naturally Occurring Nitrogel Heterocyclic Compounds,” The Chemical Society, London, Special Publication No. 3, 1955,p. 124. (26) C . Ainsworth, TEIS JOURNAL, 1 6 , 5774 (1954); 7 8 , 1636 (1956).



Vol. 80

Method B.-Hydrogenation of 2.0 g. of 3-hydroxy-4tion of both 3-hydroxy-5-methyl-l-pyrazolo[ b]in 40 ml. of 987, formic acid, using pyrazine (24) and 3-hydroxy-6-methyl-1-pyrazolo- nitroso-5-aminopyrazole I O yo palladium-on-charcoal as catalyst, and isolation of the I blpyrazine (23) in the ratio 1:3. The structures product as described above, yielded 2.05 g. (77%) of tlic of these isomers were readily established by Raney diformyl derivative of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole, nickel cleavage to the respective pyrazines. Thus, m.p. 213', identical with the material prepared by rnetho~i cleavage of 24 with Raney nickel yielded 2-amino- A above. 3-Hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole(3) Sulfate.--A solution 5-methylpyrazine-3-carboxamide (36), identical of 8 g. of the diformyl derivative of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminowith an authentic sample prepared independentl~.~7pyrazole in 30 ml. of Soy0 sulfuric acid was warmed until Similarly, reductive cleavage of 23 yielded 2- crystallization of the sulfate salt of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminocommenced. Boiling water was then added until amino-6-methylpyrazine-3-carboxamide(35) which pyrazole complete solution was achieved, and the solution was then upon alkaline hydrolysis was converted to the allowed to cool slowly to give 9.4 g. (94%) of light yellow known 2-amino-6-methylpyrazine-3-carboxylic acid crystals. l-Methyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole( 6 ) . (43). mixture of 32.5 g. of ethyl phenylazocyanoacetate, 7.5 Since 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxamides have pre- A ml. of methylhydrazine (99%) and 250 ml. of ethanol was viously been cyclized to pteridines by a variety heated under reflux for 4 hours. Cooling the reaction mixof methods, I 2 - l 8 the reaction sequences outlined ture to 0" caused the separation of a golden yellow crystalabove constitute a new total synthetic approach line solid which was collected by filtration, washed with ether and recrystallized from ethanol; yield 27 g. (837,), to these important heterocycles. It is of particular m.p. 265' dec. interest that a convenient method for the synthesis Anal. Calcd. for C , O H ~ ~ N SC, O :55.3; H , 5.1; N, 32.2. of 1-substituted pteridines may now be a t hand, Found: C, 55.5; H, 5.0; K, 32.5. since a route to the requisite intermediates, 2l-Methyl-3-hydroxy-4-nitroso-5-aminopyrazole (10).--A substituted aminopyrazine-3-carboxamides,is pro- mixture of 7.1 g. of ethyl isonitrosocyanoacetate, 5 ml. of vided. Experiments directed toward the utiliza- methylhydrazine (%Yo,) and 30 ml. of ethanol was heated reflux for 3 hours. T o the resulting solution was tion of the above reaction sequences for the forma- under added 30 ml. of 30% ethanolic potassium hydroxide, and the tion of l-glycosyl derivatives of pteridines are in mixture heated under reflux with stirring for an additional progress. hour. The reaction mixture was then chilled to 0" and the deep red potassium salt of l-methyl-3-hydroxy-4-nitroso-5aminopyrazole collected by filtration and then dissolved in 20 ml. of water. Acetic acid was added to />H 5. The 3-Hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole(l).-To a solu- product separated from the acidic solution as red-brown tion of 4.1 g. of ethyl phenylazocyanoacetate in 25 ml. of ethanol was added 1.4 g. of hydrazine hydrate. The deep microcrystals; yield 2.9 g., m.p. 184-186'. Long chilling the mother liquor yielded an additional 0.3 g. of product, red solution was then heated under reflux for 15 minutes, of cooled to 0" and filtered. The bright red crystalline solid total yield 3.2 g. (45%). Monoformyl Derivative of l-Methyl-3-hydroxy-4,S-diwas recrystallized from aqueous ethanol to give 3.6 g. (94%) aminopyrazole (7). Method A.-A solution of 20 g. of 1of deep red needles, m.p. 256' dec. rnethyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole in 100 ml. Anal. Calcd. for CSH9N60: C, 53.2; H, 4.5; N, 34.5. of 9Oy0 formic acid was hydrogenated a t 3 atmospheres Found: C, 53.2; H, 4.3; N, 34.3. pressure, using 1 g. of lOycpalladium-on-carbon as catalyst, 3-Hydroxy-4-nitroso-5-aminopyrazole(5). Method A,until hydrogen uptake ceased (45 minutes). The catalyst A solution of 5.0 g. of the hydrazine salt of isonitrosocyano- was removed by filtration and the filtrate evaporated to acethydrazide22 in 25 ml. of 407, sodium hydroxide was dryness under reduced pressure. The residual yellow oil allowed to stand a t 60" for one hour, and the deep red solu- was washed several times by decantation with ether and then tion was then acidified with glacial acetic acid. The heavy dissolved in 70 ml. of ethanol. Cooling caused the separared solid which immediately separated was collected by tion of a white, microcrystalline solid; yield 12.q g. (XU%), filtration, washed with ice-cold water and dried; yield 3.87 m.p. 210-211". Recrystallization from aqueous ethanol g. (97%). When the same reaction was carried out by gave glistening white crystals, m.p. 210". However, heating the reactants on a steam-bath for 30 minutes, the further recrystallization from aqueous ethanol yielded a yield was decreased to 2.56 g. (6470). lower melting hydrate, m.p. 188-190" (with loss of moisture Method B.-A mixture of 5.0 g. of the hydrazine salt of a t 133-135'). Method B .-A solution of 2.0 g. of l-methyl-3-hydroxy-4isonitrosocyanoacethydrazide2* in 100 ml. of ethanol containing 6 g. of sodium was heated under reflux for four hours nitroso-5-aminopyrazole in 40 ml. of 90% formic acid was with continuous mechanical stirring. The deep red sodium hydrogenated as described above, and the filtered hydrosalt was then removed by filtration and dissolved in 25 ml. genation solution was evaporated to dryness under reduced of water. Acidification with glacial acetic acid and cooling pressure, The residual brown oil was dissolved in a small caused the separation of 4.0 g. (quantitative) of the deep red amount of ethanol and the resulting solution chilled at 0" to yield 1.5 g. (68Yc)of light brown crystals. Recrystallinitroso derivative. Diformyl Derivative of 3-Hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole zation from aqueous ethanol then gave pale yellow needles, m.p. 188-190" (with loss of moisture a t 133-155'). This (2). Method A.-A solution of 4.0 g. of 3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-a-aminopyrazole in 50 ml. of 98% formic acid was hy- material was identical with the product obtained by method drogenated at 3 atmospheres pressure, using 0.4 g. of 10% ..\above; it was dried for analysis a t 100' to constant weight. palladium-on-carbon as catalyst, until the hydrogen uptake Anal. Calcd. for C51&N402: N , 35.9. Found: N , 35.8. ceased and the color of the reduction solution had become (8) Sulfate.pale yellow. The catalyst was removed by filtration and Tenl-Methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole grams of the monoformyl derivative of I-methyl-3-hythe filtrate evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure. droxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole prepared as described above was The residue was triturated with ethanol-ether (1: l ) , the recrystallized from 30 ml. of 20y0 sulfuric acid containing light yellow solid filtered off and recrystallized from water 25 ml. of et@nol to yield 13.9 g. (96y0) of colorless crystals, with the use of charcoal to give 2.05 g. (61%) of colorless m.p. > 300 . This material was recrystallized for analysis crystals, m.p. 212-213' dec. from 2 N sulfuric acid. Anal. Calcd. for CaH&403: C , 35.3; H, 3.5; N, 32.9. Anal. Calcd. for C4HsN40H2S04: C, 21.2; H , 4.5; Found: C, 35.4; H, 3.2; S, 32.4. N, 24.8; S, 14.2. Found: C, 21.3; H, 4.7; N, 25.2; S, 14.2. (27) 0. Vogl and E. C. Taylor, unpublished observations. 1-Phenyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole (161.(28) J. Weijlard, M . Tishler and A. E. Erickson, THISJOURNAL., A solution of 5.25 g. of l-phenyl-3-hydroxy-5-aminoppra67, 802 (1945). ~0le24in 50 ml. of 10% sodium hydroxide was added drop(29) All melting points are uncorrected. The microanalyses were wise t o a sodium acetate-buffered solution of benzenediaperformed by Dr. Joseph F. Alicino, Metuchen, N. J . , and by Drs. zonium chloride prepared in the usual manner from 3 g. of G. Weiler and F. B. Strauss, Oxford, England.


Jan. 20, 1958



and the filtrate evaporated to dryness under reduced presaniline, 6 nil. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, 2.1 g. of sodium nitrite and 12 ml. of water. The reaction mixture sure. The dark, rather sticky residue was triturated with was stirred for 30 minutes and then filtered to give 7.95 g. ether to give a brown powder; yield 4.8 g. (77%). Re(95%) of a yellow solid, m.p. 260-265' dec. The product crystallization of this material from aqueous ethanol with the use of charcoal yielded white crystals, m.p. 235' dec. was obtained in the form of small, deep yellow plates, m.p. 266-268' dec., upon recrystallization from Cellosolve. Anal. Calcd. for CloH10N40: 55.0; H, 4.6; N, 25.7. Anal. Calcd. for CisHiaNsO: C, 64.5; H, 4.7; N, 25.1. Found: C, 55.4; H, 4.7; N, 25.4. Found: C, 64.5; H, 4.9; N, 24.8. 2-Phenyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diamiaopyrazole (15) Sulfate.2-Phenyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole (1 1). Reduction of 12 g. of 2-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5Method A.-Using the above procedure, 2-phenyl-3-hy- aminopyrazole was carried out as described above, and the droxy-5-aminopyrazo1ezayielded the corresponding 4-phenyl- crude formyl derivative was crystallized from 30YGsulfuric azo derivative in 91% yield. Recrystallization of the crude acid-ethanol (1:l) to yield 11.6 g. (9470) of 2-phenyl-3deep-red powder from ethanol yielded purple-red needles, hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazolesulfate in the form of small m.p. 194-195". orange plates. The material could not be purified by recrystallization because of rapid decomposition and was used Anal. Found: C , 64.5; H , 4.8; N, 25.3. Method B.-A mixture of 40 g. of ethyl phenylazocyano- directly in subsequent condensations. 3-Hydroxy-I-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine (20).-A suspension of acetate, 20 ml. of phenylhydrazine and 200 ml. of isoamyl alcohol was heated under reflux for 24 hours and then 20 g. of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazolesulfate and 28 g. of cooled to room temperature. The deep red solid which glyoxal bisulfite in 250 ml. of water a t 60" was stirred rapidly while ammonium hydroxide was added dropwise. The separated was collected by filtration and washed with IO! material went into solution, and then a solid started to ml. of cold ethanol to give 24.2 g. (47%)9 m.p. 188-190 dec. Recrystallization of this material from ethanol yielded separate as the p H approached 7. The reaction mixture glistening deep red needles, m.p. 194-195' dec., identical was stirred for 30 minutes, adjusted to p H 5, cooled to 0" and filtered to give 9.9 g. (77%) of a pale yellow solid, m.p. with the material prepared by method A above. Anal. Calcd. for C1SH13N,iO: C, 64.5; H, 4.7; N, 25.1. 314-315" dec. The compound was purified for analysis by sublimation a t 230' (0.1 mm.) without change in the melting Found: C, 64.5; 'H, 4.8; N, 25.3. point; hathano! 231,289,333 mp; loge4.07,3.70,3.26. Phenylazomalonamide Phenylhydrazone-N-phenylhydraAnal. Calcd. for C5H4N40: C, 44.1; H, 3.0; N, 41.2. zide (12).-The combined mother liquor and washings from Found: C, 44.4; H, 3.0; N, 41.2. the above preparation of 2-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylazo5-aminopyrazole were maintained a t 0" overnight to give 3-Hydroxy-5,6-dimethyl-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine (2 1) .1.8 g. (2.5%) of a yellow solid, m.p. 175-180'. The prod- To a solution of 1.5 g. of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazolesuluct was obtained as yellow, feathery needles, m.p. 187-188' fate in 10 ml. of water was added 1 ml. of biacetyl with upon recrystallization from ethanol. shaking. The pale yellow precipitate which rapidly sepaAnal. Calcd. for C ~ I H ~ I N ~C,O65.1; : H, 5.4; N, 25.3. rated was collected by filtration, washed well with water and dried; yield 0.93 g. (80%), m.p. 324" dec. The compound Found: C, 65.1; N, 5.1; N, 24.8. Base-catalyzed Reaction of Ethyl Phenylazocyanoacetate was recrystallized from water and then sublimed a t 230" (0.1 mm.) to give a light yellow solid, m.p. 325' dec.; with Phenylhydrazine.-To a solution of 0.87 g. of sodium Xothanol 239, 294 mp; log e 3.95, 3.54. in 75 ml. of isoamyl alcohol was added 4 g. of ethyl phenylAnal. Calcd. for C7HaN40: C, 51.2; H, 4.9; N, 34.1. azocyanoacetate and 2 ml. of phenylhydrazine. The mixture was heated under reflux for 20 hours and then evapo- Found: C, 50.9; H, 4.7; N, 34.4. rated to dryness under reduced pressure. Trituration of 3-Hydroxy-5,6-diphenyl-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine (22).-A the residue with 5OyGacetic acid gave a brown, gummy solid mixture of 4.2 g. of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazolesulfate, which was extracted with 200 ml. of boiling ethanol. Con- 6.3 g. of benzil, 1.2 g. of sodium hydroxide, 30 ml. of ethyl centration of this ethanol extract to 50 ml. followed by cool- methyl ketone, 30 ml. of ethanol and 20 ml. of water was ing yielded 1.39 g. (27%) of 2-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4-phenylheated under reflux for 1.5 hours. The resulting deep red azo-5-aminopyrazole, m.p. 188-190'. Recrystallization of solution was then concentrated under reduced pressure to the ethanol-insoluble material from Cellosolve yielded 0.82 approximately one-sixth its volume and made alkaline with g. (16%) of l-phenyl-3-h~droxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyra-aqueous sodium hydroxide. The basic solution was treated zole, m.p. 266-268" dec. with charcoal and filtered, and the filtrate was acidified with Monoformyl Derivative of I-Phenyl-J-hydroxy-4,5-di- hydrochloric acid to give a yellow solid. A preliminary aminopyrazole (18).-A solution of 5.0 g. of l-phenyl-3- purification was effected by dissolving this material in dilute hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-am~nopyrazole in 50 ml of 90% sodium hydroxide and reprecipitating by the addition of formic acid was hydrogenated a t room temperature under 3 hydrochloric acid. The resulting yellow solid was thoratmospheres pressure in the presence of 0.5 g. of 10% palla- oughly dried in a vacuum desiccator and then suspended dium-on-charcoal. Hydrogen absorption had ceased after in boiling benzene, the water released being removed azeo1 hour, and the hydrogenation mixture was then filtered tropically. Recrystallization of the product from ethyl and the filtrate evaporated to a brown oil under reduced acetate then yielded 3.5 g. (61.5%) of yellow crystals, m.p. pressure. Trituration of this oil with 50 ml. of ethanol: 269' dec.; X ~ $ o ' 247, 257-264 (shoulder), 332 mp; log t ether (1:3) yielded 3.6 g. of a tan powder. Recrystalliza- 4.26, 4.22, 3.86. tion from aqueous ethanol yielded 3.1 g. (79.5%) of colorless Anal. Calcd. for C17H12N40: C , 70.8; H, 4.2; N, 19.4. plates, m.p. 223-225' dec. Anal. Calcd. for CiOHIoNIOz: C, 55.0; H, 4.6; N, Found: C, 70.8; H , 4.0; N, 19.4. l-Methyl-3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine (25). Method 25.7. Found: C, 55.1; H, 4.9; N,25.4. A.-A mixture of 4.52 g. of l-methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-di1-Phenyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole (19) Sulfate .The above preparation was repeated as described and the aminopyrazole sulfate, 5.6 g. of glyoxal bisulfite and 40 crude monoformyl derivative obtained was warmed on a ml. of water was well stirred, slowly adjusted to p H 5 with water-bath with a mixture of 3 ml. of concentrated sulfuric ammonium hydroxide, and then allowed to stand a t room acid, 7 ml. of water and 3 nil. of ethanol. Addition of 4 ml. temperature overnight. The yellow solid which separated was collected by filtration, washed with cold water and of ethanol and then cooling resulted in the separation of 4.8 g. (93%) of yellow needles which were purified by re- sublimed at 200" (0.1 mm.) to gi;e bright yellow needles; crystallization from a mixture of 2 N sulfuric acid and eth- yield 2.84 g. (9570), m.p. 242-243 Method B.-A solution of 1.O g. of 3-hydroxy-1-pyrazoloanol (1:l). (b)pyrazine in 10 ml. of 10% sodium hydroxide was stirred Anal. Calcd. for C9H12N~O5S:N, 19.5. Found: N, a t 60' and treated with 1.4 g. (0.62 ml.) of methyl iodide 19.7. in one portion. After 45 minutes, the solution was evapoMonoformyl Derivative of 2-Pheny1-3-hydroxy-4,S-di- rated to dryness under reduced pressure, the residue disaminopyrazole (14).-A mixture of 8.0 g. of 2-pheny1-3- solved in a little ice-water and acetic acid added to pH 5. hydroxy-4-phenylazo-5-aminopyrazole,100 ml. of 90% A pale brown solid was obtained; yield 0.62 g. (56y0), Recrystallization from water or vacuum formic acid and 0.8 g. of 10% palladium-on-carbon catalyst m.p. 238-240'. was shaken under 3 atmospheres of hydrogen until hydrogen sublimation a t 200' (0.1 mm.) yielded yellow needles, m.p. uptake ceased. The catalyst was removed by filtration 242-243" alone and when admixed with a sample of the





product obtained by method A above; Ydkyl 235, 290, was adjusted to pH 8 with ammonium hydroxide, allowed t o 354 mp; log e 4.13, 3.68, 3.20. stand a t room temperature for 15 minutes and then adjusted to pH 5 with acetic acid. The brown solid which sepaAnal. Calcd. for C6HsN40: C, 48.0; H, 4.0; N, 37.3. rated was collected by filtration, washed with cold water and Found: C,48.1; H,4.2; N,37.1. dried to give 0.8 g. (loo%), m.p. 239-240'. The product 1,5,6-Trimethyl-3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine(26).A mixture of 1.I3 g. of l-methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diamino- was obtained in another polymorphic form by recrystallizapyrazole sulfate, 0.5 ml. of biacetyl and 10 ml. of water was tion from ethanol followed by sutlimation a t 200" (0.1 well stirred and slowly adjusted t o p H 7-8 with ammonium mm.), for it then melted a t 193-195 ; X~~:""' 261, 366 mp; hydroxide. After 10 minutes, the p H was readjusted to 5 log! 4.16, 4.09. Aizal. Calcd. for C13H12?j40:C, 65.0; H, 5.0; N, 23.3. with dilute acetic acid and the pale yellow solid which separated was collected by filtration, washed with coLd Found: C,65.l; H, 4.8; 5 , 23.4. 3-Hydroxy-6-methyl-1-pyrazolo (b)pyrazine (231.--To a water and dried; yield 0.78 g. (87.57,), m.p. 268-269 . The material was purified for analysis by sublimation a t solution of 8.5 g. of 3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazolesulfate 200" (0.1 mm.) followed by recrystallization from ethanol; and 8.8 g . of sodium bisulfite in 100 ml. of water was added X2n;l. 237, 292, 344 mp; log e 4.17, 3.74, 3.35. 6 ml. of a 47.5% solution of methylglyoxal. Concentrated ammonium hydroxide was added dropwise to this mixture, Anal. Calcd. for C8H10LT~0:C, 53.9; H, 5.7; N, 31.5. which was maintained a t 60" with stirring, until the pH had Found: C, 54.1; H, 5.7; N, 31.6. l-Methyl-5,6-diphenyl-3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo (b )pyrazine been adjusted to 7-8. Stirring was continued for 45 minutes, and the reaction mixture was then adjusted t o pH 4-5 (27).-A mixture of 1.O g. of l-methyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diarninopyrazole sulfate, 1 g. of benzil, 10 ml. of water, 10 with dilute acetic acid and cooled to 0". The pale yellow inl. of ethyl methyl ketone and 10 ml. of ethanol was ad- solid which separated was collected, washed well with water and dried to give 3.83 g. (64%), m.p. 275-2235'. justed to p H 8 with 40% sodium hydroxide and the resulting The product was obtained in the form of thick light-yellow solution was heated under reflux for 90 minutes. I t was needles then allowed t o stand at room temperature overnight and ),ethanol m.p. 319-321 ', upon recrystallization from water; m r ~ 229, 292 inp; log E 4.03, 3.74. evaporated t o dryness under reduced pressure. The solid Aizal. Calcd. for C6€I6N4O: C, 48.0; H , 1.0; S,37.4. residue was taken up in water, the p H of the suspension adjusted t o 9 with sodium hydroxide, and the resulting solution Found: C, 48.3; €1, 4.1; N, 37.4. 3-Hydroxy-S-methyl-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine (24).-The heated to boiling, treated with charcoal and filtered. Acidification of the filtrate with acetic acid yielded 0.35 mother liquor from the above preparation of 3-hydroxy-6methyl-1-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine mas evaporated i n vacuo t o g. (267,) of a yellow solid. This material was purified by recrystallization from ethanol followed by sublimation a t one-third its original volume and chilled a t 0" for 24 hours. X 2 k Y 250, 273, 300-306 The solid which separated (1.15 g., 19%) was recrystallized 200" (0.1 mm.); m.p. 258-260'; from ethanol to give small buff-colored prisms, m.p. 234(shoulder) 330-340 (shoulder) m p ; log E 4.21, 4.20, 4.134.08, 3.85-3.79. "30 .5 , 292, 335 (infl.) mp; log e 4.51, 3.64, 235"; X"':; Anal. Calcd. for ClSHI4S40:C , 71.5; H, 4.7; S,18.5. 3.28. Anal. Found: C , 48.3; II,1.2. Found: C, 71.7; H,4.3; N, 18.4. 1-Benzyl-3-hydroxy- 1-pyrazolo (b)pyrazine (28).-To a 2-Aminopyrazine-3-carboxamide (32).--X mixture of 1.O solution of 15 g. (0.11 mole) of 3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo(b) g. of 3-1iydroxy-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine,20 ml. of formamide pyrazine in a mixture of 150 ml. of 10% sodium hydroxide and 3 g. of Raney nickel catalyst was heated in an oiland 15 ml. of ethanol was added in one portion 15 ml. (16.5 bath n-ith mechanical stirring for 90 minutes a t 115-120'. g., 0.13 mole) of benzyl chloride. After 1 hour, the reac,4n additional 2 g. of catalyst was added and heating and tion mixture was evaporated to dryness in vacuo and the stirring were continued for 90 minutes. The hot solution residue acidified with 50Oj, acetic acid. The resulting solid was then filtered and the filtrate cooled to yield 0.58 g. was collected by filtration, washed well with water, dried in (57y0) of pure 2-aminopyrazine-3-carboxamide, m .p. 244the air and then recrystallized from methanol t o give 18.4 g. 240 , alone and admixed with an authentic sample.27~30~31 (74%) of pale brown needles, m.p. 173-174'. The produzt 2-Amino-5,6-dimethylpyrazine-3-carboxamide (33). could be obtained as pale yellow needles, m . p . 175-176 , Method A.-A mixture of 0.5 g. of 3-hydroxy-5,6-dimethylupon further recrystallization from methanol; A:&'"' 237, 1-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine, 50 ml. of 9570 ethanol and 6 g . 291,350 mp; log E 5.00, 4.42, 4.40. of Raney nickel catalyst was heated under reflux for two Anal. Calcd. for C12HI0N40:C, 63.7; H, 4.5. Found: hours. A strong blue fluorescence was apparent in the rraction mixture after the first 15 minutes (the starting mateC, 63.9; H , 4.4. l-Phenyl-3-hydroxy-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine (29).-To a rial does not fluoresce, while the pyrazine does). The reacrapidly-stirred suspension of 12 g. of 1-phenyl-3-hydroxy- tion mixture was filtered and the filtrate evaporated t o dryness. Sublimation of the solid residue a t 200" (0.1 rnm.) 4,5-diaminopyrazole sulfate and 13 g. of glyoxal bisulfite in gave a light yellow crystalline solid; yield 0.28 g. (5570), 150 ml. of water a t 60" was added dropwise concentrated ammonium hydroxide until the p H had reached 7-8. The m.p. 255". Anal. Calcd. for CiHloN40: C, 50.6; H, 6.1; N , 3.7. reaction mixture was stirred for 45 minutes, the p H adFound: C, 50.6; 11, 6.1; S , 33.2. justed to 5 with glacial acetic acid, and the mixture cooled t o 0". Filtration yielded 7.7 g. (877,)of a green solid, Method B.-To a solution of 1.28 g. of 3-hydroxy-4m.p. 223-225". Recrystallization from aqueous ethanol nitroso-5-aminopyrazole in 40 ml. of water containing 2 ml. gave lime-green needles, m.p. 227-228'; X',:e1268,364 mp; of concentrated ammonium hydroxide was added 1.2 ml. log E 4.33,3.17. of biacetyl and 4 g. of Raney nickel catalyst, and the mixture was heated under reflux for 7 hours. The hot reaction 4 n e l . Calcd. for CI1HsN4O: C, 62.3; H, 3.8; N, 26.4. mixture was filtered and the filtrate cooled t o 0" t o give a Found: C, 62.3; H, 3.7; N, 26.1. yellow crystalline solid; yield 0.32 g., m.p. 251-253'. Ex2-Phenyl-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine-3(2H)one (30).--A sus- traction of the Raney nickel with four portions of boiling pension of 37 g . of 2-phenyl-3-hydroxy-4,5-diaminopyrazole ethanol yielded an additional 0.06 g. of product; total yield sulfate and 40 g. of glyoxal bisulfite in 400 ml. of water a t 0.38 g. (237,). The material was purified readily by sub60' was adjusted t o pH 7-8 with concentrated ammonium a t 200" (0.01 mm.); m.p. 255' alone and admixed hydroxide. Immediate separation of the red ammonium limation the product prepared by method A above. salt of 2-phenyl-l-pyrazolo(b)pyrazine-3-oneoccurred. The with2-Amino-5,6-diphenylpyrazine-3-carboxamide (34).--A reaction mixture was stirred for 45 minutes and then ad- mixture of 1.O g. of 3-hydroxy-5,6-diphenyl-l-pyrazolo(b)justed to pH 5 with glacial acetic acid. Cooling and filter- pyrazine, 50 1111. of 957, ethanol and 8 g. of Rrtney nickel ing yielded 23.2 g. (857,)of d deep green solid, m.p. 228catalyst was heated under reflux for 3 hours, filtered, and 230", which was recrystdllized from ethanol to give pale thc filtrate evaporated tu tli-yiicss under reduced pressure. 263, 300, 433 (infl.) 'The solid residue WLLS triturdt ecl with water, filtered and the greeii plates, m.p. 232-233.