Chemical Corporation. 149 State St./Clairton, Pennsylvania. Please send me technical data ... Grants Commission and organized by our specialty á cubi...
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NEWS Mass Spectroscopy—Discussion. Ed­ ward B. Owens, Rapporteur, Lincoln Laboratory, M.I.T., Lexington, Mass.

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New Producer throws hat into phenolic ring...

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DATA Pennsylvania Industrial Chemical Corporation 149 State St./Clairton,


Please send me technical data bulletin PPN-078 which summarizes general properties and appli­ cations of this new series of phenolic resins.

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Friday Afternoon, Oct. 7



laboratory refrigeration our specialty

Electron and Optical Microscopy—Dis­ cussion. Heinz G. F. Wilsdorf, Rap­ porteur, University of Virginia, Char­ lottesville, Va. Closing Remarks, W. W. Meinke, Na­ tional Bureau of Standards, Washing­ ton, D. C.

Materials Research Journal An international journal, the Mate­ rials Research Bulletin, reporting re­ search on crystal growth and materials preparation and characterization is go­ ing to be published by Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th S t , New York, Ν. Υ. 10022. Joint Editors-in-Chief are Heinz K. Henisch and Rustum Roy from the Pennsylvania State Univer­ sity, Materials Research Laboratory, University Park, Pa. 16802. The first issue of this new monthly is expected in September. The annual subscription rates are $50 for libraries, University departments, government laboratories, industrial, and other multiple-reader in­ stitutions and $15 for personal subscrip­ tions. Scope of the journal includes crystal growth (theory of crystal growth, nucleation and transport ; new methods of growing single crystals; application of known methods to new materials; growth of special form, e.g., whiskers and thin films). Materials preparation and materials characterization research papers will also be included. The journal promises fast publication (aim­ ing at 6 weeks) by the use of direct photographic reproduction of authors' typescripts and offset printing. Au­ thors will be permitted to submit their papers to any of the Associate Editors, who will personally communicate ac­ cepted papers to the Bulletin. Con­ ventional reviewing is offered to those who prefer it. More information on this journal is available by writing to the publishers.

Symposium on Electrode Processes

Address City

Friday Morning, Oct. 7 Pre-Concentration M e t h o d s . J. Minczewski, Lecturer, Technical Uni­ versity of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. Electron and Optical Microscopy. S. Amelinckx, Lecturer, Belgium Atomic Energy Center, Mol, Belgium. Pre-Concentration M e t h o d s.—D i s c u ssion. George H. Morrison, Rappor­ teur, Cornell University, Ithaca, Ν. Υ.

A symposium on Electrode Processes is being sponsored by the University Grants Commission and organized by

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Name of your local representative available upon request.

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