Punctilious Alcohol: It's the one that keeps the sweet smells sweet

Nov 7, 2010 - Punctilious Alcohol: It's the one that keeps the sweet smells sweet. Chem. Eng. News ... Publication Date: July 05, 1971. Copyright © 1...
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That's because Punctilious Alcohol is so odorless. It's not going to contaminate the scent of your perfumes, cosmetics or other toiletries. from And that's not all. Punctilious Alcohol is also extra-dry and extra-pure. So it's not

going to clog aerosol valves, affect formulas, and change the looks of your product. But then what else can you expect Punctilious Alcohol. After all, it's double-distilled and quality-checked six times. Even shipped in special tank cars.

At 300 tô 400 parts per million or lower moisture content, too. Maybe you should be using only Punctilious Alcohol. It's the only anhydrous ethyl alcohol that's so pure and so dry. Available only from U· S· I. 99 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016

Punctilious Alcohol: It's the one that keeps the sweet smells sweet·

U.S.I. Chemicals US!" National Distillers & C h e m i c a l Corp. ^

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