Pure Carbonic Company

Pureco C02 is quickly available — in solid "DRY-. ICE", liquid or gaseous form from over 100 sales and service depots. There are also a variety of P...
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PURECO CO2 The answer to your problem ? Investigate C 0 2 as an Inert Gas for pharmaceuticals paints and dyes packaging purging and blanketing

inert pressure transfer explosives powdering

Use CO2 as a Refrigerant for


pharmaceuticals grinding, plastics, resins, gums, etc. rubber tumbling vacuum traps low temperature testing lyophilizing

Specify CO2 as an Ingredient in BULK LIQUID C 0


pharmaceuticals ph control foam rubber asbestos cement cure



Pureco C 0 2 is quickly available — in solid " D R Y ICE", liquid or gaseous form from over 100 sales and service depots. There are also a variety of Pureco C 0 2 supply systems available — cylinders — cylinder banks, converters, receivers — each "tailored" to fit

carbonation foam plastic water treatment manufacture of carbonates

your particular requirements. Pureco Technical Sales Service is qualified through its research in the field to assist you in adapting C 0 2 to your particular process. Call Pureco today.

Pure Carbonic Company A division of Air Reduction Company, Incorporated 150 East 4 2 n d Street, N e w York 17, Ν . Υ. AT THE FRONTIERS OF PROGRESS YOULL



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