Purge and Trap Concentrators

of the information in this chapter may be useful to analyti- cal chemists, it, unfortunately, also contains such a profusion of outright errors and mi...
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Books is meaningless: There is no such thing as a line of "best fit" without specifi­ cation of the error structure. Here again, the author seems to be unaware of the deeper conceptual aspects of this problem. These are merely some examples to illustrate the serious inadequacy of this chapter as a guide to chemists in the use of statistical methodology. While some of the information in this chapter may be useful to analyti­ cal chemists, it, unfortunately, also

contains such a profusion of outright errors and misinformation about even the most basic statistical concepts that it cannot be recommended to chemists as a reliable source of infor­ mation about statistical methodology. Chapter 2 Mass spectrometry is a broadly de­ fined and historically rich discipline with many rapidly changing facets. This observation underlines the diffi­ culty in summarizing succinctly all in

^ ^ P u r g e and Trap Concentrators D Dynamic Headspace Analysis

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