Purity and Identity of Polymers

Institute of Polymer Research, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, ¿V. Y. Because high polymers are difficult to purify and identify, the ex...
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Purity and Identity of Polymers HERMAN MARK Institute of Polymer Research, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, IV. Y

Because high polymers are difficult to purify and identify, the expressions “purity” and “identity” should be used with great care. The most important impurities and inhomogeneities are: Traces of impurities of low molecular weight such as remnants of solvents, precipitants, catalysts, activators, modifiers, emulsifiers, stabilizers, etc. Groups of atoms which are not characteristic of the polymer itself, such as CH,, CO, C=C, C-0-C, COOH, etc., but are present in the material in small quantities and influence its behavior noticeably. The existence of


IGH polymeric substances are of a rather complicated na-

ture and one should be w r v hesitant to apply to them definitions and expressions taken from the domain of lorn molecular weight compounds, which respond much better to our various experimental methods and, hence, are much better known to us. This short article intends to convey an idea of the difficulties in attempting to analyze and characterize natural or synthetic polymers. As a consequence of these difficulties it will appear desirable not to use too freely words such as “pure,” ‘‘identical,]’ “equal,” etc., but, in the characterization and description of a sample, rather to refer briefly to the way in which it was prepared (from a natural source or from a monomeric material) and conditioned. I n many cases it is possible to reproduce samples to a remarkable degree by strict observance of their preparation, so that a basis for scientific investigation can be established by sufficiently careful procedures. LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT IMPURITIES

Most polymers contain impurities of low molecular weight which are a consequence of the processes of separation in the case Of cellulose, starch, Or rubber and Of preparation in the case Of synthetic polymers, and ’vhich, in many cases, adhere very tenaciously to the polymeric materials. Cellulose. Probably the purest form of cellulose is obtained from cottonseed hairs, but even these specimens contain a number of on cell do sic constituents* There are, n-axy materials distributed on the evternal and internal surface of the filaments in small proportions (order of magnitude of 1%). They can be removed by extraction with organic solvents down to a negligible amount, but it t a l e s a long time to move the solvents because cellulose fibers have a surprising capacity for occluding and tenaciously retaining even hydrocarbons such as benzene or toluene. If drastic drying operations are applied, one may change irreversibly the chemical structure or physical texture of the cellulose sample. All natural cellulose fibers or membranes contain small amounts (order of magnitude of fractions of 1%) of inorganic salts (suifates, chlorides, and phosphates), depending upon the soil on which the plant grew (exact spectroscopic analysis of these salts can identify where a given cellulose fiber was grown); their amount can usually be greatly reduced by washing x i t h dilute acids, but again, such acid mrmhes may degrade the cellulose irreversibly and the complete removal of the washing liquid may cause other permanent changes in the chemical structure and physical texture of the original material. Perhaps the most important and most tenaciously retained impurity in cellulose is water, which under standard conditions is

a molecular weight distribution curve, which indicates the presence of species having widely different molecular weight. The arrangement of the monomers in vinyl polymers can be head to tail, head to head, or a mixture of both; dienes can polymerize in the 1,4 and 1,2 additions. In some cases a given polymer, such as polyethylene, pol3-vinyl chloride, polystyrene, etc., can exist in an unbranched and in a branched modification. Recent observations indicate the existence of stereoisomerism and of rotational isomerism in macromolecules.

present in proportions of about 10% and can never be completely removed without endangering the integrity of the original material. The term “bone-dry cellulose” refers to a certain drying procedure rather than t o the fact that the sample has been freed from all water molecules which are linked to it by secondary valencies. If we submit cellulose t o a severe drying operation, we have a t present no experimental means for finding out when the last water molecule is removed which is held to the fiber by “physical” forces such as strong polar bonds or hydrogen bridges and when we have started to split off the f i s t “chemically” bound water molecule by forming an ether bond between two adjacent hydroxyl groups in the lattice. Similar is the situation if we consider starch, which also contains waxy substances, salts, and water or native rubber, which is contaminated by proteins, ester gums, and salts. In all these cases of purified natural polymers it is common usage t o speak of “standard” samples rather than of “pure” materials and to refer to the various steps which have been used to bring the material into its standard form. Polymers. Conditions are not less if

we deal with synthetic polymers. Let us first consider a piece of polystyrene, lThich polymerized in block and which represents a T+-ater-clearand colorless plastic of very attractive appearance. Kevertheless it contains a number of impurities of low molecular Tveight. There are first nonpolymerizable impurities of the monomer such as ethylbenzene, phenylacetaldehyde, and phenyl ethyl alcohol, TTr-hichare dissolved in the resin, and there is always a certain amount of left \&ich did not enter the polymerization reaction, These impurities may run up to several per cent; their presence does not manifest itself immediately, but they may cause crazing, opacity, and discoloration as tirne goes on. These volatile impurities can, in most cases, be removed by grinding the block polymer to a fine powder and subjecting it t o an extraction process with a liquid in which the polymer is insoluble, whereas the impurities are dissolved. After completion of this operation, removal of the extracting solvent sometimes rewires a rather lengthy drying Operation which be accelerated substantially without changing the polymer irreversibly. The conditions are here similar t o those in the drying of cellulose* If an initiator such as a peroside has been used in the preparation of the polystyrene block, its remnants are contained in the plastic. They are usually dissolved and do not immediately affect the material, but may have a bad influence on its aging characteristics. As time goes on, and particularly under the influence of heat and light, these peroxidic compounds dissociate



V O L U M E 20, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 4 8 to form radicals, which cause slow reactions to take place in the resin ( 4 1 ) . Depending upon the conditions, these aging processes can lead to embrittlement or softening of the material and nearly always cause opacity and discoloration. These excess amounts of the polymerization initiator can be removed to a certain extent by solvent extraction, but one can never get rid of them completely in this manner. Conditions are much xvorse if a synthetic polymer has been prepared by emulsion polymerization, such as the various types of synthetic rubbers, polyvinyl chloride, or polyvinyl acetate. I n these cases the recipe of the polymerization includes initiators, activators, promoters, modifiers, stabilizers, plasticizers, and emulsifiers, which are all contained in the h a 1 polymer and represent a whole series of impurities of low molecular weight, some of which are very difficult to remove. Prolonged washing of the rubbery or plastic materials on heated rolls reduces the percentage of some of these impurities substantially but carries with it the danger of an irreversible change of the original polymer under the influence of heat, air, and the catalytically active materials on the rolls. Experience has shown that a relatively good purification of synthetic polymers can be effected in the following manner. Make a dilute (1 to 2%) solution of the polymer in a not too high boiling solvent, pass it several times through a glass filter, and then precipitate the polymer at elevated temperature with an appropriate precipitant. I n the case of polystyrene, use, for instance, benzene or toluene as solvent and isopropanol as precipitant. Then separate the precipitate from the supernatant liquid by decantation, filtration] or centrifugation and wash the precipitate repeatedly with the hot precipitant. After the washing dissolve the polymer in another solvent (methyl ethyl ketone in the case of polystyrene) and precipitate with a low-boiling precipitant (methanol in the case of polystyrene). Again wash the precipitate and repeat the whole procedure. Finally dry th-vinyl chloride, cellulose acetate) was obtained. The solvent precipitant system must also be carefully chosen from the point of view of the nature of the precipitate. Sometimes the polymer settles down as a highly swollen, gelatinous phase xhich is very difficult to separate from the supernatant solution and probably contains low molecular weight fract,ions of the solute occluded. It is essential to operate with a solvent precipitant system which yields the fractions of the polymer in a fluffy or sand>-, easily filterable form. I n some cases (nitrocellulose, cellulose acetate, polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyisobutylene, rubber, nylon, etc.) such systems have been found and used; in other cases (polyethylene, cellulose xanthate, etc.) no successful fractionation has yet been reported. A question not yet satisfactorily settled is the polymolecularity of the individual fractions after simple or repeated fractionation. Occasional runs in the ultracent,rifuge, turbidity titration, and comparison of number and weight average molecular w i g h t seem to indicate that these fractions are relatively sharp, if a larger number of them (txenty or more) have been isolated from a given polynicr under proper precautions. Additional information about the width of so called “sharp” polymer fractions n-odd, hon-ever, be very desirable and is necessary in order to be sure of having macromolecules of uniform size. [Recently l l e r z has used polvstyrenc containing C13 to obtain such additional information (21). These experiments are not yet concluded; they are being continued and the results will be reported a t a later date.] Turbidity Titration. A very interesting and promising analytical method for working out molecular ceight distribution Curves has been published recently by LIorey and Tamblyn (23). These authors follow the precipitation of a polymer from a very dilute solution by measuring the increasing turbidity of the system. If conditions are kept carefully under control, this turbidity is proportional to the amount of the precipitate, and if it is recorded as a function of the amount, of precipitant added, one obtains directly an integral weight distribution curve of the dissolved polymer. The turbiditv titration has been worked out specifically for cellulose esters and mixed esters such as cellulose acetate, propionate, and butyrate and gives a first insight into the polymolecularity of these materials in a very short time. The actual measurement, not counting the conditioning of the polymer and t,he preparation and purification of the solution, takes only a few minutes. Morey and Tamblyn checked their method with the aid of a blended sample, which they prepared by mixing known quantities of two relatively sharp fractions, and succeeded in obtaining a molecular weight distribution curve by turbidity titration, which was in rcmarkable agreement with the actual fractionation of the sample. Thermal Diffusion. Another very interesting method of establishing the existence of different molecular weight specics in a sample and eventually also of effecting a larger scale preparation, x a s recently suggested by Debye ( 7 ) . I t is based on the principle of thermal diffusion, which has been so successful in separating isotopes of volatile compounds from each other. Debye has shown that in steep temperature gradients the’macromolecules of a sufficiently dilute solution should be drawn out into a spectrum of different molecular weight species and it should be possible to separate them from each other solelv according to their different masses. These esperimental methods, which make it possible to establish the pol:-molecularity of a given material, provide a fairly complete picture of the molecular weight distribution function,

107 but they are all somewhat difficult and time-consuming. The turbidity titration may prove to be a n exception, if it is once worked out’ in all details and with all implications. An abbreviated procedure for getting, a t least, a first idea of the polymolecularity of a given mat,erial is based on the existence of different averages (or modes) of a molecular weight distribution function. These averages can be determined by different’ methods and compared with each other. The lowest of t,hem, the number average, can be determined by the chemical analysis of end groups and by any method based on osmotic pressure measurements such as boiling point elevation, freezing point depression, vapor pressure reduction, and direct measurement of the osmotic pressure. The weight average molecular weight is obtained as a result of light-scattering measurements and of the joint evaluation of diffusion and sedimentat,ion rate. [The latter part of this statement is correct only under certain conditions concerning the shape of the dissolved macromolecules and their interaction A t,hird average, the so-called ?-average, with the solvent (%).I corresponding t o the third mode of t.he molecular weight distribution function, can be derived from sedimentation equilibrium measurements in the Svedberg ultracentrifuge. If the sample has a narrow molecular weight, distribution, the three averages are close together and if the material is very homogeneous, they should be strictly identical. On the other hand, if a polymer has a very n-ide molecular weight dist,ribution function t,he ratios M , / M , and .Vw/Mnassume larger and larger values. I n case of the regular distribution function of a polycondensation or polymerization product or of a purified natural material, such as cellulose, the ratio of M2:.Vu,:Mn should simply be 3:2: 1 (8, 18). Experimental determination of one of these ratios (usually M,:M,) gives information as to whether a given material has a narrower or wider molecular weight distribution than normal and provides a certain insight into its polymolecularity. There exists another molecular weight average xhich can be obtained from intrinsic viscosity measurements and which is not strictly identical with any of the above-mentioned values. I n most cases it’ is, however, fairly close to the weight average niolecular weight. Application of the methods enumerated above has shown that most natiral and synthetic polymers have a rather aide polymolecularity and that the width depends upon the way in which the sample was prepared. I t is therefore not permissible to make any statement, about the similarity or identitv of two samples from the measurement of a single molecular weight average, say from M,,, because it is entirely possible that, the weight averages of the two materials may differ appreciably from each other. This s h a m how cautious one has to be in any statement about polymeric substances that is based on a single measurement, and illustrates the difficulties of a thorough characterization of such materials. STRUCTURAL DETAILS OF INDIVIDUAL C H U N S

The presence of low molecular weight impurities, the existence of foreign groups in a macromolecular substance, and the polymolecularity of polymers make their identification and characterization rather difficult; however, still other phenomena add to these difficulties-namelv, the existence of certain types of isomerisms which occur in macromolecules. These effects have been known for only a relatively short time and the full extent of their occurrence and significance is probably not yet appreciated. As experimental methods for the characterization of polymers gradually improve, the various forms of isomerism will probably be better and better understood. Arrangement of Units. The first type of isomeriqm concerns essentially polyvinyl derivatives and has to do with the way in which the monomeric units are arranged in the chain with regard to the sequence of their substituents. It has long been recognized that polyvinyl compounds can occur in two essentially



different types, which Marvel (19) has termed the head-to-tail and the head-to-head forms. I n the case of polyvinyl chloride, for instance, these two extreme “isomers” vould correspond to the following structures: head-to-tail X-CHz-CHC1-


and head-to-head

X- [CH~--CHCl-CHCl-CH~],-CH~-CH~Cl I n both formulas X represents some fragment of the initiating catalyst which appears a t one end of the macromolecule. I t is conceivable that any mixture of head-to-head and head-to-tail arrangement can occur in a given chain and it is in particular possible that the two forms may be randomly distributed in the polymer molecule. Marvel and his eo-workers have shown that normal polyvinyl chloride and polyvinylacetate are essentially in the head-to-tail form, whereas certain polyvinyl ketones and polyacrylic derivatives represent head-to-head polymers. The experimental methods, however, are usually such that a small percentage of head-to-head arrangement could not easily be discovered in a principally head-to-tail chain. On the other hand certain physical and chemical properties of a polymer, such as solubility, thermal stability, and resistance to oxygen, might depend upon whether the substituents are regularly alternating in a one-three sequence or whether, a t certain points, they are crowded into a one-two arrangement. I n fact, Flory has recently demonstrated (IO) that in polyvinyl alcohol any one-two glycol configuration can be easily cleaved by the action of periodic acid and represents a potential weak spot in the chain. In order to be fully informed about the properties of a polymer it seems, therefore, that in principle one should know exactly the sequence of the monomer units, down to even a small number of odd arrangements. I n some cases there are experimental ways and means of establishing the existence of such flaws, but in most cases new methods will have to be worked out in order to obtain such detailed information about the structure of a polymer chain. Branching. Another type of structural isomerism is con-’ nected with branching. Studies on the kinetics of vinyl polymerization have shown that it is possible for a macromolecule to propagate not only as a strictly linear chain, but as a more or iess branched system. Polyethylene seems to be an example of a polymer which can exist in isomeric forms having different degrees of branching, and Bryant has found that this degree depends upon the mode of preparation of the polymer, such as degree of conversion, type of catalyst, etc. It is entirely conceivable that a polymer built of branched chains will differ in many respects from a linear material, Properties such as density, melting point, solubility, crystallizability, and compatibility with plasticizers should be expected to be noticeably different, but it is not easy, in a given case, to correlate the behavior of the material with the degree of branching because we do not have, a t present, any general and reliable method of establishing the extent of branching. Rotational Isomerism. Another type of isomerism of macromolecules appears t o be general and may be compared with the rotational isomerism of normal organic compounds. Several years ago it was noticed that correlation of osmotic pressure data and intrinsic viscosities of polystyrene fractions led to different results, depending upon the temperature at which the polymer was prepared (1,12,SS). The original investigators suggested that a different degree of branching might be made responsible for this effect, but a year later Huggins (15) advanced the idea that all vinyl polymers are subject to stereoisomerism and that this isomerism may be responsible for the different behavior of macromolecules prepared a t different conditions. The experimental evidence a t that time was too scanty to arrive at any decisive conclusion, but recently Schildknecht,

Gross, and Zoss (14, 31) discovered a very spectacular case of isomerism of polyvinyl isobutyl ether, which has also been observed with other polyvinyl ethers to a somewhat lesser degree (14, 31). They found that rapid polymerization of these monomers with boron trifluoride a t low temperatures leads to rubbery polymers of low softening point, whereas slow polymerization of the same monomer with a moderated catalyst (boron trifluoride and dimethyl ether) yields high softening products of essentially the same molecular weight, which exhibit a distinct tendency for crystallization and are fibrous rather than rubbery. The rubbery and fibrous modifications can be recovered from their respective solutions by a precipitant, a t ordinary temperatures. However, if the rubbery polymer is dissolved in a high-boiling solvent, the solution is kept a t elevated temperatures for a certain length of time, and the material is precipitated after cooling, the fibrous modification is obtained. The discoverers of this effect explain it by assuming that the comparatively large substituents produce enough hindrance of the rotation about the carbon-carbon bonds of the main chain to stabilize certain strongly kinked configurations of the polymer molecule, which are reluctant to crystallize and are responsible for the rubbery modification.

Figure 1

This suggestion opens very interesting new aspects of the behavior of polymers with large substituents. Let us consider an unbranched simple vinyl polymer such as polyvinyl chloride with head-to-tail sequence. As long as the substituents are small and their mutual interactions weak, there r d l be moderately hindered rotation about the individual carbon-carbon bonds of the main chain and most geometrical configurations of a macromolecule will have essentially the same potential energy. The actual shape of an individual chain or of each one in a cluster will be mainly determined by entropy considerations and the macromolecules will assume a randomly kinked configuration. The tendency to assume and maintain this most probable shape is responsible for the rubbery character of such polymers. If the substituents become larger i t will no longer be possible to accommodate them in any possible way and if we consider the extended zigzag form of the backbone chain, we will be faced with conditions as represented in Figure 1; its upper part shows a head-to-tail pol vinyl chain viewed perpendicular to the plane in which alp carbon-carbon bonds are contained. The pointso represent schematically the carbon atoms, which are 1.54 Angstrom units apart and are of tetrahedral symmetry. Such a planar, zigzag configuration of the backbone chain fits more easily in a simple crystal lattice than any spjralized shape. This is supported by the fact that all normal paraffins and their simple derivatives crystallize in this manner and that polyethylene also favors this type of arrangement. Because of the head-to-tail character of the polymer, all substituents have to be arranged in Figure 1 on the same side of the chain (above or below), if we want to preserve the extended form of the chain and with it the easy crystallizability of the polymer. There exist, however, two possibilities for the arrangement of the substituents on one side of the backbone chain: one in which all substituents are on the same side of the plane in which the zigzag of the carbon-carbon chain is contained (such as in the lower part of Figure 1) and another in which the substituents are alternately before and behind this plane. If these substituents are large or bulky, the lowest potential energy will be correlated to a chain in which the substituents alternate. The lower parts of Figures 1and 2 are intended to clarify this situation, In them we look a t the chain parallel to the plane which contains the carbon-carbon zigzag. I n terms of the upper parts we look a t the chain from above and we see now the subsequent car-

V O L U M E 20, NO. 2, F E B R U A R Y 1 9 4 8




Figure 2 bon atoms of the main chain as a straight line and the substituents emerging from each rarbon atom in a zigzag arrangement, rightlc,ft-right-left, etc. The chain configuration as represented in Figures 1 and 2 represents a successful compromise of two facts: a lo^ potential c'nergy because of t,he zigzag arrangement of the substit,uents as soon as they are large and b d k y (as shown in Figure 2) and easy crystallizability because of t,he planar zigzag arrangement of the carbon atoms of the main chain. If a long-chain molecule is formed in the course of a s l o ~ and mild reaction, it seems not unreasonable to assume that this is the configuration which will be preponderantly formed. That does not mean that in the reaction mixture all chains xi11 be rigid and straight, but it implies that the macromolecules \Till have only moderate bends and no sharp or sudden kinks. I n the sense of Huggins, this is an arrangement of the substituents in which d and 1 configurations alternate regularly as one travels along the chain in its straightened out planar zigzag form. Whcnevcr this chain type is preponderant, Lve shall expect the high softening, easy crystallizable fibrous modification of a polymer. Let us now assume that x e carry out a rotation of about 150' t o 180" about one carbon-carbon bond of the chain, say about bond 6-7 in Figure 2, in such a manner that substituent 4 is nov out of phase n-ith the regular right-left alternation as shown in Figure 2. I n order t,o achieve this rotation i t will be necessary to move substituent 4 in close proximity to substituents 3 and 5 . Because of their bulk or their polar interaction this may require a considerable a d v a t i o n energy, which may assume values of 8000 cal. pe: mole or more, After rotat,ing the 6-7 bond about 150" or 180 , substituent 4 can again be reasonably accomniodated between 3 and 5 ; not so well as in the straight-chain configuration of Figures 1 and 2 , but not very much worse. I n terms of potential energy this means that substituent 4 is non- vibrating in a potential energy valley, which is not so deep as before (maybe 3000 to 4000 cal. per mole higher) and which is separat,ed from the previous valley by a potential energy barrier of 8000 cal. per mole or more. The most important change after this rotation is that the main chain now forms a relatively sharp kink at carbon atom 7 . Figure 3 gives an idea of this condition. The part of the chain which contains substituents 4 and 5 vias swung around and forms an angle of about 90" with its previous direction. This kink is, of course, not strictly permanent, because it can be removed by turning the chain back into its original shape, but it is stabilized by an appreciable activation energy because of the interaction of the substituents and rill, therefore, be relatively stable a t moderate temperatures. If a chain once possesses a certain number of such kinks, it will not be straightened out so easily, except by prolonged heating in the dissolved or plasticized state. On the other hand, chains with frequent kinks will fit in a crystal lattice only difficultly and will therefore exhibit a more rubbery character than chains corresponding to Figures 1and 2 .

It seems not too unreasonable to assume that in a rapid reaction the addition of the individual monomers to the growing chain will not always be in accord with the absolute minimum of the potential energy. Once in a while a substituent will not be arranged as Figure 2 prescribes, but as Figure 3 shows for substituent 4. If this happens, on the average, after twenty monomers, the chain is of a very crooked shape, which makes crystallization virtually impossible. If chains of such nature prevail, we have the rubbery modification of a polymer. Depending upon size and interaction of the substituents, this rubbery modification will exhibit a certain stability but will on prolonged heating eventually isomerize into the fibrous form. Polyvinyl isobutyl ether seems to be a particularly clear case of this type of isomerism, which has a distinct similarity t o the rotational isomerism of ordinary organic compounds, and which according t o Schildknecht, Gross, and Zoss seems to exist with other polyvinyl ethers (14). There is evidence that polyvinyl chloride also shows this phenomenon of rotational isomerism to a certain degree. Experiments of Alfrey, Badgley, and Mesrobian have demonstrated that preheating of pol.yviny1 chloride in solution or in a highly plasticized state increases the tendency of the polymer to crystallize and makes it more difficultly plasticizable. I n fact, the kinks of the main chain, which are stabilized by steric hindrance through the substituents, act like an ingrown plasticizer, which is very effective in preventing crystallization and maintaining rubberiness but can be gradually smoothed away by an appropriate heat treatment.


Figure 3

Thus, certain polymers can have different properties if they have been prepared under different conditions, not because of head-to-tail, head-to-head isomerism and not because they represent different degrees of branching, but simplv because the substituents are differently arranged in space a$ ive progress along the chain and affect the configuration of thp chain as a Ivholp.

covcLusIori The preceding paragraphs demonstrate how difficult it is to characterize a polymeric material, even if it consists of only randomly arranged macromolecules which are built up from one single monomer. The difficulties multiply if we consider copolymers of two or more monomers, or if we want t o characterize a polymer sample as a whole and not only the polymer molecules ae such. I n this case we have to take into consideration the mutual relationships of the individual molecules, their geometrical arrangement in space, their axial and lateral orientation, the average size of the ordered domains, etc. We are faced here with similar problems as they occur in metallography and it is obvious that phvsical methods such as x-ray diffraction, birefringence, and thermal analysis play an important role in the



elucidation of all questions concerning the texture of organic high polvmers. All these facts and considerations are apt to render us rather careful in making any statements about the purity of a polymeric substance or the identity of two or more samples. I n most cases it will be advisable to avoid such brief statements and rather to give a short description of what has been done to bring the material into its present condition, what chemical and physical methods have been used to characterize it, and what esseritial results were obtained by their application. Cei tain standards and tests have to be used in industrial practice, such as a-cellulose, heat distortion point, ring and ball test, brittle point, viscosity index, etc., but these expressions have in most cases a purely empirical significance and cannot be considered as strictly reproducible and scientifically well established concepts and procedures. They are very useful and important in the absence of better approaches as long as their empirical character is clearly realized. The present tendency in the field of high polymers is to rationalize these empirical and semiempirical ideas and practices Tvith the aid of well developed methods of physics, physical chemistry, and organic chemistry. LITERATURE CITED

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GralBn, N., doctoral thesis, University of Uppsala. 1944. Gross, S. T., Schildknecht, C. E., and Zoss, A. O., “Isomerism in Vinyl Polymers,” Division of Cellulose Chemistry, 112th Meeting of A.C.S., New York, N. Y., 1947. Huggins, M.L., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 66, 1991 (1944). Jullander, rl., doctoral thesis, University of Uppsala, 1945. Krraemer, E. O., “Chemistry of Large hlolecules,” p. 95, Ken, York, Interscience Publishers, 1943.

(18) Mark, H., and Raff, R., “Highpolymeric Reactions,” S e w York, Interscience Publishers, 1941. (19) Marvel, C . S., ”Frontiers of Chemistry,” Vol. I, p. 219, Sew York, Interscience Publishers, 1943. ( 2 0 ) Jlayo, F. R., and Lewis, F. AM., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 66, 1594 (1944). (21) Mera, E., doctoral thesis, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1947. (2.7) Jfeyer, K. H., and M&k, H., “Der .lufbau der hijchmolekularen





1929. (23) Morey, D. R., and Tamblvn, J. IT., J . Applied Phys., 16, 419 (1945): J . Phys. Colloid Chem., 51, 721 (1947). (24) Sichols, J. B., and Kraemer, E. O., in “The L-ltracentrifuge,” b,- Svedberg and Pedersen, p. 416, Oxford University Press, 1937. ( 2 5 ) Ott, E., “Cellulose and Its Derivatives,” pp. 54-6, 77-82, 17692, New York, Interscience Publishers, 1943. ( 2 6 ) Pacsu, E., Teztile Research J . , 16, 243, 318, 490, 534 (1946); J . Polymer Sei., 2, 565 (1947). (27) Pfann, H. F., Salley, D. J., and Mark. H., J . A m . Chem. Soc., . 66, 983 (1944). ( 2 3 Pfann, H. F., TVilliams, 1‘. Z., and Mark, H., J . Polgmer Sei., 1. 14 (1946). (29) RSnby, B. L., and Kinell, P. O., International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry, London, July 1947. (30) Rutherford, H. A., Minor, F. W., Martin -1.R . , and Harris, XI., J . Research Satl. Bur. Standards. 29, 131 (1942). (31) Schildknecht. C. E., Gross, S. T., Davidson. H. R., Debye, P., Lambekt, J. hI., and Zoss, A. O., “Properties and Structures of Polyvinyl Isobutyl Ethers,” Ind. Eng. Chem. (to be pub-

lished). (32) Schuls, G. V., 2 . physik. Chem., B30, 579, (1935); B32, 23 (1936). (33) Ibid., B44, 227 (1939). (34) Sears, W.C., J . Applied Phys.. 12, 357 (1941). (35) Signer, R., Trans. Faraday Soc., 31, 297 (1936). (36) Singer, S.,J . Polymer Sci., 1, 445 (1946). (37) Staudinger, H., “Der Aufbau der hochmolekularen Substanzen,” Berlin, Julius Springer, 1930. (38) Sutherland, G. B. B . M., and Thompson, H. K,, Trans. Faraday Soc.. 41, 174 (1945). (39) Svedberg, The, and Pedersen, K., “The Ultracentrifuge,” London, Oxford Cnirersity Press, 1937. (40) Thompson, H. W., and Torrington, P., Trans. Faraday Soc., 41, 246 (1945). (41) Tobolsky, A. V.,and Blatz, P. J., J . Phys. Chem., 49, 77 (1945); J . Chem. Phvs.. 13. 379 (1945). Comoare also Jlesrobian. R.. and Tobo’sk;., A V., J . A m . Chem. koc., 67, 785 (1946); J : Polymer Sci., 2, 503 (1947). (42) Unruh. C. C., and Kenyon, 1.Y O., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 64, 127 (1942). (43) Well., -4. J.. J . Applied Phys.. 11, 137 (1940). (44) Yackel, E. C., and Kenyon, W. O., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 64, 121 (1942). RECEIVED December 5 , 1947

Pure Compounds from Petroleum Purijication and Purity of Hydrocarbons FREDERICK D. ROSSIYT, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D . C .


ETROLEUM consists in large part of hydrocarbon molecules of several different types and many different sizes. I n the early days, the industry separated petroleum roughly according to molecular size by the process of simple distillation. This operation produced a fex broad fractions of petroleum such as gas, gasoline, kerosene, gas oil, and lubricating oil. The properties of each fraction were sufficiently general to satisfy fairly well the requirements of a number of different services. It vias obvious that the value of a given property of one broad fraction was the average of what might be extremely diverse values of that same property for the different types of hydrocarbons present in the mixture. If the types of hydrocarbons having high values of the given property could be separated from those

having low values of the same property, it would be possible to manufacture materials of highlv specialized properties rather than average general properties. The special products could then better satisfy the more exacting requirements of modern commerce and industry. I n order to attain this objective, however, the petroleum industry n-ould need fundamental information a4 t o the actual composition of its raw material in teims of individual components. With a few notable exceptions, the researches on the composition of petroleum which had been going on for many years were sporadic and casual. What was needed was a concerted and direct attack on the problem. I n 1927, a comprehensive investigation on hydrocarbons in petroleum, sponsored jointly by the
