( Polyvinylpyrrolidone) is α film former, protective colloid and suspending agent, dye-receptive agent, binder and stabilizer, detoxicant, complexing agent, physiologically acceptable polymer··· and more!
PVP is a film-forming poly mer which accounts for many of its uses. It also ex hibits a high degree of com patibility with inorganic salt solutions, natural and syn thetic resins, and other chemicals. PVP forms molecular adducts with many other substances. This can result in solubilization or in preci pitation, depending on the compound involved. Chemi cal complexes of practical importance are formed, for example, with tannins that are useful in beverage clari fication, and with iodine for use in improved pharma ceuticals. Physiological ef fects, such as toxicity may be modified, pharmacologi cal action of drugs en hanced, and duration of effect prolonged. PVP is a water-solu ble, nonionic polymer that is unique because it is also freely soluble in many or
ganic solvents. In aqueous solutions, the concentration is limited only by the viscos ity. Representative organ ic solvents for the polymer include alcohols, organic acids, some chlorinated hy drocarbons, nitroparaffins, and amines. The use of an hydrous material or of a mutual solvent considerably extends this list. We'd like to tell you more about this very un usual polymer. Just take a moment and fill out the cou pon. We'll send you a free sample and technical litera ture.