PVP ( Polyvinylpyrrolidone) - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 7, 2010 - PVP ( Polyvinylpyrrolidone). Chem. Eng. News , 1972, 50 (19), p 19. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v050n019.p019. Publication Date: May 08, 1972...
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( Polyvinylpyrrolidone) is α film former, protective colloid and suspending agent, dye-receptive agent, binder and stabilizer, detoxkant, complexing agent, physiologically acceptable polymer... and more!





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Γ •f j r I PVP is a film-forming poly­ mer which accounts for many of its uses. It also ex­ hibits a high degree of c o m ­ patibility with inorganic salt solutions, natural and syn­ thetic resins, and other chemicals. PVP forms molecular adducts with many other substances. This can result in solubilization or in preci­ pitation, depending on the compound involved. Chemi­ cal complexes of practical importance are formed, for example, with tannins that are useful in beverage clari­ fication, and with iodine for use in improved pharma­ ceuticals. Physiological ef­ fects, such as toxicity may be modified, pharmacologi­ c a l a c t i o n of d r u g s e n ­ h a n c e d , a n d d u r a t i o n of effect prolonged. PVP is a water-solu­ ble, nonionic polymer that is unique because it is also freely soluble in many or­

ganic solvents. In aqueous solutions, the concentration is limited only by the viscos­ ity. Representative organ­ ic solvents for the polymer include alcohols, organic acids, some chlorinated hy­ drocarbons, nitroparaffins, and amines. The use of an­ h y d r o u s m a t e r i a l or of a mutual solvent considerably extends this list. We'd like to tell you more about this very un­ usual polymer. Just take a moment and fill out the cou­ pon. We'll send you a free sample and technical litera­ ture.


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