PYREX® laboratory ware - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 16, 2012 - PYREX® laboratory ware. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (7), pp 49A–49A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60139a748. Publication Date: July 1958. Copyright © ...
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G r o u n d joints that w o r k r i g h t should feel

r i g h t . Try this " r u b test.

H o w to tell a g o o d g r o u n d joint Take leaks Such your

a ground joint that freezes or or misfits. R u b it . . . hard. a joint will almost always grab finger and keep it from sliding.


rub any PYREX®


joint and feel the difference. It's like velvet the way it lets your finger glide. The photomicrographs at the right show why you feel such a difference with P Y R E X joints.

right and properly designed to be strong and chip-resistant. Coupled with strength is the finest grind mod­ ern grinding methods can produce. All this adds up to the "feel" of quality. The world's most complete line of Τ ground joints and ground joint ware is to be found in PYREX catalog LG-1. Send the coupon if you don't already have a copy.

AU PYREX Τ joints are tooled just CSaee>eç/xeax4/legated ût &/ίι