PYREX® laboratory ware

The blessing of the designis easy cleaning because there are no crev- ices, seams or hard-to-reach places. Built-in shoulders support the plate. Body ...
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The characteristics of PYREX brand glass No. 7740 improve the perform­ ance of these unique desiccators and Gooch-Type Fritted Crucibles.

If you have to filter and dry precipitates·.· these can help you Easier desiccation and reproducible filtering might seem formidably dif­ ficult to attain. N o t so—and we can show you. We ask you first to consider the merits of PYREX brand desiccators. They're made of PYREX brand Chemical Glass N o . 7740. There­ fore they're strong, impervious to any desiccant's attack and they're a unique design. The blessing of the design is easy cleaning because there are no crev­ ices, seams or hard-to-reach places.

Built-in shoulders support the plate. Body and cover flanges are broad and finely ground to give an airtight seal. A n d each vacuum-type is tested to hold a minimum 20-inch vacuum for 24 hours. With these superlative desiccators you'll get reproducible results using PYREX brand crucibles with fritted discs. Their uniform porosity pro­ vides uniform filtration. A n d these crucibles dry to constant weight at 110 C. with no variation to affect your work.

Q PYREX® laboratory

In three porosities — Coarse, Medium and Fine—you get max­ imum filtering speed with no sacri­ fice of retentivity. To get full information on these work-saving laboratory items, see our new catalog of Laboratory Glass­ ware, LP-36. (Send for your copy if you haven't already received it.)


Crystal S t r e e t , C o r n i n g , Ν. Υ.

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