QO FURFURYL ALCOHOL AS A RESIN MODIFIER Furfuryl alcohol (FA)®' has a marked effect on the properties of urea-formalde hyde, phenol-formaldehyde and epoxy resins, increasing the value of these resins in specific areas of application. Many industrial uses are based on the "plus" factor to be found in furfuryl alcohol modified resins. FA CONTRIBUTES DESIRABLE PROPERTIES T O : 1. UREA FORMALDEHYDE RESINS
by improving gap-filling, craze resistance, stability to heat and aging and by lowering gas evolution. In addition, FA improves the relationship be tween pot life and curing speed. 2. PHENOL FORMALDEHYDE RESINS
by increasing the resistance to alkali attack while retaining the acid resist ance of phenolics. 3. EPOXY RESINS
by functioning as a reactive solvent and increasing the flexural strength of the final product. Specific questions invited. For general information about QO furfuryl alcohol, write for Bulletin 205.
Jhe Quaker O^fs (bmpany The Quaker Oats (pmpany
C H E M I C VA L S 333V The Me rchandise Mart, Chicago 54, Illinois Room 533V, 120 Wall St., New York 5, Ν. Υ. Room 433Y, 49 S.E. Clay Street Portland 14, Oregon
In the United Kingdom: Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., London, England In Europe: Quaker Oats (France) S. Α., 3, Rue Pillet-Will, Paris IX, France; Imperial Chemical Industries (Holland) N.V., Rotterdam, Holland Imperial Chemical Industries (Export) Ltd., Frankfurt a.M., Germany In Australia: Swift & Company, Ltd., Sydney In Japan: F. Kanematsu & Company, Ltd., Tokyo