QSARs in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - ACS Symposium

May 5, 1995 - If used within their limitations, QSARs can be extremely useful for evaluating the environmental risks of the large number of existing c...
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Chapter 10

QSARs in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

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Recent Developments Joop L. M . Hermens and Henk J . M . Verhaar Research Institute of Toxicology, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80176, 3508 T D Utrecht, Netherlands

If used within their limitations, QSARs can be extremely useful for evaluating the environmental risks of the large number of existing chemicals. This paper will focus on the practical application of QSARs as well as on some new developments in the field of environmental QSAR, such as: the use of multivariate techniques and the application of quantum-chemical parameters. PLS models combined with quantum-chemical parameters form a good combination, not only for the development of QSARs, but also for the interpretation of models in mechanistic terms.

The first QSARs originate from studies to the biological activity of agrochemicals (7). During the last decade, the number of QSAR studies in the field of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology has been growing steadily (2-8). The reason for this growing interest in using QSAR for environmental parameters is certainly related to the large number of chemicals which has to be regulated. For example, in 1993 the European Regulation on the Evaluation and the Control of the Environmental Risks of Existing Substances came into force (9). Within this regulation an extremely large number of chemicals has to be regulated; the European Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances (EINECS), for example, lists more than 100.000 substances. Not only because of time constraints, but also because of limited financial resources, it is impossible to test all these existing chemicals for their possible adverse effects on the environment. Structure-activity relationships can form an instrument to fill these data gaps. It is not surprising that at this moment several national and international activities are being undertaken to assess the potential use of QSARs in the evaluation of new as well as existing chemicals (10-13). To this purpose, compilations of QSARs for environmental parameters are extremely useful and they can be found in several publications, reports or computer programs from different organizations or research groups in the US and Europe (14-16).

0097-6156/95/0606-0130$12.00/0 © 1995 American Chemical Society In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


QSARs in Environmental Toxicology


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When QSAR is used in a regulatory context, it becomes important to define the applicability and limitations of a QSAR more carefully because each predictive model, including QSAR, has its limitations. This issue is addressed more extensively in the first part of this chapter. Techniques to establish QSARs are continuously under development. In general, new developments originate from QSAR research in medicinal chemistry and agrochemistry. Two developments in environmental QSAR, namely the application of multivariate techniques and quantum-chemical properties, are addressed in the second part of this manuscript. Limitations of QSARs Numerous QSARs have been published for all types of different environmental parameters such as chemical degradation, biodégradation, bioconcentration and ecotoxicity. In most cases, however, the limitations of the presented models are not carefully, if at all, presented in these publications. This is not due to the unwillingness of the authors. In many cases, the models are published not directly with the intention to have them applied in practice but because they are interesting from a scientific point of view; they may e.g. supply some mechanistic information on the process. In defining the limitations of a certain QSAR, two different aspects can be distinghuished: (i) the uncertainty in the model itself, and (ii) the chemical domain of the model; in other words: for which type of chemicals is the model applicable ? The first aspect is in principle the easiest because it can be presented by a simple number such as a standard error of estimate or even better by a r or a cross validated Q . Defining the chemical domain of a model, however, is much more complex. In principle, two options can be followed in defining the domain: (i) a multivariate profile of the chemical descriptor space, or (ii) an expert judgment based set of structural rules or a combination of (i) and (ii). The need for defining the structural requirements of a certain model has been recognized before and was also the subject of an EPA workshop held in 1988 (77). A relatively vague description of the domain in expert rules is usually not sufficient because very small changes in chemical structure may result in a completely different behaviour. A definition of a domain such as by stating that "this acute fish toxicity model is valid for halogenated nitroaromatics or is valid for aliphatic chlorohydrocarbons" is too broad and needs more specific information. Table I gives two examples in order to illustrate this. Chemicals such as 3,5dichloronitrobenzene (A) and 1,2-dichloropropane (C) have a relatively low acute fish toxicity, while l-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (B) and 2,3-dichloropropene (D) are much more toxic. Although the chemical structures of chemicals A and B, and chemicals C and D, are very similar, chemicals Β and D are alkylating agents which explains their relatively high toxicity. It is also obvious from these simple examples that information on mechanisms of the process will strengthen the possibility to define the limitations of a certain QSAR (18,19). 2


A n Example for Fish L C QSARs. Fish LC s of large sets of organic micropollutants are almost perfectly related to their octanol-water partition coefficient (K ) (6,20-23). These QSARs are only valid for relatively unreactive chemicals with a non-specific mode of action, and they represent a so-called base-line toxicity. 5 0



In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



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Table I. 14-day L C

5 0

of Four Chemicals (from Hermens (6))


log K

chlorinated nitroaromatics A. 3,5-dichloronitrobenzene B. l-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene

3.20 2.20

2.3 10" 6.5 10"

aliphatic chlorohydrocarbons C. 1,2-dichloropropane D. 2,3-dichloropropene

2.16 1.99

1.0 10" 1.0 10"

o w

LC (mol/L) 5 0





Therefore, this class of chemicals is also called "class I" compounds. Very similar relationships have been established for other endpoints and species. Examples are presented in Figure l a for L C to guppy (20) and in Figure lb for No-observed Effect Concentrations (NOECs) for 19 different aquatic organisms (23). As shown in Figure 2b, differences in sensitivity of aquatic organisms for class I chemicals are relatively small, and this is to be expected for unspecific toxicity. This example is of course not new and the concepts go back to the early work of Hansch and Glave (24), Hansch and Fujita (25) or even to the end of the last century (26). The point we would like to make here is the definition of the limitations of these models. It has been known for a long time, that more polar chemicals (27,28) (class II), reactive chemicals (6,22,29,30) (class III) as well as chemicals with a specific mode of action (6,40) (class IV) cause mortality at much lower concentrations than their corresponding base-line toxicity and examples are presented in Figure 2. The important question is then: how can we indicate for which chemicals the QSAR for unspecific toxicity can be applied ? In other words: which type of chemicals belong to class I and the other three classes. A strict definition of chemical structures within each class is the most appropriate way and a few examples of the chemical domain of class I chemicals are given in Figure 2. The indication of the chemical domain in Figure 2 is rather broad, but a very detailed and extensive compilation of structural rules for these classes has been given (31). When these rules are followed strictiy, these QSARs can be applied to estimate aquatic effect concentrations for those chemicals which fall within the domain. Aquatic toxicity QSARs for class I chemicals were recently applied to the High Production Volume Chemicals (HPVCs) of the E C Inventory (32). It appeared that around 25 % of the discrete HPVSs on this inventory could be classified as narcosis type chemicals. Application of the models to the whole EINECS will result in predictions of the aquatic toxicity for thousands of chemicals showing the tremendous value of QSAR for filling data gaps. As indicated above, it is necessary to evaluate the applicability of estimation models, including their limitations. The basic prerequisite for such an evaluation is the preparation of overviews of existing models. The preparation of such overviews is also an objective and task in an international project entitled "Quantitative StructureActivity Relationships (QSARs) for Predicting Fate and Effects of Chemicals in the 5 0

In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Figure 1.

QSARs in Environmental Toxicology


Relationship between L C to guppy and K for chemicals with unspecific mode of action, (a) L C (mol/L) to guppy (data from Konemann (20)), (b) No-observed effect concentrations (mol/L) for 19 species (data from van Leeuwen et al. (23)). Data presented in figure l a are from ref. 20; figure l b is reproduced with permission from ref. 23. 5 0

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5 0

Environment". This project, in which six European institutes are participating, is being carried out in the framework of the Environmental Technologies RTD Programme (DG XII/D-1) of the Commission of the European Union. Multivariate Approaches and Quantum-Chemical Parameters

The Importance of Chemical Reactivity. The octanol-water partition coefficient (K ) is one of the most frequently used parameter in QSARs. This parameter reflects hydrophobicity, and in the absence of specific type of interactions, several processes are related to K . It should come as no surprise that QSARs for bioconcentration factors, soil sorption coefficients and ecotoxicity of neutral organic compounds usually contain only K as the most relevant parameter. If specific types of interactions occur, whether they be electronic or steric interactions, K will not be sufficient and other parameters are needed. Specific interactions are less frequent in processes such as soil sorption (although they do of course occur), but in chemical degradation, biodégradation and biotransformation such specific interactions are more common. QSARs in medicinal- and agrochemistry are usually established for specific interactions because such chemicals are designed for their specificity. In QSARs for drugs, as well as for agrochemicals, the use of stereoelectronic parameters, or techniques to model specific interactions has therefore a much longer tradition, with the application of quantum-chemical parameters or approaches such as CoMFA as examples (33). While the first QSAR studies for environmental endpoints were mainly focused on relatively non-polar or neutral organic compounds, environmental QSAR research is now dealing with more diverse chemical structures. It is because of this that the ow

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In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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Class I: aliphatic and aromatic (halogenated) hydrocarbons; Class II: aromatic amines, nitroaromatics and phenols; Class ΠΙ: epoxides, aldehydes, aziridines, quinones (in general: all alkylating agents); Class IV: organophosphates, chlorinated pesticides etc. (in general: all specifically acting chemicals). A very detailed description of the chemical domain of these classes is given by Verhaar et al. (31). Figure 2.

L C (mol/L) to guppy of chemicals from different classes and some examples of the chemical domain of these models (from Verhaar et al. (31)). 5 0

number of QSAR for environmental processes which include other descriptors besides K is increasing. In particular, quantum-chemical descriptors are nowadays applied frequently. One of the advantages of quantum-chemical parameters is of course that they can be calculated directly from structure. In principle, different approaches can be followed in using quantum-chemical techniques. It is obvious that the most appropriate way of using quantum-chemical parameters is by selection of a certain parameter in advance based on knowledge of the mechanisms of the process. Calculation of the activation energy of a reaction, needed to form a transition-state, is an example of a mechanistic approach because this is directly related to the reaction rate constant. However, the calculation of the geometry and energy parameters, including activation energy, of the transition-state is far more complex than the calculation of ground-state properties. In many cases, the exact mechanisms involved are unknown and in those cases multivariate techniques can be of use, in particular because semi-empirical M O calculations can yield a lot of different parameters which are often highly collinear. In particular, P C A and PLS analyses constitute appropriate tools to analyse these large number of (possible collinear) parameters. More information on these techniques can be found in several papers by Wold and coworkers (34,35) and examples in the field of environmental sciences are given by Tosato et al. (36) and Eriksson et al. (37). Some examples of QSARs for environmental endpoints are summarized in Table II. o w

In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


QSARs in Environmental Toxicology


Table Π. Some Examples of QSAR Studies for Environmental Endpoints Based on Quantum-Chemical Parameters process

quantum-chemical parameters (technique)


fish toxicity of organophosphates

several ground-state parameters (MLR)

Schuurmann (41)

reaction of epoxides with a nucleophile

superdelocalizability (MLR)

Purdy (42)

fish toxicity of polar chemicals

superdelocalizability index (MLR)

Veith et al. (43)

reaction of epoxides with a nucleophile

several ground state parameters (PLS)

Eriksson et al. (44)

reaction of hydro­ carbons with OH radical

ground-state parameters

Eriksson et al. (45)

fish toxicity, bioconcen­ tration and biotransformation of organophosphates

several ground-state parameters (PLS)

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(PLS) Verhaar et al. (46)

a) MLR: Multiple Linear Regression, PLS: Partial Least Squares projection to latent structures analysis.

The combination of multivariate techniques and quantum-chemical parameters was successfully applied to reactivity data of epoxides, to reaction rates of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons with hydroxyl radical, and to a series of biological endpoints for organophosphates. This last example is discussed here in more detail. A n Example for Organophosphates. De Bruijn et al. (38-40) determined several different biological endpoints for a series of organophosphates; from L C s , bioconcentration and biotransformation in fish to inhibition of the target enzyme: acetylcholinesterase (AChE). As shown in Figure 3 all these processes affect the actual toxicity of these pesticides. Nine different quantum-chemical parameters were used, together with log K , by Verhaar et al. (46) in a PCA/PLS analysis for developing models for all endpoints. The models for two endpoints (bioconcentration: BCF) and inhibition of AChE), are discussed here in more detail. 50

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Model for Bioconcentration The previous work of de Bruijn et al. (38) has shown that bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of most of the tested organophosphates agree with the behaviour of neutral organic chemicals: i.e. B C F (if expressed on a lipid weight basis) is equal to K (see Figure 4). However, it is also obvious from Figure 4 that five of the organophosphates have substantially lower BCF values. These five chemicals are chlorothion, dicapthon, iodofenphos, ronnel and bromophos. The lower B C F values for these five chemicals are likely related to their (relatively) rapid biotransformation via dealkylation; in vitro biotransformation studies in fish support this hypothesis (39). The result of the PLS model for B C F is given in Table ΠΙ in the form of pseudo-regression coefficients. o w

In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



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Fish Degradation C




i»? A



1 S

AChE Inhibition—toxicity

^ C H a O - ^ p C H g — ^

Bioconcentration (BCF)







+ HO-ENz



II ,0—ENz

CH 0 * OCH3 3

ox k


ο p.,


CH o"V^O.ENz 3

Figure 3.


Overview of processes which determine the toxicity of organophosphates and the two steps in the inhibition of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE).

In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



QSARs in Environmental Toxicology

6 BCF = KQ


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4 log Ko

Figure 4.





Bioconcentration factors (BCFs) in guppy (Poecilia reticulata) of 12 organophosphates versus the octanol-water partition coefficient (K ). Open circles are those organophosphates which are biotransformed relatively fast. Figure adapted from ref. 38. ow

Table ΠΙ. PLS Models (in the Form of Regresssion Coefficients) for the Bioconcentration in Fish and the two Steps in the Inhibition of AChE by a Series of Organophosphates (Verhaar et al. (46)) Chemical parameter^

Pseudo-regression coefficient^ BCF K k D

0.046 0.198 -0.085 0.023 0.003 0.017 0.020 -0.009 0.022 0.898

^homo Elumo EN η D (P) D (S) q(P) P(P0) delta q(PO) log K N


o w

-0.016 0.095 -0.011 0.063 0.063 -0.040 -0.127 -0.260 -0.193 -1.024


0.126 -0.811 0.103 -0.515 -0.428 0.296 0.117 -0.512 0.240 -0.438

a) Έ^ : energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital, E ^ : energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, E N : electronegativity, n: absolute hardness, D (P): nucleophilic delocalizability on phosphorus atom, D (S): electrophilic delocalizability on sulfur atom, q(P): charge on phosphorus atom, p(PO): bond order of the phosphorus-oxygen bond, delta q(PO): charge difference between the phosphorus and oxygen atom, K : octanol-water partition coefficient. b) The PLS model can be rewritten in the form of a multiple linear regression equation. The coefficients are scaled and mean-centered and their value supply information on the influence of the original X-variable. The two or three most important parameters (highest coefficients) are highlighted. 0Ώ10



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In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



For bioconcentration, K is the most predominant parameter and the next important one is E ^ , . The influence of K is not surprising, but an influence of E ^ on B C F is not common. However, for these chemicals, the role of this second parameter may very likely be related to its correspondence with the rate of biotransformation. is probably the parameter which models the de-alkylation rates of the organophosphates by glutathione-S-transferase; de-alkylation is an attack of a nucleophile (glutathione). In conclusion: both the simple linear regression approach (Figure 4) and the multivariate model (Table ΙΠ) lead to similar conclusions and they also support each other. o w

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o w

Model for A C h E Inhibition In the PLS model (see Table ΠΙ) for the first step in the inhibition (the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex) K as well as the bond order of the P - 0 bond are predominant, while for the second step, the E dominates. The influence of K in the first step of inhibition suggest that hydrophobic interactions are important in association between the organophosphate and the enzyme. So, besides the fact that PLS generally results in more stable models, PLS can also yield information which is of relevance for the mechanistic interpretation of a certain process. o w


o w

Both examples show that PLS models and quantum-chemical parameters form a good combination, not only for the development of QSARs but, also for the interpretation of models in mechanistic terms. QSAR is not only a predictive technique, but it is also a way of looking at experimental data and, as pointed out by Fujita (47), QSARs may result in new leads. Moreover, QSAR may give hints with respect to mechanistic interpretation in particular, if, as proposed by Hansch (48) QSARs for different endpoints are compared. This is also the case for the, sometimes, relatively simple endpoints in environmental QSAR. Acknowledgements A large part of the work described here is being carried out within the framework of the project "Quantitative Structure-activity Relationships for Predicting Fate and Effects of Chemicals in the Environment". This project is supported financially by the Environmental Technologies RTD Programme (DG ΧΠ/D-l) of the Commission of the European Union under contract number EV5V-CT92-0211. This financial support from the European Union is gratefully acknowledged. References 1. Hansch, C. In Structure-Activity Relationships, vol 1; Cavallito, C.J., Ed.; Pergamon Press: Oxford, 1973; pp. 75-165. 2. Turner, L.; Choplin, F.; Dugard, P.; Hermens, J.; Jaeckh, R.; Marsmann, M.; Roberts, D. Toxic. in Vitro 1987, 1, 143-171. 3. QSAR in Environmental Toxicology-II; Kaiser, K.L.E., Ed.; Reidel: Dordrecht, 1987.

In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

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QSARs in Environmental Toxicology


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In Classical and Three-Dimensional QSAR in Agrochemistry; Hansch, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.