Quadruplex Structure of Polyriboinosinic Acid - American Chemical

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J. Phys. Chem. B 2008, 112, 2255-2260


Quadruplex Structure of Polyriboinosinic Acid: Dependence on Alkali Metal Ion Concentration, pH and Temperature Ana G. Petrovic and Prasad L. Polavarapu* Department of Chemistry, Vanderbilt UniVersity, NashVille, Tennessee 37235 ReceiVed: July 25, 2007; In Final Form: NoVember 13, 2007

The vibrational infrared (IR) absorption and vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectral changes of polyinosinic acid (polyI) as a function of alkali metal ion concentration, temperature and pH have been investigated to establish how changes in spectral features relate to the structural modifications of polyI. A single positive VCD couplet associated with the carbonyl absorption band is considered to be the signature of quadruplex structure for polyI. The disruption of the quadruplex structure with temperature increase or pH increase at low alkali metal ion concentration is evidenced by the disappearance of this positive VCD couplet. The absence of any VCD signal upon quadruplex disruption indicates that the newly formed structure lacks helical chirality and is likely to be disordered. In the presence of 1 M NaCl or 0.1 M NaCl, the heat-induced quadruplex disruption is completely reversible. A mildly alkaline environment, in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl, is not sufficient to support the quadruplex structure of polyI. Trehalose-assisted polyI film at room temperature exhibits the same quadruplex spectral signature as that seen for solution at room temperature, but the quadruplex spectral signature in the film state remains at higher temperature, unlike in solution. This indicates that the quadruplex structure of polyI in the film state resists heat-induced disruptions.

Introduction Among homopolynucleotides capable of forming unusual quadruplex structures are polyriboguanylic acid (polyG) and polyinosinic acid (polyI). The common quadruplex structural feature between polyI and polyG is expected because these two homopolynucleotides are close molecular analogs, differing only in the presence (in guanine) and the absence (in inosine) of one NH2 group. The purine base of polyI, hypoxanthine, is a deaminated guanine. The quadruplex structure of polyG, referred to as the G-quartet, is stabilized by eight hydrogen bonds. However, as hypoxanthine lacks a NH2 group at the C(2) position, the quadruplex structure of polyI, referred to as the I-quartet (Figure 1), is stabilized by only four hydrogen bonds. These hydrogen bonds occur between N(1)H of one base residue and C(6)dO of a neighboring base residue. As a consequence of the reduced number of hydrogen bonds in the I-quartet structure, the I-quartet is anticipated to be more fragile than the G-quartet structure. However, the I-quartet is known to gain stability when alkali metal ions are trapped in the central cavity. Thus, the stability of the polyI quadruplex structure to a large extent relies on the presence of alkali metal ions and hence depends on ionic strength. It has been reported1-6 that the structure of the polyI quadruplex is supported in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl or higher. In aqueous solutions of low ionic strength, polyI is classified as a disordered, single-stranded polynucleotide chain, containing no appreciable stacking of hypoxanthine bases and no specific base-base interactions. The single-stranded disordered structure of polyI can also be obtained upon thermal denaturation4 as well as deprotonation7 of N(1)H, which disrupts the cyclic hydrogen bonding of the I-quartet. The structural characteristics of polyI summarized above represent the consensus of literature investigations which can * Author for correspondence. E-mail: Prasad.L.Polavarapu@vanderbilt. edu. Phone: (615) 322-2836.

Figure 1. Structure and cyclic hydrogen-bonding pattern of the I-quartet.

be traced back to as early as the 1950s. The techniques that have been employed in the past include X-ray crystallography,7,8 electron microscopy,9 calorimetry,10 infrared (IR),6,11-13 Raman,4-6,11,12,14,15 NMR,16 optical rotatory dispersion (ORD),1 and electronic circular dichroism (ECD).2,3,17 One vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) investigation18 on polyI has been reported before by Annamalai and Keiderling. This study was however cursory in nature and detailed structural assignments or structure-related spectral interpretations were not undertaken. To fill this gap, here we report a systematic VCD

10.1021/jp075873v CCC: $40.75 © 2008 American Chemical Society Published on Web 01/29/2008

2256 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 112, No. 7, 2008

Petrovic and Polavarapu

investigation on the polyI structure. We not only present, for the first time, VCD spectra that reflect structural changes of polyI as a function of alkali metal ion concentration, temperature and pH but also explain how the observed changes in these spectra reflect structural changes in polyI. Spectral measurements and structural interpretations have been undertaken for both solution- and film-based samples of polyI.

CaF2 windows and a 50 µm Teflon spacer. Baseline corrections for all solution-based absorption (or VCD) spectra were done by subtracting the absorption (or VCD) of the buffered D2O solvent, containing appropriate concentration of NaCl. The baseline for the film-based VCD spectrum was estimated.

Experimental Section

The vibrational absorption and VCD spectra displayed in Figure 2 reflect heat-induced spectral changes of polyI at pH ∼ 6.0, with three different alkali metal ion concentrations. Panels A, B and C present the spectra of polyI solutions with 1.0, 0.1 and 0.0 M NaCl, respectively. Spectra will be discussed in the order of decreasing ionic strength. Regardless of the alkali metal ion concentrations used, the dominant absorption band present in the ∼1680 cm-1 region originates4,14 from C(6)dO stretching vibration and it gives rise to a positive VCD couplet (positive VCD on the lower frequency side and negative VCD on the higher frequency side of the absorption band) at room temperature. In Figure 2A, this absorption band undergoes a downshift in frequency from ∼1686 cm-1 at 22 °C to 1674 cm-1 at 65 °C. The absorption band shape also changes with increasing temperature, as this band becomes broader at 65 °C. The downshifted band position prevails as the temperature is increased to 70 °C. Note that during the gradual heating the original frequency position remains unchanged up to 60 °C and then undergoes a 12 cm-1 downshift at 65 °C, indicating a fairly sudden structural change. Since heating is expected to unfold the quadruplex via disruption of the cyclic hydrogen bonding of the I-quartet, one would expect an upshift rather than the observed downshift of the carbonyl stretching mode. However, as the quadruplex structure unwinds, the base residues become susceptible to hydrogen bonding with the surrounding D2O molecules and this may decrease the force constant of the C(6)dO group. The spectral changes observed for absorption are paralleled by those for VCD. However, VCD spectral changes display higher sensitivity to the heat-induced structural modification. The positive VCD couplet, 1690 cm-1(-)/1678 cm-1 (+), which prevails up to 60 °C, essentially vanishes at 65 °C. This VCD spectral change is more striking than the downshift and broadening observed for the corresponding absorption band at 1686 cm-1. The abrupt VCD intensity loss, accompanied by the downshift of the corresponding absorption band, can be associated with heat-induced disruption of the polyI quadruplex. The positive VCD couplet associated with the carbonyl vibrational band is considered to be the VCD signature of the polyI quadruplex structure, as was also the case23 for the quadruplex structure of polyG. The fact that the VCD couplet marking the quadruplex structure disappears with heating indicates that once the hydrogen bonding of the I-quartet is disrupted, the helical structure and global chirality associated with the backbonepropagated twisting of stacked bases is lost. Furthermore, as no other VCD signal emerges, the newly formed structure can be considered to be fairly disordered with no helical chirality. Note that the loss of VCD signal at higher temperature is also accompanied by a broadening of the absorption band, indicating that the individual inosine units, resulting from the disruption of quadruplex, may have been surrounded by the solvent molecules giving rise to inhomogeneous structural assemblies. The heat-induced spectral changes seen for solution containing 0.1 M NaCl (Figure 2B) are similar to those seen for solution containing 1 M NaCl (Figure 2A): the carbonyl absorption band becomes downshifted in frequency and the corresponding positive VCD couplet loses its intensity as the temperature is

The polyI potassium salt (P4154) and D-(+)-trehalose were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. and have been used as received. D2O was obtained from Cambridge Isotope Laboratories, Inc. Solution samples, at a final concentration of ∼20 mg/mL in D2O, were prepared by dissolving polyI in buffered solutions containing 1.0 M, 0.1 M or no NaCl. The 10 mM citrate buffer was used for obtaining pH ∼ 6.0, while the 10 mM Tris buffer was used for obtaining pH ∼ 8.0. The buffer concentration was chosen such that vibrational band intensities of buffer are negligible with respect to those of polyI. The reported pH values are those of appropriate polyI solutions and not those of buffers. The citrate buffer was prepared at pH ∼ 7.0, and when polyI was added to this buffer, the resulting pH of the polyI solution was ∼6.0. The Tris buffer was prepared at pH ∼ 10.0, and when polyI was added to this buffer, the resulting pH of polyI solution was ∼8.0. A glass-body liquid-filled micro-combination pH electrode was used for all pH readings. The pH meter readings are reported as such, and no corrections for the deuterium effect [pD ) pH(meter) + 0.4]19 have been made. IR and VCD spectra of polyI solutions have been measured as a function of temperature in the range from 22 to 70 °C. Heating was accomplished by holding the sample in a variable temperature cell. The temperatures were read with a thermocouple embedded in the cell. Since heat-induced spectral changes were noticed between 60 and 70 °C, an additional set of measurements has also been made at 65 °C. After the heating process, sample was allowed to cool back to room temperature by letting the sample solution stand at room temperature for 1 h. For preparation of the film samples, a drop-cast method was used, where ∼200 µL of the parent H2O solution, which contained polyI (∼6 mg/mL) and trehalose (∼12 mg/mL) in 10 mM citrate buffer, was deposited on a 2.5 cm diameter CaF2 window and allowed to dry at room temperature for approximately 2 h in a fume hood, which provided a constant airflow over the sample. The purpose of adding trehalose at a mass ratio of 2:1 (trehalose/polyI) was to obtain orientationally independent VCD spectra, as described in the polyA20 and polyC21 studies. The film sample contained no NaCl in order to avoid its crystallization on the surface of the film. Films were tested for orientational independence by taking the spectra at two positions: an arbitrarily chosen 0° position and a position corresponding to a 45° rotation around the light beam axis. The heating of the polyI film sample to 70 °C and spectral measurements at this temperature were accomplished by holding the CaF2 window with deposited polyI film in a cell equipped with heating cartridges. Infrared vibrational absorption and VCD measurements for both solution and film state samples were obtained on a modified22 ChiralIR (Bomem-Biotools, Canada) instrument using the double-polarization modulation method, a ZnSe beam splitter, a BaF2 polarizer, an optical filter (transmitting below 2000 cm-1) and a 2 × 2 mm HgCdTe detector. All VCD spectra were recorded at 8 cm-1 resolution with a 1 h data collection time. The solution sample was held in a demountable cell with

Results and Discussion

Quadruplex Structure of polyI

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Figure 2. Part 1 of 2.

increased to 60 °C. However, the threshold temperature at which abrupt changes occur is 60 °C for 0.1 M NaCl solution (Figure 2B), as opposed to 65 °C for 1 M NaCl solution. This spectral behavior signifies that, in the heating process, the quadruplex loses its structural support sooner at lower alkali metal ion concentration than that at higher alkali metal ion concentration.

In the absence of alkali metal ions (Figure 2C), the position of the carbonyl absorption band at room temperature is lower in frequency and it undergoes a smaller heat-induced downshift, while the corresponding positive VCD couplet is much weaker in intensity. In fact, the positive VCD couplet observed at room temperature is essentially as diminished as the positive VCD

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Figure 2. Part 2 of 2. Heat-induced absorption (left panels) and VCD (right panels) spectral changes of polyI solution at pH 6.0. The NaCl concentrations associated with panels A, B and C are 1.0, 0.1 and 0.0 M NaCl, respectively.

couplet observed for 0.1 M NaCl solution at 60 °C. In the absence of coordination with cations in solution, the quadruplex is either no longer stable or regular enough to produce noticeable chiroptical response in the mid-infrared region. Unlike in Figure 2A and B, the absorption band in Figure 2C is broad even at lower temperatures and does not change its breadth with an increase in temperature, suggesting structural inhomogeneity in the absence of quadruplex structure. The relative intensity of the VCD couplet associated with the carbonyl absorption band can be used as the indicator of the proportion of polyI that takes the quadruplex structure. At alkali metal ion concentrations of 1.0 and 0.1 M NaCl, heating the sample to 70 °C followed by cooling the sample back to room temperature completely restores the before-heating frequency position of the carbonyl band and its corresponding positive VCD couplet. However, as can be observed in Figure 2C, neither the frequency of the carbonyl absorption band nor the positive VCD couplet are restored upon cooling the sample back to room temperature when no NaCl is present. Instead, the spectra upon cooling the sample back to room temperature retain the heat-disrupted features seen at 70 °C. Thus, in the absence of Na+ ions, heat-induced structural changes in polyI are irreversible. The previously reported18 VCD spectrum of polyI at 0.1 M NaCl and near neutral pH matches the spectrum obtained in the present study at room temperature. However, at elevated temperature, there are discrepancies between our results and those reported by Annamalai and Keiderling.18 This previous work reported that the positive VCD couplet observed at room temperature suddenly changes to a single positive VCD signal of smaller magnitude above 52 °C. Our observation, on the other hand, indicates an abrupt loss of intensity of the positive couplet at ∼60 °C, with no indication of the emergence of a positive VCD band or any other VCD signal. Since the VCD spectra

reported by Annamalai and Keiderling were restricted to only two temperatures (room temperature and 52 °C), it is difficult to establish any particular temperature dependent trend in their measurements. Nevertheless, the carbonyl absorption band displayed by Annamali and Keiderling undergoes an analogous downshift in frequency as observed in our measurements. From the perspective of structural interpretation, we believe that the heat-induced loss of the positive VCD couplet, as seen at other ionic strengths also in the current study, is easily relatable to the expected disruption of the quadruplex into a helicity-lacking structure for polyI. Parts A and B of Figure 3 also display the heat-induced spectral changes, at alkali metal ion concentrations of 1.0 and 0.1 M NaCl, respectively, but in basic environment with pH ∼ 8.0. In the presence of 1.0 M NaCl, the spectra obtained at pH ∼ 8.0 display similar heat-induced modifications as those observed at pH ∼ 6.0. The downshift of the carbonyl absorption band (from 1686 to 1674 cm-1) occurs at 60-65 °C which is paralleled by a pronounced loss and then complete disappearance of the VCD couplet in this narrow temperature range. The spectral features of the quadruplex structure at room temperature (prior to heating) are completely restored at the end of the heating cycle upon cooling the sample back to 22 °C. Note also that a sharper absorption band is associated with a positive VCD couplet and broader absorption is associated with the lack of a VCD couplet at higher temperature, as was the case at pH ∼ 6.0. However, this situation changes significantly at pH ∼ 8.0 in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl. The spectra obtained at pH ∼ 8.0 and 0.1 M NaCl show the carbonyl absorption band at a significantly downshifted frequency (1674 cm-1) and the absence of any significant VCD signal even prior to heating. The heating process has no influence on the spectral features under these conditions. Also, the absorption band is broader even at lower temperatures, as was the case at pH ∼ 6.0 and

Quadruplex Structure of polyI

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Figure 3. Heat-induced absorption (left panels) and VCD (right panels) spectral changes of polyI solution at pH 8.0. NaCl concentrations associated with panels A and B are 1.0 and 0.1 M NaCl, respectively.

no NaCl. These observations indicate that the quadruplex structure for polyI cannot be supported in the presence of 0.1 M Na+ ions in a moderately alkaline environment. In addition to the above-mentioned solution-based spectra, we have also recorded the spectra for trehalose-assisted polyI film. Figure 4 displays the absorption and VCD spectra of polyI

in the film state at 22 and 70 °C. Just as in solution spectra, the carbonyl absorption band in the film state (at ∼1701 cm-1) is associated with a positive VCD couplet that can be indicative of quadruplex structure. The additional intense absorption band at 1589 cm-1 and corresponding negative VCD signal is likely to originate from C-N-H bending vibrations. Note that, in D2O

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Petrovic and Polavarapu disruption of quadruplex structure with temperature increase or pH increase at low alkali metal ion concentration is evidenced by the disappearance of this positive VCD couplet. (c) The absence of any VCD signal upon quadruplex disruption indicates that the newly formed structure lacks helical chirality and is likely to be disordered. (d) In the presence of 1 M NaCl or 0.1 M NaCl, the heat-induced quadruplex disruption is completely reversible. (e) A mildly alkaline environment, in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl, is not sufficient to support the quadruplex structure of polyI. (f) Trehalose-assisted polyI film at room temperature exhibits the same quadruplex spectral signature as that seen for solution at room temperature, but the qudruplex spectral signature for film stays intact at higher temperature, unlike in solution. This indicates that the quadruplex structure of polyI in the film state resists heat-induced disruptions. Acknowledgment. The teaching assistantship from Vanderbilt University (to A.G.P.) is greatly appreciated. References and Notes

Figure 4. Absorption (bottom panel) and VCD (top panel) spectra of trehalose-assisted polyI film as a function of temperature.

solution, N-H protons exchange with deuterium, so C-N-H bending vibrational bands are not expected to be present, and therefore not seen, in solution spectra. As the polyI film sample is heated to 70 °C, only minor changes are seen in the absorption and VCD spectra. The absorption band remained at the same position (1701 cm-1) as that at room temperature and the corresponding positive VCD couplet remained with a slightly diminished intensity, unlike in solution spectra. From these observations, it can be concluded that, unlike in the solution state, the quadruplex structure is less prone to heat-induced disruptions in the trehalose-assisted polyI film. Conclusions From the vibrational absorption and VCD spectra of polyI as a function of alkali metal ion concentration, pH and temperature, we conclude the following: (a) A single positive VCD couplet associated with the carbonyl absorption band is the signature of quadruplex structure for polyI. (b) The

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