Qualitative anion-cation analysis: An interpretative laboratory text of

Qualitative Anion-Cation Analysis: An. Interpretative Laboratory Text of Semi- micro Procedure in Basic. College. Chemistry. Emil J. Margolis, City Co...
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members of the organization. This is followed by an extensive chapter on special spplications, including pilot plants, high and low level radioactivity facilities, hospital research facilities, animal quarters and equipment, high pressure laboratories, and controlled environment rooms. Section F is devoted to academic laboratories. Separate chapters are devoted to those primarily for universities and colleges, the small college and for chemical engineering. Laboratory planning for specialized courses include sections on general chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, instrumental analysis, inorganic synthesis, and physical chemistry, as well as a section on the chemistry lecture room. Section G provides short descriptions well illustrated with photographs and floor plans of nine industrial research centers, five specialized research laboratories, three university buildings, and three general purpose college science laboratories. This book concludes with an appendix which contains a list of construction during the period 1951-61 of laboratory facilities; a bibliography provides references for a more detailed study of specific problems connected with planning and construction of laboratory facilities; and a complete index. Profusely illustrated with excellent photographs, clew line drawings, and floor plans, this volume is a pleasure to read. I t is printed on good paper in easily-read type and well bound. Thorough planning, which is a central theme of the work, has been well done in the design, orgmieatian, and composition of this book. This excellent volume should be carefully read and be in the constant possession of anyone responsible for the planning and construction of laboratory facilities for chemistry or chemical engineering. F. B. D u r r o ~ Michigan State University East Lansing

Qualitative Anion-Cation Analysis: An Interpretative Laboratory Text of Semimicro Procadure in k r i c College Chemistry

Emil J . Margolis, City College of New York. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New 300 pp. Figs. and York, 1962. x tables. 16.5 X 24.5 cm. 55.


This book is actually a laboratory text. The lefehand pages are white and contain the descriptive chemistry or "reference" reading. The right-hand pages are mustard-colored and give the "uwrking directions." These pages are integrated so that the "reference" page gives the chemistry of the ion and the "working direetions" on the opposite page describe bow t o perform the testing. The usual twenty-four common cations are treated first in 164 pages. Thioacetamide is the source of the sulfide ion. The 21 anions are then discussed in 78 pages. The anions are divided into four groups, namely, the volatile group using dilute sulfuric acid, the barium and cal-



Journal of Chemical Education

cium nitrate group in slightly ammonical solution, the silver nitrate group in dilute nitric acid, and the soluble group. The anion scheme ie devised primarily for only one anion in each group. The appendix contains a non-tabular compendium of the color and solubility of simple salts listed under their anions. The bulk of the appendix contains about twenty pages of a glossary of laboratory devices, techniques and terms which are very adequate. There are no tables of ionization, solubility, or instability constants or electrode potentials in the text. The index is not a subject index, but a. section index referring to the individual cations and anions with brief subsections such as ( a ) separation from- ( b ) indication of presence, ( e ) confirmatory test, etc. The suhiect of eauilibrium is referred to only a few times in the cation "reference" reading. I n this respect the author assumes that equilibrium will he sufficiently covered in the first year chemistry course. The "reference" reading contains adequate ionic equations for all the chemical resctions used. There are no direct questions asked any placein the book. The text is well written and very complete for the usual introductory course in qualitative analysis. The "working directions" are very complete. In fact, a t times, they seem t o be somewhat repetitious. However, this is no doubt needed for the less gifted student. There are several aside or "academic" references that should be of especial interest to the student which are quite vduable and knourledgeable. The book is remarkably frer of errors. BRUCEV. WEIDNER Miami Uniuersity Ozjord, Ohio Introductionto Ligand Field Theory

Cad I . Ballhausen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1962. ix 298 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $11.75.


At last, here is the book for the student of inorganic chemistry who wishes to learn about the modern theory of transition metal ions. .411 t.hat the student wishes to see, from atomic spectra through group theory, and on through crystal field theory and the molecular orbital formulation, is here. The book is a monograph but will be widely used as a texthook, for the author has soundly started a t the beginning of the subject, and has carried on through to the end. Professor Ballhausen has been one of the most important workers in this field in the last ten years. I t was to he expected that his book would he concerned with calculations and indeed it is; he shows how to calculate all of the quantities which are of interest for a metal oomplex: the g factor, the MO mixing coefficients, band intensities, the crystalline field energy of a d,b orbital in a tetrahedral field, and so on. The result is a mathematical hook, and a most useful one. Many important formulas are derived, and a great deal of valuable information (transformation schemes, matrix elements,

etc.) is included in tabular form. Lest the reviewer scare away the uninitiated, the theoretical discussion is always tempered by the experimental results, which are quoted freely. Let i t be made clear that every transition metal chemist should have this bookat his fingertips. The pike de rdsistance of this text is the last chapter, entitled Electronic Structures of Selected Inorganic Complexes. This chapter (23% of the hook) surveys the descriptive chemistry of the nd transition metal ions in all of their important valence states. This survey details the type of compound (and stereochemistry) formed by each of these ions, and a discussion of the electronic structure in terms of spectra, magnetism, and energy level diagrams. The listing of 435 references for this chapter alone shows the extensiveness of this survey. One invites comparison of this book with that of Griffith on the same topic. There is little similarity between the two, for Griffith's book is concerned with the sophiaticated approach to the theory, and Ballhausen's hook is more concerned with the applications of the theory. Ballhausen's introduction t o atomic spectra and group theory, however, are too brief for the untutored. The index also serves ass. formula index. A name index is not included.

R. L. CABLIN B r w n University Providence, Rhode Island Encyclopaedie Dictionary of Physics. Volume 7. Stellar Magnitude to Zwitter Ion

J. Thewlis, editor-in-chief, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England. Macmillan Co., New York, 1962. ix X 866 pp. Figs. and tables. 19.5 X 25.5 cm. $298 per eightvolume set. With the arrival of Volume 7 of the Encyclopaedic Dictionary this work is completed except for the index. The topics in this volume range from Stellar Magnitude to Zwitter Ion in 866 pages. Among the topics included herein are Temperature with 30 pages, Thermodynamics with 35 and X-rays with 63. On the historical side of thermometry one finds: "The common liquid-in-glass thermometer is one of a small group of instruments in use today which have their origins contemporary with the earliest stirrings of modern scientific thought (some others: telescope, barometer). The invention of the thermometer is attributed to Galileo. . . . A Swedish astronomer, Anders Celsius, suggested a 100 degree scale in 1742 in which the freezing point of water is taken as 100" with the scale descending to zero, the boilingpaint of water. This was supposed to obviate the necessity for negative numbers below the freezing point of water. The centrigrade settle in its present day form seems to have been devised by Christin of Lyons in 1743, although it is commonly attributed to Celsius. Thus, by pure coincidence, the symbol "'C"may be interpreted as "degrees centrigrade," (Continued on page A5281