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Journal of Chemical Education. Organic Laboratory Techniques, 3rd Edition (Fessenden, Ralph J.; Fessenden, Joan S.; Feist, Patty) ...
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Program WEDNESDAY MORNING LC: New Directions The Materials Science Side of Protein Separations. F. Regnier, Purdue University Trace Detection of Drugs/Bioorganics in Biofluids Using Polymeric Reagents in HPLC. I. S. Krull, Northeastern University Analysis of Biological Mlcrosamples by Capillary Separation Techniques. R. Kennedy, University of Florida From Cold to Hot: HPLC at Temperatures Out of the Ordinary. C. Horvath, Yale University Novel Precolumn Derivatization Procedures for HPLC: Analysis of Amino Acids, Peptides, and Other Amines Labeled with 6-Aminoquinolinyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl Carbamate. S. Cohen, Millipore

WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Preparative Scale Advanced Bioprocessing Tools for Purification and Product Monitoring. N. Afeyan, PerSeptive Biosystems Issues in Large-Scale Biopharmaceutical Isolation. J. Morris, Biogen


Preparative Isolation of Therapeutic Proteins. J. Deetz, Genetics Institute Production Rates, Recovery Yields, and Production Costs in Industrial Preparative Chromatography. G. Guiochon, University of Tennessee Novel Displacement Systems for Protein Purification. S. Cramer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

THURSDAY MORNING Capillary Electrophoresis HPLC Analysis of Enzymes by Postcolumn Reaction Detection. Heinz Engelhart, Universitât des Saarlandes Capillary Electrophoresis of Glycoconjugates. M. Novotny, Indiana University Anti-HIV/Cancer, Antisense DNA: A New Analytical Challenge. A. Cohen, Hybridon Corporation In Vivo Monitoring of Brain Substances by Mlcrodiaiysis Coupled to Capillary Electrophoresis and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Detection. N. Guzman, Johnson & Johnson Trace Biopolymer Analysis in Capillary Electrophoresis. B. L. Karger, Northeastern University Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography with In Situ Charged Micelles. Z. El Rassi, Oklahoma State University


Trace Separations Detection of DNA Adducts by GC/ECNIMS and Capillary Electrophoresis. R. W. Giese, Northeastern University HPLC Quantitation of DNA Amplified by Polymerase Chain Reactions. E. Katz, Perkin Elmer Sensitive Detection Schemes for Native Biomolecules after Capillary Electrophoresis. E. S. Yeung, Iowa State University Ultratrace Assay of Neurotransmitters Using Multichannel Detection in Capillary Electrophoresis. J. Sweedler, University of Illinois

FRIDAY MORNING Separation/Mass Spectrometry Overview of Current Directions of Mass Spectrometry for Protein Structure Analysis. K. Biemann, MIT Glycobiology: A Daunting Analytical Challenge. V. Reinhold, Harvard University Identifying Post-Translational Modifications in Proteins by LC/MS. R. Annan, SmithKline and Beecham Laboratories Capillary Electrophoresis Combined with High-Performance Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry. R. Smith, Pacific Northwest Laboratory Trace Detection of Proteins by LC/MS. W. Hancock, Genentech

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Editor: Donald R. Paul University of Texas, Austin Published by the American Chemical Society

Quality information that gives you the leading edge Covering the broad, interdisciplinary field of chemical engineering and industrial chemistry, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research delivers peer-reviewed, monthly reports with a focus on the fundamental and theoretical aspects of chemical engineering, process design and development, and product R&D. A typical issue contains original studies in the areas of kinetics and catalysis, materials and interfaces, process engineering and design, separations, and other topics, with an emphasis on new areas of science and technology.


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