Quality means no surprises. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Eng. News , 1991, 69 (9), Outside Back Cover ... US President Donald J. Trump nodded to science and women in his second State of the Union speech, on...
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Quality means no surprises. When you order NEODENE* Alpha OlefinsfromShell you'll find out how pleasantly predictable quality can be. Your product strategy will benefit from on spec, on time delivery, Every time. It's that simple. You've got the SheÛ Higher Olefin Process (SHOP) behind you, widely acclaimed for its consistently pure produ a - a process responsible for

over 50% of the world's AO supply. And now, with our recent SHOP expansion, we've increased our output by 75%, producing more alpha olefins to meet the industry's growing requirements. Why horse around with any other supplier? Let us show you just what you can expectfromShell. Or more importantly, what you

can expect to avoid. For more information about NEODENE* Alpha Olefins, write: Shell Chemical Company, Manager, NEODENE Communications, One Shell Plaza, P.O. Box 2463, Houston, Texas 77252-2463.

® Shell Chemical Company