New Products pH electrode
Combination pH electrode with replace able sleeve junction allows accurate readings in extremely low conductivity samples ( < 5 microsiemens). The junc tion can be slipped off and replaced to restore a clogged electrode to 100% of its original performance. Uses include measurements in biological samples containing proteins or sulfide solutions, both of which are known to cause elec trode failure. Markson Science 410
Phosphoramidites suitable for use with non-Beckman automated and manual DNA synthesizers are offered. Single bases A, C, G, and Τ are bottled in am ber vials that contain 0.5 g of phosphoramidite each. Mixed-base vials contain 0.25 g of phosphoramidite. Beckman 422
Sub-^m-particle sizer BI-90 gives size distribution of parti cles, macromolecules, and microemulsions from 0.005 to 5 μιτι. Based on la ser light scattering, it incorporates an automatic-signal level controller, video monitor, and electronic dust filter for accurate measurements of particle sizes, molecular weights, and diffusion coefficients. Brookhaven Instruments Corp. 416
UV-VIS Multiscan software allows spectral comparison between a stored reference spectrum and a real-time spectrum. It can be used with data col lected from the Varian DMS-100 and Cary 2200/2300 series spectrophoto meters and their companion DS-15 data station. More than 300 spectra can be stored on disk for off-line recalculation and display. Varian 426
Scintisorb-C is used for the absorption and assay of 1 4 C0 2 , and Scintisorb-T is used for the assay of tritium as water of combustion. Both are designed specifi cally for use with automated sample combustion equipment and have high total sample capacity, good counting efficiency and quench resistance, and low luminescence. Isolab 423
Software U V - V I S LC detector
Model 2001 combines the elevatedtemperature persulfate method (EPA 45.1) with the UV-persulfate oxidation technique (EPA 415.2) to measure total inorganic carbon, total organic carbon, purgeables, and solids independently on the same sample. Use of both methods ensures maximum sensitivity and 100% oxidation efficiency with virtually any sample. Expansion modules for TOX and POX are available. Astro 417
HP 89082A software package turns the HP 84151A UV-VIS diode array spec trophotometer into a multiwavelength UV-VIS detector for any HPLC system.
Trebor-99 uses the USDA-developed light transmittance technique to provide direct constituent measurement based on changes in the IR spectrum of light as it passes through the sample. Pro tein, oil, moisture, fiber, starch, sugar, and many organic constituents can be measured without sample preparation. Trebor Industries 419
Spectral analysis
Counting c o c k t a i l s
Organic c a r b o n analyzer
C o m p o s i t i o n analyzer
Detection packages for quantitative and qualitative analysis acquire, process, store, and retrieve chromatographic and spectral information from either re solved or unresolved LC peaks. Hewlett Packard 425
Graphics GRA-FIT, designed for the IBM PC and HP 7470/7475A plotter, allows the user complete control over the graph layout. Data points can be plotted or not; points can be connected with straight lines; a least-squares polynomial up to degree five can be fit through the points; points can be joined with a cubic spline; or data can be smoothed with piecewise polynomials prior to plotting. Jayar Systems 427
THE ULTIMATE IN PYCN0METERS FOR ACCURACY, SPEED, RELIABILITY STEREOPYCNOMETER • For true volume of powders and bulK solids •Complete measurements in less than one minute •Accuracy 0.1 - 0.2% •Sample size from 5cm 3 • 135cm 3 •Simple to operate • Large digital display •Maintenance free — no moving parts
Eicosanoid reagents Leukotrienes B4> C 4 , D 4 , and E4 are available in the free-acid form. In con trast to the ester, this form allows sim plification of leukotriene research be cause hydrolysis is not necessary. Leu kotriene A 4 methyl ester and 6-ketoprostaglandin E 1 are also available. Upjohn Diagnostics 421
•For true density and volume of powders and bulk solids •Up to 5 samples automatically •Built in micro computer controls all operations and data reduction •Digital display and LEDs provide continuous operating status • Accuracy 0.1 - 0.2% • Sample size from 5cm 3 - 135cm3 FOB INFORMATION CONTACT:
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