Quantitative analysis - ACS Publications

El carga un libro grande bajo su brazo. iQue es el libro? Es la traduccibn al espanol de "Unit Opera- tions” por G. G. Brown y colegas de la Univers...
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George G. Brown and Associates, University of Michigan. 629 pp. 551 figs. Manuel Marin & Cia, Barcelona, 1955. xi 64 tables. 2 2 X 2 8 cm. $14.


Yo v ~ al o joven. El joven es un estudiante. El esti estudia d o ingmi& q ~ ~ i m i r slil . c a r p un lilm paudr lhap ru bmro. d rl 'Vnit O p w ;Que es el lilro? I:* la traduwtrjn al e ~ p ~ i w r i o d oor ( i . (;. B n w n "v d e e w de IH Unirrr.;idad tlr \ I i r l h n . "Unit Operations" is well known and widely used in the Englishspeaking countries and also in other countries where students secure a good working knowledge of English. This translation into Spmish was made by eight professors in various universities in Spain. Not only was the text translated, but all illustrations, charts, tabulated data, and problems were changed into Spanish legends and metric units. Errors in the earlier English edition were corrected. The availability of "Operaciones BQsicas"will do much to stimulate instruction in chemical engineering in the Spanish-speaking countries if proper texts and instruction ran be given in the basic subjects of material and energy balance.





Farrington Daniels, Rofessor of Chemistry, and Robert A. Alberty, Associate Professor of Chemistry, University of Wis671 consin. John Wiley & Sons. Inc., New York, 1955. viii pp. Many figs. and tables. 16 X 2 4 om. $6.50.


INA certain Seme this text originated in 1913, and it is to be expected that it will be considered simply as the most recent revision in the series by Getman, Daniels, and now, Alberty. But this text is more than a revision; as before, we note evidence of careful attention to detail, logical order, and a. deep interest in the subject. Here the similarity ends. It is no more correct to consider this text a revision of the 1948 edition by Dr. Daniels than t o consider that the works of Aquinas are merely 8 revision of thoee of St. Augustine. I t is not feasible t o cite a complete list of all the changes in the text; B definitive catalogue would defeat the purposes of a review. But we o m most easily understand why this is more than a revision by comparison with the 1948 text. The order of presentation will be familiar to old friends of the series; there are no significant modifications. The gas laws are introduced in the 6rst few pages and the student is then careR T In &. The fully led to an understanding of A F = AFo remaining chapters, one-half of the text, apply this equation to practical and theoretical oases and discuss the specid branches: Conductance, Ianio Equlibrium, Colloids, Quantum Theory, Nuclear Chemistry, snd, of course, Kinetics and Photochemistry. The appendix is considerably smaller; some of the material has been incorporated into the text, and information of lesser importance disoerded. The chapter on Atomic and Molecular Forces has disappeared and the material has been incorporated, in briefer form, here and there in the text. A few other sections have been transposed. For example, did-gaaeous eqnlibria have been moved t o their


earlier position-in the same chapter with the phase rule. Some chapter titlrs have been changed to indicate their contents more accwately. Throughout the text there are many detailed changes, this is the outstanding feature. Almost every paragraph retained from the 1948 text has been revised. Many new paragraph have been substituted and others have been added. I n each instance, the matter discussed is clearer than before. This is indeed a text written for the student. T o site four examples from many: Miller indices are no longer an enigma; the student should have no trouble in understanding why salt lowers the freezing point of water; Morse curves are used to help the student understand photoexcit&on; here and there a few exercises in the derivation of relations are interspersed. New and better illustrations have been prepared; only s. few old ones remain. The tables and many of the g r a p h are now easier to read. The interesting historical allusions have been and to retained. Several recent references t o THIS JOURNAL others have been added. The material is up to date; in so far as they are appropriate to an elementary treatment, the advances of the past seven years have been included. A few of these are: the determination of molecular weight by the scattering of light, microwave speetroscopy, the kinetics of enzyme catalysis, a (far too brief) discussion of radiation chemistry, and C" dating. Many of the problems are new, and as before, they are arranged in graded sets with answers supplied for the first set only. Although only actusl use will tell, i t seems possible that the students will be less successful than before in their attempts to solve the ~ ~ ~ . ( h l rhy r n comparing s tl!eni with exnmple i n thr t m t nnd ! i p I,IJ'~IIK the example to the pro1,lern without T110119111. r i u ~ and ~ ~ ~the l Tla! new sketches, i n n psucdo t l ~ r e t - d i ~ o ~ r ~st\.h,, changed graphs, one ordinate and abcissa, with s h i r t seek markers to indicate distances from the origin, constitute a decided improvement. It is suggested that the few remaining old style sketches and graphs be altered in the next edition, or possibly in t,he next printing. JAY A. YOUNG




Albert Frederick Daggett, Professor of Chemistry, University of New Hampshire, and William B u d Meldrum, Professor of Chemistry, Haverford College. D. C. Heath and Company, Baston, 1955. x 470 pp. Figs. and tables. 16 X 24 cm. $5.


THIS text is divided into two parts; one part contains a general discussion of principles and techniques and the other includes laboratory procedures. The analytical determins, tions are the common, classical ones that have been successfully carried out by students of quantitative analy8is for yearn. They include the common volumetrio and gravimetric methods for simple systems, limestone, and brass. The part on principles and techniques was mitten with the feeling that students entering the sophomore course in elementwy quantitiative analysis have not had sufficient training in some of the basic concepts of chemistry. For this reason the authors include chapters on topics such a8 ibnic theory and quant,it,ntiveionic equilibria.



The text is devoted almost exclusively to an elementary discussion of gravimetrio and volumetric methods of analysis. The volumetric methods include acid-base titrations, oxidationreduction titrations, and preoipitation titrations. The authors chose to omit disoussions of instrumental methods of analysis with the exception of electrolytic and conduetometric methods. Of these two methods, only the electralytic is covered in a Iaboratory procedure, i. e., the determination of capper in brass. In general, the presentation of theory is concise and lucid. The order of arrangement of chapters may he open to question. For example, the treatment of data immediately follows the introductory chapter of the book; thus, experimental data and terms are introduced which are totally foreign to the student. The instructor mey wish to postpone this chapter until later. The reviewer found only a few inconsequential errors of type and fact. However, there are some cases in which the authors could be more complete or correct. One of these is the definition of the term solulia, on page 58. Another example is the nomenclature of compounds. Adherence to the recommendations of the Committee of the Internstiond Union of Chemistrv would eliminate such names as hioxalate and bichromate and would improve such names as suricyauide, platinicyanide, and ferrithiocyanate. At the end of each chapter of theory there are a numher of problems with answers. A considerable numher of the problems are not well chosen to illustrate the theory which has been covered. Students would profit by solutions to more problems illustrating theory. If the solutions to the problems in the text from the hody of the printed material were always set they would he more effective as teaching aids. The authors give a concise yet readable of the would find use in elements of quantitative analys&, a one-semes&r course, In the of the reviewer, the text & too limited for use in a full-year course in elementary quantitative analysis, M~~~impartant topics have heen omitted or treated in a very limited fashhn. ~~~~~l~~ are huffers, analytical separations, overvoltage, and the effect of complex ions and hydrogen ions on oxidation potentials. The text does not discuss more recent analytical techniques; it laoks the touch of modern trends in analytical chemistry. GLENN H. BROWN u ~ w ~ n s r OP r vC I N O I N N ~ I CINCINNAT~, OHIO

Both qualitative and quantitative methods are given for 23 functional groups into which organic compounds are divided. Veibel himself has been active in research on quantitative estimation of functional groups. One of his contributions is to oonvert a functions! group into a substance which can be titrated as an acid or base. For example, pcarboxyphenylhydrazine in used as areagent for ertrbonyls and the product is then titrated as a carboxylic acid. He has applied this type of reaction to a. numher of other cases. There are a few illustrations of quantitative apparatus taken from recent publications. At the end of the hook are four pages on concentration of reagent solutions, a five-page author index of referenoes cited, and an eight-page subject index. The text may not m&e inroads into the sale of American hooks on this subject, hut teachers will want to try many of Veibel's suggestions. LEALLYN R. CLAPP Baovn U N ~ V E R ~ ~ T ~ PRO~~OEN RIODL C E . I~.,*ND


R. W. Stott, formerly Senior Science Master, Rugby Schoal. L ~ G~~~~ and ~ Co., New ~ ~ york,~ 1955. ix Figs. and tables. 13 X 19 cm. $1.75.

+ 184~pp.

THIS book is designed to help an English secondary-school student prepare for university scholarship exams. I t may well be that each teacher of beginning chemistry in this country ~houldhave a copy at hand to aid him in setting standards for his students. This reviewer would guess, hdwever, that the teacher's sense of frustration would rise faster than the standards of his course, though it might well spur on the better students. The dozen or so enors of fact-water molecules exist in groups, hydrogen bonds are more than electrostatic, electrode potentials are due only to solution potentials, over-simplification of group vdencies, a single chloride bridge in AIL&, two valence electrons in chromium, etc.-are unfortunate but not overwhelming. American students might well read this book, hut mainly in pmpective. Their awn education is usually such. that this approach seldom fits. J. A. CAMPBELL 0 a l ; ~ ~ COLLEGE ni O s e m ~ xOnro .

THE IDENTIFICATION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Stiq Veibel, Pmfeasor of Organic Chemistry, University of Technology, Copenhagen. Fourth edition (first English edition). 346 pp. G. E. C. Gad, Publisher, Copenhagen, 1954. xv 15 X 21.5 cm.


VEIBEL'Shook is a manual of qualitative and quantitative methods of identifying organic compounds which bas been sifted from experience in teaching such a course since 1927. As in other European texts, in general, in comparison with current American texts, less direct assistance is Riven the student. For example, no systematic solubility scheme is given in 80 many words though a student might devise one from the discussion given on solubility of organic substances. Much of the emphasis on identification of functional groups is by color reactions, many of which are new and others of which have been published in Scandin%visnjournals not always accessible here. Some of the tests are quite new since many of the dates of references are in the 1950's. American chemists will want to try these new tests for comparison with known methods. For example, Veibel suggests the use of the diazonium salt of sulfanilic acid as a color test far alcohols. This has not been published elsewhere (at least Veibel gives no reference). Veibel also inoludes some old methods which have not been popular here, for example, the Victor Meyer nitrolic acid tests for alcohols.

METALLURGY OF THE RARER METALS. NUMBER 3: MANGANESE A. H, Sully. Academic Press. Inc., New York, 1955. xiv 305 pp. 138 figs. 55 tables. 14 X 22 om. $6.50


THIS third volume in a new series that was begun last y a r maintains the high standards of the previous two volumes (THISJ O ~ N A 31, L , 670 (1954)). Even though manganese is used in large tonnages, it is not a familiarelement tomost chemists or metallurgists, partioularly as the pure metal. This up-todate treatise reviews the occurrence and ores; the production of ferro-manganese alloys and of commercially pure manganese; methods of conserving manganese; physical properties of manganese; constitution and properties of binary and ternary alloya; and electrodepositing of manganese coatings and surface reactions a t high temperatures. The chemistry of manganese is confined mostly to reactions that are used in its reduction from the various ores, whereas, as is appropriate in a book on metallurgy, more then 100 pages are devoted to all the known alloy systems. In recognition of the growing realization that manganese is used wastefully in the iron and steel industry, considerable attention is given to the role it plays in steel making. As yet, however, no deouidation procedure has been worked out that

