
direct quantitation of TLC spots available ... samples a minute can be scanned. ... 08586839. SHIMADZU CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV...
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CS-930 Dual-Wavelength TLC Scanner


Oj CS-920 s ^ High-Speed r \ y TLC Scanner The first instrument to make direct quantitation of TLC spots available, Shimadzu's CS-920 High-Speed TLC Scanner has a built-in integrator,printer and other technical refinements to ensure excellent quantitative analysis. Many valuable features: • The automatic lane changing mechanism permits rapid analysis of a large number of samples. Up to seven samples a minute can be scanned. • The built-in microprocessor provides automatic detection of chromatogram spots. Fused spots are separated and determined automatically. • Unique high-speed zigzag scanning, working curve linearization, background correction, and reflection absorption ensure concentration-linear output. Thus excellent quantitativeness is provided. • Quantitative calculation with either the external or internal standard method. • Direct printout of concentration values. CIRCLE 166 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Shimadzu. Two short cuts to expedient quantitative TLC Both are data-processor equipped

Shimadzu delivers densitometers equipped for new dimensions in quantitativ.e TLC. Write today for more information on these and other Shimadzu instruments.

Shimadzu S H I M A D Z U SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS, INC. 7102 Riverwood Drive, Columbia, Maryland 21046, U.S.A. P h o n e : (301 ) 997-1227 S H I M A D Z U (EUROPA) G M B H Acker Strasse 111, 4000 Dusseldorf, F.R. Germany. P h o n e : (0211) 666371 Telex: 08586839 S H I M A D Z U CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL MARKETING DIV. Shinjuku-Mitsui Building, 1-1, Nishishinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan. Phone:Tokyo03-346-5641 Telex:0232-3291 S H M D T J.

The Shimadzu CS-930 DualWavelength TLC Scanner is a refined microcomputerized version of the Shimadzu CS910 Dual-Wavelength Scanner, a winner of the 1977 l-R Competition. The CS-930 with parallel line printer is a low cost complete microprocessor controlled system for quantitative, highly sensitive, high-speed densitometry. The features are outstanding: • Dual-wavelength method eliminates baseline drifts caused by local irregularities of layer thickness. • Zigzag scanning method with a very small light beam eliminates errors caused by irregular shape of developed spots. • Working curve linearization according to the KubelkaMunk's equations. Built-in microprocessor provides: • Signal averaging-smoothing permits the quantitation of nanogram quantity level. • Automatic lane changing up to 30 lanes of chromatogram spots. • Automatic detection of chromatogram spots. • Quantitative calculation with the external or internal standard method. The concentration values are directly printed out. • Storage of operational parameters. CIRCLE 165 ON READER SERVICE CARD