Quantity and Quality...when you need it! - C&EN Global Enterprise

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How c h e m i c a l b u y e r s benefit from, t h e s e r v i c e of d i s t r i b u t o r s

Quantity and Quality.. .when you need it! Whatever your quantity r e q u i r e m e n t s . . . your distributor of Du Pont Methanol, U r e a and other quality Du Pont chemicals is ready to serve you. His modern handling equipment and bulk-storage facilities enable him to fill volume orders promptly. No need to specify "factory-filled" . · . he distributes the same high-quality chemicals made by t h e producing plant. And m a n y distributors have their own laboratories to check against your most exacting specifications.

P O L Y C H E M I C A L S 36





"Wherever you are . . . there's a distributor of Du Pont Methanol Urea, "Hexalin" * Cyclohexanol, , a n d "Hytrol"* Ο Cyclohexanone \ ready to serve you. ,


Take advantage of the services y o u r Du P o n t D i s t r i b u t o r of Methanol and Urea offers. By rep­ resenting m a n y of the leading chemical companies, he can sup­ ply most—if not all—of y o u r chemical requirements. As a mem­ ber of your community, he can serve you efficiently because he's aware of transportation and labor problems in your area. A single phone call is all that's needed to assure prompt, personal service. y Du Pont considers its distribu­ tors an extension of its own sales organization and selects them on their ability to provide service that meets Du Pont ? s own high stand­ a r d s . Du P o n t salesmen w o r k closely with distributor salesmen —and assistance from Du Pont Technical Representatives is al­ ways available through your dis­ tributor. You can be sure of uniform high quality when you order Du Pont Methanol, Urea and other proven Du Pont chemicals. Check the list­ ing at right for the Du Pont Dis­ tributor nearest you.







CALIFORNIA Los Angeles . Braun Corporation San Francisco Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. COLORADO Denver _ The Chemical Sales Co. FLORfDA Jacksonville... Apperson Chemical, Inc. Miami Biscayne Chemical Labs, Inc. Orlando Lenfestey Supply Company Tampa Lenfestey Supply Company GEORGIA Atlanta Chemical Services, Inc. ILLINOIS Chicago Central Solvents & Chemicals Co. Chicago Phillips & Martin Co. INDIANA Ft. Wayne Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp. Indianapolis Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp. KANSAS Wichita Barada & Page, Inc. KENTUCKY Louisville Dixie Solvents & Chemicals Co. LOUISIANA Ν ew Orleans Southern Solvents & Chemicals Corp. MARYLAND Baltimore Leidy Chemicals Corp. MASSACHUSETTS Boston . Howe & French, Inc. MICHIGAN Ο étroit . Western Solvents & Chemicals Co. Grand Rapids Wolverine Solvents & Chemicals Co. MINNESOTA S t . Paul Lyon Chemicals, Inc. MISSOURI Kansas City Barada & Page, Inc. Kansas City Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. S-t Louis Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. METROPOLITAN NEW VORK Lyndhurst. N. J Stoney-Mueller, Inc. NEW YORK Binghamton Collier Chemicals, Inc. Buffalo Chemical Sales Corp. NJertYnrk Stoney-Mueller, Inc. Rensselaer Eastern Chemicals, Inc. Rochester Chemical Sales Corp. NORTH CAROLINA Durham . Cardinal Products, Inc. OHIO C mcinnati Amsco Solvents & Chemicals Co. Cleveland Ohio Solvents & Chemicals Co. Toledo Toledo Solvents & Chemicals Co. OKLAHOMA Tulsa Ward & Kimball Chemical Co.. Inc. OREGON Portland Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh _ Vitro Manufacturing Co. TENNESSEE Memphis Chapman Chemical Co. TEXAS Dallas Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. Dallas Van Wateis & Rogers. Inc. Houston Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. Houston Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. UTAH Salt Lake City Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Salt Lake City Wasatch Chemical Co. WASHINGTON Seattle Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. Spokane Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. WISCONSIN Milwaukee Wisconsin Solvents & Chemicals Corp.

FOR UREA ALABAMA Birmingham Mobile CALIFORNIA l_os Angeles San Francisco CONNECTICUT South Norwalk FLORIDA Jacksonville GEORGIA Atlanta Columbus. Savannah ILLINOIS Chicago INDIANA Ft. Wayne Indianapolis

F.H. Ross & Co. F. H.Ross & Co. . Braun Corporation Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. _

Merchants Chemical Co.. Inc. F. H. Ross & Co. F. H. Ross & Co. F. H. Ross & Co F.H Ross & Co. Central Solvents & Chemicals Co. Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp

KENTUCKY Louisville Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. LOUISIANA New Orleans Barada & Page, Inc. MARYLAND Baltimore Leidy Chemicals Corp. MASSACHUSETTS Fall River Borden & Remington Co. Stoneham George Mann & Co., Inc. Worcester Chemical Sales & Service Co., Inc. MICHIGAN Detroit Eaton Chemical & Dyestuff Co. MINNESOTA Minneapolis Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. MISSISSIPPI Jackson F.H. Ross & Co. MISSOURI Kansas City Barada & Page, Inc. St. Louis Barada & Page, Inc. St. Louis Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. NEW JERSEY Newark National Oil & Supply Co. Paterson Brown Chemical Co., Inc. NEW YORK Buffalo Chemical Sales Corp. Hicksville. Long Island . National Oil & Supply Co. New York Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte F. H. Ross & Co. Greensboro F.H. Ross & Co. Raleigh F. H. Ross & Co. OHIO Cincinnati Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. Cleveland Ohio Solvents & Chemicals Co. Columbus Merchants Chemical Co., Inc. OREGON Portland Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. PENNSYLVANIA Altoona Western Penn3. Chemical Co., Inc. Frie Western Penna. Chemical Co., Inc. Middletown (Harrisburg) Western Penna. Chemical Co., Inc. Philadelphia Pioneer Salt Co. RHODE ISLAND Providence Borden & Remington Co. Providence George Mann & Co., Inc. SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia F. H. Ross & Co. Greenville F.H. Ross & Co. TENNESSEE Chattanooga Burkart-Schier Chemical Co. Knoxville Burkart-Schier Chemical Co. Knoxville F.H. Ross & Co. Nashville Burkart-Schier Chemical Co. TEXAS Dallas Van Waters & Roeers, Inc. Houston Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. UTAH Salt L.'ke City Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. WASHINGTON Seattle Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. WISCONSIN Milwaukee Merchants Chemical Co . Inc.

FOR"HEXALIN//&//HYTROL// Ο CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Los Angeles f Francisco ILLII IS { :ago INDI IA I ! Wayne I ianapolis KEN CKY I isville MAS .CHUSETTS f ton \ cester MIC 3AN [ oit MIS URI t sas City Louis NEW JERSEY Newark OHIO Cincinnati Cleveland Toledo. . . . TEXAS Dallas Houston WISCONSIN Milwaukee

Braun Corporation Mefford Chemtcal Company Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Central Solvents & Chemicals Co. Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp. Hoosier Solvents & Chemicals Corp. Dixie Solvents & Chemicals Co. Howe & French, I nc. Chemical Sales & Service Co.. Inc . Western Solvents & Chemicals Co. Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. Missouri Solvents & Chemicals Co. C. P.Chemical Solvents, Inc. Amsco Solvents & Chemicals Co. Ohio Solvents & Chemicals Co. Toledo Solvents & Chemicals Co. Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. Texas Solvents & Chemicals Co. Wisconsin Solvents & Chemicals Corp. *Reg. U S Pat. Off.

