Quasi-equilibrium analysis of the reaction of atomic and molecular

Philip C. Abbott, and Robert E. Stickney. J. Phys. Chem. , 1972, 76 (20), pp 2930–2930. DOI: 10.1021/j100664a026. Publication Date: September 1972...
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Rosner and Allendorfi have recently reported expcrimclntai dala err the fluorination rate of solid tungsten \vhich revealed B sharp drop in reactivity above B filament I~x~iperaiure of 2080°K. Based on a compazison cf thew data with the quasi-cquilibrium ) model oi BalC? and 8tickney,213they concluded ('the q~i~,6i-ccj-Luiibrrurn model, rombined with presmtly available ~ ~ e ~ m o c h e m i cdata, al does not provide a selC-consistcnL explanation of our observed vior for the W(B)-F(g) reacticn " Kowever, one reaEon for reaching this conclusion was that, based on 1,hc tluaci-c.quil;briurn model and avallablc t ~ ~ e r ~ ~ o data c h efor~ ~ Fc(g) ~ ~ ~and ~ , F(g), ~ Rosner and Ailcndoi-E iotiritl tha6 the predicted transition in dominant ;TRC ion Ijrdurt from WFs(g) t o F(gj occurred beloto :.?OOfJ"BL We wish to point out here that while their R P itljrsis apptws to bc correct, the temperature ad 11 hich the ~ ~ - p ~ e d i c transition ted occurs lue (-2800°K) corresporiding Hence, we suggest that the wlren c o ~ ~ b ~ nwith e d availtent with Rosner a,nd Allendorf't4 data To pro-vidtl 6-p ~ m r edetailed comparison of the QE predictions 111 / 13 ihi. experiment a1 data of Rosner and Allentlorf, we have performed a complete analysis similar to -t bai le bed in ref 3 for the 02-Wreaction. The rrsults $IF shown in Figure I, which. is a reproduction of li'igurc. 4 of Kosner and Allendorf] except for Sir:


our addition of the curves representing the quasiequilibrium predictions. For simplicity, wc have approximated their data for T