Radiation Induced Decomposition of Lead Nitrate1

NaNa. NaNa. (anhydrous) (trace of. Property mater) meamured. Vapor yressure, rum. ("C.) 200(-3L). 201-68). Io::$ - 7.306 - 1?15G/T. 60(-58). 30(-6f3)...
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Cheinical reaction



Property meamured Vapor yressure, rum. ( " C . ) Io::$ 7.306 - 1?15G/T


> p.I(OC.)


NOClt NaNa (anhydrous)

NOCl NaNa (trace of mater)

200(-3L) 60(-58)

201-68) 30(-6f3)

-66 to -59

X!trngen m a l . : calcd. for NcO; 77 i s >led v t : calcd. for N4O; 72.04 Yield ( y o ) Otht:: gaseous products S o t e : N*O and N t common t o all preparations

76.41 71.0 1

-60 to -58

75.09 71.9 *5

HN01(70%) f HNOd NaNa H 9 0 d 1 1) i .S a N I


31(-67) 70( -50) -58 to -56

Discussion Nitrosyl azide is a yellow compound of marked instability. It was possible to prepare this compound by several procedures; however, the amounts obtained were small. The low yields are attributed to its instability and to the slow and incomplete reactions by which i t was prepared. Yields based on sodium azide did not exceed about 6%. The yields of the various reactions decreased in the order: NOHSO4 NaN3 > NOCl NaNs (moist) > &%&/HN03(1:1) NaN3 > HN03(70%) NaN3 > HN3 NOHS04 > NO-



(13) L. Beckhan, W Fesnler and hf Rise, Chcm. Reus, 48, 311 (l9bl). (16) J. W. Mellor, "A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry," Vol. I, Longmans, Green Co , S e w York, X. Y , 1940, pp, 619-620.


--59 to - 5 5


HNOi wh. fum. 4- NaNa



35( ti0) 37(-60)

70(-51) 30(--62)

- 0 0 to -57

75.12 71.8 5

75.83 il 3

NOt, HNa

h'Oa, IiNa

4 NO*, NnOn HNa

+ +

40( -61) 37(-62)


by log p = 7.306 - 1215.6/T where p is in mm. and T is i n degrees Kelvin. T h e extrapolated boiling point is 1.5'; t h e heat of vaporization is 5.6 kcal./mole; the Trouton coastant is 20.2. The extrapolated boiling point was in good agrement with that which one might expect. Xiitrohyl chloride and nitrosyl bromide boil a t -6.5"lband -2',18 respectively. The melting point -60" to -57' falls betireen those for the corresponding chloride, -64.5'19 and bromide, -55.5'.la


Vol. so



37(--0?) BO( 50) 37( -61)


42(-eeo) 205( -30) - G O to - 5 8



- 57

71.5 5


Not, HNI



Cl(anhyd.) Nahis. Although low, yields from NaN3 NOCl were increased almost threefold by adding water to the extent of about 60 mg./ml. of NOC1. Excessive quantities of water resulted in reactions which were difficult t o control and primarily involved the hydrolysis of nitrosyl chloride. Improvement in the yield could also be obtained by using molar excesses of sodium azide with nitrosyl chloride and in all procedures by operating a t the lowest practicable temperature. No significant difference in yield of nitrosyl azide was observed between the preparations in the vacuum system and those a t atmospheric pressure; however, vacuum line experiments mere simpler from a manipulative standpoint. The characterization of nitrosyl azide was based on conventional analytical data as well as a study of its decomposition into nitrous oxide and nitrogen and infrared studies. The observation that the compound quantitatively decomposes into equimolar quantities of nitrous oxide and nitrogen not only assisted in identifying nitrosyl azide but also corroborated the results of previous speculations. +





Radiation Induced Decomposition of Lead Nitratel BY EVERETT R.


Lead nitrate decomposes under y-radiation to yield nitrite ion and oxygen in the stoichiometric ratio 1 : 1. As the radiation proceeds the yield of oxygen appears to fall off to a steady-state ratio of 2 : l. The yield of nitrite ion is decreased by heating a t 60' but not the oxygen yield.

The radiation induced decomposition of lead nitrate has been studied by Cunningham and Heal,*' and Hochanadel and DaviseZb The specific purpose in both papers was to attempt to explain the difference in yields (G-values) found, when several nitrates are decomposed by ionizing radiation. Hochanadel and Davis assumed the radiation in(1) Research supported by the A E C Contract No. AT(30-1)1824. ('2) (a) J. Cunningham and H. G. Heal, Nature, 179, 1021 (1957); (b) C. J . Hochanadel and T. W. Davis, J . Ckem. Pkys., 27, 333 (1957).

duced decomposition of lead nitrate to be as indicated in equation 1 Pb(N'0a)a




0 2


No gas analysis was performed by these authors and since the yield of nitrite ion was proportional to dose they believed that the above reaction was occurring. It has been found, however, that the radiation induced reaction of lead nitrate is much more complex and cannot be expressed by the simple equation 1above.


Sept. 5, 1958

446 1

Experimental The radiation source was a cylinder of C O ~ofOabout 300 curies. The source is so arranged that both the center and outside of the cylinder may be used.* C.P. lead nitrate previously ground to a uniform mesh was placed in small medicinal vials with bakelite caps and irradiated at room temperature. Air was not excluded from the samples. After irradiation analyses were performed for both nitrite ion and oxygen. Nitrite ion was determined by the color developed with dimethyl-a-naphthylamine-sulfanilic acid reagent. The molar extinction a t 5300 A. was 407. Oxygen was determined by dissolving a thoroughly evacuated sample in deaerated water in a vacuum system, pumping the liberated gas a t Dry Ice temperatures into an analysis system and analyzing by combustion with hydrogen.' Dose was determined by ferrous sulfate dosimetry using a G-value (molecules converted per 100 e.v. absorbed) of 15.5 molecules of F e + +oxidized per 100 e.v. absorbed. The calculated absorption of y-rays by the lead nitrate was not done as accurately as that by Hochanadel and Davis,%band the G-values reported here are estimated t o be in error by about 5%. Reflectance spectra were performed on powders using the reflectance spectra attachment supplied by the Beckman Instrument Co. for the Beckman DU Spectrophotometer.

Results and Discussion I n Fig. 1 a plot of the oxygen and nitrite ion yields versus dose is shown. As can be seen in the initial stages of the decomposition the yields of both products are identical, i.e., the stoichiometric ratio of NOs-/Op is 1: 1. As the radiation proceeds the oxygen yield falls off to what appears to be a steady value of approximately one half the nitrite ion yield, giving a stoichiometric ratio of nitrite ion to oxygen of 2 :l. As a comparison and also as a check on the analysis, the radiation induced decomposition of potassium nitrate was done. Typical results are shown in Table I. I n the same dose range the ratio of oxygen to NOzfor potassium nitrate decomposition is 2:l in agreement with others.6 The nitrite ion yields for Pb(NO& and KNOs decompositions are linear a t least to a dose in the case of Pb(N08)2 of 2.6 X loz1e.v./g. and for KNOt 1.6 X loz1e.v./z Equations 2 a n d - 3 below '&Id account for the observed stoichiometry in the initial decomposition, viz., when the ratio of N02-/02 1:1,and equation 4 could account for the change in the ratio of NO2-/02 with dose. The over-all stoichiometry may be represented by equation 5. Pb(NO8)s -+ P b


+ 2N02 + On

+ HnO = 2H+ + NOS- + NO*Pb

+ 1/tO* -M+PbO


, I










i _




Dose, e.v./g. X lo-% Fig. 1.-Yields 10

of nitrite ion and oxygen as a function of dose.



7 -



300 330






Wave length, mp. Fig. 2.--8bsorption spectra of aqueous lead nitrate solutions: (A) solution of irradiated lead nitrate compared with water; (B) dilute solution of sodium nitrite in unirradiated lead nitrate: (C) irradiated lead nitrate solution compared with unirradiated lead nitrate. 0.6



(2) (3) (4)


0.0 I






(Pb(NOl)S* = irradiated salt)

The above equations are the only ones consistent with the experimental results. No other products such as nitric oxide are present. The evidence for the existence of PbO is largely indirect. Examination of the X-ray pattern of irradiated Pb(NOa):, does give indications of the (3) E. R . Johnson, R. A. Bruce, R. Steinmann and V. Cagnati, Nuckonao, 14, No. 11, 119 (1956). (4) E. R. Johnson and A. 0. Allen, THIS JOURNAL, 74, 4147 (1962). ( 5 ) G. Hennig, R. Lees and M. S. Matheson, J. Ckcm. P k y s . , 21, 664 (1953).

350 400 450 500 550 Wave length, mp. Fig. 3.-A, reflectance spectra of irradiated lead nitrate powder compared with the unirradiated salt; 0, re5ectance spectra of irradiated potassium nitrate compared with the unirradiated salt.

presence of PbO; however, because of the concentration and the nature of the pattern, positive identification is difficult. Outside of the observed stoichiometry, the best evidence for the existence of PbO is found in examining a n aqueous solution of the irradiated salt. A solution of irradiated Pb(N0& has a very definite amber color which is





1'01. 80

thermally decompose the salt. The products the11 should be similar to those found iri the therni:il decomposition. thermal rneclianisiii is i 1 miist eril with the ollwrvation of Cunnincihain x i d IIc,~lLd that thc yield (G-salues) of the *iitr,itr.s i i 1)iopottional t o tlit "i'ice Volume" 'is wggc'ited by \A



NO*, pmnlrs/g.

18.8 7.5 6.5

BB.1 13.5 22.6



F .2 4.08



,23 .31


9.78 7.98


.;o .;t .37


1.38 1.25 1.36 11.42 0.42 0.33

not removed by boiling. The absorption spectra of this solution (curve A,6 Fig. 2) when compared to that of the non-irradiated salt, shows that Nos- is the only new chemical species. The only plausible explanation for the amber color is that it is due to a colloidal suspension and the only feasible substance to be in colloidal suspension is PbO. A possible mechanism for the decomposition of P b (KO3)2 and perhaps other inorganic salts containing both covalent and ionic bonds is that the electronic excitation energy received is rapidly transferred to lattice vibrational energy. This vibrational energy may be assumed to cause high local temperature^'^,^ which are sufficient to (0) T h i s curve was extended t o 1100 mp not shown in Fig. 2. (7) (a) F. Dessauer, 2. P k y s i k , 38, 1 2 (1923); (b) F. Seitz and J. S. Kohler, "Solid State Physics," Vol. I T , Academic Press, S e w T o r k , N. Y.. pp. 351-448.

itive evidence to support a thermal mechanism ur a free radical meclianisrn.2b However. reflectance spectra of irradiated Pb(N03)2 and KX03 (F1g.~3)show an absorptioii maximum a; about 3300 A. -X similar peak at about 3G00 A. is found in the reflectance spectra of y-ray irradiated sodium azide.* IIent treatnient of unirradiated S a K 3 crystals 9lso produces ai1 absorption baiid at about 3G00 .I. indicating that this band is connected with the decomposition oi NaN3brought about either by irradi'ttion or thermal treatment. It is believed that the band a t 3400 A4.found it1 irradiated Pb(NOd)Lis associated with the deconipgsition of the matciial; i , it is pmsiblr that t h e band could be associated with ~ n e t a s t ~ h lnitrate e ions. Heating irradiated Pb(SC?J2 n t (;O" ior several days result? in a decrease in the intensity o f the band ;it 3400 A. with a corresponding decrease in the NO?-- conceiitration, hut r1o decrease i n the oxygen concentration. ,I

( 8 ) H R o s e n a a s e r R TV 1 J r e j i i i h d n d P 24, 182 (1951,)



H O ~ O K E?TN ,J


The Dissociation of Tetrachloroiodide Salts B Y DONALD hI. SNYTH





The total dissociation vapor pressures of the tetrachloroiodide salts KICL, RbIC14, SHJClr and P;(CH3)rIClIliak c been measured over the temperature range 36-90". Equilibrium pressures are obtained readily with increasing tcmperatut e hut extremely slowly with decreasing temperature. Evidence is presented that the dissociation of KIC1, proceeds through the dichloroiodide, KICl?, a 5 a solid intermediate rather than directly to KC1 as previously reported.

Although the dissociation vapor pressures of polyhalide salts have been studied by many investigators,1$2 3 , 4 the evidence does not indicate clearly whether the dissociation reactions proceed directly to the simple halide or through an interniediatc, simpler polyhalide in cases where such an intermediate compound exists. The literature is particularly confusing concerning the mode of decomposition of the salts of the ICl4- anion. Caglioti and Centola4 have measured the equilibrium halogen pressure over potassium tetrachloroiodide using the technique of Ephraim. They concluded that KIC14 dissociates directly to KCl and 1Cl3,the latter undergoing further dissociation to IC1 and Clz. This would indicate that the dissociation vapor is made up of equal partial pressures of Clz and IC1 since the IC13 should be completely dissociated under the experimental conditions used. (1) F. Ephraim, Ber., SO, 1069 (1917).

(2) H. W. Cremer a n d D. R. Duncan, J. Chem. Soc., 2243 (1931) (3) J. Cornog a n d E E. Bauer, THISJ O U R N A L , 64, 2 6 2 0 (1942). (4) V Caglioti and G Centola, Gaze chim. $tal., 63, 907 (1933).

This conclusion is not therriiodynaiIiically compatible, however, with the equilibrium pressure of IC1 over KICl, as measured by Cornog and ? 3 a ~ e r . ~ l y e also have measured the dissociation vapor pressure of KIClr and have made similar measurements on RbICI4, CsICli, NI1JC1; and X(CIII),IC1, Our results difler somewhat from those of Caglioti and Centola, and in contrast to their conclusions we have direct evidence that KICll is formed as a solid intermediate in the dissociation of KICi I. Results The experimentally obtained dissociation vapor data for the several salts are shown in Fig. 1 as plots of log fimmversus the reciprocal absolute temperature. The appropriate constants for expressing the pressures in terms of an equation of the type log Plum =

.ire given in Table I.


T5;(--k R
