RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 16, 2012 - RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA. Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31 (7), pp 42A–42A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60151a737. Publication Date: July 1959...
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Another RCA


PHOTOCONDUCTIVE CELLS and PHOTOJUNCTION CELLS If your control problem involves a light source—look into t h e ad­ vantages offered by R C A Photoconductive Cells and Photojunction Cells. Manufactured to the strictest standards of quality control, these devices are capable of performance in a broad scale of photoelectronic applications—ranging from light-operated control service to high-speed data computers. Why are RCA Photoconductive Cells and Photojunction Cells good? Because they're backed by more than two decades of spe­ cialized experience in designing and manufacturing photosensitive devices. So, if a top-quality product is your need then specify RCA. Your R C A Industrial Tube Distributor handles all R C A Photocon­ ductive cells and Photojunction cells.

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number. Some organizations which produced films also will lend them. All 45 Geneva films available for sale may be purchased from the following sources: Byron, Inc., 1226 Wisconsin Ave., N.W., Washington 7, D. C ; Capital Film Laboratories, Inc., 1905 Fairview Ave., N.E., Washington 2, D. C ; Consolidated Film Industries, 959 Seward St., Hollywood 38, Calif. The Geneva films, in general too technical for lay audiences or secondary school students, bring the total of pro­ fessional-level, technical films avail­ able at the commission's Washington film library to 71 titles, and at 10 field libraries to 63 titles. The Washington and field libraries also have about 70 other less technical films appropriate and available for loan to junior and senior high schools, serv­ ice and fraternal organizations, indus­ try, and other private and govern­ mental audiences of laymen. The list of films and addresses of AEC film libraries appears on AEC release TI-67, available from the Atomic Energy Commission, Washing­ ton 25, D. C. Inquiries for informa­ tion on loan and sale of the Geneva films to foreign users may be directed to the Public Information Service, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 25, D. C. All films are available now in English for sale to for­ eign requesters, and shortly will be available for sale in French, Spanish, or Russian. An overseas loan program is being arranged through the United States Information Agency and its overseas posts, and also through the commission offices in London, Brussels, Paris, Tokyo, and Buenos Aires.

27th Biennial Chemical Industries Exposition Scheduled The 27th Exposition of Chemical In­ dustries will be held at the New York Coliseum November 30 to December 4. This biennial exposition, first held in 1915, will display chemical processing equipment, chemical materials, and the metals, plastics, and other substances employed in mechanical construction of every kind, as well as functional units and component parts. One section will be devoted to chemicals, including ingredients of extremely high purity, new derivatives offered for the im­ provement of existing products, and samples of end products manufactured with the aid of new formulations. Another section will be devoted to laboratory equipment and supplies in­ cluding many examples of advanced design in the fields of electronics and radiation technology.