RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 3, 2012 - RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA. Anal. Chem. , 1951, 23 (6), pp 12A–12A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60054a711. Publication Date: June 1951...
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RCA Scientific Instruments for Industry

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B. B r a d f o r d o f D O W

placing a specimen in the RCA Electron Microscope. The Dow Chemical Company uses three of these powerful instruments. HOW LIME BREAKS DOWN Fresh lime (Magnified 7,000 x)

Inactive lime, broken down from use (Magnified 8,000 x) Count-Rale Meier

How the RCA

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with processing problems T A K E THE TROUBLE with lime, for example —an important ingredient used i n o n e of DOW's processing operations. All signs pointed t o t h e possibility that t h e activity of lime d r o p p e d off with use. Yet careful chemical tests failed t o s h o w that any significant change t o o k place. T h e n t h e RCA Electron Microscope gave the answer! Electron micrographs of lime—magnified more than 24,000 times—clearly revealed that lime particles did break down extensively into finely divided, gelatinous masses. And when the action was completed, all chemical activity ceased! Just o n e example of h o w the RCA Electron Microscope is helping DOW research solve


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