This is Messier 87—one of many galaxies and nebulae ra diating radio energy throughout time and space. What primeval force motivates this celestial ...
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Spectrometers. Packard Instrument Co., Inc. offers bulletin on automatic "Tri-Carb" liquid scintillation spec­ trometer. 65 Spectrometers. Direct reading "Atomcounter" detects up to 30 metallic ele­ ments simultaneously, shows individual concentrations in 2 min. Jarrell-Ash Co. 127

Is it Matter-Antimatter π Smash-up? ^\.

Spectrophosphorimeter. New instru­ ment excites, resolves, measures, records spectra and decay curves of phosphor­ escence. American Instrument Co., Inc. 101 •Spectrophotometers. Data on fol­ lowing Perkin-Elmer Corp. model 21 accessories: ordinate scale expansion system, ultra-micro KBr sampling sys­ tem, and twin 40-meter long path cells. Spectrophotometers. Data file on automatic continuous scanning Beckman Instrument, Inc. prism-grating IR-7 spectrophotometer. 24 Spectrophotometers. New PerkinElmer Corp. 4000-A spectrophotometer (ultraviolet, visible, near infrared) has double monochromator, and micro-po­ tentiometer 100% line compensation system. 68 Spectrophotometers. Info on the new Baird-Atomic, Inci KM-1 infrared spec­ trophotometer. 120 Spectrophotometers. Details on the new infrared spectrophotometer un­ veiled by Perkin-Elmer Corp. at the Pitt. Conference. 123 This is Messier 87—one of many galaxies and nebulae radiating radio energy throughout time and space. What primeval force motivates this celestial radioactivity ? Until an RCA Multiplier Phototube successfully recorded the antiproton at 75 to 77 percent of the speed of light, this phenomenon was indeed wrapped in a physical enigma. Now, the discovery of the antiproton lends support to the theory of antimatter. Thus, today, many cosmologists s h a r e a speculation that radio emission from the stars is caused by energy released in i.pace when antimatter and m a t t e r collide.

Stirrers. Bulletin from Standard Sci­ entific Supply Corp. on constant speed, non-sparking, inexpensive stirrers. 140 Stopcocks. New catalog from Fischer & Porter Co. on "Lab-Crest" stop­ cocks that need no grease, never freeze. 40 Suppliés. Harshaw Scientific, Div. of The Harshaw Chemical Co., supplies furniture, glassware, apparatus, chemicals, equipment. 43

Whether you are working in the field of astrophysics, nuclearradiation instrumentation, or low-level light detection, .ook to RCA for multiplier phototubes to meet your needs. RCA Multiplier Phototubes are designed to operate with extremely low noise output and low dark current. Many of them have the fastest timeresolution of any commercial types available.

Supplies. Will Corp. maintains staff of factory-trained experts and complete facilities for repair of electronic devices. 90

Your RCA Industrial Tube Distributor handles a complete line of RCA Multiplier Phototubes. F o r prompt, efficient service, call him. For data on specific RCA Multiplier Phototube types, w r i t e : RCA Commercial Engineering, Section D-80-U, Harrison, N. J.

Syringes. Literature from The Hamilton Co. on microliter syringes with cemented needles. 42




I 12 A



Electron Tub» Division



AMERICA Harrison, N. J.

Table Tops. Info on Alberene Stone Corp. table tops that have low absorbancy rate of 0.15%. 98 (Continued on page 114 A)