Radioactive Iron Procedures Purification, Electroplating, and Analysis

Page 1. January, 1945. ANALYTICAL. EDITION. 45. Table II. Fractionation by Double Sodium Sulfate Precipitation. Qrams. Probable Composition as Per Cen...
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January, 1945



terbium, and yttrium groups. Systematic fractional precipitation of the soluble fractions from a preliminary separation of the crude earths effects rapid separation of the terbiumandyttriumgroups and a rapid concentration of yttrium. The method does not separate any individual rare earth element and can be recommended only as an excellent means of preparing concentrates for further systematic separations. Double sulfate mother liquors from a precipitation carried out a t room temperature can be conveniently fractionated by warming to produce further precipitates. After preliminary separation into yttrium and cerium groups, the double sulfate fractionation can be performed in either hot or cold solutions with but little difference in the course of the separation. For small quantities of material, hot solutions are the more convenient. LITERATURE CITED (1) Barthauer, G.L., Russell, R. G., and Pearce, D. Pi., IND.ENG.CBEM., ANAL.ED.,15,548

Fractionation b y Double Sodium Sulfate Precipitation

Probable Composition as Per Cent Oxide Grams RrO; Rb NdzO; SmzOi (Eu-DyhO; YzOi HoaOa ErzOa Trace Trace 70 16 144 4 8 47 2 2 2 8 47 39 47 132 4 4 ... 4 30 62 34 117 27 96 ... 2 1 89 4 4 38 99 ... ... 1 83 8 8 22 148-153 4-8 6-9 76-80