Radiochemical survey of the elements (Haissinsky ... - ACS Publications

Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and J.-P. Adloff, Centre de Reeherches Nucle- ates, Strasbourg-Cronenbourg.Amer- ican Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., Ne...
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text might fit into a n American chemistqcurriculum. However, inst,ruet,ors v.hcho are plarming a. lahoratory course in inorganic chemistry will find some value in the selwtion of experiments chosen to illustrate specific techniqnes.

WILLIAML. Jo~i.1Unilrersily of California Berkeley

Radiochemical Survey of the Elements

M . Haissinsky, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, and J . 2 . .4dloJ, Centre de Recherches Nucleaires, Strasbourg-Cronenb