Radiochemistry—Advanced undergraduate work - American Chemical

The purpose of the training program was to give young. MD's the necessary background to enable them to employ radioactive materials in clinical work a...
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Arthur H. Livermore and Arthur F. scan

Reed College Portland Oregon



RadiochemistryAdvanced Undergraduate Work

Although Keed is a small liberal arts college, circumsta~~ces during the past 13years have caused it to become unusually act,ive in the field of nurlear chemistry, in training and research. These circumstances are of some interest and will be recounted briefly. The start of the radiochemistry activity of Reed was a grant in 1947 from Research Corporation which enabled us to set up a small radiochemistry laboratory for use by four GI seniors in connectioi~with their senior thesis projects. The next year the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Commission invited us to participate in a new training and research -program which they wanted to pet under way. The purpose of the trainingbrogram was-to give young MD's the necessary background to enable them to employ radioactive materials in clinical work and in their research projects.' Also, in 1948, as part of the new AEC program, Reed received a major grant in support of two research projects involving the use of radioisotopes in the field of biochemistry. Two later development.^ which further improved our position were the acquisition in 1951 of an 84-curie cobalt-00 source and, in 1957, the construction of a subnritical reactor. Both of these will be described more fully below. During the past ten years our department. has received further support from AEC in the form of grants for research in inorganic and physical chemistry. Cobalt-60 source. In order to undertake a study of the rhemical and biochemical effects of gamma rays, we obtained, in 1951, 84 curies of cobalt-60 in the form of metal rods. This, of course, is not a large source, as sources go today, but a t that time it did represent a fairly sizable source of gamma radiation. We received this cobalt before the present strict regulations on handling such sources were put into effect. ~t as bare cobalt metal which we had to encapsulate ourselves. ~ ~we talldhour &dents, who were permitt,ed to observe from a safe distance, learned somet,hingfrom the encapsulation operation. Reactor. Our suhcritical reactoT was built by a senior, Harold Hammer, in 1957 (see photograph). This reactor is of the "pickle barrel" type and is Presented as part of the Symposium on the Plsee of Radioac tivity and Nuclear Chemistry in the Curriculum, sponsored hy the Division of Chemical Education, at the 136th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, N. J., Septembel; 1959. Sponsorship of this training program at Reed College was subsequently taken over by the Medical Branch of the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (later DASA). The Reed course was the first step in a 1Zmonth program for medical offieera to acquaint them with the fundamentals of nuclear medicine. Many of the Armed Forces Medical Officers who have taken these courses have gone on to key positions in rpsearrh and administration i n their services.

similar to the original one built by Jordan a t Kew York University in 1955. The reactor consists of a heavy wooden barrel (constructed by a local cooper) filled with water and containing, in a supporting rack, 2500 kg of natural uranium. The uranium, Hanford fuel rods, is on loan from A.E.C. Xeutrons for the operation of this subcritical reactor are provided by 5 plutonium-beryllium neutron sources. These sourres contain 80 g of plutonium and are also on loan from AEC. This reactor is used in several ways in the laboratory instruction. For example, in one experiment students map the neutron flux in the uranium-water lattice and also determine the ratio of slow to fast

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neutrons at different points. It. is also not surprising that most visitors to the college, especially high school students, like to see the reactor and have it explained.




This course has grown out of the need of our undergraduate students who anticipate using radiochemistry in their senior thesis projects. I t started in 1948 as a seminar meeting one evening a week; it is currently a 3-hour course for one semester which includes three hours of laboratory work per week. The purpose of the course has always been to acquaint the students with the basic principles and techniques of radiochemistry. It has been found convenient to use a text such as Friedlander and Kennedy's "Nuclear and Kadiochemistry," although it is not possible to cover the hook completely. It has been found advantageous to arrange the sequence of topics so as to enable the students to make the maximum use of the scheduled laboratory time. The laboratory work comprises the Volume 37, Number 8, August 1960



usual experiments of an introductory course: (1) experiments with radiation detection instruments such as the Lauritsen electroscope, G-M tubes, scintillation detectors and, also, the usual types of monitoring instruments; (2) basic statistics of counting measurements; (3) tests of the fundamental properties of unstable nuclides and the characteristics of their radiations: radioactive decay, absorption and energy determination of beta particles and gamma rays; (4) assay of radioactive materials such as an unknown iodine-131 solution (simulated standard technique); (5) separations such as the extraction with water of Th-234 from an ether solution of uranyl nitrate and also a separation employing the ion-exchange procedure; (6) and finally, three activation experiments involving one or more of the Pu-Be sources, with a paraffin tub sewing as the moderator. The first of these activation experiments is the activation of ordinary silver; the next is the preparation of 1-128 by means of the SzilardChalmers technique; and the last experiment calls for the identification of an unknown element from the half Me of the radioactive isotope produced by neutron activation. (7) The laboratory work of the course concludes with a special experiment by each student. Sometimes these involve studying effects of intense gamma radiation from the cobalt-60 source upon a simple chemical system. I t may be remarked that the essential difference hetween the undergraduate course and the course for M.D.'s, to be described below, is that in the former an effort is made t o take advantage of the undergraduate's superior mathematical preparation. Special Course for MD's

Many of the medical men who come to us for training in radiochemistry have been out of school for some time, and it is necessary, therefore, to start them off with review courses in mathematics, physics, and chemistry during the k s t two months of their six months' course. Following this introductory session, these special students take courses in statistics, nuclear physics, radiochemistry, and the biochemical effects of ionizing radiations. The latter two courses are given by the authors. Since the radiochemistry course is essentially the same as that offered to undergraduates, it will not be described further here. The course on the biochemical effects was designed primarily for the benefit of the physician students and will be described briefly below. Biochemical effects of ionization radiations. I n the course on the biochemical effects of ionizing radiations, consideration is given first to the ways by which energy from such radiations is deposited in simple systems such as air and water. Increasingly complex systemsinorganic salts in solution, organic substances, polymers-are then dealt with. Finally, the effects of radiations on living cells are discussed. The laboratory work parallels the lecture topics. Using our large cobalt-60 source, the students irradiate various systems with gamma rays. Oxidation of ferrous ion in acidic solution2 is used to determine quantitatively the amount of radiation from our cobalt-

' MILLER,N., J. C h m . Phys., 18, 79 (1950). 388


Journal of Chemical Education

60 source. Other experiments range from the irradiation of a simple organic substance, sodium benzoate, and measurement of the phenolic substances produced, to the irradiation of mice and the determination of the efficacy of various known protective agents, e.g., cysteine, in preventing changes in the white cell count of the blood and decreasing the mortality rate. Simple, yet dramatic, is one demonstration of the effect of gamma radiations on seeds. Barley seeds irradiated for different lengths of time sprout and grow a t rates inversely proportional to the radiation dose they have received. Undergraduate Research

Every senior at Reed College carries on a research project leading to a senior thesis on which he is examined orally at the end of his senior year. It is noteworthy that a student devotes about one-fourth of his senior year program to the thesis project and as a consequence some seniors are able to obtain significant and publishable results. I t is in their senior thesis work that some of our students gain advanced experience in radiochemistry and radiobiochemistry. Even during the firstyear (1947) of our radiochemistry program four seniors selected thesis topics in this field. One constructed and assembled apparatus for a G-M counting unit. Another, using ion exchange resins to concentrate inorganic ions, determined the radioactivity of water from the Columbia river. A third student, using mercury-203, estimated the rate of adsorption of mercury on .silver surfaces in a highlyevacuated system. Still another found in experiments with the silver coulometer that S-35 present in the electrolyte as sulfate is occluded in the deposited silver. A few of the senior thesis topics since that first year are as follows: one student used carbon-14 labeled methanol in water to estimate the occlusion of solvent in cathode silver deposited in the silver coulometer. Several students continued the study of the adsorption of mercury by silver and as a by-product of this work an attempt was made to prepare a radioactive daguerreotype. Another recent project has been the use of tritium in an investigation of the diffusion of cathodically-produced hydrogen through thin metal cathodes of palladium or steel. As an example of the special class experiments we may note here one which may be of interest to old-time chemists, viz., the use of strontium-90 and phosphorus-32 to estimate the occlusion of strontium ion and phosphate ion by silver chloride precipitated under the conditions of atomic weight determination. Biochemical problems involving the use of radioactive materials have been selected by several seniors for their thesis work. Some have prepared compounds labeled with carbon-14 or with sulfur-35 and have used these in studying certain aspects of yeast and animal metabolism. I n this work they have become experienced with radioautographic techniques and have dealt with the problem of counting weak beta emitting isotopes. Other students have taken as their problems the determination of the effects of gamma radiation on biochemical substances. One student found, for example, that when cysteine solutions are irradiated, significant amounts of alanine are produced in addi-

tion to the cystine and hydrogen sulfide which had previously been reported in the literature. Recently, one student becameinterested in activation analysis and, using a gamma spectrometer, studied the inorganic substances present in wood ash which had been irradiated in a reactor a t Oak Ridge. Conclusion

We can present a few general comments on our experience with radiochemistry training a t Reed. First, many of the students who chose a senior thesis project involving radioehemistry or radiobiochemistry have continued in the same field or in one closely related to it in graduate school. A second observation is that

the general student interest in the field of radiochemistry has apparently leveled off. This is partly due, no doubt, to the fact that many students have had their natural curiosity satisfied by discussions of radioactivity in their introductory 'physics and ehemistry courses. The main reason, however, for the leveling off of students' interest is that radioehemistry is but one of many fields of ehemistry which attract the attention of a young ehemistry student today. At Reed we are hopeful of continuing a strong program in radioehemistry and in accordance with this hope we are including a special radiochemistry laboratory in the new addition to the ehemistry building. This new laboratory will be ready for occupancy next fall.


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