radionuclides in the environment - ACS Publications - American

E. C. Freiling. Pollution ... a growing concern ... a concept not gen- ... for any stage in a research problem to help establish what is going on. 21 ...
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RADIONUCLIDES IN THE ENVIRONMENT ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES NO. 9 3 Twenty-eight papers from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, chaired by E. C. Freiling. Pollution . . . a growing concern . . . a concept not generally associated with radionuclides. The successful control of this hazardous waste product of nuclear energy is essential to the continued use and development of nuclear power. Critical to this problem is an understanding of the processes by which radionuclides are produced, dispersed, and retained in the environment. The papers in this volume discuss and evaluate the properties and problems relating to radionuclides, including • mechanisms of release, absorption, uptake, transport • behavior, measurement and characterization, specific weapons tests • specific activity, public health aspects, fallout • new methods and equipment 522 pages with index Clothbound (1968) $15.00 Set of L.C. cards with library orders upon request.

Other books in the ADVANCES IN CHEMISTRY SERIES OF related interest include: No. 89 Isotope Effects in Chemical Processes. Methods of separating isotopes and labeled molecules—chemical exchange, electromigration, photochemical processes, and distillation—are examined, along with factors that suit a process to isotope separation—single stage fractionation, exchange rate, and reflux. 278 pages cloth (1969) $13.00 No. 82 Radiation Chemistry—II. Thirty-six papers and 17 abstracts on radiation chemistry in gases, solids, and organic liquids. Includes three plenary lectures. 558 pages cloth (1968) $16.00

No. 68 The Mossbauer Effect and Its Application in Chemistry. Ten papers that will familiarize chemists with Mossbauer spectroscopy as an analytical tool for studying chemical bonding, crystal structure, electron density, magnetism, and other properties. 178 pages cloth (1967) $8.00 No. 66 Irradiation of Polymers. Eighteen papers survey radiation mechanics in polymers, the chemical nature of reactive species produced, crosslinking and scission, homopolymerization, graft copolymerization, and the effects of ultraviolet light radiation. 275 pages cioth (1967) $10.00

No. 81 Radiation Chemistry—I. Forty-one papers and 17 abstracts on radiation chemistry in aqueous media, biology, and dosimetry. From the international conference at Argonne National Laboratory. 616 pages cloth (1968) $16.00. No. 81 and 82 ordered together $30.00

No. 58 Ion-Molecule Reactions in the Gas Phase. Eighteen papers survey spectrometric and other methods for producing and studying ion-molecule reactions such as pulsed sources for studying thermal ions, reactions in flames and electrical discharges. 336 pages cloth (1966) $10.50

No. 72 Mass Spectrometry in Inorganic Chemistry. A basic tool for chemical manipulations,, the mass spectrometer is a conventional monitor for any stage in a research problem to help establish what is going on. 21 Research reports. 329 pages cloth (1968) $12.00

No. 50 Solvated Electron. Reviews of theory, structure, reactions of solvated and hydrated electrons; detailed papers on electrical transport properties, photochemistry, theory of electron transfer reactions, structure of solvated electrons, hydrated electron research. 304 pages cloth (1965) $10.50

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