Raman intensities and detection limits of ... - ACS Publications

Boiling as a mechanism for colour zonations observed at the Byrud emerald .... of hydrocarbons during sub-solidus alteration of the Strange Lake peral...
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Anal. Chem. 1987, 5 9 , 2165-2170


Raman Intensities and Detection Limits of Geochemically Relevant Gas Mixtures for a Laser Raman Microprobe Brigitte Wopenka* and Jill Dill Pasteris

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and McDonnell Center for the Space Sciences, Box 1169, Washington University, S t . Louis, Missouri 63130

We describe Raman experiments on gas mlxtures of known composltlon contalnlng N, plus two or more of the following specles: SO2, COP, 02,CO, H2S, CH,, and H,. The mlxtures were used to callbrate a RAMANOR U-1000 with the goal of lncreaslng the accuracy of composltlonal analyses of fluld Inclusions In geologlcal samples. We derlved Instrumentspeclflc "Raman quantlfkatlonfactors" that Incorporate both relatlve (to N2) Raman Scattering cross sections and instrumental efflclencles. The experiments were done on gases In thln-walled, sHlca glass capllarles at