Raman Pumping in the Absence of an External Light Source

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J. Phys. Chem. 1994,98,1427-7429


Raman Pumping in the Absence of an External Light Source David R. Grantier and James L. Gole' School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332 Received: April 4, 1994'

The first observation of a chemically enhanced resonance Raman pumping process, observed in the absence

of an external light source, is reported. In an extended path length reactive environment, sodium dimer molecules are Raman pumped by radiation from the N a D-line produced by the reaction of additional dimer molecules with bromine atoms. The observed Raman spectrum would appear to result from much more than a simple light scattering process.

Introduction Recently, we have been concerned with the reactions of small supersonicallycooled sodium molecules with halogen atoms (Nan + X Na*el + NaX; X = C1, Br, I, n = 2, 3).1,2 These reactions have been shown to demonstrate gain on transitions involving the electronically excited Naz products of the Na3 Br reaction.3~~ In an extension of these experiments, focused on the development of a long path length amplifying medium employing slit source based supersonicexpansions,we have observed the first resonance Raman pumping generated in a purely chemical reactive environment. The observations made in the present study bear a close analogy to those of Wellegehausen,516Bergmann,' and co-workers in their analysis of optically pumped sodium dimer lasers operative on a stimulated Raman scattering process. Here, however, we observe a series of Raman-like Stokes and antiStokesfeatures which (1) areasscciatedwiththelowestvibrational levels of Naz, (2) correlate with a scattering process involving the Na D-line components (Na 3p2P3p,1p-3sZS1p)created in the chemical reaction sequence +



+ Br



+ NaBr Na(3s2S) + hv




(3) are not readily generated by light scattering due to an external laser light source, and (4) appear to be enhanced by the environment of the reaction zone itself. The D-line emission is scattered by cooled sodium dimers (Naz) formed, as a result of supersonic expansion, in the lowest vibrational levels of the Na2 ground electronicstate. Multiple Stokes and anti-Stokes features assigned as resonance Raman progressions are well simulated on the basis of the resonance Raman theory outlined by Rousseau and Williams8 and othersn9The results of initial gain studies, in which amplification has been observed on many of the Stokes and anti-Stokes components of the Raman spectrum, are suggestive of a stimulated Raman scattering process similar to that associated with optically pumped alkali dimer lasers. However, the scattering line width r associated with the present process is determined to be close to 4 cm-l. These results suggest an unusually fast resonance Raman scattering process which appears to be chemically enhanced.

Experimental Section The apparatus which we have used to generate high sodium fluxes in supersonic expansion from an extended slit source is described.in detail elsewhere.lOJ1 A dual oven (large capacity (-350 g) stagnation chamber and frontal nozzle expansion channel) system has been designed to produce a supersonic flux *Abstract published in Aduonce ACS Absrrocrs, July IS, 1994.


of alkali vapor through a slit nozzle approximately 0.003 in. wide by 2 in. in length. The slit is formed from two sheets of 0.005 in. tantalum prepared, mounted, and sandwiched between frontal andrearnozzlesections. The precisewidthof thecreated tantalum slit is adjusted to 0.003 in. under a Vickers microscopeand verified for accuracy (across the length of the slit) using single slit diffraction techniques. The rear stagnation chamber (850-900 K) and frontal nozzle expansion channel (900-950 K) are heated independently. Expansion from the slit source produces a near planar flux (slight divergence) at the reaction region consistingprimarily of sodium atoms and internally cooled dimers." In the reaction region, the sodium flux is intersected at variable angles from above and below by two diverging but nearly planar bromine atom flows emerging also from slits machined into graphite tube furnaceslOJ1operated at temperatures12 T > 1700 K necessary to ensure a greater than 95% conversion of bromine molecules to bromine atoms. At the significant reactant fluxes necessary to generate a strong Raman scattering signal, the absolute number density of bromine atoms in the reaction zone is conservatively estimated10 at between 1014 and 1015 cm-3 whereas the absolute number density of sodium dimers in the reaction zone may exceed 10l6 cm4. The optical signature of the long path length sodium molecule bromine atom reaction zone is focused onto the entrance slit of a SPEX 1704 scanning monochromator coupled to an RCA 1P28 photomultiplier tube (PMT). The PMT is maintained at 1000 V, and the response current is sent through an IEEE interfaced autoranging picoammeter (Keithley) to an IBM compatible AT class microcomputer. We have also attempted, unsuccessfully, to reproduce the Raman signal created following the reaction sequence (1) by resonantly pumping the supersonically expanded sodium dimers with external laser light. Intensity stabilized broad-band (multimode) laser light (-1 W) from an argon ion laser (Spectra Physics, Model 171) at 4765 and 4880 A and dye laser light (- 100 mW) at 5890 and 5896 A (argon ion pumped R6G) was frequency chopped and passed through the reaction zone in an effort to generate a Raman scattering signal similar to that observed from the chemical reaction pumping. The frequency content of the emergent beam was again monitored with a monochromator-PMT combination. The PMT response,detected with a phase-sensitive amplifier, was digitized and stored in an IBM AT class microcomputer. In addition to those experiments outlined, an optical configuration similar to the ingenious design of Roll and Mentells was constructed about the extended Na,-Br reaction zone and used to measure optical gain on several of the observed features depicted in Figure 1. These gain measurements are discussed in more detail elsewhere.10


0 1994 American Chemical Society

7428 The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 31, 19‘94


Na2 Bln,-xlx;

Letters We have successfully modeled the group of features symmetrically surrounding the Na D-line with the resonant Raman intensity expressions-10

Na D line

N% 2’n,+i3x;


Wavelength (A) Figure 1. Survey spectrum of chemiluminescent emission and Raman scattering from various electronic states of diatomic sodium. The Na2 PII, l%,+ transition corresponds to a triplet-triplet bound-free excimer-likeemission process (resolution 12 A, Town 875 K,TnOvlc 935 K).

















Figure 2. Raman-likespectrum taken at a resolution of 1.5 A ( TWcn 875 IC, Tnd. 935 K) depicting the two Na D-line components and

the satellite Raman structure. The spin-orbit frequency difference of the two Na D-line components is reproduced in the scattered radiation. A simulatedspectrum(calculated from eq 2) is presented for comparison (Tml 400 K, r = 4 cm-I). See text for discussion.


Results and Analysis There are several near-resonant rovibronic transitions associated with the XIZg+ and the AI&+ states of Na210and the atomic emission from the Na D-lines, wpl and up2 (’P3/2 2S1/2 a t 16 973.379 cm-’ and 2Pl/2 2S1/2a t 16 956.183 cm-I).l4 We suggest that these near resonances are responsible, in large part, for the unusually intense optical signature depicted in Figure 1. The spectrum in Figure 1 was taken a t a resolution of 12 A. The relative intensity of the strong sodium dimer B X chemiluminescence to the even stronger Raman-like emission features symmetrically surrounding the Na D-line is readily apparent. The frequency separation between adjacent Stokes (anti-Stokes) features corresponds closely to 155cm-I, correlating with the separations between the lowest sodium dimer groundstatevibrational levels. Despite considerable effort, we have found that these features cannot be made to fit a resonance fluorescence series but can be readily assigned to Stokes and anti-Stokes bands associated with a resonance Raman progressiom.1° Additional evidence suggestiveof a Raman process is presented in Figure 2. The spectrum depicted in Figure 2 was taken under equivalent reaction zone conditions to those of the spectrum depicted in Figure 1, The intermediate resolution, -1.5 A, a t which this spectrum was obtained is sufficient to clearly resolve the atomic sodium 2P3/2-2P~/2 component splitting (- 17.2 cm-l) while leaving individual rotational lines unresolved. The relative intensities of each of the sodium D-line components are clearly evident in the scattered Raman emission. Furthermore, the frequency separation of the atomic line component splitting is clearly reproduced (within the experimental resolution of the scan) for both the vibrational Stokes and anti-Stokes components of the scattering.




where I, is the total intensity for a scattered Stokes or anti-Stokes line as a function of frequency, w, and pump intensity, Zp, and c is the speed of light. We consider transitions from an initial rovibrational ground electronic state of the Na2 molecule labeled G to some final rovibrational electronic ground state labeled F through an intermediate excited electronic state labeled I where WGI and WIF represent the rovibrationic energy difference between the G and I and I and F levels, and r refers to the line width arising from all damping phenomena. The SJterms correspond to the appropriate Hdnl-London factors for the Na2 AI&+XIZg+transition,IOM ( Q )represents the electronicmatrix element, expressed as a function of the normalized nuclear coordinate, 4 = R(pw/h)l/2,and ( U F ~ U I )and (U I ~ U Grepresent ) Franck-Condon overlap integrals. We have included a thermalized ground-state rotational distribution and a ground-state weighting function N(uG), which represents the deviation from a Boltzmann distribution. We also allow pumping due to each component of the sodium D-line (op1(~P3/2) and O P ~ ( ~ P Ito/ ~contribute )) to the scattered emission intensity, Z,. Here, the 2P3/2:2Pl/z intensity weighting resulting from the reaction populated D-linecomponents is 3:2, as determined from the experimental spectrum. Numerical calculations10were carried out by allowing the nearresonant atomic sodium transitions, wpl and wp2, appropriately broadened, to pump the first 30 levels in the Na2 X1Zg+state to the first 70 levels of the Na2 AI&+ state. Deexcitation from the upper electronic state was allowed to proceed to the first 30 levels of the ground state. Rotational levelsJ”, J’= 0-1 20 were included with each vibrational level of both the excited electronic AI&+ state and the ground electronic X1Z8+state of the sodium dimer scatterer. Each simulated spectrum produced in the modeling program was convolved with a Gaussian function to approximate the effects of a finite spectrometer slit width.IO The data in Figure 3 depict the fit to the vibrational structure surrounding the Na D-line under conditions of pure sodium expansion. All attempts to extract a vibrational temperature through comparison of the observed and calculated Raman spectra were unsuccessful. The low-resolution (- 12 A) vibrational Raman spectrum depicted in Figure 3 does not correspond to a thermalized vibrational distribution. The calculated spectrum in Figure 3, corresponding to a non-Boltzmann vibrational distribution, closely matches the experimental scan and also provides a consistent fit to higher resolution spectra. Although the rotational population distribution may also be non-Boltzmann, we find that with an effective rotational temperature of 400 K we are able to obtain a close agreement between the experimental and calculated spectrum depicted in Figure 4. This suggests that only slight modifications from a thermalized distribution will be necessary to exactly fit the rotational features. We need consider elsewhere that there are several possible sources for the deviation of the Raman scattering features, depicted in Figure 3, from a thermalized vibrational distribution.I0

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 98, No. 31, 1994 1429








-. \ i% ,T!?!?Ory












Figure 3. Comparison of ex rimental spectrum with computer-modeled distribution (resolution 5 Tm 875 K, T e 935 K). Optimum N

agreement between calculation and experiment was found for the slightly nonthermal distribution depicted in the upper right-hand corner of the figure. A Boltzmann distribution a t 400 K is included for comparison. See text for discussion.



r = i cm”







. 5910



WAVELENGTH(ANGSTR0MS) Figure 4. High-resolution spectrum (-0.5 A) and simulated spectra for l’ = 0.1, 1, and 4 cm-’ demonstrating the marked improvement in the fit to the experimental Raman-like features for increasing valucs of r. See text for discussion.

A still higher resolution scan (-0.4 A) of the first Stokes and anti-Stokesfeatures is depicted and computer simulatedin Figure 4. The computer simulation is again based on the application of eq 2. In a surprising result, we find that a line width r = 4 cm-l is required to provide optimum agreement between the simulated and experimental results with correlation coefficients exceeding 0.92 for the anti-Stokes and 0.89 for the Stokes features, respectively. A further confirmation of the required line width is also indicated in Figure 4 where we compare the experimental spectrum to r = 4-, 1-, and 0.1-cm-’ simulations based on eq 2. While there are improvements that can be made in the simulationsdepicted in Figure 4, it is unlikely that simple power broadening can be responsible for the large effective line width indicated by our spectralsimulations. On the basis of the required power broadening for a two-level quantum system driven at resonance, we estimate that an electric field of 1.3 kV/cm and an absolute power density of -0.215 MW/cm2 are necessary to produce the requisite spectral broadening of 4 cm-l. The apparent 4-cm-1 spectral broadening suggests the possibility of a scattering lifetime of order 10-ll s, implying a process which is considerably more efficient than would be expected on the basis of resonance Raman pumping involving the Na2 A-X transition (- 1V s based on the radiative lifetime’s). Several additional experiments involving the direct pumping of the sodium expansion in the absence of bromine atom reactant at the Na D-line frequencies (argon ion pumped R6G) and at 4765 and 4880 A using a multimode argon ion laser failed to



reveal optical signaturescorrespondingto those depicted in Figures 1-4. In fact, while it was possible to excite laser-induced fluorescencecorrespondingto the Na2 A-X and E X band systems analogous to that observed previously,16although at somewhat higher temperatures in the present experiments,no clear Raman features were generated. This result also suggests a more efficient process than that associated with resonance Raman pumping. These results suggest that we have observed more than a “simple” Raman-like scattering process. We might consider a further long-range interactionof the electronically excited sodium 3p2Patoms with those Na2 molecules which are Raman pumped, aninteraction~fthebia~moleculeswith theBratoms that induces a time-varying enhancement of the dimer polarizability (hyperpolarizability) or (less likely) the presence of a large electric field created due to the reactive environment in the vicinity of the reaction zone. It would appear that this interaction or perturbation leads to a much more efficient Raman-like scattering process and appears to demonstrate a stimulated Raman gain condition.10 While further experiments will be necessary to clarify the mechanism for thescattering process, thelong pathlength reaction zone employed in these experimentsappears to have revealed the manifestation of a significant cooperative phenomena. The moderate Rydberg character of the Na 3p2Pexcited state, with its diffuse electron density, may, in fact, lend itself toa considerable long-range interaction inducing cooperative effects. The assessment of these cooperative effects awaits further study.

Acknowledgment. The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful comments of Professors Ron Felton and Michael Heaven and Dr. Kangkang Shen. Helpful comments and technical assistance from Mr. C. B. Winstead is also greatly appreciated. The support of the Georgia Tech Foundation through a grant from Mrs. Betty Peterman Gole, the Army Research Office through the Short Term Innovative Research Program, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Army Research Office and AFOSR/SDIO is greatly appreciated. References and Notes (1) Crumley, W. H.; Gole, J. L.; Dixon, D. A. J . Chem. Phys. 1982, 76, 6439. (2) (a) Gole, J. L. The Unique Nature of Metal Cluster Oxidation. In Physics and Chemistry of Finite Systems: From Clusters to Crystals; Jena, P., Khanna, S. N., Rao, B. K., Eds.; NATO AS1 Ser. Vol. 11; 1992; p 1025. (b) Gole, J. L Toward the Modeling of the Oxidation of Small Metal and Metalloid Molecules. In Gas Phase Metal Reactions; Fontijn, A., Ed.; North-Holland: Amsterdam, 1992; pp 578604. (c) Gole, J. L. The Unique Complexation and Oxidation of Metal-Based Clusters. In Advances in Metal andSemiconductor Clusters; Duncan, M. A,, Ed.; JAI Press: London, 1993; Vol. 1, pp 159-209. (3) Cobb, S.H.; Woodward, J. R.; Gole, J. L. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1989, 156, 197. (4) ‘Chemically Driven Pulsed and Continuous Visible Laser Amplifiers and Oscillators”, with K.K. Shen, H. Wang, and D. Grantier; Invited Talk, Proceedings of the 23rd AIAA Plasma-Dynamics and Laser Science Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, AIAA 92-2994, 1992. (5) Wellegehausen, B. IEEE J . Quantum Electron. 1979, 15, 1108. (6) Wellegehausen, B. In Metal Bonding and Interactions in High Temperature Systems with Emphasis on Alkali Metals; ACS Symp. Ser. 179; Gole, J. L., Stwalley, W. C., Eds.; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, p 462. (7) Gaubatz, U.; Bissantz, H.; Hefter, U.; Colomb de Daunant, I.; Beramann, K.; Jones, P. L. J . Opt. Soc. Am. 1989. 6, 1386. -(8) Rousseau, D. L.; Williak, P. F. J. Chem. Phys. 1976, 64, 3519. (9) See, for example: Tang, J.; Albrocht, A. C. In Raman Spectroscopy; Szymanski, H. A., Ed.; Plenum: New York, 1970; Vol2, pp 33-68. Albrecht, A. C. J. Chem. Phys. 1961, 34, 1476. (10) Grantier, D. R.; Gole, J. L. Chemically Enhanced Raman Scattering, to be submitted for publication. (1 1) Grantier, D.; Wang, H.; Winstead, C. B.; Gole, J. L. Proceedings of the 24th AIAAPlasma Dynamics and Lasen Conference,Orlando. FL, AIAA 93-3207, 1993. (12) Cobb. S. Ph.D. Thesis. Georgia - Institute of Technology, -_ Atlanta, GA, 1988. (13) Roll, G.; Mentel, J. J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 1989, 22, 483. (14) Moore, C. E. Atomic Energy Levels; National Bureau of Standards: Washington, DC, 1949. (15) Zemke, W. T.; Verma, K. K.; Vu, T.; Stwalley, W. C. J . Mol. Spectrosc. 1981, 85, 150. (16) Gole, J. L.; Green, G. J.; Paw, S.A,; Preuss, D. R. J. Chem. Phys. 1982, 76, 2247.