Rapid Iodometric Determination of Iron in Iron Phytate

J. R. FOY AND J. B* THOMPSON1, Marymount College, Tarrytown, N. Y.. A direct titration method makes it possible to determine iron in ferric phytate in...
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Rapid Iodometric Determination of Iron in Iron Phytate I




€3. THOMPSON', Marymount College, Tarrytown, N. Y.

A direct titration method makes it possible to determine iron in femc phytate in about 20 minutes, whereas other methods adaptable to the product require several hours. The results obtained are highly reproducible. The method is more accurate than methods which involve conriderable manipulation and possible loss.


ERRIC phytate has been proposed as a source of iron for the nutritional fortification of grain and cereal products. It is a buff-colored compound, insoluble in water and dilute arids, which does not accelerate the development of rancidity in foodstuffs. The iron is available to the animal organism and, since phytic acid is a natural constituent of cereals, no foreign matter is introduced (I). Since phytic acid forms iron salts of varying iron content, its analysis before incorporation into food products seems highly desirable. The usual analytical procedures that might be applied to this compound are lengthy and offer considerable difficulty. Ferric phytate, however, exhibits certain propsties that allow a much more rapid determination of iron. Posternak (6) has shown that iron can be quantitatively split from the ferric phytate by strong alkali, producing the insoluble ferric hydroxide and the soluble alkaline phytate. By heating a sample of ferric phytate in a strong sodium hydroxide solution, filtering, washing the soluble sodium phytate from the ferric hydroxide, then dissolving the latter in hydrochloric acid, the iron content can be determined by the usual Zimmerman-Reinhardt method. This procedure, though satisfactory, is also tedious. The authors found that ferric phytate is very soluble in concentrated hydrochloric acid, and that under these conditions the ferric ion is readily available. I t is sufficient, therefore, to add a potassium iodide solution of the proper concentration to the strongly acid solution of the ferric phytate and, after dilution, to titrate the liberated iodine with thiosulfate. Two samples of ferric phytate have been analyzed for iron in this manner with very gratifying results. Comparisons with determinations made by the Zimmerman-Reinhardt method are satisfactory. The iodometric determination of iron is usually considered uneatisfactory, as the revenibility of the reaction results in the almost immrdiate return of the blue starch-iodine color. According to Kolthoff and Furman (8) the equilibrium expression for the iodometric titration of the ferric ion: 2Fe+++

+ 21-.-2Fe++

salt reacts with potassium iodide. This reaction may be represented as follows:




Another (less probable) possibility is that the phytic acid formed in Equation 1 acts as an inhibitor of the oxidation of the ferrous chloride formed when the potassium iodide reacts with the ferric chloride. The addition of phytic acid when iron is determined iodometrically in ferric ammonium sulfate delays the return of the blue starch-iodine color, just as in the case of the ferric phytate titrations. Although not yet completely worked out, it appears that the use of phytic acid could be adapted to the iodometric titration of other iron compounds.


ihytic acid was prepared from wheat bran by the method of lorrow and Sandstrom (4). Samples of iron hytate were prepared from this solution b precipitatin with krric chloride a t H 4 to 5, washing with &lute acid an8 finally with water, a n f drying in vacuum over phosphorus pentoxide. Iron was determined in 1-gram samples by the acce ted Zimmerman-Reinhardt method (3) after digestion with sulruric and perchloric acids (Table I), DIRECTTITRATION METHOD. sample# of 0.5 to 1.5 rams were transferred to 250-ml. iodine flasks, 10 ml. of hydrockoric acid were added, and the flasks were gently rotated to effect complete solution. Then 25 ml. of a 16 per cent potassium iodide solution were added, and the flask was uickly stoppered and twirled several times to ensure thorouh mixing. The mixture was allowed to stand 5 minutes, 100 ml. of water were added, and the liberated iodine wa.7 titrated with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate using starch indicator. The titrations were corrected for blanks run under identical conditions (Table I). 1 ml. of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate is equivalent CALCULATION. to 0.05585 gram of iron.


+ 11

is given as [Fee+ [Fe+++][I-]

+ +

(Fe+++).phytate 3z(HCl)-(FeC&) phytic acid (1) z(Fe+++) z (KI) phytic acid(Fe++K),phytate z(1) (2)


I n order to obtain quantitative results, it is recommended that the ferric ion be present as the salt of a strong miner41 acid; that the solution be strongly acid, pH 1; and that an excess of the iodide be present. However, when ferric phytate is titrated iodometrically, in no case does the color return in less than 60 minutes, and 2 to 3 hours usually elapse before there is a recurrence. Thus the reduction of the ferric ion is of a more permanent nature. Undoubtedly a soluble, but little dissociated, ferrous potassium salt of phytic acid is formed which is not easily oxidized to the ferric state, as is the case when an inorganic ferric

Sample Weight Qromr











Av. of all determinations

1 Present address, Chicago Quarterrnmter Depot, Q.M.C. Subsistence Research Laboratory, Chicago, Ill.





1 .oo

Iron Found

Direct titration




Sample A Max. 16.88 Min. 16.82 AI. 16.86 Max. 16.88 Min. 16.82 Av. 18.83 Max. 16.88 Min. 16.77 Av. 16.83 Myx. 16.79 Min. 18.79 Av. 16.79



Sample B hfsx. 11.57 hfin. 11.45 Av. 11.49


... ...

... ... hfar. 16.82 Min. 16.63 Av. 16.70 16.70

... Max. 11.32 Min. 11.21 AY. 11.26





KI per 25 M1. of Solution

Time,of Standing




10 10

2 3

10 20 10

5.0 2.5 4.0 4.0

Min. 15 15 5 5 15



0.1 N NaeSnOa,


MI. 0.25

0.17 0.14 0.23 0.29

Discussion Several factors must be carefully controlled.

It is advisable

to use samples of 0.7 to 1.00gram, as then the volume of the thio-

sulfate used is well within the desirable titration range, The ratio of the sample weight in grams to the volume of hydrochloric acid in milliliters must be kept between 1 to 7 and 1 to 15 to ensure complete solution and yet avoid too great an excess of acid. The ratio of the volumes of the hydrochloric acid and potassium iodide solution must be kept between 1 to 2 and 1 to 3 to prevent the precipitation of the ferric phytate and yet maintain as low an acid concentration as possible. There is a blank liberation of iodine which depends upon the amount of potassium iodide and hydrochloric acid and the time of standing (Table 11). Varying these three factors within the limits set up herein does not affect

Vol. 15, No. 12

the determination, provided a correction is made for a blank run under identical conditions. It is suggested that rn a routine procedure the volume of the hydrochloric acid and potassium iodide solution be accurately measured by pipet and the time of standing be recorded on a stopwatch. It will then be necessary to run only one set of blanks for each batch of hydrochloric acid and potassium iodide for different times of standing. A 1 to 50 dilution of the thiosulfate in the blank titration will give more reliable values. If the blank titration is plotted against the time of standing, the correction to be applied to any determination can be read off the graph. The results by the Zimmerman-Reinhardt method are slightly lower (0.1 to 0.2 per cent) than those by the direct titration method, which can undoubtedly be attributed to incomplete digestion and solution.

Literature Cited (1) Andrews, J. S., Evans, L. H., and Huber, L. J., U. S. Patent 2,239,543(Apr. 22, 1941). (2) Kolthoff and Furman, “Volumetric Analyses”, Volume 11, p. 422,New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1929. (3) Kolthoff and Sandell, “Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis”, p. 570,New York, Maomillan Co., 1938. (4) Morrow and Sandstrom, “Biochemical Laboratory Methods”, p. 226,New York, John Wiley & Sons. 1935. (5) Posternak, S.,Compt. rend., 168, 1216 (1919).

Quantitative Determination of Sulfanilamide and Sulfathiazole in Mixtures Spectrophotometric Method D. T. ENGLIS


DOUGLAS A. SKOOG’, Noyes Chemical Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Ill.


H E wide use of the sulfa drugs has given rise to considerable interest in their analytical reactions. Their assay, differentiation, and identification have been the subject of a recent article by Calamari, Hubata, and Roth (5). The principal chemical reaction employed for the quantitative estimation of those substances involves the diazotization of the aryl amino group. By coupling the diazonium salt and production of an azo dye the compound may be estimated colorimetrically and the sensitivity gteatly increased (6). Anderson ( 1 ) has called attention to the fact that free sulfanilamide and acetylated sulfanilamide have different absorption characteristics in the range 310 to 360 mp and has devised a unique fluorometric method for the estimation of each. A problem which was presented to the authors was the determination of sulfanilamide and sulfathiazole when present together in a mixture. It seemed probable that these compounds would show markedly different absorption characteristics in the ultraviolet range and that the determination of each could be accomplished by a physical method without separation of the constituents. I n 1930 Barnard and MacMichael (2) demonstrated that a color system of two components may be quantitatively analyzed, even if both components show absorption a t the selected wave length, provided the degree of absorption is sufficiently different and the sample represents a definite total amount of the two constituents only. Knudson, Meloche, and Juday (4) have pointed out an extension of the general principle and have indicated how the method may be used for more than two components. It is necessary to determine the extinction coefficients of each pure component at selected wave lengths 1

Present addreas, Standard OilCo., Richmond, Calif.

which give the widest differences in absorption of one from the other components. The extinction value of the mixture is then determined at the selected wave lengths and the proportions of the various constituents are calculated from the data by the solution of a series of simultaneous equations. It was the object of this study to develop a method for the analysis of the sulfa drug mixture based upon this principle.

Experimental The instrument employed in this work was a Bausch & Lomb medium quartz s ectrograph. The slit was adjusted to a width of 0.06 mm. A t y e hydrogen discharge tube, which gives a continuous spectmm o r fairly uniform intensity over the desired wave-length range, served as the source of illumination. The source was placed with the exit window a t a distance of 10 cm. from the slit. A cell of 1-cm. length with quartz windows wm used to hold the liquids during their examination. Separate exposures of the solvent and the solutions were taken for a period





MIXTURESBY SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC EXAMINATION AT 2600 AND 2875 A. (Values expressed in mg. of comtituent per liter) Sulfathiarole Sulfanilamide DeviaDeviaAdded Found tion Added Found tion 1.17 -0.08 +0.05 1.25 2.50 2.55 -0.18 1.60 1.42 +0.04 8.37 8.33 -0.03 1.97 2.00 -0.30 9.70 10.00 2.00 5.00

7.00 3.00 1.25

1.97 5.20 6.95 3.30 1.29

-0.03 +0.20 -0.05

+0.30 +0.04

10.00 5.00 3.00 7.00 2.60

10.40 5.09

1-0.40 +0.09



3.11 2.70

+o. 11 +0.20