Raw Material Availability - ACS Publications

Great advances are being made in the manufacture of phosphorus; construction of ... which received its start in the long desert trek of twenty-mule te...
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which throughout its life will ship a major portion of its output

to distant markets or on the concept of a plant having a capacity well in excess of the present consumption in the western states but in line with western market demands anticipated to develop a t some future date. Examples of branches of the Far Rest’s chemical industry which serve a national or Tyorld market rather than a purely local one occur often in the so-called petrochemical field-for example, detergent intermediates, p-xylene, and various ketones and alcohols such as acetone and isopropyl alcohol. Examples from other fields include sodium glutamate] methionine, and certain chlorates and perchlorates. Reverting to the r a v material situation, the Far JVest has made rapid strides in recent years, and particularly in recent months, toward self-sufficiency in sulfur supplies, utilizing sulfur compounds from petroleum refineries, from unusual natural gas fields, and from other sources. Much progress has also been made in increasing the production of ammonia and its derivatives to bring westein supply more nearly in line m ith western demand. Great advances are being made in the manufacture of phosphorus; construction of three multimillion-dollar plants has recently been announced. Major expansions have also occurred in potash production. The agricultural pre-eminence of the Far West has also encouraged expansion of insecticide manufacturing

Vol. 43, No. 12

facilities, and the current chlorine expansion program includcs a t least four important western projects. The availability of hydroelectric power in the Northwest has, in addition to chlorine manufacture, led to expansion in other fields previously mentioned. Some major gaps remain: T h e pharmaceutical industry is underdeveloped, and a dyestuff industry is almost nonexistent in the \Test. The Pacific Northm-est is one of the great lumbering areas of the lvorld but lacks a rayon industry. California is an important cotton-groiving state and a great center of clothing design and sportswear manufacture] but’ the textile industry is largely absent. Likewise, California is prominent in the nianufacture of plastic articles, but the chemicals from which these plastics are made usually come from other areas. A recent exception is polystyrene, now made in California. There are, of course, major problems in filling these gaps; otherwise the gaps xould not exist. However, it seems obvious that they will be filled, as so many other gaps in the mstern chemical industry have been filled in the recent past. Indeed, the very term “western chemical industry” is almost a guaranty of continued rapid strides, for it refers to an area in which the pioneering spirit is most t’horoughly alive and to an industry Tvhich has an unsurpassed vitality and growth potential. RECEIVED September 20, 1951.


The Far West, i n spite of its late start, vast distances and extremes of climate, difficulties i n transportation, and relatively small population, has already established a thriving chemical and chemical process industry. A rapid increase i n population, establishment of other chemical consuming industries and new process developments may be expected to give a good rate of future growth. Many raw materials, hardly touched i n the past, will soon be used, and new materials will be found i n many of the areas only poorly explored i n the past. Salt, sulfur, coal, petroleum, alkalies, lime, and a host of other vital ma-

terials are available within the West and it seems not u n likely that entire new industrial areas may soon be developed. Typical of new developments of this nature have been the chemical transformation a t Henderson, Nev., and the production of electric furnace phosphates i n the Idaho area; the latter should soon be the United States leader i n this field. The problem is not one of raw material availability; i t is rather one of distances, transportation, and a population growth which will open u p adequate local markets to justify their increased developm e n t and use.


spread north and eastm ard. The romance of this era 11 ab a rcal part of all our youthful hours with stories of the Pony Expiess, and the developments of mines, cattle ranches, and agriculture, until finally a railroad \?as built to span the continent. Those very things ahich have made the history of the JJ est so romantic] and made it a familiar vacation area for millions, have restrained its general industrial growth until recently. Vast and steep mountain ranges made railroad construction difficult, with access to only major areas. Of a total area of 960,000 square miles, theie are probably a t least 200,000 squaie miles not served by railroads, and navigable waterways are virtually unknown. Primitive areas still exist which have been almoet totally unexplored for raw materials of interest to the chemical and chemical process industries. Until the advent of the automobile and truck, the industiial growth of the Far K e s t mas slow and dependent mainly on a few natural advantages. This growth has been speeded by the automobile and good highways which opened up many othera ise inaccessible areas to economic transportation. World War I1 added further impetus to industry generally, and greatly speeded the groxth of population, a trend which has continued since. Perhaps as much as any single factor, this population growth hap.

HE Far West is still the frontier of the chemical and chemical

process industries, just as it has been the last land frontier of the United States. The story of chemical raw materials must be the story of the tT7est and its development; it is a story of distances and extremes, of a people x-ho came for gold and stayed to develop a new land. It is a story of long treks across the continent by covered wagon or around the Horn by ship, of traders and trappers %Thoventured into the distance and brought back the picture of vast areas suitable for agriculture and cattle. It is the story of nearly a third the area of the Cnited States, extending 1200 miles from the Canadian line to the Mexican border and nearly 900 from the Olympic peninsula to the eastern boundary of Montana. It is the story of a chemical industry which received its start in the long desert trek of twenty-mule teams hauling borax from Death Valley. Even today this area represents a good example of extremes, Jvith potash, borax, and other chemicals produced in the desert area of California and tungsten mined within 200 miles a t an elevation of 11,000 feet where s n o w stop all winter operation. It is the story of a romantic era which started on the Pacific Coast with the discovery of gold and the rapid rise of San Francisco Bag as a port and trading area, Yith a population which


December 1951

provided a stimul~afar the chemical and chemical process industries and focused attention on the raw materials required for future growth and a balanced Western economy. What, then, are the raw materials now consumed and those available for future growth? Although many of the areas of the West have only heen poorly explored, if at all, it will be seen in the following discussion that the area is well supplied with everything necessary far major expansion during coming years, and

it may be expected that such growth will lead to further discovery of many valuable raw materials, The problem is not one of raw materials availability, but rather of distances, transportation, and markets to justiiy their development and we. In the following sections, some of

T d l e I. Bibliographic References to Spcific Raw Materiale



Ooovrrenoe Pmductmn h v States bv States Literature eited Utah. Wyo.. Mont.. Utah. Wyo.. Mont.. (8, 13. 16. IS. 26,34. 61,68. 6% 66. 6s. Wash.. Ore.. C+f., Waah. 77,SO. 82, 9% 86. 88) Idaho, Ne".. Arm.

Nstuml gas

Calif., Utah Mont., Wyo..

Raw Materials

Celif.. Utah Mont.. Wyo.. (7,IS. 61. 68, 7s. 17,80. S6) Calif., Mont.. Wyo.. Calif.. Mont., WYO., (7.IS, 61, 6s. 7% 77.80, S6) Utah Utah C e i , . Nev,, Mont.. Utah., Waah.. Mont. (8. IS. 49,72. 77,80)

Petroleum L



clam Di.tOmite Dolomite Fluompar

Arb. Calif. Mont.. N&. Ore: Idaho W a d , , W&.. U t a i Calif. On., Ne". Wabh., Idaho. Utah' Ariz. Calif. Idaho. Mbnt. N&. Om. Wash.: Wyo.: Utad A h . . Calif.. Idaho. Mont... Ncy.. ~.~Utah A ~ i z . Calif. Idsho. Mint. N&. Ore. Wash.: WYO.:Ut& Calif.. Waah.. Nev. Calif.. Utah. Idaho, Wyo.. Mont. ~

Lime and IimeAme Magnesite and brucite Phoaphatea


Sulfuric wid

Aris. Calif. Mont.. N&.. Ore:. Idaho, Waah.. WYO..Utah Calif. Ore.. Nev., Wabh. Aris. Calif. Idaho, M&t. N&. Ore. Wash.: WYO.: Uta6 Aria. Mont.. Nsv.. Ut& h i s . Calif. Idaho. Mint.. Ndv., Ore.. WYO..Utah Calif., Wash.. Ne". Utah. Idaho. WYO.. Mont. A~riz.. Calif., Mont.,

Utah,wash., WYO.

Arb. Calif.. Mont., Calif., Mont., Utah Ndv. Idaho, Utah, W d Calif. Idaho Nev.. Calif., Nev.. Wyo. w;o.. Utah. Calif.. Ore,, Ne". Calif. Calif. Be* water A r k . Calif.. Nev.. Calif. Ore., Utah.WYO. Cdif. Calif. Calif. Calif. Calif.. Utah. WYO.. Calif.. Utah

brit= sulfur

Iodine Lithium Potsah


(6. 7. 11, 19, 87.48. 46. 4S.66,6d, 7% 78 77,78. 86-88. 86. 86. 98) (9. 14. 16. 19, 26,4s.64,68. 60. 68, 66, 70,77,96. 96,S8) (1. 8. 11. 18, 40, 6% 66, 71-73, 96.

88-101) (17,IS.30, SI.33.37, 38, 77. . 78.. 91. .. 96). (1. 3.8. 11. IS,W , 40. 4s-61.60.60, 79,77. 96. S8) (10. 44,48. 70,78,96.Sa) (6. IO, 16, 19. 21, 89. 46.66. 67. 7s.7779,84, 06, 97)

(80. 96) (8, IS. SO, 78.80,86)

sodium carbonate Sodium ""lf*te Antimony

Chromite Mlng.neae

8ilia. mcb

m i n d


Calif. Utah Nev. Idailo. wuo., Ore.: Wwh. Cdif.. Nev., Wuh., Calif. Arb. Ne". h',, was& wyo: Idaho. Ne".. Ore.. Wash.. Calif. Calif. Ore.. Mont.. Wsbh. Ariz. Cdif.. Idaho. R&t.. Nev., Utah. Wyo.. Wash. All -tern atatea

(19. 4s. 69)

(IO) (IS.76,96) (18.65) (19. 38, 41) (19. 68, 76,78.81,88, 86)


All western a t a t e

Forest products


copper h




C l i f . . Ore. Whh., Idaho: Mont.. Aris. Utah. Mont.. Ndv.. Calif.. Idaho. Ore.. Wash. Aria. Calif. Idaho M b t . . Ne;.. Utah: Wuh.. Ore. Arb. Calif. Idaho, M k . N&.. Ore., Utah. Wash. Cdif.. Idaho, Ore.

(1,19, 56. 46. 4s. @S, 66, 75,78,88. 89,



Calif., WYO. Calif. . Idaho Nev.. W&h. Calif.


(19.47,40.64. 96) (18.IS. 46.47.4s.61,64.70. 75.78,88. 86, 88,S8) (11, 12, lo. 49. 78) (8. 18. 63. 61,77,88, 90, SI)


Aris. Calif. Mont.. M k . , N&.

(6,19, 40,61. 7S,80. 9 0


(6. 8,11. 14. 19, 4s. 62. 69. 66. 18. 06.

Calif. Idaho. N&.. Ore.: Wash. Aria.. Calif.. Idaho.

Ne". A~im. Cslif.. Ore., Whh.. Idaho. Mont. Aria. Utah Mont. Ndv.. Calk., Idaho: Ore.. Wash. Idaho Utah Aria. Mob. Calk. Ore: Nev.. .Wash. Idaho Ark. Mont. Wbh, Ne":, Wash.: C.M.. on. Calif. (intermittent)





(8. 11. IS. 46,40,6% 6s. 66. 78,77,BO. ' 96. 9 6 . S 8 )

(1% 13. 4

. 36. 74,80)

(10, 4s.61, 66,69, 66. 7s.77. 80. 96)


80eooppsr (19. SO,60, B7. 80)

I '

the major raw materiala for the chemical and chemical proceea i n d u s t r i e s are separately discussed. The map, Figure 1, hss been prepared to give a very genera1 picture of those raw materials now in nae and to illustrate the problem of distance. A much better grasp of the pmhlem may be obtained by simultaneouacomparisonwith railroadand relief maps. Similarly, Table I has been prepared as an abstract of the literature available, and for easier referenceto the bibliography. No apology is made for the incompleteness of Table I and the bibliography, for a full deecription is far beyond the scope of a symposium such as thin. PETROLEUM

(11, 19, SO, 40,66. 66. 78.80. 88. 96)





NATURAL GAS Petroleum and nstural gas have been, and continue to Le, dominant factors in the economy and development of the Far West. The rehing industry, started a t an early date in California, made possible the uae of fuel oil in many isolsted a m a t a time when coal was very e-2sive. Automotive tramporlation has been of tremendous importance in solving the problem of distances and has, therefore, opened up many areas for production of other raw materials. The refining industry continues to expand, not only to take care of a rapidly growing population but to Supply fuel for industry in areas where natural gas has not been available. S u p plies of natural gas in California have not heen able to keep up with demand and have recently been supplementedfrom Texas. Pmved reeewes of crude oil in Caliiornie., Wyoming, and Montana were esthated in 1947 to be in excess of 4 billion barrels; at the same time, natural gas reEENW were estimated at 12 tril-




Vol. 43, No. 12



. 4



S C A L E IN MILES 0 15 50 7s too 15-0


Figure 1. Distribution of Major Occurrences and Use Centers of Western Raw Materials lion cubic feet. New discoveries since t h a t time will have increased these reserves considerably by now, and it may confidently be expected that additional reserves will continue t o supply the requirements of the West for many years. Particular mention should be made of the continued development of oil and gas reserves in Wyoming and Montana, and more recently in Utah. Continued growth of petroleum reserves in this area will, undoubtedly, stimulate more intensive exploration and discovery;

this, in turn, will provide a stimulus for general industrial expansion. The California petroleum industry early became a factor in the chemical and chemical process industries of the West, not only as a source of fuel but also in a truly petrochemical sense. World War I1 gave impetus to an already established petrochemical industry which has continued a t an accelerated rate. Synthetic rubber, ketones, alcohols, synthetic detergents, synthetic am-

December 1951


mania, chlorinated hydrocarbons, phthalic anhydride, and a host of other items are already on the list of products made, in addition to the by-pmduct sulfur mentioned elsewhere. New exp.nsious already announced include bmene, ethylene glycol, and increased production of ammonia.

COAL! Coal has not played the major part in the industrial develop ment of the Far West that it has in other parts of the United Btates. For several m n s this may have been fortunate, for cheap, available petmleum pmduds have undoubtedly accelerated thin development. Thin has been particularly true of the Pacific slope wbere population growth has been most rapid, and where distances to coal in Wyoming, Utah, a d Montana have been greatest. Hydroelectric power has been available for dectmchponical industries such as caustic soda and chlorine, f e r n alloys, and aluminum, as well as for normal industrial and domwtic ueede. Requirements of the steel industry have been small since, until racently, most weatern steel requirements were brought from the Enst, or based on esstern pig imn and domestic scrap, and coke wps r e q u i d in only limited quantities. The trend is toward self-eu5ciency in western steel, but even with the steel plants built in Utah and Caliiornia during World War I1 and expanded .since, pig iron capaeity is only 2,500,OOO tons. By-product coke oven capacity is slightly lem than thin, in addition to about 300,OOO tous per year of beehive capacity. Cake oven by-products will not, therefore, be likely to be a source of much chemical manufacture until pig imn and oven coke production have been incressed severalfold. In general, weatern coals have not been considered suitable for coking, giving low yields of blsst furnace coke and with high wke wnsumptiou per ton of pig imn. Recycling of pitch to the cokeovens or addition of low volatile coals have to a major extemt gottan amund this di5culty with Utah coal, and weatern blast furnaces uow operate with surprisingly low coke consumption. The low temperature char mentioned later may also be uaed as an admixture with poorly wking coals in place of low volatile wsla imported from other amw. In apite of this relatively small use of coal, either for fuel or for chemical manutacturing, it is significant that coal is found in all nine wtstean staten and is produced in four of them. Not g e n d l y mgnised is the magnitude of coal rese~es-mmunting to over a trillion tonrrand their tremendous potential for future industry. Incregsed code for petroleum products and hydroelectric power will make this raw material of greater utility as a fuel; thin in turn will lead to industrial growth requiring additional chemioal raw materisls. These tremendoue -es of lignite and subbituminouscoals may also be utilised in posaile coal hydrogenation plants, tbua rumishi by-produds for chemical utilisatiou ps well as to supplement liquid fuel supplies. Particularly interesting and aigniIicant are recent developments in low temperature cnrbonisatiou. The low temperature char may be used for generation of power and as industrial fuel, and the dintilled hydrocarbons may open an entirely new &Id of ehemical utilization. Similarly, there is every r e m to expect that thin coal will some day be the raw material for fmalloys, caloium carbide, and other chemical pmducts. SuWuR Any diw-on of raw materiala would be incomplete today2 it did not include some deeariptiou of sulfur, so long taken for grauted ea resdily available. In line with the reat of the nation, the Far West has satisfied mast of its u d on Texaa sulfur brought to the Pacific Coast by ship. This will undoubtedly continue along much of the coaatalarea, but it is logical to expect tbat there will be much greater dependence on local murcea. The We& has already suffered from the national sulfur shortage and will probably have the maximum incentive to develop beal



Transportation over the


could be tolerated while sulfur costa were low: the enme factor will now increaee the economic advantage of local sources. Native sulfur deposits arekuown to exist in several states, but these are generally a long distance from. wusuming centers, in areaa isolated fromrailroada,a n d u n i v e d l y o f such J low grade that they have found only limited lyal application. There has, for these obvious reasons, been little active development of sulfur deposits. New proceases for beneficiating these low grade ores may drastically change this picture; one such plant bas already been announced for Wyoming. TOMavailable native sulfur reserves have been Variously eathated at 2,000,OOO to lO,oOo,000 tone but these 6gures will undoubtedly be greatly increased with continued exploration and development. The petmleum industry has already begun to m v e r elemental sulfur in substantial quantities, both from natural gas and as a by-pmduct of g w l i e relining. It would be d a c u l t to estimate the yearly tonnage of sulfur which may become available fmm this source, but it will certainly be substantial; increased use of high sulfur crude oils will add to the potential supply. The largest reser~mof sulfur are in the sulfide ores, and this is one r e w n why the metallic ore8 have been emphasized in the accompanying tabulation. Lead, einc, and copper from the smelting of sulfide ores has long been a major factor in western industry, and large tonnages of sulfur dioxide are already available in stack gases. Limited local markets and higb freight rates to consuming centers have limited the m o u n t of sulfuric acid from this source to that required to combat atmospheric pollution. Current national shortages of sulfur and expanding markets are rapidly changing thin picture, and several expansions in production capacity have been granted “certificates of necessity”; smelters not yet rerovering sulfur from their stack gsses will be able to further implement tbB supply of sulfuric acid as markets develop within economic shipping distance. Even 80, previous tonnage from thin source has been substantial, and it is aetimated that in 1949 it was equivalent to 167,000 long tons of aulfur. Western pyrites alone could hpply thearea requirements for sulfur dioxide and sulfuric acid for an indefinite period. The only deterrent is the distance of the deposits from consuming centers. Large tonnages are produced as a by-product in beneficiating other ores such as ainc and copper and could be used where transportation coats are not prohibitive. Other deposits have been mined for pyrites alone, particularly in California. Increased w e of this raw material has already started and may be expected.to continue at an accelerated pace to meet expanding requirements ofthe chemical and chemical proc~ssindustries.






&It, soda ash, salt d e , borax, potash, and similar inorganic compounds are plentifully distributed tbmughout the West and have been the backbone of the chemical industry of the area. Historicslly, the production of borax from the colemanite OW I

ofDeathValleyesteblishedthechemicalindudryoftheareaatan early date. California contains the world’s largeat known reserves of boron minerals, and in recent years theae deposits have not only supplied U. 8. needs, but also the requirements of about nine tenths of the world. The colemanite and ulexite ores still exkt in large toMage, but their UBB has been supplan,tedby kernite (a dehydrated borax) and the b&es of Sesrles Lake, with limited pmduction from Owens Lake. ~ N fmm W these sourcea, with leeser quantities



in Oregon and Nevada, ensure continued production for an inclefinite period. The \Test has also been unique in having vast deposits of soda ash in the brines of Searles and Owens Lakes in California, and those more recently found in the tremendous subsurface trona deposits of JVyoming. The extent of these deposits is such that synthetic soda ash will probably riot be required for generations to come. S a t u r a l sodium sulfate is also known in seven states, but production has been limited mainly to the brines of Searles Lake. Potash is known in both Vtah arid California, but production has been mainlg' limited to Seai,les Lake. Searles 1,ake reserves are estimated in millions of tons, and recent discoveries of subsurface salt deposits and brines in Utah indicate that large additional reserves may be developed. Salt has been produced from sea water in California for many years and a t the present rate of expansion Jvill soon reach a inillion tons per year. Additional production in Utah is fairly recent. A huge tonnage is discarded annually from the processing of Searles Lake brines-anotliei example of the transportation problem-and deposits are known in several additional states. Bitterns from sea water evaporation have been a source of magnesium and calcium chlorides, bromine, synthetic gypsum, and magnesium oxide. Additional tonnages niay be obtained from recent expansion of sea salt production. Llagnesia is also obtained by direct reaction of sea Lvater n-ith calcined dolomites, and adequate supplies of dolomite ensure an unlimited production of this chemical product. Lithium has long been knon-n in the form of the lithium-hearing mica, lepidolite, n-ith large but urilcnonx reyerves in San Diego County, Calif. Recently, sodium lithium phosphate has become available, as a by-product of procrssing Searles Lake brines, and currently supplies about half of the IT,S.requirrnicnts.

METALLIC ORES Metals have been a mainstay for \yestern industry, from the gold rush days of California to the present iyhen iron and steel production are just now getting their share of attention. I t was the presence of metallic ores lyhich, as inuch as anything else, made possible the railroads linking East and \Test, thus providing a means of getting these ores to smelters. Smelters have gradually been built throughout the T e s t so t h a t metals could be shipped in place of less concentrated ores and truly represent a major cheinical process industry. This is particularly true of the electrolytic processes for recovery of zinc and copper; distinction between chemical and metallurgical processes is often one of tradition alone. As discussed in other sections of this report', these metallurgical operations are the source of chemical products such as arsenic and selenium, Even more important, the sulfide ores, once a nuisance because of the sulfur dioxide in smelter gases, are well on the ~ a toy being a mainstay for sulfuric acid production. In these dags, when the rapid rise of the organic chemical industry, synthetic detergents, and fibers occupies such a large portion of the technical literature, n e are prone to forget the chemical industry which is based on production of metals, zinc oxide, lithopone, lead oxides and basic carbonates, copper sulfate and naphthenate. There has been little western production of pigments and similar products from these metals, but the raw materials are available in quantity, waiting for local markets to justify the establishment of plant facilities; copper, lead, and zinc ores are found and produced in most of the western states. Manganese is found in eight states and has been produced in four of them. Most of these ores are of low grade and have only been produced for metallurgical purposes under emergency conditions. Work by the U. S. Bureau of blines and others has led to processes for chemical and electrolytic beneficiation of these low grade ores, and i t may be expected t h a t they will find increased use not only as metal b u t i n such purely chemical outlets as battery grade oxide.

Vol. 43, No. 12

Vanadium is found a t low concentration in western phosphates and has been a source of this element. Nickel is less well knovn, and then only in limited quantity and in low grade ores Tyhich will require ne\T- methods of treatment, t o make its recovery economical. Cobalt has been found in Idaho, and developments under way \vi11 soon contribute a major portion of Gnited States consumption of this strategic metal. Platinum group metals have been obtained as a by-product in the black sands obtained in gold dredging. hlonazite, zircon, and titanium minerals may also be obtained from the black sands found in California, Idaho, and Oregon.

NONMETALLIC MINERALS The Far West has a profusion of nonmetallic minerale required by the chemical and chemical process industries. Only those which have been used will be discussed; many more are known and still others remain t o be discovered. I n general, t,he IOK market value of these materials, Jvarranting only short hauls t o consuming centers, has, in conjunction wit,h limited markets, provided litt,le stimulus for t,horough exploration of hundreds of thousands of square miles of less accessible areas. Phosphate rock is one of the most important latent resources of the Pacific Sorthweet; it occurs in extensive deposits underlying many square niiles of southeastern Idaho, northern Utah, southwestern Wyoming, and southwestern Xontana. Reserves of commercial rock have been est,iniated in billions of tons, and lower grade rock may increase these reserves several times. The tonnage available in these four stat,es represents at least half of thc total in the United States. Past production of phosphate rock has been mainly for fcrtilizer application and has been relatively small. More recently, the production of electric furnace phosphorus has set a new trend, and new expansion which has been announced should soon make this area outstanding as the most important source of elemental phosphorus for the chemical industry. Conversion of elemental phosphorus to a variety of sodium phosphates is already under way in two California plants, and much of the new production d l undoubtedly find its way into eastern and mid-continent markets. Clays are found, and have been produced, in all the western states. hlost of the clay has been consumed in the production of brick and other ceramic materials, but some has been used as a filtering agent, for oils, a s filler in paints, and as insecticide carriers. Bentonitic clays are widely distribut,ed throughout the K e s t and furnish a considerable portion of United States requirements. A large volume application has been in the preparation of oil well drilling muds. Of particular chemical interest is recent expansion in a process long used for acid treatment of clays, the derived products being used for decolorization of oils and catalysts for the petroleum industry. Barites are known in all the western states and are produced in Arizona, California, Idaho, and Nevada. -4 major use has been as a weighting material for oil well drilling muds. Lesser quantit,ies have been used for pigments and general chemical applications, but reserves are adequate t o support a considerable increase in chemical utilization. Silica in relatively pure form is obtainable in all western states. Chemical uses are mainly for production of sodium silicat'e and ferroalloys; increased use may be expected for refractories. Widely used, however, have been the deposits of diatomaceous earth, with deposits in seven states and production in four. Main applications of this light, porous form of silica have been in insulating materials such as brick and pipe coverings. Somewhat more chemical in nature have been its uses as a filter-aid in tho process industries, as a catalyst carrier, as a filler for paints and asphalt, and as an abrasive in cleaning and polishing compositions. Limestone and dolomit,e are abundant throughout the area, and deposits have been opened wherever justified by local mar-

Decemhor 1951


kets. Chemical outlets are adequately supplied and there is no problem of r e s e m for major industrial expansion. However, louw grades of limestone have been the basis for a well rounded cement induntry, which not only takes care of local requirements but permits export to Alaeks and the Hawaiian Islands. Magneeite and hmoite ores have been of little chemical interest. They have been of interest as the basis of a chemical process industry, since calcined magnewite is B major source of raw material for basic refractories. California depaeits have been depleted but are now supplemented by .vea water magnesia. Large reserves of ore are still available and utilized in Nevada and Washington, mainly for shipment as dead burned magnesite to eaatern refractory plants. Fluorspar bas not been critical in western industry, mainly because the steel industry bas been small. This mineral has been produced in four states, and occurrences are known in 8even. New emphasis on flnorine chemistry, particularly with mcreased demands for anhydrous hydrofluoric acid, will undoubtedly spur further exploration and development throughout the entire mea. It is to be hoped that such new developments will be adequate for all western industrial requirements since United States reserves, as a whole, are definitely measurable in years at p m n t mtps of consumption.


FOREEIT PRODUCTS Lumbering has long heen a major industry in the West, and during recent years, the production of paper pulp and eellulme has become a large and constantly expanding chemical procesa industry, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. Still lacking, however, is synthetic fiber production from cellulose, which continues to he shipped east. Establishment of textile plants in the West will undoubtedly take place a8 population continues to increase, in turn leading to synthetic fiber production with its requirements for caustic soda, acetic anhydride, carbon bisulfide, etc. Production of by-products from lumber and pulping operations continues to attract constant attention, and the large tonnages of waste materials available will certainly be put to more effective u8e as new developments mature. Alcohol bas been p d u c e d to some extent; yeasts havebeen grown on nutrient solutions containing lignin-sulfonates from pulping; and waxes are Boon to he produced. Lignin will also soon be in production a8 a new chemical product. M w d , known only in the Weat, has been the soume of insulsting material and an additive to various fibers; phenolic materials have also heen extracted and are finding some use. Forest products are a true permanent raw material for any are^, and recent logging practices are such as to emure a continuing supply for the West through adequate reforestation practices. Even at the present rate of consumption, it bas been eatimated that the State of Washington alone has nearly 210,000,000 cubic f e t of unused wood resource^ available annually. This large potential is of value to the entire nation, and increased utiisstion can be expected to follow national population growth and to he further accelerated by new technical developmento. AGRICUL-


Agriculture has been the true backbone of the West, and food prowsing bas become a major industry. The inherent pmibilities to be realized from sgricultural products was w g n k e d some years ago with the establishment of a Weatern Regional Laboratory by the U. 8. Department of Agriculture. Many agricultural products have been the Bouxe of raw materials for the chemical industry, including indwtrial alcohol and earbon dioxide by fermentation, grape seed oil and tartrate8 from grapes, citric acid and pectins from citrua fruits. A thriving and essentially self-su5cient soap industry has been based on cattle; these eame cattle have provided source material for a small tanning industry. Hydrogenated oils and soaps have



producers of cotton. Potatoes have been a Source of starch and some alcohol, and a thriviDg sugar beet industry provides a waste now utilized as a source of amino acid derivatives such as man* sodium gluta,mate. A wealth of chemical raw materid will no doubt be derived some day from wmtern agricultural products; many of these must wait for futureprocess developments, whereas others may be dependent only on an adequate population. Meantime, the food processing industry continues to build up markets for chemicals, and further quantities of fertilizers are required for their gmwth. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

Throughout the preparation of this report, the writers have made constant use of the reports published by the U. S. Bureau of Minea and Geologic Survey. For further local information, which is gratefully acknowledged, the authors are indebted to the following: Arizona Bureau of Mines University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. California Division of Mines Ferry Building, San Francisco 11, Calif. LDEAngela Chamber of Commerce h Angeles, Calif. Domestic Trade &partment La Anples County Chambcr of Commerce LOSAngela, Calif. The Wine Institute 717 Market St., San Francisco 3, Calif. Idaho State Bureau of Mines and Geology . Moscow, Idaho Montana Sehool of Mines Butte, Mont. Nevada State Bureau of Mines Mackay Gchwl of Minea Building Box C, University Station, Reno, Nev. Raw Materials Survey, Inc. 701 Woodlark Building, Portland 5, Ore. United States Department of the Interior Bonneville Power Administration Portland 8, Ore. Oregon Department of Geology & Mineral Industries 702 Woodlark Building, Portland 5, Ore. Utah Geological and Mineralogical Survey 200 Mines Building, University of Utah Salt Lake City 1, Utah Department of Conservation & Development 406 Transportstion Building, Olympia, Wash. The State of Wyoming Board of Equalization & Public Service Commission Cheyenne, Wyo. The Geological Survey of Wyoming University of Wyoming, hramie, Wyo. The authors also are indebted t.o the Raw Materials Department of Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Cop., and more particularly to Walter B. Johnson for his DreDaration of the mav and bibliographic data.



BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Allen, J. E., Calif. Div. Mines, San Francisco, Bull. 133,1742 119461. ~ -_.,_ -

(2) Allen, J. E., Ore. Dept. Geol. Mineral Inds., Poitland, B7~ll.9, “Chromite Deposits in Oregon.” (3) Allen, N. R., Ore. Dept. Geol. Mineral Inds., Portland, Bull. 42, 4. (4) Allison, I. S., Ihid., GMI short paper 17. (5) Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Mining Trans., 173, 141-50 (1947). ( 6 ) Ibid., 184, 269-95 (1949). (7) American Institute of hfining and Metallurgical Engineers, “Seventy-Five Years of Progress in the Mineral Industry,” 1947. (8) Arizona Dept. Mineral Resources, Eleventh Annual Report, Phoenix (1949-50). (9) -4rnold and Anderson, U. S. Geol. Survey, Bull. 315,438 (1907). (10) Bartell, A. O., Raw Materials Survey, Portland, Ore., I n f o m . Circ. No. 6. (11) Bernard, A. E., Twenty-Fifth Rept. Nevada State Inspector of Mines, Reno (1949-50). (12) Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Ore., “Economic Atlas of the Pacific Northwest,” 2nd $., 1942. (13) Ibid., “Pacific Northwest Opportunities, May 1944. (14) Bramlette, M. N., U. S. Geol. Survey, Profess. Paper 212 (1946). (15) Broughton, W. .4.,Wash. State Div. Geol., Rept. Invest. 6, (1942). (16) Bundy, O., “After Victory Plans for Utah and the Wasatch Front,” Utah State Dept. Publicity and Industrial Development (1943). ~ - - (17) Burchard, E. F., Trans. Am. Inst. Mzning Met. Engrs., 109, 375-7 (1934). (18) Calif. Div. Mines, San Francisco, Bull. 134. (19) Ihid., 156. (20) Ibid.,Mineral Inform. Service, 4, No. 8 (Aug. 1, 1951). (21) Caro, R. J., Am. Inst. illinwig Met. Engrs., Mining Tlans., 184, 282-4 (ilugust 1949). (22) Chem. Eng., 57, 18 (February 1950). (23) Chem. Eng. News, 29, 31-2 (Jan. 1, 1951). (24) Chem. Eng. Progress, 47, 28 (June 1951). (25) Combo, John X., et al., U. S . Geol. Survey, Circ. 53 (1949). (26) Dibblee, T. W., Jr., Calif. Div. Mines, San Francisco, BUZZ.150. (27) Dietrich, W.F., Am. Ceramic Soc., Bull. 19, S o . 9 (1940). (28) Dyer, B. W., Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 173, 56-61 (1947). (29) Emery, K. O., and Dietze, R. S., Calif. J . Mines Geol., 46, No. 1 (1950). (30) Everett, F., and Wilson, S.R., U. 9. Bur. Mines, Rept. Inuest. 4726, (31) Frey, Eugene, Ibid., 4091. (32) Gale, W. A,, Chem. Inds., 57, No. 33, 442-6 (September 1945). (33) GiIlson, J. F., Mining Tecknol., Paper 1783 (March 1945); also in Trans. Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., 173 (1947). (34) Glover, S. L., T?’ashington State Div. of Geology, Bull. 33, 28. (35) Ibid., p. 97. (36) Guthrie, J. A., “Economics of Pulp and Paper,” Pullman, State College of Washington, 1950. (37) Haff, J. C., “Fluorspar Deposits of Wyoming,” Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie. (38) House of Representatives, 80th Congress, 2nd Session, Subcommittee on Mines and Mining of the Committee on Public Lands; Strategic Minerals and Metals, part 5 , Stockpiling, Committee Hearing No. 38. (39) Idaho State Bureau of Mines and Geology, Mineral Resources Rept. No. 2. (40) Ibid.. Press. Bull. No. 19 (October 1940). 141) Jahns, R. H., and Wright, L. B., “Pegmatites of Gem and Lithium Districts, San Diego County,” Calif. Div. Mines, Bull., in press. (42) Jenkins, 0. P., Ibid., Inform. Service, 2, No. 1 (Jan. 1, 1949). (43) Johnson, F. T., and nicker, Spangler, U. S. Bur. Mines, Rept. Invest. 4213 (1948). (44) Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp., Raw Materials Dept., unpublished reports. (45) Kral, V. E., Nev. State Bur. Mines, Geol. Mining Ser., Bull. 50 (1951). (46) Kral, V. E., U. S. Bur. Mines, Rept. Invest. 4014. (47) Ladoo, R. B., Raw Materials Survey, Portland, Ore., Rept. No. 2. (48) Ladoo, R. B., U. S. Bur. Mines, Ikept. Inuest. 2480. (49) Lincoln, F. C., “Mining Districts and Mineral Resources of Kevada,” Nevada Newsletter Publishing Co., Reno, Nev. (1923). (50) Logan, C. A., Calif. J . Mines Geol., 43 (1947). I

Vol. 43, No. 12

(51) Logan, C. A., “Limestone Outcrops of California,” State Div.

Mines, Calif, (52) Los Angeles County, Calif., Chamber of Commerce, “Arizona Mines” (June 1949). (53) McCallum, James G., “Report on Investigat’ion of Chrom-X Process,” Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, Ore. (1942). (54) Mackin, 3. H., “Diatomite Deposits of East-Centra1 Washington,’’ Rept. Korthern Pacific Railway Co. (1946). (55) Mining Eng., 1, No. 4, sec. 1, 28 (April 1949). (56) Nichols, R. F., “Molalia High-illumina Clay Deposit near hIollalla, Clakamas County, Ore.,” U. S.Geological Survey, preliminary report. (57) Norris, E. M,,“Idaho Phosphate,” paper read a t meeting of the Idaho Mining Association, Sun Valley, Idaho (1949). (58) Ore. Dept. Geol. Mineral Inds., Portland, Bull. 27. (59) Ibid., Metal Mines Handbook: 98a, B d l . 14A; 98b, Bull. 14B; 950, Bull. 14C; Sad, Bull. 14D; 98e, Bull. 14E. (60) Ihid., Ore.-Bin, 12, No. 6, p. 36. (61) Ibid., unpublished information. (62) Ries, “Economic Geology,” 7th ed., pp. 261-4, John Wiley &. Sons, New York. (63) Sawyer, F. G., Ohman, M. F., and Lusk, F. E . , I N D . ENG. CHEM.,41, 1547-52 (1949). (64) Smith, H. I., Am. Inst. Mining Met. Engrs., Tech. Paper 1489 (1942). (65) Staley, W.W.,Idaho Bur. Mines and Geol., Moscow, Mineral Resources Rept. No. 1 (1945). (66) Ibid., No. 2, “Sulfur in Idaho.” (67) Ibid., No. 5 (1948). (68) Ihfd., Press Bull. 19. (69) Sterrett, C . K., Raw Materials Survey, Portland, Ore., Injororm. circ. s o . 3, p. 1. (70) Stoddard, Carl, and Carpenter, J. A., Univ. ,Vez;ada Bull., Geol. Mining Ser. No. 49 (1950). (71) Thomas, H. D., Memo. on Occurrence of Dolomite in Wyoming (unpublished), Wvo. Geol. Survey (1942). (72) Thomson, F. -A,, “A Preliminary Inventorx of Montana Mineral Resources,” 3rd ed., Butte, Montana State Bureau of Mines and Geology. (73) Tucker, W.B., and Reed, C. H., Calif. Div. Mines, Rept. 35,12 (1939). (74) Univ. of R‘ashington, Inst. Forest Products, Seattle, Siimmar2/ Rept. X o . 1. (75) U. S. Bur. Mines, Bull. 47, “Notes on Mineral Wastes.” (76) Ibid., InfoT7n. Circ. 6781, “Calcium Chloride.” (77) Ibid., Minerals Yearbook, 1947. (78) Ibid., 1948. (79) Ibid., Phosphate Rock, 1949. (80) Ihid.. 1949. (81j Ibid., Rept. Intest. 3190, “Economics of Potash Recovery from Wyomingite and Alunite.” (82) Ibid., 3349, “Recovery of Potash from Tailing of a Porphyry Copper Property.” (83) Ihid., 4001, “Chromiferous Sand DeDosits in the Coos Bav Area, Coos County, Ore.” (84) Ibid., 4476, “Investigation of Sublette Ridge Vanadium Deposit, Lincoln County, Wyoming.” (85) Ihid., War Minerals Rept. 242. (86)Ihid., 263. (87) Ihid., 473. (88) U. S. Geol. Survey. Bull. 871, “Mineral Resources of the Region around Boulder Dam.” (89) Ibid., p. 97. (90) Ibid., B d l . 945-F, “Chromite Deposits near Red Lodge, Carbon County, Mont.” (91) Ibid., “Antimony Deposits of a Part of the Yellow Pine Diatrict, Valley gounty, Idaho.” (92) Ihid., Circ.94, Coal Resources.” (93) Utah Conservation and Research Foundation. Reot.. Salt Lake City, Low Temperature Carbonization of Utah Coals (1939). (94) Utah State Geological and Mineralogical Survey, Salt Lake Citv. Circ. 36. (95) Ibid., “Utah Mineral Resourcesand Consumer’s Guide,”BuZl. 36. (96) Valentine, G. hI., Washington State Div. of Mines and Geology, Olvmpia, Nonmetallic Minerals, Bull. 37, part 1. (97) Waggaman, W. H., and Bell, R. E., INn. ENO.CHEW,42, 266, 276 286 (1950). (98) Washington State Div. of Mines and Geology, Nonmetallic Minerals Bvll. 33 (1936) (99) Weitz, J. H., U. S.Bur. Mines, Inform. Circ. 7226. (100) Wheeler, H. E., U n h . Nevada Bull., 33, No. 3 (1949). (101) Wilson, E. D., “Dolomite in Aiizona” (unpublished), Arizona Bureau of Mines (1942). RECEIVED August 24, 1981.