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Raytheon Company - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - Raytheon Company. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (10), pp 138A–138A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60166a846. Publication Date: September 1960...
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The shell of the P-K Type (IV) Lab Blender can be charged from either side by the quick removal of either of two dust- and watertight covers.

NEW PRODUCTS down to 0.005 gram. Both dials can be turned without arresting t h e balance, so that quick readings are obtained. Accuracy of t h e balance is said to be 0.01 gram. T h e fine weighing dial has graduations of 0.02 gram from zero to one gram. T h e second dial for weight loading is graduated in one-gram increments from one to nine grams. Oscillations are oil damped for qtiick reading. T h e left side weighing p a n is removable to aid in transferring materials from t h e balance. T h e Torsion Balance Co.

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Extended scale indicator, Model Sl60T, displays any physical parameter that can be expressed as a motion. The closed loop servo-type instrument drives a 50-in. tape scale marked from 0 to 1000 in 0.05-in. graduations. Five inches of scale are always exposed, with readability of 0.025% of scale. Schaevitz Engineering. P-26

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Tape Programmed Process Chromatograph N e w automatic process control gas chromatograph uses a motor driven

Raytheon Company Commercial Apparatus & Systems Div. Department F-9 Waltham 54, Massachusetts Yes, I am interested in Raytheon's completely packaged microwave power generator systems for gas ex­ citation, please send the following material: Π Complete specification sheet Q Reprints of noteworthy articles Q Comprehensive application bibliography Name Address —

YOU GET THESE 3 DIFFERENT MIXING ACTIONS... LIQUID-SOLIDS TYPE - To disperse and blend, uniformly, liquids of any viscosity with dry solids, just insert the wire cage liquidfeed bar assembly. Handles liquids from minute quantities up to 40% of total weight. Liquid is introduced through hollow shaft of bar. Even critical formulations blended In 5 to 10 minutes.


To get intensive mixing of hard-to-blend dry solids, or to break up agglomerates, use wire cage bar assembly. Average blending time for dry formulations! 3 to 5 minutes.

FOR GENTLE PRECISION BLENDING — Simply remove wire cage bar. Unique blending action will not cause attrition or break down even the most delicate crystals. Average blending time: 3 to 5 minutes.

This new P-K Type ( L V ) L a b Blender owes its versatility to the design of t h e removable, spring-loaded liquid-feed bar assembly. Liquids and solids are prevented from entering the bearing housings by an exclusive, patented seal. Standard ( L V ) L a b Blenders are available in 8 and 16 quart capacities, in transparent Lucite or stainless steel. Interior of shell and stainless steel bar assembly can be cleaned, clinically, in minutes. Operates on 115 ν AC. Units can be shipped from stock. For complete technical information and prices, write to PK's Chemical and Process Equip­ ment Division, 1009 Hanson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. IOQ

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Circle No. 109 on Readers' Service Card 138 A



Patterson-Kelley All P-K Twin-Shell Blenders are patented and the name registered Circle No. 102 on Readers' Service Card