RCA Scientific Instruments - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 18, 2012 - RCA Scientific Instruments. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (10), pp 80A–80A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60216a786. Publication Date: September 1964...
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Electron Micrograph-Fe 30 Ni 6 Ti Alloy, Magnification 32,000X-by R. C. Glenn, U. S. Steel Corporation Research Center


RCA Electron Microscope reveals the lamellar structure of Austenitic Fe 30 Ni 6 Ti Alloy Micrographs, such as the one above, demonstrate the value of the electron microscope in metallurgical research. Of all such instruments, none offers greater versatility than the RCA EMU-3G. Its new universal chamber provides two extra access ports, eight electrical feed-throughs, and up to ten times more space for specimen manipulation than do conventional chambers. Hot, cold and tilt stages are also available. For research on magnetic domains or the effect of magnetic fields on a specimen, the EMU-3 offers a particularly important and unique advantage. Its exceptionally low fields in the region of the specimen make it possible to study the motion of domains without saturating of the film by these fields. Flexibility is combined with high resolving power. Ten angstrom


resolution or better is g u a r a n t e e d in y o u r laboratory. Ease of operation, rapid scanning of specimens by means of new i n e r t i a l d r i v e mechanism, step focusing in known increments, direct magnification up to 200.000X, and very fast automatic valving make the RCA EMU-3G today's most productive instrument. For complete information, write to RCA Scientific Instruments, Dept. N-l 1, Building 15-5, Camden, N. J. In Canada : RCA Victor Company, Ltd., Montreal.


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