Uses of RCI Products BRAKE LININGS: PLYOPHEN phenolic resins.
C A N V A S , PAPER A N D GLASS CLOTH LAMINATES: PLYOPHEN cresol, phenolic a n d resorcinol-formaldehyde resins a n d varnishes; LAMINITE polyester resins. CASTINGS: FOUNDREZ p o w d e r e d phe nolic resins (for the shell m o l d i n g proc ess); FOUNDREZ l i q u i d phenolic resins a n d FOUNDREZ core oils (for core binders). FURNITURE, P L Y W O O D , FLOORING, HARDWOOD AND CHIPBOARD: HYDROPHEN phenolic glues; PLYACIEN protein glues; PLYAMINE u r e a - f o r m a l d e hyde glues; PLYOPHEN phenolic a n d resorcinal-formaldehyde glues. G R I N D I N G WHEELS: PLYOPHEN dered phenolic resins.
INSULATION: PLYOPHEN l i q u i d phenolic resins (for b i n d i n g fibre glass a n d rock w o o l batts). MOLDING COMPOUNDS: p o w d e r e d phenolic resins.
RCI Makes This a Seat of Strength! For everything from chairs to switchboards . . . from fishing rods to counter tops . . . RCI produces job-tailored laminating agents and adhesives that assure remarkable strength and durability. Moreover, RCI's awareness of industrial problems is seen in its realistic pricing policies . . . its rapid delivery of orders . . . and its reputation for supplying "know-how" to the users of the numerous quality materials it manufactures. No wonder that Reichhold has plants on every continent . . . that it has become a major producer of synthetic resins for a variety of applications, as well as a manufacturer of chemical colors, phenol, glycerine, phthalic anhydride, maleic anhydride, sodium sulfate and sodium sulfite. REICHHOLD CHEMICALS, INC. 630 Fifth Avenue, New York 20, Ν. Υ.
Creative Chemistry
. . . Your Partner in Progress
PAINTS, VARNISHES A N D LACQUERS: BECKACITE (1) fumaric, (2) maleic a n d (3) modified phenolic resins; BECKAMINE urea-formaldehyde resins; BECKOLIN synthetic o i l s ; BECKOPOL modified phe nolic resins; BECKOSOL(l) p h e n o l a t e d , (2) p h t h a l i c - f r e e , (3) rosin m o d i f i e d , (4) pure d r y i n g and (5) pure n o n - d r y i n g a l k y d resins; KOPOL processed Congo copals; PENTACITE pentaerythritol resins; STYRESOL styrenated a l k y d resins; SUPERBECKACITE pure phenolic resins; SYNTHECOPAL ester gums; WALLKYD pure dry ing a l k y d resins (for a l k y d flat w a l l v e h i cles); WALLPOL v i n y l - t y p e copolymer latex emulsions (for latex flat w a l l coatings); RCI inorganic chemical p i g m e n t colors. PAPER: BECKAMINE u r e a - f o r m a l d e h y d e resins (for a d d i n g wet strength, improv ing the wet rub of starch-clay coatings, a n d w a t e r p r o o f i n g starch adhesives); RCI inorganic chemical pigment colors (for paper coloring); STYRESOL styrenated a l k y d resins (for paper coating). PRINTING INKS: BECKACITE fumaric, ma leic a n d modified phenolic resins; BECKO LIN synthetic o i l s ; BECKOPOL modified phenolic resins; RCI inorganic chemical pigment colors. TEXTILES: FABREZ urea-formaldehyde resins (for crush-proofing and d i m e n sional stabilization).