are linked with our plant and warehouses by TWX or direct line, and we back up their inventory with our own 100% stock of 5000 chemicals. When service...
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NEW PRODUCTS pH Controller The Dual-Dial pH controller can be used with any line-operated pH meter for process control or in the laboratory for acid-base titrations. For pH con­ trol, a dial is used to set the pH and a control span is adjusted to the desired limits. The signal from the pH meter actuates acid or base addition as nec­ essary to maintain the set point within the limits. The digital direct readout set point dial is precise to the nearest 0.01 pH unit. The instrument range is from 0 to 10 pH units. Fermenta­ tion Design, Inc., P. O. Box 212, Edi­ son, N. J. 413

WHEN YOU WANT IT NOW! If it's listed in our catalog, you can get it NOW . . . through the best Distributor net­ work in the business. MC&B distributors are linked with our plant and warehouses by TWX or direct line, and we back up their inventory with our own 100% stock of 5000 chemicals. When service is impor­ tant, reach for the "NOW" Book". Write for your copy. MC&B Division of the Matheson Co., Inc., East Ruther­ ford, N. J., Norwood, Ohio.

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A totally transistorized X-Y recorder accessory, the Model 470 Keyboard, provides automatic point-plotting of tabular data in graphic form on stand­ ard coordinate paper. It enables the operator to handle a wide variety of complicated data with the same ac­ curacy and speed as a common adding machine. Electro Instruments, Inc., San Diego, Calif. 414

Automatic Solid-State Scaler


organic chemicals biological stains

laboratory reagents indicators sptctroquality

146 A




An automatic scaler, the Multi/Matic series, employs the latest solid-state circuitry. The scaler is operational with Geiger, proportional, or scintilla­ tion detectors and is ideally suited for biological, biochemical, or other re­ search areas where radioactivity is pres­ ent. Compact in design, the Multi/ Matic Scaler incorporates a precision high voltage power supply, decade scaler, electronic timer, and either lister or computer data readout versions. The scaler measures the radioactivity present in either samples or environ­ ment. Tracerlab Div. of Laboratory for Electronics, Inc., 1601 Trapelo Road, Waltham 54, Mass. 415