Reaction of a stable phosphinocarbene with germane- and

Didier Bourissou, Olivier Guerret, Fran ois P. Gabba , and Guy Bertrand. Chemical Reviews 2000 100 (1), 39-92. Abstract | Full Text HTML | PDF. Articl...
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Inorg. Chem. 1992, 31, 3493-3494

Reaction of a Stable Phosphinocarbene with Germane- and Stannanediyls: Evidence for C-Phosphanylgerma- and C-Phosphanykmnaethene to C-Germyl- and C-Stannylphosphaalkene Rearrangements

Scheme I

-f-F< A


o r -CnP< B

= Si,

+ Institute of Organic Chemistry. 1 Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination

du CNRS.

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I / \




/ \



'F=P E:





/ \ / \






C(SiMe3)p 'BtBu \C'



Scheme I1 Me2N )E:





1 a-d

Received December 18, 1991

Introduction Recently, the synthesis of stable "carbene-like" species has been reported.'-3 We have shown that, depending on the nature of the reagents, phosphinocarbenes can react either as "classical" carbenes A or X5-phosphaacetylenes B.' The carbene C from Bemdt et al? reacts with g e m ~ a n eand ~ ~~tannanediyls~~.~ .~ leading to stable germa- and stannaethenes D. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that tert-butyl-X3-phosphaacetylene(E) undergoes a 2 1 cycloaddition with carbene~,~ silanediyls,6 and germanediyls7 affording three-membered rings containing a phosphorus-carbondouble bond, F. According to Cowley et a1.: bis[bis(trimethylsilyl)amino]stannanediyl ( 1 ~ does ) ~ not react with E, while the isoelectronic [(Me$i)&H]zSn (la), which is in equilibrium with its dimer in solution,"J gives rise to the corresponding phosphadistannacyclobutene G (Scheme I). Thus, a carbenbcarbene coupling type reaction or cycloaddition processes can be expected from the reaction of phosphinocarbenes with germane- and stannanediyls leading to metallaethenes or X5phosphacycloalkenes. Here we report the reaction of [(dime-



E = Ge, Sn E'

Institute of Organic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev, USSR, and the Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination du CNRS, 205, Route de Narbonne, 31077 Toulouse CMex, France



? Vadim D. Romanenko;vt Andrei 0. Gudima,t Alexander N. Chernega,t and Guy Bertrand'**

C(SiMe3)g 'BtBu





y e 2 /p.~