Reaction of difluoramine-potassium fluoride adduct with perfluoroacyl

Chem. , 1971, 10 (5), pp 911–913. DOI: 10.1021/ic50099a009. Publication Date: May 1971. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Inorg. Chem. 10, 5, 911-913. N...
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Inorganic Chemistry, VoZ. 10, No. 5, 1971 911



The Reaction of Difluoramine-Potassium Fluoride Adduct with Perfluoroacyl Fluorides BY RONALD A . DE MARC0



Received August 28, 1970 The reaction of the HNFz.KF molecular complex with various fluorinated acyl fluorides gives a new class of compounds, RrC(0)NFz. The totally fluorinated amides CF~C(O)NFZ,CZFC(O)NFZ,C3FK!(0)NFz, and FzN(O)C(CFZ)&(O)NFZ as well as the ester C F ~ C O Z C ( N F Z ) Zare C F reported ~ and characterized. Also, the previously reported amides F C ( 0 ) N F z and CHaC(0)NFz are easily prepared by this method

The synthetic applications of difluoramine have received considerable attention in the recent literature. These reactions have included the preparation of poly(difluoramino)alkanes, difluoraminoalkanols, and diazirines from aldehydes, ketones, alkynes, alkenes, ethers, esters, and imines.1-6 The reaction conditions employed generally involved the presence of a strong acid or Lewis base such as fuming HzS04, FS03H, ClS03H, BF3eH3P04, BF3, or SO3. These reactions have also been limited to nonfluorinated compounds and it is reported that the difluoraminoalkanol of hexafluoroacetone could not be made.6 Although fluorinated acylamides and N,N-difluoroamides have been prepared by various N,N-difluoroperfluoroamides had not been. The seemingly straightforward reaction of N2F4 and perfluoroacyl fluorideslO did not yield these compounds but rather perfluoroalkyldifluoramines. The ease with which perfluoroacyl radicals eliminate CO requires that a nonradical pathway be used in synthesizing these amides. In an attempt to facilitate reactions of difluoramine with perfluoroacyl fluorides via a nonradical mechanism, use was made of the HNFz.K F adduct" rather than the previously employed conditions. This investigation has shown that the use of this adduct provides a simple route t o substitute the NFz group into perfluoroacyl fluorides under mild conditions. The reaction of this adduct with CF3C(0)F, CzF6C(0)F, C3F7C(0)F, F(O)C(CFz)3C(O)F, FzCO, and CH&(O)F yielded N,N-difluoroperfluoroamides in all cases. In the reaction of C R C ( 0 ) F with this adduct, the amide CF3C(0)NF2 was formed a t -23, -78, and - 105' in essentially the same yield. A possible pathway for the formation of the fluorinated amides can be considered to be R,C(O)F

[7 ]

+ HNFzaKF +



+ KHFz

The formation of the amide a t - 105' indicates that the (1) W. H. Grahamand J. P. Freeman, J. Amev. Chem. SOC.,89, 716 (1967). (2) W. H. Graham, ibid., 8 8 , 4677 (1066). (3) J. P . Freeman, R. C. Petry, and T. E. Stevens, i b i d . , 91, 4778 (1969). (4) K. Baum, ibid.,90, 7083, 7089 (1968). (5) K. Baum, U. S . Patent 3,423,463 (1969); Chem. Abstv., TO, 105937 (1969). (6) A. V. Fokin, et al., J . Gen. Chem. U S S R , 89, 2460 (1969). (7) H. Gilman and R. G. Jones, J . Amev. Chem. SOC.,86, 1458 (1943). (8) A. L. Henne and J. J. Steward, i b i d . , 77, 1901 (1955). (9) R. C. Petry and J. P. Freeman, i b i d . , 83, 3912 (1961). (10) R. A. Mitsch a n d E. W. Neuvar, J . Org. Chem., 88, 3675 (1968). (11) E. A. Lawton, D. Pilipovich, a n d R . D. Wilson, Inorg. Chem., 4, 118 (1965).

reaction proceeds through the complexed HNFz since the extrapolated dissociation pressure1' of HNFz K F a t this temperature is negligible. Also, when NaF, which does not form an adduct with HNFz,llwas used, no reaction occurred. These eliminate mechanistic considerations based on noncomplexed HNFz since the difluoraminoalkanol intermediate would eliminate HF, especially in the presence of a base such as NaF. Also removed from consideration would be an initial elimination of H F followed by difluoramino nucleophilic attack either in solution or in the vapor phase since the N a F would again function as a base in this system. Additional work presently being carried out seems to indicate that the fluoride reactant must be able to form adducts with K F or no reaction will occur. This again is suggestive of an initial carbonyl attack rather than an initial loss of the fluoride. Although these reactions are generally free of side products, the reaction with CF3C(O)F gives rise to the ester CF3C0zC(NFz)zCF3 as a major product. Attempts t o isolate the bis(difluoramin0) alcohol intermediate under these reaction conditions by the reaction of CF~C(O)NFZ with HNFz or the HNFzsKF adduct were unsuccessful. This is not surprising since the difluoraminoalkanol of hexafluoroacetone could not be isolated.6 While attempting to isolate the proposed bis(difluoramino) alcohol, slight decomposition of CF3C(0)NFzt o CFaC(0)F was noted but no ester was isolated. Formation of analogous esters with other perfluoroacyl fluorides in isolable quantities is not observed. If attempts are made to rationalize this by a steric blocking of the carbonyl by larger perfluoroacyl groups and the difluoramino group, then it seems reasonable still to expect to isolate (F2N)sCO or the ester arising from the hypothetical alcohol FC(NF2)zOH in the FzCO reaction. Neither of these products was isolated from this reaction. Spectral data for the products are found in the tables. There is a characteristic shift toward lower energy in the infrared spectra for the carbonyl frequency of -57 cm-1 for the monosubstituted amides compared to those of the corresponding fluorides. The mass spectra of these compounds are primarily due to perfluoroacyl (M-NF2) and perfluoroalkyl cleavage. The other peaks are generally