Reaction of Morphine with Potassium-Mercuric Iodide - Analytical

Reaction of Morphine with Potassium-Mercuric Iodide. Leo. Levi, and C. G. Farmilo. Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26 (6), pp 1040–1045. DOI: 10.1021/ac60090a02...
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nitrate, phosphate, and acetate. The anions interfering with the precipitation are cyanide, thiosulfate, and iodide. Cyanide and thiosulfate dissolve the silver precipitate, and silver iodide is less soluble than the silver benzotriazolate.

Volumetric Procedure. A41ternatively,the silver mal be determined volumetrically. The silver benzotriazolate precipitate is coagulated by heating and stirring, or long standing and is filtered by use of a paper-bottomed Gooch crucible. The precipitate is washed with water. The precipitate is dissolved with a small amount (10 ml.) of 1 to 1 nitric acid into a 250-ml. beaker, diluted to about 50 ml. with water, then the acid is neutralized and the solution made alkaline with concentrated ammonium hydroxide. The precipitate formed, due to the neutralization, is dissolved again by adding a known amount of 0.05M cyanide solution. The excess of cyanide is back titrated by a standard silver nitrate solution using 1 ml. of 2Vc potassium iodide solution as indicator. The appearance of lightyellowish silver iodide indicates the end point. A blank determination is recommended. The volumetric procedure is based upon the fact that the cyanide solution dissolves silver benzotriazolate precipitate and that silver iodide is less soluble than silver benzotriazolate. Several determinations by the volumetric procedure are shown in Table II'. The volumetric procedure has the advantages of simplicity and rapidity. It may also increase the accuracy, because eontamination of the precipitate by foreign substances which do not react with cyanide will cause no error in the volumetric procedure.

Table IV.

Silver Found,




19.05 19.05 19.05 47.62 47,82 47.62 95.25 9.5, 2.5 95. 2.5

19 08 19.00 18.80 47,76 47.52 47.78 95.13 95.28 95.36

+ O 03 -0 05 -0 2 5



14 -0.10 16 -0.12 f O 03 fO.11


able coprecipitation was noticed. Probably the metals are so tightly complexed by the Versenate that no appreciable amounts of free metal ions are available for coprecipitation. S o attempt was made to determine silver with the reagent on a micro scale; however, it could be easily adapted to the microdetermination. ACKNOW LED641 ENT

The author is indebted to the Alrose Chemical Co. for providing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and t o Carlo Sinionelli for aid in carrying out some gravimetric results reportrxd. The interest and encouragement of Charles E. Waring and E. P. Parry are gratefully acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED


1,2,3-Benzotriazole precipitates iron(II), cobalt( 11),copper( 11), nickel(II), cadmium(II), zinc(II), and silver. I n alkaline medium, Versenate forms very stable water-soluble complexes with all the metals mentioned except silver; therefore, 1,2,3-benzotriazole precipitates only silver in the ammonical Versenate solution. The precipitate has a high molecular Tyeight and definite composition, and is less sensitive to light and heat. Satisfactory results are obtained for the determination of silver \! ith the reagent either gravimetrically or volumetrically. The volumetric procedure is preferred because of its simplicity and rapidity. Reprecipitation is not necessary because no appreci-

Volumetric Determination of Silver

Silver Taken,

(1) C u r t i s , J. .I.,I S D . E X G . C H E M . , -1K.tL. E D . . 13, 849-51 (1941). ( 2 ) Flagg, J. F., "Organic R e a g e n t s C s e d in Gravimetric a n d Volumetric Analysis," p . 191, S e w P o r k . Interscience Publishers, 1948. (3) Remington. W. J., a n d l l o y e r , H. \-,, Columbus. Ohio, Ohio S t a t e U n i r . Press, Dissertatioia A h t i . , 24 (19.17). (4) Prihil, R., Dolezal, J., a n d S i m o n , \-., C'ollectiori Crechosloc. Cheni. C'ommzcns., 18, 780-2 (19.53). ( 5 ) T a r a s e v i c h , S . I., Vestnik M o s k o v . C - a i r . , 3, S o . 10, 161-8

(1948). (6) Welcher, F. J., "Organic .Inalytical Reagents." Vol. 111, p . 5 5 5 , K e w York. D. Van X'ostrand Co., 1949.

RECEIVED for review February 2 5 , 1954. Accepted Aliril 13, 1934.

Reaction of Morphine with Potassium-Mercuric Iodide LEO LEVI and CHARLES G. FARMILO Food and Drug Laboratories, Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa, Canada

When morphine hydrochloride reacts in an aqueous medium with a solution of potassium mercuric iodide, a complex, having the composition [CI,HI~NOJ.H].[HgI3], precipitates on standing. The rate of the reaction is dependent upon the availability of HgIi anions which are supplied by the reagent in accordance with the equation: KzHgI,

e 2Kf

+ HgIi' e 2K' + I - + HgJ,

.A shift of the equilibrium in favor of the Hg1i ions occurs when the mercuric iodide-potassium iodide ratio is increased. .Accordingly, in a series of experiments using solutions containing 0.2 mole of mercuric iodide per liter and decreasing potassium iodide concentrations the maximum product yield (98.67~)was obtaine'd when the precipitant became saturated with respect to mercuric iodide. By this reaction as little as 1 y of the amine can be detected and identified, for under suitable conditions, the microcrystalline precipi-

tate formed consists of characteristic aggregates of fine, elongated needles. The ultraviolet and infrared absorption spectrum, x-ray diffraction pattern, optical rotation, and solubility behavior of the alkaloidal derivative, compared with similar properties of the free base, are of value in identification of minute amounts of the narcotic.


H E N a mixture of mercuric iodide and potassium iodide is dissolved in water and the resulting preparation addrd to an aqueous solution of morphine hydrochloride, a flocculent, amorphous precipitate is formed which becomes crystalline on prolonged standing. This reaction was first reported in 1858 by the English chemist Groves (3)who, on the basis of a partial analysis, assigned to the reaction product the formula morphiaH g A (molecular weight of mercury is 100). Soon after this work was published, T'alser in France used potassium iodide-mercuric. iodide solutions for precipitating a number of nitrogenous bases ( 7 , 8, 11). He includpd morphine i n his investigations and

V O L U M E 26, NO. 6, J U N E 1 9 5 4



gave t o this complex thc formula (morphia.HI) (HgJ). Finally, the alkaloidal derivative, prepared again in 1922 by Franpoie and Blanc, was assigned the formula morphine.HI.Hg1, (I), which composition is different from that postulated by Groves and Valser. Xone of these workers characterized the complex further. Because of its importance t o the forensic chemist for the identification of minute amounts of morphine, a study of the mechanism of formation and the physicochemical behavior of the alkaloidal derivative should be of both theoretical and practical value. The authors' investigations showed that the composition of the complex may be represented more correctly by the formula (morphine.H).(HgI,) and that as little as 1y of the alkaloid may be detected by this reaction. EXPERIRI Eh T 4 L RESULTS 4h-D DISCUSSIONS

The compositions of the potassium-mercuric iodide solutions used are shown in Table I. The solutions were added slowly and with constant stirring to 500 ml. of 0.0175i51 aqueous solutions of morphine hydrochloride. After refrigeration for 24 houi s at 5' C. the bulky, gelatinous precipitates were filtercd off, dried in vacuo over phosphorus pentoxide, and the product j-ields obtained. Following repeated purification (from 50% ac.etone) the weripitates were obtained as faintly yellov-ish crystalline compounds, which melted a t 246.5 t o 247.8" C. (corrected) t o a dark hroivn liquid. hnalyses showed that the5 possessed identical composition. XIorphine was determined as the reineckate, the metal was precipitated a~ mcwuric sulfide, and the halide wtimated gravimetrically as silver iodide. Thp analytical data, iecorded in Table I, justified tentatively assigning to the coinplex the formula (morphine.H).(Hg13). Further evidence in favor of this composition was secured by mpans of the following cxperimcnts. Formation of HgI: Ions. Taurins ( 9 ) assumed that aqueous potassium iodide-mercuric iodide solctions contain both HgI; and HgI;- ions and postulated that the concentration of the

H g I i ions ivas depleted by the addition of an excess of potassium iodide, whereas the equilibrium was shifted in favor of the H g I i ions by addition of an excess of mercuric iodide. The authors' 2KI 2K+

Figure 1.

+ HgIz

+ I- + HgI;



C- 2K+ Excess HgIz


+ Hg1;-

Equilibrium Process in Potassium-Mercuric Iodide Solutions

data strongly support the exietence of this equilibrium process (Figure 1) for the product yield [ l l . H ] . [ H g I a ] increased from '79.86 to 8i.94% and reached 98.59% when the potassium iodide concentration in the reagent was decreased from 1.0 to 0.7 and finally reduced to 0.4 mole per liter. Apparently, the derivative is formed by interaction of the H g I i ion with thr morphinonium ion produced by the virtually complete dissociation of morphine hydrochloride in water (6). The over-all reaction may be represented as follows: Morphine.HC1 1Zorphine.H +

+ HgI;

* 1Iorphine.H' -+



Further data in support of this mechanism are given in Tablc 11, which shows the influence of the potassium iodide-mercuric8 iodide ratio upon the rate of t h r reaction, and in Table 111, which recprds the sensitivity of the rclaction in the presence of equivalent amounts of morphine and morphine hydrochloride. The decreased sensitivity of the reaction when the free alkaloid, instead of its salt, is used as reactant apparently is due to the incomplete ionization of the free base in aqueous media and the sluggish supply of morphinonium ions from this system: Morphine

+ H 2 0 +morphine.H+ + OH-

Some workers concluded that the sensitivitv of this reaction is decreased when the reagent contains e x c e s s p o t a s s i u m iodide because of the solubility of the alkaloidal iodomercurate Table I. Composition of Reagent and Morphine-Mercuric Iodide Complex in potassium iodide solutions Composition of Purified Complexa R~. Composition of Reagent ~ vof ~ ,___ (Morphine.Hj,(H&), % ( 8 , 10). T h i s a s s u m p t i o n agent H&, m. H ~ O , Complex, 3Ierc~ry Iodine RIorphine P{$fi:t could not be confirmed by the ZO. P. g, nil. G. Found Theory Found Theory Found Theory "c authors, as shown in Table I\' 7.513 23.08 23.12 43.73 43.89 32.84 32.87 98.59 $ 44 .. 55 44 55 35 .. 83 2200 50.00 50.00 6.702 23.01 4 3 . 85 32,65 87.94 and illustrated by means of thtx C 4.545 8 . 3 2 0 50.00 6.085 22.95 43.63 32.57 79.86 following experiments which a Crude product \vas found to contain 31.19% morphine, 23.787, mercury, and 44.63% iodine and melted t o a were carried out further to subdark brown liquid from 244' to 247' C . a t a heating rate of 5' C. per minute, Hence, the composition of complex remained unchanged during purification. stantiate the reaction mechanism postulated. To 1.0-id. portions of an Table 11. Sensitivity of Potassium-Mercuric Iodide Reagents toward hforphine Hydrochloride a q u e o u s m o r p h i n e hydro3Iorphine chloride solution containing Hydroc liloride, 0.50 mg. of alkaloidal salt wen' 3Ig. per added 0.2 ml. of solutions -4, Solution C Solution A Solution B 111. B, and C, respectively. A Faint ppt after 30 see. Slight ppt. after 3 min. 0 658 Immediate hea\-y ppt voluminous precipitate formed Faint cloudiness after 90 inin Faint cloudiness after 5 hours 0,248 Immediate gelatinous ppt. which gradually coagulates in each case immediately, but Crystallization after 9 hours Crystallization after 4 hours rrystallization after 45 min. but most of ppt. still amoron standing for 5 minutes, this lihoiis. Crystallization comprecipitate coagulated to form plete after 85 min. and supernatant liquid clear a fen isolated gelatinous parFaint opalescence after 4 Faint opalescence after 7 0.121 I'aint opalescence after 5 rnin. ticles; so that the solution aphours hours Crystals appear after 19 hours Crystals appear after 1 2 hours Crystals (long, branching neepeared non much clearer The dled appear after 75 min. same experiment lyas repeated N o reaction 0.093 Faint opalescence after 9 I-ain,t opalescence after 80 using 1.0 ml. of reagent in each min. hours Crystallization aftel 36 hours Crystallization after 9 hours case. Again there v a s o b KO reaction 0.082 Faint opalescence after 3 S o reaction served an immediate strong hours cl o u d i n e s s throughout the Crystallization after 51 hours entire solution as the first fc>xv



Table 111. Sensitivity of Reagent toward Equimolar Solutions of Morphine and Rlorphine Hydrochloride Concn. of Morphine Hydrochloride, Mg./.Ml. 0.248 0,124 0,093 0.062

Table IV.

Appearance of Crystals, Hours 0.75 1.25 8.5 48

Concn. of aMorphine, JIg ./ M 1, 0.200

Appearance of Crystals, Hours 1.85 6.0 32 87


0.076 0,060

Solubility of Morphine-Mercuric Iodide Complex in Various Solvents Solubility.

% Wt./Vol.

Solvent Chloroform Ether Water Potassium iodide, 107' Ethanol, 96% Acetone

0.004 0,083 0.104 0.106 0.385 0.643

drops of reagent were added, but as the addition was continued this cloudiness disappeared because the gelatinous precipitate gradually coagulated. Such an observation could easily be misinterpreted as indicating increased solubility of the alkaloidal jodomercurate in excess reagent. But in none of the experiments could the coagulated precipitate be dissolved by the subsequent addition of either 1 ml. of 10% potassium iodide or 1 ml. of precipitant. Mercuric Iodide Reactions. I n order to disprove the possibility that the ether oxygen of the alkaloid was mercurated during the reaction the following experiments were carried out. To 0.1 gram of morphine hydrochloride dissolved in 5 ml. of water were added 100 ml. of a saturated aqueous mercuric iodide solution (45 mg. per liter). No reaction was observed. Similarly, when to 100 ml. of an aqueous 0.003M morphine hydrochloride solution (1.1274 grams per liter) 0.0003 mole (0.1364 gram) of solid red mercuric iodide was added, no reaction occurred, even when the suspension was stirred mechanically for prolonged periods of time, and the metal halide could be recovered quantitatively. When morphine hydrogen iodide instead of morphine hydrochloride was used in these experiments, product formation occurred in each case. Thus, on addition of 100 ml. of saturated mercuric iodide solution to a solution of 0.1 gram of morphine hydrogen iodide in 5 ml. of water 2.3 mg. of material formed after 12 hours' standing. It was found to be identical to that obtained by reaction of morphine hydrochloride with potassium mercuric iodide. The same compound was isolated, when to 100 ml. of a 0.003M aqueous morphine hydrogen iodide solution (1.3479 grams per liter), 0.0003 mole of solid red mercuric iodide was added, and the suspension was stirred mechanically for several hours, the extent of product formation being a function of the reaction time. These experiments strongly suggest that the morphine mercuric iodide complex does not form by coordination of the mercuric iodide with the oxygen of the ether linkage in the morphine molecule to give a compound of the formula shown in Figure 2. One could expect to obtain the analogous product from the reaction of morphine hydrochloride and mercuric iodide, but under the expeiimental conditions the alkaloidal complex forms according to the following equations. M.HI HgIz M.H+

chloride solution react with 0.05 ml. of aqueous potassium mercuric iodide (Solution A, Table I) containing 4.5 mg. of mercuric iodide and 3.3 mg. of potassium iodide. Evidently, in the former case the iodide ions are supplied by the morphine hydrogen iodide while in the latter case they are contributed by the potassium iodide present in the system. Study of Ultraviolet Absorption. The ultraviolet absorption of the complex differs markedly from that of the compounds used for its synthesis as shown in Figure 3. Yo resemblance exists between the spectra of mercuric iodide, potassium iodide, and potassium iodide-mercuric iodide solutions and the experimental data strongly suggest that potassium iodide and mercuric iodide interact with the formation of a new compound.


Figure 2. Mode of Addition of Mercuric Iodide to Morphine Hydrogen Iodide

I n the potassium iodide-mercuric iodide solutions studied a bathochromic shift of the maximum from 280 to 290 mp occurs as the potassium iodide concentration is increased from 0.0001 to 0.0005 mole per liter. (A 0.0001M solution of potassium iodide was found to dissolve no more than 0.00004 mole of mercuric iodide.) This shift is evidently associated with the increased concentration of HgTi- ions under these conditions (Figure 1) and the property of these ions to absorb a t higher wave lengths (2). In accordance with these interpretations the resemblance be-



+X H + + I+ I- e HgIj-

+ HgIa-

f" M.H.HgI3

This mechanism is supported further by the observation that the derivative is formed at approximately the same rate when 95 ml. of saturated mercuric iodide solution (4.5 mg. Hg12), are added to 5 ml. of an aqueous morphine hydrogen iodide solution containing 0.135 gram of the alkaloidal salt, or when 100 mi. of an equimolar (0.003M) aqueous morphine hydro-

Figure 3.

Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of Reagents and Reaction Product

V O L U M E 26, NO. 6, J U N E 1 9 5 4 tween the spectrum of the derivative and that of the potassiummercuric iodide solution containing the lowest potassium iodide concentration and the highest HgIS ion concentration, greatly supports the formula (M.H).(HgIa) of the complex. Evidently, the HgI; ions which comprise 67% by weight of the compound afford a more decisive contribution to the ultraviolet absorption pattern of the complex than does the alkaloidal base itself. Morphine exhibits a distinct maximum a t 285 mp (miar = 1576) whereas the complex (M.H).(HgIJ shows a plateau ( e = 6957) from about 265 to 280 mp. At 285 mp the molar extinction coefficient of the complex is equal t o 6320-i.e., about four times a8 great 8s that of the alkaloidal base. Mercuric iodide absorbs strongly a t 263 mp ( 6 = 4924), but no sign of a peak is, observed in the spectrum of the complex a t that wave length. None of these data support the formula. M.HI.HgL a6 praposed by Franyois and Blanc, but they can all be interpreted in terms of the composition (M.H).(HgIs). Nonreactivity of Hydrogen Sulfide toward Alkaloidal Derivative. When 0.0003 mole of the complex (0.2603 gram) was dissolved in 25 ml. of reagent grade acetone and a stream of dry hydrogen sulfide waa bubbled slowly through the solution, no precipitation ocourred. However, when red mercuric iodide

F i g u r e 6. X-Ray Diffraction Pattern Morphine-merouric iodide reerysfellissd From 50% acetone

X-Ray Diffraction Powder Data of Morphine Merourio Iodide Complex CaK&

a, A.









F i g u r e 4.





4 5 6 VOL BASE ADDEO (md


E l e c t m m e t r i e T i t r a t i o n of Mor Iodide Complex


'Table V.




1.190 A,)

d , A.


Compound Morphine MorphinemeIO"rlC



Votical K o t a t i o n s of Morohine a n d Momhine -Mercuric Iodide in 50%A c e t o n e concentration


a, A.


wt./vol. 0.1860 0.5327


MoleAiter 0.00614 0.00614 0.01535

Observed Angle of Rotation -0.31 -0.28 -0.66

Specific Rotation -166.4


52.6 49.5

an immediate orange-red coloration was observed and black mercuric sulfide gradually began t o precipitate. These observations do not support the formule M.HI.Hg12 but again can be explained on the basis of the composition (M.H).(HgL). Evidently, the HgI; ion of the complex remains undissociated in acetone and is therefore not affected by hydrogen sulfide. Aqueous and Nonaqueous Titration of Complex. The derivative displayed only slight acidity in aqueous media and i t was not possible to titrate it in pure water by means of alkali. It could be quantitatively estimated, however, in 90% (aqueous) acetone, in which solvent i t exhibited a p& of 6.95, by means of

Figure 5.

X-Ray Diffraction P a t t e r n

Morphine recrystallired from water

termination of amine-cadmium halide complexes b y means of perchloric acid ( 6 ) . The experimental data illustrated in Figure 4 suggest that Frangois and Blanc's formula M.HI.HgIn is



fraction pattern and infrared absorption spectrum and in Table V, which records its optical rotation in 50% aqueous acetone. Similar data are reported far the alkaloidal base. The experimental data reported in Table V show that the observed angles of rotation are practically identical far the free base and the complex whenmeasured on solutions of comparable molarities. However, tho specific rotation of the complex is considerably smaller than t h a t of the free base because of its much higher molecular weight. The specific rotation of the complex is not a constant but deoreases slightly with increasing concentration. This phenomenon is displayed also by morphine hydrochloride, on which cornpound it was first observed by Hesse (4). This reaction is extremely sensitivo and may be used to identify mere traces of morphine. It is much more sensitive than the clitssical reaction of the alkaloid with an aqueous cadmium iodide' 1 iodide solution (Marme's reaVhcn the test is carried out under a e taken to maintain a constant humid i t ,ely 25 y of the substance can The a .. ~ ~ e e s a n cofe a well dcsafelv bt fined micrucryacaimr: piec1p~c2~1c may take Some time, hut invariably the amorphous mass initially formed will g r a d u d y dovelop into charactoristie crystal patterns whose habits may be recognized and studied under the microscope (Figures 8 and 9). When carefully carried out in a capillary tube, as little as 1 y of the narcotic can still be detected.


Crystals of Morphine Hydrochloride with Potassium-Mercuric Iodide

Figure 8.

probahly incorrect, because one would expect this compound to display marked acidic properties and titratability in water. Physicochemical Constants of Complex and Microchemical ~. . . .. . . .. . . Value of the Reaction. 'The identiheation ot morphine by Its conversion to the mercuric iodide complex is often used as evidence in court. For this purpose, a more complete characterization of the derivative is highly desirable. Accordingly, additional characteristic properties of the alkaloidal derivative are illustrated in Figures 5, 6, and 7, which show its x-ray dif~~




Figure 9.

Crystals of Morphine IIydroehloride with Potassium-Mercuric Iodide


V O L U M E 2 6 , N O . 6, J U N E 1 9 5 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors wish t o thank L. I. Pugsley for valuable advice and discussions. They are indebted t o L6o llarion of the Sational Research Council for use of his polarimeter, and W. H. Barnes of the National Research Council and Charles E. Hublejof the Dei-nee Research Board for the x-ray diffraction patterns and infrared absorption spectra of the compounds. They also thank 11.Butler for drafting the experimental data reported in Figures 2, 3, and 4, and i , and C. A. Kerr of the Photographic Laboratory of the Department of Sational Health and Welfare for preparing prints of the illustrat,ive material. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Francois, RI., and B l a n c , L. G., Bull. ( 4 t h series), 1208, 1304 (1922).


cliim. France, 31,

Glaustcne, S.," T e x t b o o k of PhyJical C h e m i s t r y , " 5 t h ed., p. 5 7 7 , S e w Y o r k , D. \'an Sostrand Co., 1940. Groves, T. R., J . Chem. Soc., 11, 97 (1859). Hesse, O., Ann., 176, 189 (1875). Kolthoff. J. AI., Biociiem. Z., 162,289 (1925). Levi, L., a n d F a r m i l o , C h . . SAL. C H E M . ,25, 909 (1953). X e u b a u e r , C . , 2. anal. Chew&., 2, 79 (1863). T a n r e t . C., J . pharm. chini., 28, ( 5 t h series). 433, 490 (1893). T a u r i n s , .k.,2 . anal. Chem.. 97, 27 (1934). Travell. ,J., ,J. A m . P h a r m . Assoc., Sei. Ed., 23, 689 (1934). Valser. .I.,"Repertoire d e Chimie P u r e et Appliqu6e." p. 460, 1862: Thesis, Paris, 1562; .I. A m . Pharm. dssoc.. 11, 16s

(1803). RECEIVEDfor review Tovember 12, 1953. Accepted A p r i l t i . 1054. Presented before the Division of Analytical Chemistsy at tile 124th 11eeting of the . ~ V E R I C . ~ SCHEXIC.AL SOCIETY, Chicago, Ill.

Separation of Niobium and Tantalum by liquid-liquid Extraction J. Y. ELLENBURG, G. W. LEDDICOTTE,



A n a l y t i c a l Chemistry Division, O a k Ridge N a t i o n a l Laboratory, Carbide a n d Carbon Chemical Co., a n d Carbon Corp., O a k Ridge, Tenn.

The limitations of existing conventional methods for the separation of niobium and tantalum make it desirable to consider any other method that offers the possibility of a separation of these two elements. Studies, using inactive niobium and tantalum as well as radioactive tracers of these elements, indicate that the separation of niobium from tantalum b:- liquid-liquid extraction of the hl-drochloric acid solution of the elements with long-chain aliphatic and aromatic amines in organic solvents is quantitative. Further studies showed that niobium and tantalum sulfate and oxalate complexes extract with the solvated amines. However, in the case of tribenzjlamine in methylene chloride, the niobium sulfate complex may be quantitatively separated from the tantalum sulfate complex if the ratio of organic to aqueous volume is maintained at 1.5 to 1. These methods should be valuable for rapid separations of these elements and the amine systems may be applied to industrial separations of niobium and tantalum.


H E separation of niobium and tantalum is one of the most difficult of inorganic problems. Previous methods based on repeated fractional separations are both time-consuming and often uncertain. More recently, increased interest in liquidliquid extractions led t o the esploration of this technique as a more efficient method of separation for these elements. The rssential criteria for extraction are a suitable solvent and a favor:tl>le partition coefficient. Thus, one element may be estrac.ted quantit,ntively while the other remains in the original medium. I n laboratory scale operations, a favorable distribution coefficient is essential to keep the analytical procedure simple and the apparatus uncomplicated. Solutions of long-chain aliphatic and aromatic amines in organic solvents have been s1ion.n to be efficient acid extractants (4,9). The use of methyldioctylamine in xylene for the separation of niobium and tantalum has been drscribed (3). I n this study, tribenzylamine, TBA, a product of Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, S . T.,was of particular interest. It is u-ater-insoluble and is known to form the vorreipondin:: amine acid salts which are also waterinsolutilc l)ut, in grneral, s01ul)le i n various organic solvents.

Table I. Radionuclide

A Division o f Union Carbide

Nuclear Data for Radioniobium and Radiotantalum Production

TI/z, Days

Characteristic Radiations


I n a typical experiment, an aqueous solution containing either niobium-95 radioact'ive tracer or tantalum-182 radioactive tracer was extracted wit,h an equal volume of the amine in an organic solvent. Each phase was checked for niobium-95 y or tantalum-182 -1 radioactivity by use of a y-scintillation counter having a sodium iodide crystal. Esperiments of this type showed that niobium-95-tantalum-182 tracer mistures and nonradioactive niobium-tantalum separations could be effected by this solvent estraction met,hod. The nurlear propert,ies of the two radionuclides used in thew experiments are described in Table I. This information has been tabulated from data by K a y et al. ( I O ) . Radiochemical purity of the radioactive tracer and end products of solvent extraction technique were checked b y means of decay studies and absorption measurements. The radioactive tracers were prepared as follows: Siobium-95. Radioniobium product was obtained from the Radioisotope Sales Department, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Decay &dies and @-absorption measurements indicated the radiochemical purity to be 99%. Tantalum-182. Tantalum metal was bombarded in the Oak Ridge National Laboratory graphite reactor. After irradiation, the material was processed by dissolving the metal in concentrated nitric acid-hydrofluoric acid mixture followed by a precipitation of tantalum hydrated oxide upon the addition of concentrated ammonium hydroxide. The precipitate was then dissolved i n concentrated hydrochloric acid. Aliquots were taken for each experiment. The Tribenzylamine System. The experimental work with methyldioctylamine (3) suggested that the hydrochloric acid , tem would probably yield satisfactory results in the tribenzylamine extractions. I n experiments with tribenzylamine, equal volumes of the sample and extracting solvent were shaken for 5 minutes. The layers were allowed t o separate and the activity