Reactions involving electron transfer at semiconductor surfaces. IV

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Reactions Involving Electron Transfer at Semiconductor Surfaces.


Zinc Oxide-Promoted Photoreductions in

Aqueous Solutions at Neutral pH

by Joseph Cunningham*lband Hanaa Zainal Chemistry Department, University College, Dublin, Ireland

(Received November 4 , 1971)

Publication costs borne completely by T h e Journal of Physical Chemistry

Quantum efficiencies of l o + to 0.29 have been determined for reduction reactions produced by uv illumination of different zinc oxides suspended in aqueous solutions containing NaNOa, KMn04, indigo carmine or p-nitrosodimethylaniline (PKDA). Consideration is given to factors a t the zinc oxide-aqueous solution interface which allowed these quantum efficiencies to exceed by two to three orders of magnitude those previously reported for zinc oxide promoted photoreactions a t zinc oxide-gas interfaces. An electron paramagnetic 1.96 was observed from zinc oxide suspensions in various aqueous solutions, resonance (epr) signal with g but only when these were illuminated by uv light. This epr signal was used to measure the tendency of various solutes to increase or decrease the number of electrons available a t the surface of the illuminated zinc oxide particles while suspended in aqueous solutions. Techniques of competition kinetics were also utilized to check ability of an additive to interact with photoproduced intermediates a t these illuminated interfaces. Additives which reduced the epr signal were also shown to be effective in reducing the rate of photobleaching of PNDA and included I-, c03'-, NOz-, P0b2-, and Tl+. Additives which increased the epr signal intensity also increased the rate of PNDA photoreduction and included Nos-, HCOO-, and CzH50H. Probable reducing and oxidizing processes are discussed for the HsO-ZnO interface a t neutral pH.


Introduction Literature values2-*of the overall quantum efficiency of reactions promoted by uv illumination at the interface between zinc oxides and aqueous solutions containing oxidizable or reducible solutes are orders of magnitude larger than quantum efficiencies recently determined in these laboratories for photoinduced reactions at zinc oxide-gas i n t e r f a ~ e s . ~ - lThe ~ contrast is most evident when quantum efficiency for photo-assisted dissociation of NzO at ZnO-NzO(g) interfaces (cj" is compared with reported quantum efficiencies of 0.1 to 0.35 for photosynthesis of H202 at ZnOoxygenated aqueous solution interfaces.2-6 Electron localization by N20 in the former and by 0 2 in the latter are identified as important steps in the overall mechanisms I and 11, respectively. Despite evident


+ e(Zn0) + N20-/ZnO +N,

+ 0-/ZnO


+HzO O2 + e(Zn0) +02-/Zn0 --+ +H0z



HO2 E202 02 (11) similarities in these mechanisms, no satisfactory explanation of the large difference in apparent overall quantum efficiencies of these processes has been proposed. One objective of the present study was to examine the validity of the striking difference between quantum efficiencies reported for the ZnO-gas and ZnO-aq The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, N o . 17, 1072

solution interfaces. The approach chosen was to determine quantum efficiencies of photoreduction at ZnO-aq solution interfaces with the same zinc oxides and uv lamps as employed here previously in studies of photo-assisted processes at ZnO-gas interfaces. A second objective of the present study was to explore the factors which cause the quantum efficiency of photoreduction t o vary widely at various deoxygenated ZnO-aq solution interfaces (from 10-5 for H2 productionl2 to 3.0 for photoreduction of methylene blue*). Emphasis was placed on the reducing power of the (1) (a) Work supported in part by the U. S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research through the European Office of Aero-space Research, OAR, U. S. Air Force, under Contract AF 61 (052)-67C0044. (b) Chemistry Department, University College, Cork, Ireland. (2) (a) M. C. Marlcham and K. J. Laidler, J . Phys. Chem., 57, 363 (1953); (b) G. M. Schwab, Advan. Catal., 9, 229 (1957). (3) H. Gerischer, Surface Sci., 97 (1969). (4) G. Oster and M. Yamamoto, J . Phys. Chem., 70, 3033 (1966). (5) J. G. Calvert, K. Theurer, G. T. Rankin, and W. M. MacNevin, J . A m e r . Chem. Soc., 76, 2575 (1954). (6) L. White, Jr., ibid., 76, 624 (1954). (7) J. Kuriacase and C. Markham, J . Catal., 1, 498 (1962). (8) T. S. Glikman and E. Podlinyaeva, U k r . K h i m . Zh., 22, 478 (1956). (9) J. Cunningham, J. J. Kelly, and A. L. Penny, J . Phys. Chem., 74, 1992 (1970). (10) J. Cunningham, J. J. Kelly, and A. L. Penny, ibid., 75, 617 (1971). (11) J. Cunningham and A. L. Penny, ibid., 76, 2353 (1972). (12) A. Bernas, ibid., 68, 2047 (1964).



illuminated interface by choice of three solutes known, from pulse radiolysis s t ~ d i e s , ’ ~to ! ’ react ~ rapidly with electrons, viz. NOa-, ?tho4-,and p-nitrosodimethylaniline (PKDA). This choice may also serve to examine the possible role of charge (by comparison of results from PNDA with those from X03- and R!hOe-) and of relative positioning of first excited states (since the first excited states of hln04-(aq) and PnTDA(aq) lie at lower energies than that of ZnO(s)15 but the reverse holds for NO3-(aq) 16). Indigo carmine was included to test the possibility that OH radicals were active at the illuminated HzO-ZnO interface, since it; like PNDA, is reported to have high rate constant for reaction with OH radi~a1s.l~

Experimental Section Materials, The following powdered zinc oxides, provided by courtesy of the Yew Jersey Zinc Go., were used in this study: SP 500 pure zinc oxide; lithiumdoped zinc oxide (Lot No. 631-121-3, containing 463 ppm lithium); and indium-doped zinc oxide (Lot N o . 631-121-1, containing 110 ppm indium). Information available from previous work and relevant to the present study is summarized in Table I of ref 10 for the oxides. Doubly distilled water was used for preparation of all aqueous suspensions of the zinc oxides and also for the preparation of aqueous solutions needed in the study. No acid or base mas added to the solutions or suspensions to control or modify their natural pH which remained within h 0 . 6 pH unit of 7.4. Oxygen-free nitrogen gas, supplied by British Oxygen Co., was used to purge all aqueous suspensions of zinc oxide for at least 30 min prior to investigating any photoinduced reaction. p-Nitrosodimethylaniline supplied by Ralph N. Emanuel Ltd. (Research Chemicals) was used as obt ained. 2,7-Dimet hyl-3,6-diaza- 1,6-c y cloheptadiene perchlorate and other chemicals required to prepare optical filter solutions1sv19were provided by Koch-Light Laboratories Ltd. The potassium permanganate used in the photolysis reactions was prepared from concentrated solution ampoules supplied by Merck Co. Indigo carmine was AR grade, supplied by Gurr Ltd. (London). Sulfanilamide, ammonium sulfamate, and N- (1-naphthyl) ethylenediamine dihydrochloride were supplied by E:astman Kodak Ltd. Procedure f o r Studying Photoreductions. The Pyrex equipment illustrated in Figure 1 was assembled and one of the following filter solutions was placed into the annular compartment (d). Different solutes required different filter solutions because the objectives of this study dictated that light be absorbed primarily in the semiconductor to yield electrons, holes, and excitons and not by the solute to give its excited states. Filter solutions were therefore selected to remove light which would be absorbed by the solute.

Figure 1. Equipment for studying kinetics and quantum efficiency of photoreductions: a, 75-W medium-pressure Hg-arc lamp held rigidly in quartz jacket, b ; e, Pyrex water cooling jacket; d , compartment for filter solutions which surround the lamp; e, Perspex disk excluding air and providing tubes a t f for purging system with nitrogen and for removing samples; g, flat-bottomed reaction vessel in which zinc oxide suspensions were prepared and photolyzed; h, flanged outer vessel in which actinometer was placed.

Filter A consisted of a solution of 200 g/l. of CoClz. 6Hz0 and 100 g/l. of XiClz-6Hz0in a mixture of 55% dimethylformamide and 45% water containing 1 mol/l. of HC1, which significantly transmitted only light of wavelengths (290-390 nm) with maximum transmission coinciding with most intense line emission of the lamp at 366 nm.18 Filter B consisted of a 0.1 g/1. solution of 2,7-dimethyl-3,6-diaza-1,6-cycloheptadieneperchlorate in water which transmitted light of wavelengths longer than 345 nm19and which was used for studies on nitrate to avoid absorption by the n-r* transition at 300 nm.16 Filter C consisted of 200 g/l. of CuSO4.5H20and 10 in 1 1. of water g/l. of (NH4)2S04~Fez(S04)3~24Hz0 containing 5 ml of concentrated HzS04which trans(13) (a) F. S. Dainton and B. Wisall, Trans. Faraday Soc., 64, 694 (1968); (b) J. H. Baxendale and A. A. Khan, I n t . J . Radiat. Phys. Chem., 1, 11 (1969). (14) M. Anbar and P. Neta, I n t . J . A p p l . Radiat. Isotop., 18, 493 (1967). (15) Y. S. Park, C. W. Litton, T . C. Collins, and D. C. Reynolds, Phys. Rev., 143, 512 (1966). (16) J. A. Friend and L. E. Lyons, J . Chem. Soc., 1672 (1959). (17) (a) I. M. Nielsen, Part Vol. I1 BXWL-715 Pacific Northwest Laboratory Annual Report 1967, D. R. Kalkwarf, p 154; (b) 1. Kraljic and C. N. Trumbore, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 87, 2547 (1965). (18) W.W.Whadimiroff, Photochem. Photobiol., 5 , 243 (1966). (19) J. Calvert and J. Pitts, Jr., “Photochemistry,” Wiley, New York, N. Y., 1967. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 17, 1972



Table I : Properties of Zinc Oxide-Aqueous Solution Suspensions Prior to Photoreduction (Aox







0.05 0.25 0.42 0.78 1.00 1.24


0.07 0.25 0.47 0.72 0.83 0.93


1.00 1.00

Li-ZnO In-ZnO

0.9 1.7 3.1 4.0 5.0 1.0 345 nm at I,, of 6.5 X 1Ol6: (a) data 0, for ZnO-NaNOB(aq)system; (b) data 0 , for ZnO-(NaN03 HCOO-(aq) systems; (c) data (3, for ZnO-(NaN08 CnHaOH)(aq).



atmospheric oxygen. Use of the polythene tubing did not affect the results, as shown by similar results obtained in tests with an all-glass transfer method. Ultraviolet light from a medium-pressure mercuryarc lamp filtered by appropriate solutions (see A, B, and C above) was passed through the side wall of the cavity to the flat cell containing the suspension. The light beam was focused on the side of the cavity with a quartz lens. A "Blak-ray" uv meter (supplied by U.V. Products Inc., San Gabriel, Calif.) was used to monitor the relative value of the light intensity which was adjusted to a constant value.

Results Quantum EfJiciency of Zinc Oxide Promoted Photoreductions in Deoxygenerated Solutions. Photoreduction of Sodium Nitrate-ZnO. Figure 3a illustrates the slow initial rate of appearance of XOz- in solution when suspensions of pure ZnO in 0.5 M NaN03 were illuminated with uv light of wavelengths >345 nm. Measured I o e q flux was 6.5 X 10l6photons incident/sec on 350 ml of suspension. Since no nitrite was detected from NaN03(aq)/ZnO(s) systems maintained in the dark, nor from 0.5 M NaN03 solutions exposed to the same uv light in the absence of ZnO, this result provided evidence for a zinc oxide promoted photoreduction. The calculated quantum efficiency, 4 N O n - based on the initial rate of appearance of nitrite, was 2.6 X As illustrated in Figure 2a, the apparent quantum efficiency was much lower at long illumination times. Prolonged illumination (>lo hr) removed the nitrite initially produced. Addition of formate ions at 0.1 M concentration yielded a higher initial rate of nitrite formation corresponding to + N o t - = 7.6 X l o v 3 (see Figure 3b) and studies with NaNOz(aq)/ZnO(s) suspensions indicated that formate "protected" nitrite from photoreaction at the ZnO surface. Ethyl alcohol at 1 M concentration yielded a still more rapid initial formation of nitrite corresponding to an apparent quantum efficiency of 2.6 X 10-2.

Figure 4. Zinc oxide promoted photobleaching of KMnO4 solutions. Decrease in Mn04- absorbance having Amax at 530 nm with duration of exposure is illustrated for a photon flux of 1.8 X lo1*sec-' (350 ml)-l and initial MnOa- concentrations of 7 X l o 4 M (data points 0); 4.5 X 10-4 M (data 0 ) and 2.5 X M (data (3). Filter solution A was used.

Photoreduction of KMnOd Xolutions-ZnO. It was convenient to study KiVln04 solutions of initial ;\In04to 6.9 X M , since the concentrations 2.5 X extinction coefficient of 2.2 X lo3 1. mol-' cm-I for absorption at 550 nm corresponded to solution optical densities of 0.55-1.5. Optical densities of these solutions were lower in the wavelength region of thc filtered lamp emission (290-390 nm) but this light caused a slow decrease of OD at 550 nm even in the absence of zinc oxide. A greatly enhanced rate of decrease in OD at 550 nm was observed when zinc oxide was added to the illuminated KJIn04 solutions. Data illustrating this additional zinc oxide promoted photoreduction were obtained by difference and are illustrated in Figure 4. Apparent quantum efficiencies for loss of KR'In04 in for pure ZnO, 4.6 X these systems were 5.8 X lop2for indium-doped ZnO, and 2.5 X for lithiumdoped zinc oxides, all based on the additional rate of loss of absorbance at 550 nm caused by illumination = 1.8 X 10ls photons sec-' (350 ml)-l. The with Ioeq only observed product of the photolysis of aqueous solutions of K?v'ln04 over zinc oxide surface was a dark brown precipitate which was soluble in HC1 and appeared to be MnOz. Accumulation of this brown precipitate in the suspension as reduction proceeded made this system unsuitable for detailed kinetic study, since it introduced additional light-scattering and absorption, thereby preventing bleaching from proceeding smoothly to completion. Photoreduction of Indigo Carmine-Zinc Oxide. Figure 5 illustrates the zinc oxide-promoted photobleaching of 7.5 X 10-j M aqueous solution of indigo carmine under illumination by uv photons of wavelengths = 6.5 X 10l6 photons sec-l (350 ml)-1. >345 at Ioeq From the observed initial rate of loss of absorbance a t 610 nm (0,105 OD unit min-l) and reportedl9 extinction coefficient ( E = 1.8 X lo4) the quantum efficiency of photobleaching was calculated to be 0.04. The spectrum of the faintly yellow solution which was obtained from photolysis of the dark blue solutions The Journal of Phgsical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 17, 1972






! 9 0“ 600

500nm 400




Figure 5 . Zinc oxide-promoted photoreduction of an aqueous solution of indigo carmine (IC). Absorption spectra of starting material (7.5 X 10-5 M indigo carmine) is shown as a solid line. Insert illustrates the continuous decrease in absorbance at 610 nm with duration of exposure to a flux of 6.5 X 10l8 photons sec-1 at wavelengths >345 nm. Broken line shows residual absorbance after bleaching.







A (nm)

Figure 6. Zinc oxide-promoted reduction of PNDA in ZnO-PNDA(aq) suspensions. Absorption spectra of starting material (solid line) and product are shown. Insert illustrates slow reduction in absorbance at 440 nm in the dark ( X--X ) and accelerated reduction under illumination (0-0) by photons of wavelengths 300-390 nm at a flux of 1.8 X lo’* sec-1. Insert also illustrates growth of product absorbing a t 247 nm (data A-A).

containing indigo carmine over zinc oxide resembled that suggested in the literature29to arise from a reduced product of the starting material. Photoreduction of p-Nitrosodimethylaniline-Zinc Oxide. Experimental data in Figure 6 illustrates the relative rates of zinc oxide-promoted dark reaction and of photoreaction at room temperature for magnetically stirred deoxygenated suspensions containing 0.35 g of powdered pure zinc oxide per 350 ml of solution with an initial PXDA concentration of 4 X loF5M . The data were taken by measuring the progressive decrease with time in the absorbance at 440 nm, which also is illustrated in Figure 6 together with growth of an absorption band at 247 nm. Quantum efficiency of photobleaching could thus be obtained either from the photo-induced enhancement (relative to the dark rate) of rate of loss of absorbance at 440 nm, Le., &PNDA, or from the photo-enhanced rate of growth of product absorbance The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 17, 1078

Figure 7. Plot illustrating the correlation between absorbance of zinc oxide-promoted photoproduct (data 0)from various initial concentrations of PNDA and that obtained by reducing the same PNDA concentrations with zinc dust (data @).

at 247 nm, i.e., 4247. For the data in Figure 6 the initial ~ - P N D A value corresponded to 1.2 X using the measured molar extinction coefficient of 3.5 X lo4 1. mol-’ cm-’. The latter was derived from linear Beer’s law plots. Treatment of deoxygenated aqueous PKDA solutions at, or close to, neutral pH with clean zinc powder removed absorbance at 440 nm and produced an absorption band at 247 nm indistinguishable from that present in photobleached PNDA solutions. In Figure 7 a comparison is made between the optical densities experimentally observed at 247 nm when various initial concentrations of PNDA were quantitatively reduced with zinc dust, and the OD values observed when the same PNDA concentrations were completely photobleached. Agreement between both sets of OD values confirms that the photoproduct in deoxygenated solutions was identical with the reduced product obtained with zinc dust and provided a value of 1.4 X lo41. mol-’ cm-’ for the extinction coefficient of the reduced product. The value of &rod”& = 1.2 X obtained using this value of e and the observed initial rate of growth of absorbance at 247 nm was identical with C#-PNDA, which is consistent with quantitative conversion of PNDA to reduced product by photobleaching. In the literature,aO reduction of p-nitroso compounds with zinc dust leads to corresponding phydroxylamine compounds. The absorption with A,, at 247 nm and E -lo4 may thus be assigned to phydroxylamine dimethylaniline (denoted here as PNDA-H2). A summary of the quantum efficiencies of these four zinc oxide-promoted photoreductions in various conditions is given in Table I1 which shows that all values at high light inlay between 4 X 10-2 and 8 X tensity conditions. Epr Studies on H20-ZnO, PNDA-ZnO, IC-ZnO, (29) L. Fieser and M. Fieser, “Organic Chemistry,” Reinhold, New York, N. Y.,1956. (30) H. Fever, Ed., “The Chemistry of the Nitro and Nitroso Group,” Part I, Interscience, New York, N. Y.,1969.






02 0.0






120 150 180

Tlme hhutes)

Figure 8. Data illustrating growth of intensity, 11.9~of a singlet epr signal with g = 1.96 when dense suspensions of preactivated zinc oxide in deoxygenated pure water were illuminated with uv light in situ in the epr cavity. Slow decay of the epr signal after illumination ceased (at J- ) is also illustrated. Data 0 , taken with ZnO preactivated 3 hr at 500’; data X, with ZnO preactivated 2 hr at 500°, both exposed to photons of h 300-390 nm; data 0, taken with ZnO preactivated 3 hr a t 500’ but exposed to photons of h >400 nm.

and KMn04-Zn0. No epr signal with g = 1.96 was observed prior t o illumination from suspensions of pure zinc oxide in deoxygenated triply distilled water. A weak broad signal with g -2.00 was observed from suspensions if the zinc oxide was not sufficiently well outgassed at temperatures