Reactions of Ambident Nucleophiles with Nitroaromatic Electrophiles

NUCLEOPHILICITY. 3. Buncel, Ε.; Crampton, M. R.; Strauss, M. J.; Terrier, F. Electron Deficient. Aromatic- and Heteroaromatic-Base Interactions: The ...
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26 Reactions of Ambident Nucleophiles with Nitroaromatic Electrophiles and Superelectrophiles 2

E. Buncel1, J. M. Dust1, Κ. T. Park1, R. A. Renfrow2, and M. J. Strauss Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on July 5, 2014 | Publication Date: July 1, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1987-0215.ch026


Department of Chemistry, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6, Canada Department of Chemistry, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405 2

This study reports on the reactions of ambident nucleophiles with electron-deficient nitroaromatic and heterοaromatic substrates; anionic σcomplex formation or nucleophilic substitution result. Am­ bident behavior is observed in the case of phenoxide ion (O versus C attack) and aniline (N versus C attack). Ο or Ν attack is generally kinetically preferred, but C attack gives rise to stable σcomplexes through thermodynamic control. "Normal" electrophiles such as 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene or picryl chloride are contrasted with super­ electrophiles such as 4,6-dinitrobenzofuroxan or 4,6-dinitro-2-(2,4,6trinitrophenyl)benzotriazole 1-oxide (PiDNBT), which give rise to exceptionally stable σcomplexes. Further interesting information was derived from the presence in PiDNBT of two electrophilic centers (C-7 and C-1') susceptible to attack by the ambident nucleophilic reagent. The superelectrophiles are found to exhibit lesser selectivity toward different nucleophilic centers of ambident nucleophiles com­ pared with normal electrophiles.

TTHE ANIONIC σ C O M P L E X E S F O R M E D between polynitroaromatic com­ pounds and bases (I, 2), commonly known as Meisenheimer complexes, are used as models of the reaction intermediates that are considered to be formed in activated nucleophilic aromatic substitution reactions (3-6), as well as being of intrinsic interest. Thus, numerous studies describe the formation and transformation of such σ complexes (7-14). As a result, a variety of structural types of these species have been characterized and subjected to detailed investigation. A number of theoretical studies relating to these species have also been reported (15). 0065-2393/87/0215-0369$06.00/0 © 1987 American Chemical Society In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.



Attention focused recently on the interaction of nitroaromatic and heteroaromatic compounds with potentially ambidentate nucleophiles. These studies revealed novel structure-reactivity relationships.

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Acetonate σ Complexes of Nitroaromatics The first observations in this area were made 100 years ago, when in 1886 Janovsky and E r b (16) reported the formation of an intensely colored purple substance in the reaction of acetone with 1,3-dinitrobenzene (DNB) in alkaline solution. After a period of controversy as to whether the structure of the species formed was 1 or 2 (17-19), the 2 was unambiguously proven by ^ - N M R spectroscopy (20). The corresponding adduct of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene (TNB), w h i c h is also obtained readily on solvolysis of the T N B ' C H 0 " complex in acetone, was similarly shown by ^ - N M R spec­ troscopy to have the structure 3 (21). More recent C ~ and N - N M R spectroscopic studies confirmed these formulations (22). The structures of σ complexes such as 3 are now more correctly depicted as the delocalized species, in accord with experimental results (e.g., X-ray crystal structure) and theoretical considerations (23) 3

1 3

1 5

0 H .CH2-Î-CH V


0 3


H /CH2-C-CH3 0 N- -N02 >




N0 " 2

2 Thus, the α-carbon of enolate anion has a much greater basicity toward the electron-deficient carbon of D N B or T N B than does the enolate oxygen. A comparison of the thermodynamic stabilities of acetonate adducts of nitro­ aromatics with those formed by oxygen nucleophiles confirms this conclusion (24). Moreoever, kinetic studies have shown that the unusual stability of enolate complexes derives primarily from the low rate of their uncatalyzed decomposition (25). The poor leaving-group ability of enolate ions can be explained by the requirements of rehybridization and solvent reorganization that must accompany the expulsion of this carbanion nucleofuge, as com­ pared with an oxygen nucleofuge such as methoxide ion. Phenoxide Ion as Ambident


The first instance of the ambident reactivity of phenoxide ion toward nitro­ aromatics was reported from this laboratory. Thus, phenoxide ion reacted with T N B to yield the carbon-bonded adduct 7 (26); up to that time only the oxygen-bonded adduct 8 had been reported (27):

In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.




Electrophile and Superelectrophile Reactions

These results can be explained by the reactions in Scheme I and the potential energy profile in Figure 1. Attack by C H 0 ~ via oxygen is kinetically preferred; the energy barrier for this process should be lower than that for attack via carbon, because in formation of the C adduct 6 aromaticity would be disrupted. However, whereas the O-bonded adduct 8 can revert back to the reactants, the C-bonded adduct 6 initially formed will rapidly rearomatize by proton loss to give the final product 7; this pathway is effectively irreversible. The C-bonded adduct is therefore obtained as the product of thermodynamic control. 6

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Scheme I A variety of other C-bonded phenoxide complexes of nitroaromatics have since been reported; in most cases, the oxygen-bonded adduct is not observed. For example, in the reaction of T N B with 1-napthoxide, only the 1:1 and 2:1 C-bonded adducts 9 and 10 were formed (28):

In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

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Interestingly, the reaction of l-phenyl-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene gives only the C-bonded 1,3 adduct 11 formed by attack at C-3 of the substrate:

02N (1)


No evidence was found for the formation of a 1,1 C adduct or for any Ο adducts. Buncel et al. (29) concluded that F strain, relief of steric compres­ sion, and delocalizability considerations play dominant roles in accounting for the observed reaction course in this system. When the ortho and para positions on the phenoxide are all substituted by alkyl groups, attack by oxygen of the phenoxide moiety is realized. Thus, for 2,4,6-trimethylphenoxide, the O-bonded adduct 12 was identified by HN M R spectroscopy as well as by its characteristic electronic absorption spectrum (30, 31). However, a competitive displacement of N 0 by phenox1


In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.



Electrophile and Superelectrophile Reactions


ide takes place in this system to give the diphenyl ether 13 as the final product (Scheme II). A direct comparison of the rates and equilibria associated with Ο and C attack by phenoxide on T N B is not currently available. However, in the case of 2,4,6-trinitroanisole (TNA), rate data for Ο attack by phenoxide can be compared with that by methoxide (32). Using fast reaction techniques (stopped flow and Τ jump), Bernasconi and Muller (32) found that the reaction of T N A with C H 0 ~ in (CH ) SO-water media gives rise in a rapid process to the O-bonded 1,1 phenoxide adduct as a transient species, which is then converted to the 1,3 hydroxide adduct of T N A in a slower process. The data showed that C H 0 " attack ( H 0 ) is faster than C H 0 ~ attack ( C H O H ) by a factor of 2.9, but C H 0 " expulsion is faster by 4.5 Χ 10 , with the result that the equilibrium constant for 1,1 phenoxide adduct formation is smaller than for 1,1 methoxide adduct formation by 1.5 Χ 10 . 6









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Vicryl Chloride-Phenoxide

and TNB-Phenoxide


Whereas in the reaction of T N B with phenoxide ion the adduct from C attack is obtained, picryl chloride and other nitroaryl halides react with phenoxide ion to give only 14, the product of Ο attack. This is in fact the normal route for the formation of picryl phenyl ethers, and no instance of a picryl halide

NO 2




Scheme II

In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.



reacting with phenoxide ion to give the product of C attack, the biphenyl derivative 15, has been reported. A rationalization of this seeming anomaly follows on consideration of Scheme III and the accompanying reaction profile in Figure 2. The scheme depicts the possible pathways in the S A r reaction of a picryl halide (PiCl) with phenoxide ion. The boxed-in portion of this scheme is viewed as an extension of the T N B - C H 0 " system in which case X is H , as compared with X = CI for the P i C l - C H 0 - system. The potential energy profile for the P i C l - C H 0 " system (Figure 2) can similarly be viewed as an extension of that for the T N B - C H 0 ~ system (Figure 1). The energy barriers to formation of the initial Ο and C adducts in the two cases, that is, when X is Η or CI, should be quite similar, and the N








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Figure 2. Free energy profile for reaction of picryl halides with phenoxide ion shown as an extension of the TNB-C H O~ system. 6


In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.


Electrophile and Superelectrophile Reactions


stabilities of the initially formed adducts 8 and 6 will also be nearly indepen­ dent of whether X is CI or H . However, the O-bonded adduct 8 - X can now lose C l ~ as a good leaving group to form the displacement product 14 so that this reaction will occur preferentially. Therefore, in the P i C l system nu­ cleophilic displacement by the oxygen of phenoxide is the kinetically pre­ ferred pathway over displacement by the carbon of phenoxide.

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Aniline as an Ambident Nucleophile: Normal versus S uperelectrophiles The demonstration of ambident nucleophilic reactivity of aryl oxides in their reactions with nitroaromatics raises the question whether aromatic amines might function similarly. However, T N B does not react with aniline alone to form a stable σ complex; only a charge transfer or π complex is formed (33). This result is perhaps surprising because T N B is well-known to form stable σ complexes with primary or secondary aliphatic amines (7, 8). We showed, however, that in the presence of a tertiary amine catalyst [ ( C H C H ) N or diazabicyclo[2,2,2]octane (DABCO)] T N B readily reacts with aniline or with N-methylaniline to form spectrally observable anilide σ complexes, that is, via Ν bonding (34, 35). σ-Complex formation via C bonding was not detected. 3



4,6-Dinitrobenzofuroxan (DNBF) as a Superelectrophile Possibly a stronger electrophile than T N B might react with aniline via its carbon center. Recent work (36-38) has shown that D N B F (16) is a much stronger electrophile than T N B . For example, D N B F reacts with neutral H 0 or M e O H to give the respective σ complexes 17 (equation 2), whereas T N B requires H O " or C H 0 ~ for reaction to occur. D N B F has therefore been called a superelectrophile. (In equation 2, R is Η or C H . ) 2



We found in fact that D N B F reacts with aniline in ( C H ) S O or (CH ) SO-methanol to give initially the N-bonded adduct 19 but that this reverts to the C-bonded adducts 21 and 22, which are formed as the thermodynamically preferred species (39, 40). The reaction sequence is shown in Scheme IV, which is the analogue of Scheme I for the T N B - C H O ~ system. 3





In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.



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Scheme IV In the T N B - a n i l i n e system, a detailed kinetic analysis showed that the lack of formation of a stable σ complex in the absence of a tertiary amine catalyst was the result of a thermodynamic, rather than a kinetic, factor (34). That is, the equilibrium constant for formation of the initial zwitterionic adduct ( T N B - N H C H ) is very small, such that in the absence of tertiary amine the overall equilibrium for complex formation is unfavorable. Addition of a tertiary amine, however, causes the equilibrium to be shifted to the right, due to the much more favorable deprotonation of the zwitterionic adduct to the anionic adduct, corresponding to the increased basicity of ( C H C H ) N or D A B C O as compared to C H N H . The contrasting behavior in the D N B F - C H N H system, where terti­ ary amine catalysis is not required, reflects the greater stability of σ com­ plexes formed by this highly electron deficient substrate. These results and Scheme IV indicate that the more reactive DNBF electrophile can differenti±













In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.



Electrophile and Superelectrophile Reactions

ate less between the two nucleophilic centers of aniline, compared with T N B , which would be expected on the basis of reactivity-selectivity consid­ erations. Also, the σ complex 23 could be prepared, in which one D N B F moiety is bonded to aniline via the para carbon center and another D N B F moiety is bonded via the nitrogen center. This diadduct was readily obtained by addition of D N B F to a solution of 21 in ( C H ) S O followed by 2 equiv of triethylamine (39). Phenoxide ion was found to react with D N B F to yield the carbonbonded adduct 24. The ^ - N M R chemical shifts for 24 are close to those of the corresponding protons in 7, the carbon-bonded phenoxide adduct de­ rived from T N B . Also, the adduct 24 is stable to acidification, as was found to be the case with the TNB-phenoxide adduct 7. No evidence for the forma­ tion of the oxygen-bonded adduct 25 was found. 3

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23 Contrasting with the reaction of phenoxide ion, thiophenoxide ion reacts with D N B F to give only the S-bonded adduct. 4-Aminothiophenoxide ion reacts in a similar fashion; C-bonded complexes could not be detected in these systems. The ΤΓ-excessive five-membered ring heterocycles furan, pyrrole, and N-methylpyrrole add readily to C-7 of D N B F to yield the C(a) adducts 27 (41):

X = 0,NH,NMe



In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on July 5, 2014 | Publication Date: July 1, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1987-0215.ch026



The intermediate zwitterionic species 26 could not be detected, which is in accord with a rapid rearomatization of the five-membered ring as a driving force in this process. Further reaction of 27 with D N B F yields the C(a),C(a') diadducts 28, which are formed as a 1:1 mixture of two diastereomers. D N B F also reacts at the 3-position of indole and IV-methylindole to give the corresponding adducts 29 (R is H and C H ) (42). Interestingly, pyrrolide, indolide, and imidazolide ions react with T N B to give initially the N-bonded adducts, which subsequently undergo conver­ sion to the C adducts (43). The fact that anionic nucleophiles are required for reaction with T N B , as compared with neutral bases in the D N B F case, is in accord with the less electron deficient character of T N B relative to D N B F . Further, for the anionic nucleophiles, a charge-controlled process takes place to give initially the kinetically preferred Ν adducts. The neutral bases, however, react with the softer carbon nucleophilic center in an orbitalcontrolled process. Further work will be required to establish the generality of these observations. 3

4,6-Dinitro-2-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)benzotriazole as an Ambident Superelectrophile



A new superelectrophile was recently prepared in our laboratories, namely, the picryl dinitrobenzotriazole derivative 30 (44, 45). This interesting mole­ cule has two likely electrophilic sites available for attack, that is, via path a at C-7 of the benzotriazole moiety or via path b at C - Γ of the picryl moiety (see Scheme V). Path a gives rise to a spectrally observable adduct 31, however, the adduct 32 formed via path b loses the benzotriazole moiety as the nucleofuge and the products of displacement 33 and 34 are obtained (Scheme V). Phenoxide ion reacts with P i D N B T via path b as an oxygen nucleophile. Also, aniline reacts via path b as a nitrogen nucleophile. However, with the more sterically hindered 2,6-dimethylaniline, or Ν,Ν-dimethylaniline, route a is followed with the amines acting as carbon-nucleophiles to yield the adducts 35 and 36.

In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

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Electrophile and Superelectrophile Reactions




Scheme V

These results thus reveal further contrasts in the reactivity of P i D N B T compared with that of T N B as the standard electrophile, because T N B does not react with dimethylaniline to give a stable adduct. Formation of the carbon-bonded complexes 35 and 36 substantiates the powerful electrophilic properties of this novel heterocyclic system. The potential energy profile for the reaction of P i D N B T with ambident nucleophiles is unusual, because two reaction pathways must be represented corresponding to two electrophilic sites in the substrate and each pathway should accommodate the possibility of attack by two nucleophilic centers in the ambident reagent. However, a simplified view can be given in the form of

In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

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a dual potential energy-reaction coordinate diagram (not shown). Thus, attack via path a at C-7 of the benzotriazole moiety would be represented by the analogue of Figure 1 for the attack of an ambident nucleophile on T N B giving rise to products of kinetic and thermodynamic control. On the other hand, path b would be represented by the analogue of Figure 2 for the attack of an ambident nucleophile on picryl chloride, with the benzotriazole moiety taking the place of the chloride nucleofuge in P i C l . (The profiles for the ambident aniline-nitroaromatic system would include in each case an addi­ tional energy m i n i m u m corresponding to the zwitterionic species ArX-NH C H where A r X represents the nitroaromatic moiety, that is, T N B , P i C l , or P i D N B T , but the overall argument and conclusions would be analogous to the phenoxide system.) Therefore, the reactions of phenoxide ion or aniline with P i D N B T follow path b and are analogues of the P i C l - C H 0 " system as depicted in Figure 2, while 2,6-dimethylaniline and Ν,Ν-dimethylaniline follow path a, being analogues of the T N B - C H 0 ~ system shown in Figure 1. Though in this case the change in reaction course, from path b to path a, could be influ­ enced by inhibiting the reactivity of the aniline through ortho or N-methyl substitution, in general which pathway, a or b, will be favored in a given system cannot readily be predicted. Kinetic studies currently under way (46) s h o u l d shed further l i g h t on this p r o b l e m . To what extent reac±








In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

Electrophile and Superelectrophile Reactions



tivity-selectivity correlations apply in these systems then can be determined in a more quantitative manner. Experimental Section Preparation. Dimethyl sulfoxide was dried by stirring with calcium hydride and distilled under nitrogen. (CD ) SO was stored over molecular sieves. Methanol was distilled from barium oxide. Anhydrous potassium phenoxide was prepared by the method of Kornblum and Lurie (47). Picryl chloride was prepared from picric acid by published procedures (48). D N B F (16) was prepared by nitration of benzofuroxan (49) and recrystallized from glacial acetic acid. The potassium salt of the methoxy adduct 17 was obtained from the reaction of methanolic DNBF with potassium hydroxide (50). PiDNBT (30) was prepared by cyclization of 2,2',4,4',6,6'-hexanitrohydrazobenzene (51) with concentrated sulfuric acid and recrystallized from glacial acetic acid: yellow plates; mp 291-294 °C (decomposition); NMR [100 MHz, (CH ) SO-d ] 9.09 (d, 1 H J = 1.9 Hz), 9.48 (s, 2 H), 9.45 (d, 1 H , / = 1.9 Hz). Caution: PiDNBT (30) is a sensitive high explosive and should be handled with caution. Impact sensitivity studies show 30 to be more sensitive than dry picric acid and approximately as sensitive as l,3,5-trinitrohexahydro-l,3,5-triazine.

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NMR Experiments. For monitoring by NMR spectroscopy, reactions of the nitroaromatics with nucleophiles were generally carried out in situ by addition of the appropriate reagent to a (CD ) SO solution of the given nitroaromatic (DNBF, 0.4 M ; PiDNBT, 0.1 M). The reagents were applied to the sides of the NMR tube, which was then capped and shaken vigorously. Spectra were recorded at given time intervals on a JEOL MH-100 spectrometer with tetramethylsilane as the internal standard. The σ complexes showed the following NMR parameters. 3



19: δ 8.74 (s, 1 H , H-5), 6.08 (s, 1 H , H-7), 6.9 (m, 5 H ,

ArH). 21: δ 8.79 (s, 1 H , H-5), 5.40 (s, 1 H , H-7), 7.41, 7.26 ( A B , / = 8 Hz, 4 H , ArH), 9.72 (br, s, 3 H , NH +). 22: δ 8.78 (s, 1 H , H-5), 5.18 (s, 1 H , H-7), 6.96, 6.61 (A B , / = 9 Hz, 4H, ArH). 23: δ 8.72 (s, 1 H , H-5), 6.05 (d, / = 9 Hz, 1 H , H-7), 8.79 (s, 1 H , H-5'), 5.17 (s, 1 H , H-7'), 6.94, 6.64 (A B , / = 9 Hz, 4 H, ArH), 6.35 (d, / = 9 Hz, 1 H , NH). 24: δ 8.72 (s, 1 H , H-5), 5.45 (s, 1 H , H-7), 6.97 (m, 4 H , ArH), 9.63 (br s, 1 H , OH). 2








35: δ 9.27 (s, 2 H , H'), 8.79 (s, 1 H , H-5), 5.46 (s, 1 H ,

H-7), 7.06 (s, 2 H , ArH), 2.29 (s, 6 H , CH ). 36: δ 9.26 (s, 2 H , H»), 8.79 (s, 1 H , H-5), 5.57 (s, 1 H , H-7), 7.43 (s, 4 H , ArH), 3.12 (s, 6 H , CH ). 3


Acknowledgmen ts Support of this research by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineer­ ing Research Council of Canada (E. Buncel) and the Naval Surface Weapons Center at Silver Spring, M D ( M . J. Strauss), is gratefully acknowledged. Literature Cited 1. Jackson, C. L.; Boos, W. F. Am. Chem. J. 1898, 20, 444. 2. Meisenheimer, J. Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem. 1902, 323, 205.

In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.

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In Nucleophilicity; Harris, J., et al.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1987.


Electrophile and Superelectrophile Reactions


Downloaded by UNIV LAVAL on July 5, 2014 | Publication Date: July 1, 1987 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1987-0215.ch026

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