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Reactions of Coordinated Ligands and Homogeneous Catalysis

at the lowest concentration studied, and has completely lost its activity at 1 0 _ 3 M . One of the .... EICHHORN. Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological S...
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3 Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems GUNTHER L. EICHHORN Gerontology Branch, National Heart Institute, National Institutes of U. S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Bethesda, Md., and Baltimore City Hospitals, Baltimore, Md.


The participation of metal ions in biological reac­ Downloaded by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on May 3, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1962 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1963-0037.ch003

tions is illustrative of many ways in which metal ions






such participation involves the effect of the met­ al's positive charge in drawing electrons away from the reactive bond in the organic molecule. The aconitase reaction demonstrates the impor­ tance of the stereochemistry of the metal in hold­ ing the reacting molecules in positions favorable for reaction.

The involvement of vitamin B



biological reactions is thought to exemplify the catalysis of electron transfer.

Metal ions are as­

sociated with biological macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids and control the activity of these substances by influencing their three-di­ mensional structures.

Metal-complexing reactions

are involved even in the impregnation of bacteria by phage virus.

Λ ί all the properties of metal ions that make them useful i n the catalysis of biological reactions, the most important is also the simplest; metal ions consti­ tute a concentration of positive charge. A s a consequence of this positive charge they are capable of holding two molecules together b y interaction w i t h points of negative charge or w i t h negative dipoles on these molecules. T h e molecules may be stabilized i n combination w i t h metals, or they may be weakened to the extent that they are disrupted. Most of the instances i n w h i c h metal ions activate enzymes are manifestations of the latter phenomenon—i.e., the ability of metal ions to labilize covalent bonds. T h e other metal ion characteristics that are familiar to the inorganic chemist, such as their stereochemistry, their electronic configuration, and their oxidation reduction potential, are also very useful i n biological phenomena. I n fact, per­ haps the major difference between the inorganic chemist and the biochemist i n their view of metal ion catalysis is that the inorganic chemist produces the metal complexes that he studies, whereas the biochemist analyzes metal complexes that are naturally occurring. 37 In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



Biochemical reactions involve small organic molecules of a size to w h i c h the inorganic coordination chemist is accustomed, and they also involve molecules with molecular weights i n the millions. M e t a l ions can mediate reactions between two small molecules. Such processes are simple inorganic processes, and need not be further discussed. T h e y m a y b i n d a small molecule to a large one, as i n the reaction of an enzyme w i t h its substrate. O r they may establish connection be­ tween two giant biological macromolecules. Finally, as was discovered several years ago by Kozloif and his collaborators, metal ions can even serve a vital role i n the attack of one biological entity upon another.

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Figure 1. A. B. C. D. E.


Viral invasion of bacterial cell (27)

Intact virus Complex formation Alteration of virus and contraction of tail sheath Attachment of virus to bacterial cell wall Injection of DNA into cell

Invasion of Bacteria by Virus T bacteriophage is a virus that can infect cells of the bacterium E. coli. T h e phage consists of a head i n the form of a hexagonal prism to w h i c h a cylin­ drical tail of smaller diameter is attached ( 8 ) (Figure I,A). The surface of both head and tail is made of protein. The head encloses molecules of deoxyribonucleic acid ( D N A ) , w h i c h contain the coded information for the replication of the virus. (The virus itself has no machinery for self-replication, but when its D N A is injected into a bacterial cell, the bacterium begins to make v i m s according to the specifications of the phage D N A . ) The tail contains a passage through w h i c h the 2

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems

D N A must travel i n order to infect a bacterial cell. The virus attaches itself to the bacterial cell by the tail and then injects the D N A into the bacterium (27). The tail of the virus can be altered so that the sheath contracts and the D N A passageway becomes exposed. Several chemical and physical techniques are available for this alteration; all of the chemical methods involve reagents that break sulfur bonds (27). A m o n g the reagents that behave i n this manner are complexes of zinc, cadmium, and mercury, i n w h i c h the ligands do not com­ pletely satisfy the coordination positions of the metals (29). Thus complexes of (ethylenedinitrilo)tetraacetic acid are inactive, whereas unsaturated cyanide com­ plexes are most effective. Studies w i t h varying concentrations of cadmium and cyanide indicate that the most active species is probably C d ( C N ) (29). The opening of the tail is apparently accomplished b y the attachment of a metal com­ plex to a sulfur bond at the tip of the tail through an unoccupied coordination position on the metal (Figure 1 , B ) , and followed b y the rupture of the sulfur bond (Figure 1 , C ) .

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Studies w i t h the bacteria have shown that the bacterial cell w a l l contains a metal complex that can accomplish i n the attached virus what the cadmium cyanide accomplishes i n the unattached virus. The cell w a l l of E. coli contains zinc, w h i c h can be extracted w i t h acid (28). W h e n an intact phage particle at­ taches itself to a zinc-containing bacterial cell w a l l , the latter is broken down. W h e n the zinc is removed from the bacterial cell wall, the phage loses its ability to digest it. However, phage particles w i t h altered tails can break d o w n the cell wall, even though its zinc has been removed. Finally, when zinc is re-added to bacterial cell walls that h a d been acid-extracted, the walls are again susceptible to attack by the intact virus (28). It is thus apparent that a zinc complex i n the cell wall of the bacterium binds to a sulfur-containing bond i n the phage (Figure 1 , D ) , cleaving the latter, and releasing through the tail an enzyme that splits the wall of the bacterium, so that D N A can pass from the phage to the bacteria (Figure Metalloenzymes The mechanism by w h i c h a metal ion is able to cleave a b o n d at the tip of the tail of the bacteriophage is presumably similar to a general mechanism that accounts for the activity of many metalloenzymes. T h e metal is the active site of the enzyme, having some of its coordination sites occupied by ligands on the enzyme, and some by ligands on the substrate molecule (Figure 2 ) . The attach\



2. Metal-enzymesubstrate complex

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



ment of the metal to the substrate brings about a generalized drift of electrons i n the direction of the metal. If the substrate contains a relatively weak bond—e.g., between ligands A and B—the electron drift toward the metal weakens such a bond even further a n d makes it more vulnerable to attack. M a n y hydrolytic enzymatic reactions m a y be explained i n this fashion. One of these is the action of carboxypeptidase (40), w h i c h cleaves the pep­ tide linkage at the carboxyl end of a protein or polypeptide. T h e metal can



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chelate w i t h the carboxyl group and the adjacent peptide linkage, thus drawing electrons toward itself a n d away from the protein, a n d especially from the hydrolysis-susceptible peptide b o n d (40). ( T h e exact nature of the b i n d i n g to the peptide linkage is undetermined; probably coordination occurs w i t h loss of protons.) Recently, Vallee and his collaborators (45) have shown that carboxy­ peptidase does have one atom of zinc bound to each molecule of the enzyme, and they have obtained some good evidence about the nature of this binding. Zinc was removed (11) from the enzyme, b y treatment w i t h o-phenanthroline, produc­ ing apocarboxypeptidase, w h i c h is not active. T h e activity could be restored b y the re-addition of zinc, or b y the addition of M n + , C o + , F e + , or N i + to the demetallized enzyme. T h e importance of the metal was thus demonstrated. It was possible to combine a second atom of zinc w i t h the enzyme molecule, but without any enhancement of the activity, thus demonstrating the requirement of one, but only one, atom of the metal. T h e stability constants of the complexes of carboxypeptidase w i t h M n + , C o + , N i + , C u + , Z n + , C d + , and H g + were compared w i t h the constants of the same metals w i t h ethylenediamine ( N - N chelation), glycine ( N - O chelation), and 2-mercaptoethylamine ( N - S chelation), leading to the conclusion that the metals were chelated to carboxypeptidase b y sulfur and nitrogen ligands (11,46). 2











A somewhat different type of reaction is catalyzed by the iron (II)-containing (12) enzyme aconitase, w h i c h brings about the interconversion of citric, isocitric, and aconitic acids b y hydration and dehydration. GH —GOOH 2





Citric acid

, 7








Aconitic acid







GH2—GOOH Isocitric acid

Evidence has been obtained by Speyer and D i c k m a n (43) that this reaction proceeds through a common intermediate resonating carbonium ion structure, w h i c h is coordinated to iron i n such a manner that the iron is always bound to the same ligands, regardless of the direction i n w h i c h the reaction is proceeding (Figure 3 ) . In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.


Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems

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Figure 3.


of aconitase reaction


If this mechanism is correct, the aconitase reaction is an excellent illustration of the influence of the stereochemistry of the metal, as w e l l as its charge, upon the course of a biochemical reaction. The charge on the iron is, of course, responsible for the formation of the resonating carbonium ions A and Β from C., D , or E . In C and D the flow of electrons toward iron severs the bond between carbon and the hydroxyl group, whereas i n Ε the proton is released from coordinated water and attached to one of the two ethylenic carbon atoms. The stereochemistry of the iron atom can be credited w i t h holding the organic molecule and the hydroxide i n their proper spatial relationship i n A and B . It has been recently demonstrated that the complexes of the aconitase substrates w i t h nickel have the structures postulated b y Speyer and D i c k m a n and shown i n Figure 3 (19). Another enzyme w i t h a function very similar to that of aconitase is enolase, w h i c h contains magnesium ion (48) and catalyzes the interconversion of phosphoglyceric acid and phosphoenolpyruvic acid. The magnesium can be replaced by HO

\ GH






P0 H

C — O H Ο









P0 H 3

C — O H

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



Z n + , M n + , F e + , C d + , C o + , and N i + , although diminished activity results (35, 53). Fundamentally the enolase a n d aconitase reactions are closely related, since the net result of both is the addition or subtraction of a molecule of water. In spite of this similarity, the metal ions associated w i t h these two reactions are very different. It is one of the puzzling aspects of metalloenzyme chemistry that every enzyme has a different metal i o n specificity. E a c h of these enzymes is associated i n its natural state w i t h a specific metal ion, w h i c h differs from enzyme to enzyme. It is possible to remove the naturally occurring metal f r o m many of these enzymes and to reactivate them b y the addition of other metals, as has been shown i n the case of carboxypeptidase. T h e order i n w h i c h the various metal ions f a l l i n their ability to activate the different enzymes again varies from enzyme to enzyme.

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A t the outset it is difficult to comprehend this variability, if, as w e have postu­ lated, the effect of the charge o n the metal i o n i n distorting the electrons of the substrate is of paramount importance to the function of the metal. It w o u l d then be expected that the stronger the bonds between the metal and the substrate, the greater w i l l be the p u l l on the electrons and therefore the greater the catalytic effect. T h e order of activating ability of the metals should therefore be the same as the order of complex stability. Such an order is indeed frequently followed i n nonenzymatic catalysis (21, 52). W h y , then, is enzymatic catalysis so relatively unpredictable i n comparison w i t h nonenzymatic catalysis? One of the reasons for the lack of correlation of metal complex stability w i t h enzyme-activating ability is probably that an enzyme must be specific for its sub­ strate. M e t a l ions are nonspecific, and those metals w h i c h coordinate most strongly w o u l d tend to react w i t h many substances i n addition to the enzyme substrate. Furthermore, the most strongly coordinating metal ions w o u l d react w i t h sites on the enzyme other than the reactive site and w o u l d therefore denature the enzyme. F i n a l l y , the strongest b i n d i n g metals w o u l d remain bound to the product of the reaction, whereas the completion of the catalysis requires that the catalyst must be freed from the product i n order again to become available for further catalytic activity (16). T h e metal of choice i n the enzymatic reaction must therefore compromise the capacity to perform the desired function w i t h a l o w tendency to engage i n undesirable side reactions. T o elucidate the difference between the enzymatic and nonenzymatic par­ ticipation of metal ions, it is clearly desirable to be able to compare the effect of a large number of metal ions u p o n the same reaction both i n the presence and absence of the enzyme. F o r such a study to be feasible it is necessary to work w i t h a metal-activated enzymatic reaction, w h i c h w i l l also take place w h e n the metal, but not the enzyme, is omitted. Such a reaction is the decarboxylation of oxaloacetic acid. T h e mechanism of metal catalysis of this reaction is similar to that assumed for carboxypeptidase, and can be represented as follows (44). Ο Ο—G


G-GH —
0 = G





+ G 0


Fortunately, data have been collected b y Speck (41) on the activity of a large number of metals i n the enzymatic as w e l l as the nonenzymatic reaction.

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems

E q u a l l y auspicious is the fact that these data cover a wide range of metal ion concentrations, i n the absence of w h i c h the comparison w o u l d have been m u c h less effective. The most remarkable feature that can be gleaned from the examination of Figure 4 is that the order of metal activation of the nonenzymatic reaction follows generally the order of complex stability, as W i l l i a m s has pointed out (52). This is particularly true at low metal ion concentration—e.g., Ι Ο M—where the metals i n the first transition series, for example, are active i n the order M n + < F e + < C o + < N i + < C u + > Z n + , the well-known Irving-Williams (25) order of complex stability. The other metals also fall i n line. - 3





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-3.5 LOG


















Effect of metal ions on nonenzymatic carboxylation of oxaloacetic acid (41)


Several other features i n this figure are worth noting. A t the highest metal ion concentration, 1 0 - M , C u + , w h i c h had been most active at 1 0 M , be­ comes one of the poorest catalysts, since the activity curve f o r C u + passes through an optimum at 1 0 M . P b + and L a + are the only other metal ions that produce such an optimum within the concentration range that is available. However, at 1 0 - M , the strongest activating metals—i.e., Z n + , N i + , C o + , and Fe+ —form a plateau, indicating that they too could have reached optimal activity at a somewhat higher concentration. The weakest activating metals are just beginning to rise at maximum concentration. Such behavior can b e ex­ plained i f it is assumed that the reaction is catalyzed by all of the metals, when they are bound to the oxaloacetate as shown i n the equation, i n the order of the Irving-Williams sequence. T h e strongest coordinating metals, however, may _ 1



_ 3


_ 2 8

_ 1






In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.





occupy a second site on the oxaloacetate and the second reaction may be inhibitory. The order of inhibition on the second site w o u l d be expected to be the same as the order of activation on the first site. T h e strongest coordinating metals there­ fore begin to inhibit at l o w concentrations, and the shapes of the curves i n Figure 4 are explained. [Some of these data were analyzed i n a somewhat similar manner by W i l l i a m s (52).] The rates of the enzymatic reaction (Figure 5) are i n general m u c h greater than those of the nonenzymatic reaction. M o r e important to the present discus­ sion, Figure 5 reveals that optimum activity occurs at lower concentrations than i n the nonenzymatic reaction. Moreover, unlike their behavior i n the nonenzymatic activation, practically a l l of the metals pass through a peak within this concentra­ tion range. T h e most strongly coordinating metal, C u + , is already o n the decline at the lowest concentration studied, and has completely lost its activity at 1 0 M . One of the weakest metals, C a + , has already attained a plateau at the maximum concentration. 2

_ 3

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-3.5 LOG


-2.5 OF





Figure 5.

Effect of metal ions on enzymatic tion of oxalacetic acid (41)



If one examines the relative activating ability of the series of metals at given concentrations, it is possible to find many different orders, depending upon w h i c h concentration is selected. This circumstance is the consequence of the many i n ­ tersections of the curves. Since enzymatic activation is generally measured at only one concentration of metal ions, the different orders of activation that have been observed can be partly explained on this basis. T h e most significant feature of Figure 5 is that there is a correlation w i t h complex stability, i f the metals are

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.

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Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems

placed i n the order of concentrations at w h i c h maximal activity is observed. This order follows the order of complex stability i n general, although there are some discrepancies i n the first transition series. It appears, therefore, that qualitatively the metals behave i n the enzymatic reaction i n a manner like that i n the non­ enzymatic reaction. Activation presumably occurs i n the same way as i n the nonenzymatic reaction. Inhibition probably involves attachment to a second site on the enzyme, rather than on the substrate. It may be concluded that both metal activation and metal inhibition follow the order of complex stability i n enzymatic as w e l l as nonenzymatic processes, and that this order cannot be observed at any one metal concentration w h e n activation and inhibition occur simultaneously. However, the order is approximated by the sequence of peaks i n a plot of activity vs. metal ion concentration. Such a generalization is useful i n that it provides clues to the .nature of the participation of metal ions i n a reaction, when the order of catalytic effect of the various metals is known. A s a first example of such an approach, let us consider the case i n w h i c h the order of inhibition correlates w i t h the order of complex stability; such an order is frequently observed—e.g., urease ( 3 9 ) . It may be con­ cluded, i n such an instance, that the metals do not activate the reaction, but inhibit it only. A s a second example, if metal ions activate a reaction, but they do so i n inverse order from that of complex stability, it follows that inhibition com­ petes effectively w i t h activation. Such an order is observed w i t h enolase ( M g + > Z n + > M n + > F e + > C o + > N i + ) (35, 5 3 ) ; presumably the inhibitory effect of the more strongly binding metals is responsible for the selection of the less active M g + i n the natural enzyme. Probably such effects are not as important i n aconitase, making it possible for a stronger chelating metal to activate that enzyme. Recently, Senoh, Tokuyama, and W i t k o p (37) have studied a metal-acti­ vated enzymatic reaction i n the presence and the absence of enzyme, and have discovered that the order of effectiveness of the metals is exactly the reverse i n the enzymatic and nonenzymatic processes. The reaction was O-methylation of 3,4dihydroxybenzaldehyde. In the absence of divalent metal ions, the nonenzymatic reaction yields very predominantly the paramethylated product i n neutral solution, since the p-hydroxyl group is the more electronegative. M e t a l complex formation 2







brings about an increase i n production of the meta isomer, by favoring the forma­ tion of the phenoxide ion at the meta position:

C u + is by far the most effective in promoting meta-substitution, the order of effectiveness being C u + > F e + > N K > C o + > M n + > Z n + > M g + . Thisisthe 2








In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



expected order, from complex stabilities, w i t h the exception of the anomalous position of F e + . In the enzymatic reaction, the order of effectiveness of the metal ions, i n terms of total yield of methylated products, was the exact reverse, and it can be postulated that an inhibitory process is therefore of prime impor­ tance i n the enzymatic reaction. The studies on the methylation of dihydroxybenzaldehyde and the earlier studies on the decarboxylation of oxaloacetic acid illustrate a hypothesis about metal-catalyzed enzymes that is not proved but has been substantiated i n a n u m ­ ber of instances i n w h i c h it has been tried. The hypothesis is that, if a metal constitutes the active site of an enzyme, it should be possible to carry out the reaction w i t h metal ions alone i n the absence of the enzyme. The rates of non­ enzymatic reactions may be m u c h lower, and the metal ions may be more active metal ions than those that activate the enzyme, for the reasons already discussed. This hypothesis is the basis for m u c h of the work on metal catalytic reactions that are "models" for enzyme systems. Perhaps one of the most important reactions of biochemistry is the cleavage of adenosine triphosphate ( A T P ) itno adenosine diphosphate ( A D P ) . This

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reaction provides the necessary energy for a large number of processes, some of them individual intracellular reactions and others intercellular phenomena such as muscular contraction. T h e enzymatic cleavage of the terminal phosphate of A T P always requires a metal ion (usually magnesium or manganese), and recently Lowenstein has been able to carry out " m o d e l " experiments to show that metal ions can mediate such a cleavage unaided. Lowenstein reacted A T P w i t h orthophosphate (3.3) i n the presence of metal ions, and obtained A D P and pyrophosphate as products. The most active metals i n this reaction were, rather surprisingly for a nonenzymatic reaction, the alkaline earths, C d + and M n + ; the members of the first transition series exhibited low activity. The reactive intermediate was formulated as follows: 2


In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.


Metal Ion


Catalysis in Biological Systems Ο



ι Ο


R—GH —Ο—Ρ—Ο—P—O-^P—OH 2







ι Ο Ι

\ / ο Μ \

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The enzymatic reaction was postulated to involve Οthe Η same intermediate, w i t h some of the coordinate bonds of the metal also attached to ligands on the enzyme. It was also possible, i n the nonenzymatic reaction, to substitute an organic acid, such as acetate (34) for the orthophosphate; the reaction proceeded i n like fashion to produce a phosphate ester: Ο








\ ) P 0



The metal ion specificity for the reaction w i t h acetate was different from that i n the reaction w i t h phosphate; i n the former beryllium was most active, followed b y nickel. The alkaline earths that were so effective w i t h phosphate d i d not catalyze the reaction w i t h acetate at all. T h e difference i n metal specificity i n the two reactions was explained b y assuming that complexation w i t h the orthophosphate and acetate constitutes an important function i n the reaction. T h e peculiar metal ion specificity of the A T P cleavage reaction may perhaps be explained by reference to some studies on the metal complexes of Schiff bases, w h i c h have provided clues to many aspects of biological metal catalysis. It was shown that metal ions w i l l split the carbon-nitrogen double bond i n thiophenaldehyde-ethylenediamine (18, 21) as a consequence of the electronic-drift-to-metal fj


/CH CH ^ 2







phenomenon that has been discussed, but that metal ions actually stabilize the double bond i n the salicylaldehyde-glycine Schiff base ( 2 0 ) . The difference i n




the effect of metal ions on A and Β is interpreted by the fact that, even though the electronic shifts that occur i n A should also take place i n B, the cleavage of the double bond i n A leaves all of the coordination positions to the metal intact,

A. C. S. Editorial Library

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



whereas the removal of salicylaldehyde from Β w o u l d convert a very stable bicyclic chelate into a m u c h less stable monocyclic chelate. Returning to the A T P cleavage reaction, it may be supposed that some metal ions, probably the weakest complexers, form a monocyclic chelate b y attaching to the terminal pyrophosphate only ( C ) , whereas others, probably the strongest complexers, form a bicyclic chelate by binding the α-phosphate as w e l l ( D ) . B y Ο












RGH —α—Ρ—Ο—Ρ—Ο—Ρ—Ο 2



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analogy w i t h the Schiff base reactions, metal complex formation i n C w o u l d result i n b o n d labilization, whereas i n D it w o u l d actually strengthen the A T P molecule. In this manner it is possible to rationalize the superior activity of the weak metals i n this reaction. Recent nuclear magnetic resonance studies on the metal complexes of A T P lend some support to the hypothesis that mono- and bicyclic chelates may be formed w i t h A T P and different metals ( J O ) . Metal Ions and Nucleic Acids If the terminal pyrophosphate is removed from a molecule of A T P , the remainder is A M P , adenosine monophosphate, one of the four building blocks of the important biological macromolecules, the nucleic acids. There are two types of nucleic acids (26): ribonucleic acid ( R N A ) , and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). R N A is a polymer of four different "nucleotides," one of w h i c h is A M P , the ribose phosphate of adenine. The other three nucleotides are also ribose phosphates of heterocyclic "bases," guanine, cytosine, and uracil. The structure of the four bases is shown i n Figure 6.


Cytosine Figure 6.


Uracil Structures of nucleotide bases

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.


Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems


R N A contains a "backbone" ribose phosphate polymeric chain, w i t h one of the four heterocyclic bases attached to each ribose; a segment of the R N A molecule might look as i n Figure 7.

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0 0P0

0 0P0

Figure 7.

Portion of RNA


Various enzymes are capable of degrading the R N A polymer by splitting the bonds between ribose and phosphate. The same reaction has been carried out nonenzymatically w i t h lanthanum and cerium (III) nitrates ( 2 ) ; the mechanism of such a reaction probably involves the formation of a lanthanide complex, fol­ lowed by cleavage of the phosphate b o n d :

0 CH 0-P2




0 /






T h e backbone of the structure of D N A is similar to that of R N A , except that the sugar portion is 2-deoxyribose instead of ribose. There are two deoxyri-

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



bose phosphate chains, both of which have a helical structure, w i n d i n g around the same helical axis. T h e "bases" ( i n D N A uracil is replaced b y its methylated derivative, thymine) are attached to the deoxyribose perpendicular to the helical axis, a n d the two helices are held together b y hydrogen bonding between the bases through oxygen and nitrogen atoms, as shown for adenine and thymine i n Figure 8 , A (49). ( T h e genetic code is contained i n the sequence of bases along the D N A chain.) T h e structure of the D N A molecule can be represented as i n Figure 8 , B . It can be seen that the stability of the molecule is derived from the multiple Η-bond interactions, and that the two-stranded helical structure is de­ stroyed w h e n the hydrogen bonds are broken down.

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Figure 8.

Structure of DNA

A. Hydrogen-bonded base pair­ ing of adenine and thymine B. Portion of double helix structure (49)

Clearly there are t w o locations at w h i c h metal ions m a y be bound to the D N A molecule: the phosphate groups on the surface, and the hydrogen-bonded donor atoms i n the interior of the structure. These two different modes of metal binding might be expected to produce very different effects on the D N A .

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.


Metal Ion Catalysis In Biological Systems


A useful technique for the investigation of these effects is to determine what influence metal ions have upon the splitting of the hydrogen bonds, resulting in the formation of two single strands from the double-stranded molecule. One of the methods for splitting the hydrogen bonds is by heating i n aqueous solution. Since the single-stranded molecule absorbs much more strongly than the doublestranded molecule (14), the splitting may be followed by looking at the absorp­ tion peak at 260 m/x. W h e n absorbance is plotted vs. temperature (Figure 9 ) , the absorbance remains constant for a while, then rises abruptly to a maximum. W h e n the solution is cooled, the absorbance goes back down, but not all the way d o w n to its original value. Apparently, on cooling, some of the hydrogen bonds that were severed at the h i g h temperature have reformed. The point i n the heating curve at w h i c h the absorption increase is half the maximum value is k n o w n as T , the melting temperature. Downloaded by UNIV OF PITTSBURGH on May 3, 2015 | Publication Date: January 1, 1962 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1963-0037.ch003







1.0 30 A



50 60 70 T E M P F R A T U R E , °C.


No metal

9. Change in absorbance of solutions on heating and cooling A. B. C.



In absence of divalent metal With Mg * With Cu * +


Various divalent metal ions fall into different categories i n their effect on the D N A heating and cooling curves (17). The alkaline earths and most of the transition metals raise T , and increase the extent to w h i c h the absorbance de­ creases on cooling (Figure 9 , B ) . Such behavior indicates that these metals stabilize the D N A , since a higher temperature is required to sever the hydrogen bonds, and more of the hydrogen bonds are reformed on cooling. The molecule can be stabilized by neutralization of the negative charges on the phosphate group on the surface of the D N A , since the mutual repulsion of these charges tends to disrupt the molecule. It is believed therefore that the T - e l e v a t i n g metal ions are bound to the phosphate. A second category of metal ions lowers T and decreases the extent to w h i c h the absorbance is lowered upon cooling. The most drastic effect is w i t h C u + (Figure 9 , C ) , w h i c h decreases T more than 2 0 ° and yields no decrease of ab­ sorbance at all on cooling. Such behavior is best explained by b i n d i n g to the donor atoms of the "bases" i n the interior of the molecule. Such b i n d i n g w o u l d of necessity break the hydrogen bonds and lower T . If the Η-bonding sites are m






In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



then occupied b y metal ions, none of the H bonds can reform on cooling, thus accounting for the lack of absorbance decrease. It is evident, therefore, that different metal ions can weaken or strengthen the structure of the D N A molecule b y b i n d i n g to different donor atoms within it. C u + can be considered a catalyst for the severance of the hydrogen bonds i n the molecule. Other experiments i n addition to those cited point to an important role of metal ions i n the function of the nucleic acids (22, 23, 38, 54, 55). It has been discovered that R N A is associated w i t h metal ions i n the natural state (47). Since a dynamic relationship exists between the nucleic acid polymers and monomeric constituents such as A T P , metal ions m a y play a physiological role i n the equilibria that exist between the monomers and the polymers. 2

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One substance that has been found to be an essential requirement for the biosynthesis of D N A is the cobalt-containing vitamin B (42). E v e r since this substance was first isolated and its structure determined, there has been a wide­ spread search for the specific reactions that it mediates. T h e first such reaction was discovered b y Barker, Weissbach, and Smyth ( 5 ) , when they examined the enzymatic isomerization of glutamic acid to β-methylaspartic acid. They were 1 2

















GOOH Glutamic acid

/3-Methylaspartic acid

able to isolate a coenzyme, whose structure was elucidated b y chemical techniques as a derivative of vitamin B , i n w h i c h the cyanide attached to the cobalt has been replaced b y adenosine (the riboside of adenine) (3, 4, 24, 30, 50). X-ray diffraction studies b y Lenhert and H o d g k i n showed that the adenosine is attached to the cobalt through a ribose carbon atom, from w h i c h a hydroxyl group h a d ap­ parently been removed (32). T h e structure is shown i n Figure 10. Undoubtedly this vitamin B coenzyme is the naturally occurring form of the vitamin, and apparently i n the previous isolations of the vitamin the nucleotide was removed and replaced b y cyanide. T h e nature of the attachment of the adenosine, i n the form of a carbanion, to the cobalt, is most unusual. It might have been expected that the cobalt w o u l d be more likely to b i n d to one of the nitrogen atoms on the adenine. T h e oxidation state of the cobalt, w h i c h is + 3 i n the cyanide form of the vitamin (13), appears at present to be unknown i n the coenzyme ( 7 ) , although magnetic evidence suggests that it is + 2 (6). It is of considerable interest to understand under what conditions such an unusual organometallic b o n d is produced. N o t surprisingly, such a bond does not result from the addition of adenosine to the vitamin. It has been demonstrated that the formation of the bond, starting w i t h the hydroxo form of the vitamin, re­ quires A T P (7, 51) (and a metal i o n ) , and that the triphosphate is split from the A T P i n two steps (7) (Figure 1 1 ) . In the first step the A T P loses orthophosphate, yielding A D P , w h i c h probably becomes bound to the cobalt through the pyro1 2

1 2

In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.

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Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems



Figure 10.

Structure of coenzyme



phosphate, and i n the second step, the pyrophosphate is removed and the cobaltcarbon b o n d established. T h e latter step requires a reducing agent (flavine adenosine dinucleotide) to convert the carbonium ion w h i c h presumably is formed when the pyrophosphate splits off, into the carbanion. It w o u l d be interesting to know whether this enzyme system works w i t h cobalt only when the latter is held i n the vitamin B structure, or whether it is possible to produce cobalt-carbon compounds from other cobalt complexes as w e l l . 1 2

Figure 11.


of coenzyme B



In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.



In addition to the isomerization of glutamic acid, several other coenzyme B catalyzed reactions have now been discovered ( J , 9, 15, 31, 51). T h e conversion of methylmalonic acid to succinic acid is very similar, and has been shown to occur through the migration of a carboxyl group, and postulated to involve free radical itermediates, as follows (15) : 1







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> H G—GH . 2





(2) >






- ι


GH —GH 2





If this scheme is correct, two of the steps i n this reaction w o u l d require a catalyst: the removal of a hydrogen atom i n step 1 and the addition of a hydrogen atom i n step 3 . T h e vital question then becomes h o w the coenzyme B can participate in this exchange of hydrogens. One is inclined at first to consider that the cobalt atom is the site of the re­ action, but such a condition seems unreasonable i n view of the fact that the cobalt is surrounded i n the molecule a n d appears inaccessible. Williams (36) has recently called attention to carbon atoms 8 a n d 1 0 i n vitamin B b y pointing out that these positions lend themselves to a tautomeric shift of a hydrogen from car­ bon 8 , as shown i n Figure 1 0 , to carbon 1 0 , w i t h accompanying changes i n the double bonds. H e also notes that this position may constitute the site for the transfer reactions that are catalyzed b y the coenzyme. It w o u l d be reasonable that the hydrogen detached from methylmalonic acid i n step 1 attached itself to car­ bon 8 or 1 0 of the coenzyme. If the cobalt has a + 2 oxidation state, a sequence of electron transfers through the ring system could transmit one of the cobalt electrons to the new carbon-hydrogen bond. W h e n the hydrogen is again re­ leased from the coenzyme i n step 3 , the electrons can travel i n the reverse direction back to the cobalt. If this mechanism is correct, the cobalt is the storehouse for an electron w h i c h can be released and accepted as required. Perhaps the cobaltcarbon b o n d is peculiarly suited to stabilize such an oxidation-reduction system. Literature Cited 1


1 2

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Metal Ion Catalysis in Biological Systems


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In Reactions of Coordinated Ligands; Busch, D.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1962.