Readers' Information Service - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 16, 2012 - Readers' Information Service. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (12), pp 97A–98A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60144a804. Publication Date: December 1958...
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20 A-l

Analyzers . . .

81 A-3, 104 A-2, 106 A, 108 A


26 A, 61 A


47 A

Badges, Radiation Balances

82 A-2

. . . 12 A, 16 A, 40 A, SO A-2, 93 A


71 A


These handy cards will bring information of value to chemists, engineers, and other technologists in laboratory, pilot plant, and production Circle d e s i r e d i t e m · · Numbers on t h · adjoining tear-out card are keyed to items in the NEW PRODUCTS, NEW CHEMICALS, and MANU­ FACTURERS' LITERATURE sections on the immediately following pages. For further information on any new product or service, or for a copy of literature listed in MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE, circle the cor­ responding number and mail card. For information about any of the products listed in the ADVERTISED PRODUCTS INDEX, or In the PRODUCTS CAPSULES section, the reader should write directly to t h · company concerned.

102 A-l


58 A


I l l A-l

Cells Centrifuges

Readers' Information Service

42 A, 83 A-2

See p a g e 7 3 A for N e w Products, 9 2 A for N e w Chemicals a n d 9 5 A for Manufacturers' L i t e r a t u r e

. 34 A, 51 A, 57 A, 74 A-2,109 A-2


3 A, 41 A, 75 A

Clamps, Apparatus

103 A

Collectors, Fraction

107 A-l

Colorimeters . . 38 A-7, 38 A-8,38 A-9, 80 A-l,

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Readers' I n f o r m a t i o n Service

90 A-l Comparators

109 A-l

Counters, Drop Counters, Liquid Phosphor

6 A-l . . . .

20 A-5

Counters, Proportional

54 A-l


100 A-3

Densitometers, Electronic

38 A-5

Diffraction Gratings

49 A-l

Digestor, Micro Kjeldahl

45 A-2


94 A, 111 A-2


68 A

Evaporators, Flash

77 A-2

Filaments Fluorescence Measurement

74 A-l . . . .

5 18

6 19

7 20

8 21





Literature—L 3 4 5 16 17 18 29 30 31 42 43 44

6 19 32 45

7 20 33 46

8 21 34 47

N e w Chemicals—C 1 2 3 Manufacturers' 1 2 14 15 27 28 40 41

4 17 4

9 22

10 23

11 24

12 25

13 26

9 22 35

10 23 36

11 24 37

12 25 38

13 26 39


78 A


90 A-2

Fume Hoods

50 A-l


62 A, 69 A


59 A, 70 A


77 A-l

Hot Plates

54 A-2, 80 A-2


December 1958—Valid through May 1959

N e w Products—Ρ 1 2 3 14 15 16

Position Company Address

56 A, 88 A-l


45 A-l


38 A-4, 38 A-6



110 A-l



49 A-2


Mortars & Pestles

18 A

Oxygen Bomb Sulfur Apparatus

. .

100 A-2

pH Meters 38 A-l, 38 A-2, 38 A-3, 84 A, 114 A Photofluorometers

29 A

Photography Equipment, Time Lapse

83 A-l


100 A-l


98 A


89 A

READERS' INFORMATION SERVICE Analytical Chemistry 430 Park Avenue New York 22, Ν. Υ.

READERS' INFORMATION SERVICE Power Source 20 A-3 Presses 30 A, 52 A Printing Integrator 99 A Pumps 27 A, 85 A-2 Radioactive Analysis Instruments . . 8 A, 44 A, 104 A-l Refrigerated Freeze-Mobile Unit . . 91 A Safety Enclosures 85 A-l Scaler 20 A-2 Spectrofluorometers 49 A-3 Spectrographic Equipment OBC Spectrographs 7 A, 87 A Spectrometers 20 A-4, 35 A, 53 A Spectrophotometers . . 10 A, 28 A, 43 A, 55 A Spectroscopes 60 A Stirrers 54 A-2, 65 A, 85 A-2, 104 A-3, 107 A-4 Stopclocks 105 A Supplies 24 A Tensiometers 86 A Thermometers 73 A Titrators 114 A Viscometers 46 A, 81 A-l, 81 A-2 Ware, Fused Quartz 76 A

Ware, Glass

7 6 A, 110 A - 2 , IBC

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Acid Hydrofluoric 31 A Ammonium Thiocyanate 32 A-4 Chloride Dihydrate 32 A-l Crotonic Acid 14 A-3 Crystals 6 A-2 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoquinone . . . . 14 A-5 2-Ethylisohezanoic Acid 14 A-l 2-Ethylisohexyl Acetate 14 A-4 Ferris Ammonium Sulfate 32 A-3 Filter Papers 37 A, 66 A, 88 A-2 Fluorine Gas IFC Ion Exchange Resins 96 A Isotopes, Stable 107 A-2 Materials, Chromatographic . . . . 48 A Methacrylonitrile 14 A-2 Nitric Acid 22 A Potassium Dichromate 32 A-2 Reagent Chemicals 102 A-2 Reagents 82 A-l Tape, Plastic 107 A-3 2,2,4-Trimethyl-l,3-pentanediol... 14 A-6

Thomas-Seligson AUTOMATIC PIPETTE* Eliminates individual sampling pipettes a n d repeated filling of dilution pipettes Ensures reproducible sampling, delivery a n d dilution



, - v — > • • • — .


READERS' INFORMATION SERVICE Analytical Chemistry 430 Park Avenue New York 22, Ν. Υ.

ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Readers' Information Service December 1 9 5 8 — V a l i d through M a y 1 9 5 9

N e w Products—Ρ 1 2 3 14 15 16

4 17

5 18

6 19

7 20

3 21

N e w Chemicals—C 1 2 3






M a n u f a c t u r e r s ' Literature—L 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 16 17 18 27 28 29 30 31 40 41 42 43 44

9 22

10 23

Π 24

12 13 25 26


A fixed volume pipette permanently at­ tached to a double bore stopcock, which permits rapid filling without adjustment to a reference mark, and complete wash­ out delivery of the contained sample by a measured amount of a second liquid from a burette, pipette, or arbitrarily cali­ brated tube connected to upper arm. Eliminates need for individual sampling pipettes, and repeated filling of dilution pipettes, realizing a highly significant economy of time and glassware, and as­ suring reproducible sampling, delivery, and dilution which are especially impor­ tant in routine clinical chemistry. Appli­ cable, however, to any type analysis in which a standard volume is diluted or reacted directly with a measured volume of a second liquid. The pipettes are designed for attach­ ment to standard burettes or to similar dispensing vessels. Connection is best made with Tygon tubing, which makes a transparent, flexible joint. 8 2 0 9 - B . Pipettes, Automatic, ThomaiSeligson, as above described. To contain, ml 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 Tolerance, m l ( ± ) . . 0.005 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.05 65 160 140 Length, mm 65 55 Each 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 *Patent applied for Copy of Bulletin 131 sent upon request.

6 19 32 45

7 20 33 46

8 21 34 47

9 22 35

10 23 36

11 12 13 24 25 26 37 38 39




ARTHUR H. THOMAS CO. Laboratory Apparatus and Reagents VINE ST. A T THIRD


Company Address


. .


More aid more loeorotori» M l Y OH THOMAS Circle No. 98 A on Readers' Service Card, page 97 A