Real-Time Volumetric Phase Monitoring ... - ACS Publications

Jul 8, 2015 - The design of modern automated CCS systems must confront a number of challenges: (i) both phases (mobile ... solvent systems, which can ...
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Real-Time Volumetric Phase Monitoring: Advancing Chemical Analysis by Countercurrent Separation Guido F. Pauli,*,†,‡ Samuel M. Pro,§ Lucas R. Chadwick,§ Thomas Burdick,§ Luke Pro,§ Warren Friedl,§ Nick Novak,§ John Maltby,§ Feng Qiu,† and J. Brent Friesen†,‡,⊥ †

Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy and ‡Institute for Tuberculosis Research, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60612, United States § Cherry Instruments, 1134 West Granville Avenue, Suite 1109, Chicago, Illinois 60660, United States ⊥ Physical Sciences Department, Dominican University, River Forest, Illinois 60305, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Countercurrent separation (CCS) utilizes the differential partitioning behavior of analytes between two immiscible liquid phases. We introduce the first platform (“CherryOne”) capable of real-time monitoring, metering, and control of the dynamic liquid−liquid CCS process. Automated phase monitoring and volumetrics are made possible with an array of sensors, including the new permittivity-based phase metering apparatus (PMA). Volumetric data for each liquid phase are converted into a dynamic real-time display of stationary phase retention (Sf) and eluent partition coefficients (K), which represent critical parameters of CCS reproducibility. When coupled with the elution−extrusion operational mode (EECCC), automated Sf and K determination empowers untargeted and targeted applications ranging from metabolomic analysis to preparative purifications.


phenomenon in CCS practice and is influenced by sample matrix and loading conditions.3 Typically, stationary phase loss occurs when the sample enters the column, but may occur at any point during the separation process. This is especially true when the sample causes emulsions and/or the sample loading increases. Because an accurate measure of stationary and mobile phase volumes is a prerequisite for the calculation of K values, it is necessary to carefully monitor stationary phase loss during the chromatographic process. To date, few hardware peripherals and acquisition/processing software are designed to support CCS instruments. Importantly, because key CCS parameters (Sf and K) are mostly ignored, achieving a reasonable level of accuracy and precision requires manual intervention by a skilled operator. The design of modern automated CCS systems must confront a number of challenges: (i) both phases (mobile and stationary) in CCS are entirely determined by solvent composition, (ii) volumetrics drive CCS data quality, (iii) stationary phase retention (Sf) is a critical and dynamic variable in CCS, (iv) accuracy of partition coefficient (K) measurements hinges on the accuracy of Sf measurements, and (v) there are several relatively unfamiliar operational parameters in CCS. While these challenges can be partially addressed through

ountercurrent chromatography (CCC) and centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC), collectively called countercurrent separation (CCS), are liquid-only chromatographic methods with a long history of development and use.1,2 In CCS, the partition coefficient (K) is similar to the gas chromatography retention index (RI) in that it is a commonly reported chromatographic metric that normalizes results and minimizes the impact of experimental variables. However, for K there exists a true value, which is a fundamental thermodynamic property of analytes and solvents. While CCS operates at much lower pressures, both CCS and the omnipresent (U)HPLC are liquid chromatography (LC) techniques that employ a liquid mobile phase. This common feature may explain the general tendency to apply or adapt (HP)LC tools for CCS operation. While certain peripherals are common to both forms of LC (pump, detector, and autosampler), as are some operational parameters such as flow rate and temperature, the liquid stationary phase (column) in CCS entails additional operational parameters such as rotation speed, rotation direction, and flow direction. The additional complexity introduced by these factors largely explains why CCS has not been more widely adopted. Common to all CCS methods is column equilibration, which involves pumping the mobile phase into the CCS column filled with stationary phase until a dynamic equilibrium is reached between the stationary and mobile phases and quantified as the stationary phase retention (Sf).3 However, loss of stationary phase during the chromatographic process is a common © 2015 American Chemical Society

Received: April 28, 2015 Accepted: June 3, 2015 Published: July 8, 2015 7418

DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01613 Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 7418−7425


Analytical Chemistry

value at the moment of analyte elution is less than the observed Sf value (Sfactual < Sfobserved), the observed K values will be greater than the actual K values for analytes with K < 1. Conversely, for analytes with K > 1 and Sfactual < Sfobserved, the observed K value will be less than the actual K values. For all established (nonautomated) methods to measure Sf, the injection before equilibration (IBE) operational mode6 produces the most accurate Sf value under high sample loading conditions. It is important to note that, in work with a smallvolume column, extra column volume of the tubing both before and after the column as well as the sample injection volume must be taken into account when making careful Sf calculations.4 (iv) Liquid−liquid partition coefficients (K values) are thermodynamic properties of the analyte and the solvent system and are essential for normalization of CCS results. In CCS, an accurate measurement of Sf is necessary for an accurate determination of K values from known VR, or for prediction of VR from known K values. The accuracy of CCS eluent K values depends primarily on the accuracy of Sf measurements. In fact, CCS becomes highly predictable once K and Sf are known.1,2,7,8 Thus, while real-time knowledge of K can enable predictable and targeted separations,8−10 mainstream CCS technology does not support this capability by providing K as output (K-based chromatograms) in real time. In fact, this precludes the broader implementation of a standardized form of CCS chromatograms, such as normal and shifted reciprocal symmetry plots (ReS and ReSS, respectively),11 in which the x-axis is normalized to K-values. Without real-time knowledge of Sf, K values can only be determined after the fact and with lower accuracy, dictated by the practical inability to accurately determine phase volumes over time. However, with accurate volumetrics, the elution volume (known as retention volume) VR, of an analyte is expressed by the equation VR = VM + KVS, or rearranged5

education and familiarity with CCS operation, automation of the Sf measurement and real-time, precise calculation of K remains a true technological challenge. (i) CCS can employ a virtually limitless range of biphasic solvent systems, which can make their efficient selection for any given separation a daunting task for the analyst unfamiliar with CCS. Typically, solvent systems are comprised of two- to sixcomponent mixtures. While their principal constitution and nomenclature are established in the literature (see refs 1 and 2 and references therein; summary for the present study in section SI1, Supporting Information), selection remains largely an empirical task unless target K values are known or predictable. Thus, methods and tools to streamline the selection and use of solvents must be incorporated into modern CCS systems. (ii) Most often, CCS chromatograms are represented with elution time on the x-axis. However, in CCS, retention volumes are more important than retention times. In addition, due to the dynamic nature of Sf, as well as inter-instrument differences, retention volumes alone are not enough for documentation or reporting and can be misleading when comparing results or, most importantly, when calculating eluent K values. Therefore, CCS volumetrics should include extracolumn volumes and/or stationary phase loss in the correct calculation of K values.3,4 (iii) In CCS, it is critical to monitor the (dynamic!) displacement of the stationary phase. Determination of Sf is a fundamental task of the countercurrent chromatographer. However, the occurrence of stationary phase loss during the run (sometimes referred to as column “bleeding”) makes Sf a dynamic variable that is rather challenging and/or laborious to measure manually. A unique requirement for the automation of CCS is the need to know what chromatographic phase is exiting the column at any given moment: mobile phase, stationary phase, or some combination of the two. This information is indispensable for accurate determination of Sf values, which, in turn, are required to either accurately calculate eluent K values or, conversely, to predict when an analyte will elute from the column. The calculation enables K-based chromatograms that, unlike widespread time or elution volume plots, are reproducible and independent of instruments and runs. The only variables impacting the location of the peak center are the solvents and the sample. To date, the Sf value is typically determined by a manual volumetric measurement carried out at a single time point. However, in practice, stationary phase may be lost at any point in the run after sample injection, thereby steadily decreasing the real-time Sf relative to the initial value. Surprisingly, while the dynamic nature of Sf in CCS practice is well-known, it is often ignored as the technology required to measure stationary phase loss has been unavailable and a manual approach is unfeasible. For a CCS column, the Sf value is the volume of the stationary phase (VS) divided by the total column volume (VC). However, the volume of the stationary phase is often measured indirectly as the difference of VC and the mobile phase volume (VM) as shown in eq 1.5 Sf = VS/VC = (VC − VM)/VC

K = (VR − VM)/VS


where, notably, K is also the ratio of solute concentration in the stationary phase over the concentration in the mobile phase at equilibrium at a given temperature. (v) Numerous CCS operational modes have been developed and are widely used including the following: EECCC,12 pHzone refining,13 BECCC,14 dual mode,15 solvent gradient elution,16 and flow rate gradient elution.17 Their automation requires real-time knowledge of core CCS parameters, especially Sf. In the widely used EECCC method, the solute retention volume, VEECCC, becomes VEECCC = VCM + VC − VCM/K, for solutes with K > VCM/VS, i.e., during EECCC stage III (extrusion), or solving for K,12 K = VCM /(VCM + VC + VEECCC)


where VCM represents the volume of mobile phase passed through the column before the stationary phase is pumped into the column. Together, these five points outline what ultimately generates the challenge of parametrization and automation in CCS. Due to both the liquid-only and dynamic nature of the CCS experiment, full knowledge and/or control over the entire set of parameters that impact its volumetrics become the prerequisite for the level of automation required for a new generation of CCS instrumentation, such as the CherryOne instrument developed herein (see section SI3, Supporting Information). Thus, CCS automation involves real-time monitoring and


As will be shown in the results, section I2, the three established manual methods for Sf measurement do not always agree with one another. The discrepancy is due to loss of stationary phase during the chromatographic separation. It is precisely this phenomenon that engenders a difference between actual K values and CCS-observed K values. In cases where the actual Sf 7419

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Analytical Chemistry

flow rate was reduced to 1 mL/min for 1 min. The experiment was then repeated with the opposite order, first the lower and then the upper phase. PMA signal values were recorded, displayed (Supporting Information Figure SI4a,b), and saved as *.csv files for later inspection.

programmable control that provides ease of operation (plug and play strategies) and feedback of CCS critical parameters. Ease of operation is promoted by standardized methods controlled by software components. The present study introduces real-time CCS volumetrics and provides the blueprint for a fully integrated CCS platform that offers the unique potential of K targeting. This elevates the reproducibility of CCS and enables a level of automation that has the potential to move CCS from a “last resort” technique to a mainstream chromatographic method.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Development (D1−D6) of Phase Sensor Technology. The use of a phase sensing device for real-time monitoring of eluting immiscible solvent system phases in CCS has not been reported. Therefore, in order to provide real-time measurement of the eluent, five prototype sensors were investigated: optical (video), thermal mass flow, UV absorbance, pressure (viscosity), and permittivity. It was demonstrated that each of these sensing technologies could be used to monitor key CCS volumetric data in real time. The most promising sensors were a high-accuracy pressure transducer and a permittivity sensor. D1: Solvent Interface Apparatus. Subsequent studies involved the use of a SIA that was capable of precisely delivering alternating plugs of solvent phases in volumes as low as 1 μL. A multistage SIA program was used to evaluate and rank potential sensors: As illustrated in Figure 1, “Stage I”

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION CCS Instrumentation, Solvent Delivery, and Operational Parameters. HSCCC was performed on a TBE-20A high-speed countercurrent chromatograph (Tauto Biotech, Shanghai, China), equipped with a 17.9 mL coil of 0.8 mm i.d. PTFE tubing; experiments with an 80 mL column used a Sanki centrifugal partition chromatograph (CPC; Sanki Engineering Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). The HSCCC operating and solvent delivery system was equipped with a six-port valve, 0.5 mL sample loop, a custom designed multipump array, UV detector, pressure sensor, phase metering apparatus (PMA, see later text), temperature sensor, and a specialized software control interface. Fraction collection was accomplished with a Foxy Jr. fraction collector (Teledyne Isco, Lincoln, NE, USA). Sensor development was performed with a PerkinElmer 200 series pump (lag volume, 2−6 mL, depending on solvent) with quaternary gradient mixer module (see also section SI8, Supporting Information). Section SI11 of the Supporting Information provides further operational parameters. Plant Extracts. A xanthohumol-enriched hops extract (Humulus lupulus L.) provided by Hopsteiner (S. S. Steiner, Inc., New York, NY, USA)9 was used to study the impact of sample loading on stationary phase loss, using the previously described 17.9 mL HSCCC instrument. The catechin-enriched green tea extract was obtained from Naturex (South Hackensack, NJ, USA). Development of Phase Metering Apparatus. First, a solvent interface apparatus (SIA) was devised to deliver precise and repeatable amounts of solvents to the candidate PMA sensors. The SIA consisted of a three-syringe pump (modified Zymark Z510 Master Laboratory Station), controlled by custom software written in the Python programming language, and a data acquisition unit composed of a National Instruments PCI-6251 card. The following devices and sensors were adapted for the purpose of flow-through liquid sensing and evaluated for their ability to discriminate the solvent phases. The optical (video) sensor consisted of a Canon HF100 3.3 MP HD CMOS device. The mass flow sensor was adapted from a SensirionASL 1600 thermometric CMOS sensor (Sensirion AG, Staefa, Switzerland). The UV sensor was adapted from a PerkinElmer series 200 HPLC detector. The pressure sensor consisted of an Omega PX409 high-accuracy piezoresistor (OMEGA Engineering, Inc., Stamford, CT, USA). The permittivity-based sensor consisted of conductive material wound orthogonal to the flow path and was built specifically for this CCS application. PMA Data Collection. The acquisition of baseline PMA signal values of biphasic solvent systems involved pumping each discrete phase directly through the PMA device. First, the upper phase was pumped at 2 mL/min for 3 min and then the flow rate was reduced to 1 mL/min for 1 min before being switched to the lower phase at 2 mL/min for 3 min. Finally, the

Figure 1. Results for each sensor tested with the solvent interface apparatus (SIA) using the HEMWat 0 (hexane/ethyl acetate/ methanol/water (1:1:1:1)) solvent system: A, pressure: B, permittivity; C, visual; D, mass flow; E, UV. The solvent interface apparatus sensor testing protocol can be found in section SI5, Supporting Information.

served as a calibration and baseline routine, while “Stage II” delivered increasingly small plugs of upper phase in a steady stream of lower phase, and “Stage III” delivered increasingly small plugs of lower phase in a steady stream of upper phase (for protocols and results, see sections SI5 and SI6, Supporting Information). D2: Optical Sensor. A flow cell was designed for optimal visualization of immiscible liquid phases passing through it. A customized light box in conjunction with a borosilicate glass capillary (1.5 mm o.d., 1.12 mm i.d.) was used to investigate lighting and background conditions that allowed visual discrimination of the phases. High-intensity fluorescent lighting, alongside a simple high-contrast background with both vertical and horizontal elements, provided the best results. This optimized apparatus was coupled with a high-quality CMOS video sensor and macrolens. Subsequently, this sensor provided 7420

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Analytical Chemistry

permittivity of the flow cell contents (Figure SI7e, Supporting Information). The relative static permittivity of a solvent is a dimensionless number (ratio of permittivities) and an effective measure of its polarity as represented by its dielectric constant.19−22 Investigating HEMWat 0 with an early prototype of the sensor (Figure 1B) indicated it could accommodate high flow rates, did not interfere with the liquid flow path, and was capable of distinguishing between immiscible solvent phases. This sensor was found to be effective for a wide range of solvent systems, whereas its capabilities are diminished by solvent systems containing ionic or ionizable components, such as BuAaWat and ATPS. Implementation (I1−I4) of Phase Sensing into an Instrument for CCS Automation. Representative signals obtained with each of the five sensors for HEMWat 0 are shown in Figure 1. The outcome highlights the distinct capacity of both the pressure and permittivity sensors to detect increasingly small plugs of the immiscible phases. Both sensors detected plugs of 100 μL and smaller (6σ) with the average difference of PMA readings for the two individual phases. In addition, PMA values may provide a meaningful measure of solvent system overall polarity and/or quality.7 The PMA works on the principle that there exists a significant difference in permittivity, and therefore signal values, between the two phases. Each time a new solvent system is run, the PMA values for the upper and lower phases are acquired. Once these two values are manually entered, the solvent phases are readily identified by the software. If the PMA value is between the two threshold values, the software records that a mixture of both upper phase and lower phase is leaving the column in a proportion to the distance between the two threshold values. Figure 4B shows that as the overall polarity of the solvent system increases (from heptane/MeOH to EtOAc/ H2O), the PMA values for both the upper and lower phase decrease. For other solvent systems studied, the PMA value differences between the two phases ranged from a high of 6,100 to a low of 2,500 PMA units. The PMA values only need to be determined once per solvent system and are entered into the software method for the chromatographic run. Accordingly, an automated CCS run in EECCC mode is performed in three steps: (step 1) obtain

Figure 4. (A) PMA response for HEMWat 0 upper phase, followed by 1:1 mixture of upper and lower, followed by lower phase. (B) PMA values of upper and lower phases for the 17 solvent systems in the HEMWat family.

the PMA values for upper and lower phases; (step 2) fill the column with the stationary phase; (step 3) initiate the EECCC run with (a) simultaneous introduction of mobile phase and sample loop contents, (b) continuous elution with 1.0 column volume (VC) of the mobile phase, and, finally, (c) completion of the run with ∼1.1VC of the stationary phase (Figure 5). The last step, 3c, combines EECCC stages II + III, also known as sweep elution and extrusion, respectively.12 It effectively extrudes the already-fractionated components in order and results in a system filled with pristine stationary phase, ready for another injection. The instrument totalizes eluted volumes of each solvent phase and calculates and graphs, in real time, the stationary phase ratio following eq 1. 7423

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Analytical Chemistry

and modified for future runs. Taking into account the preceding considerations, K-plots are completely normalized and comparable between any instrument or experiment. In addition, K-plots can readily reveal differences in the resolving power of various CCS instruments by noting the relative peak width. A3: Automated K-Targeted CCS Fractionation of Green Tea Catechins. The separation of catechins from green tea illustrates how real-time monitoring of PMA values, UV absorbance, Sf values, and K values work in tandem to create a rational process that may be easily monitored and verified by the operator. Figure 5A shows the fractionation of a 50 mg sample of polyphenol-enriched crude extract on a preequilibrated 17.9 mL CS column. The terAcWat 5:5:10 solvent system was chosen for initial fractionation of the crude sample. The chromatograms in Figure 5 show the UV absorption and PMA signal traces in the form of raw data. The Sf and K data are calculated values based on input (high and low PMA cutoff values as well as initial Sf) and real-time PMA and pump data. Sf calculations are based on what phase is being pumped into the column and what phase, or mixture of the phases, that the PMA detects at the column outlet. The real-time K values are based on the Sf data and the EECCC stage (eqs 2 and 3). As is typical with crude extracts, in this separation, significant loss of stationary phase was observed prior to the elution of unretained analytes. The Sf was adjusted accordingly from its initial value of 0.65. The PMA response to polar analytes accompanied by a drop in PMA values was also observed from 25 to 45 min of this reversed-phase run. The Sf may be seen to level off at 0.41 as the analytes elute. At 80 min the mobile phase being pumped into the column is replaced by the initial stationary phase and the Sf begins to increase. This is the beginning of the EECCC stage II “sweep elution.” The eventual breakthrough of the stationary phase at 102 min was recorded by the PMA at the start of the extrusion stage. The K value calculations are then adjusted according to the stage III extrusion (eq 3) and begin to rise rapidly until they (theoretically) reach infinity at the end of the run. Figure 5B represents the reciprocal shifted symmetry K-plot with the midline at K = 2 for the UV data shown in Figure 5A. Because the green tea catechins, EGC and GC, nearly coeluted in the terAcWat solvent system, a secondary fractionation was carried out with HEBuWat 1:4:5:10 as an orthogonal solvent system,7 employing otherwise identical operating conditions as the primary fractionation (Figure 5C). In contrast to the previous separation, there was no detectable stationary phase loss after the equilibration of the column. This pattern is fairly common in CCS, where crude extracts tend to emulsify the biphasic solvent system and lead to stationary phase loss, while prefractionated samples tend to be more soluble and, thereby, impart minimal disruption to the biphasic solvent system. Similar to the previous separation, a noticeable but nondisruptive dip in the PMA values occurs between 20 and 40 min as the polar analytes elute. Figure 5D represents the reciprocal shifted symmetry K-plot with the midline at K = 2 for the UV data shown in Figure 5C. The recording of accurate K values ensures that these same analytes may be isolated from any source on any CCS instrument, with greater or lesser resolution, depending on the instrument.

Figure 5. (A) Automated separation of 50 mg green tea catechins on a small-volume (∼20 mL) hydrodynamic CCS instrument. Blue line = PMA values (y axis values on the left), red line = UV absorption at 280 nm, green line = Sf values (y axis values on the right), and black line = K values (K/10 y axis values on the right). CCS performed in a terAcWat (5:5:10) solvent system with lower phase mobile: 0.5 mL/ min flow rate; 2,000 rpm; 0.41 Sf minimum value; 20 °C. EGC = epigallocatechin, GC = gallocatechin, EC = epicatechin, EGCG = epigallocatechin gallate, GCG = gallocatechin gallate, and ECG = epicatechin gallate with corresponding K values of 1.1, 1.4, 2.7, 3.9, 5.6, and 7.8, respectively. (B) Reciprocal shifted symmetry K-plot of UV data in A. (C) Secondary fractionation of 41 mg green tea catechins. Blue line = PMA values (y axis values on the left), red line = UV absorption at 280 nm, green line = Sf values (y axis values on the right), and black line = K values (K/10 y axis values on the right). HEBuWat (1:4:5:10) solvent system with lower phase mobile: 0.5 mL/min flow rate; 2,000 rpm; 0.45 Sf minimum value; 20 °C. EGC = epigallocatechin and GC = gallocatechin, with corresponding K values of 2.4 and 3.4, respectively. Recovery was 22 and 8 mg, respectively. (D) Reciprocal shifted symmetry K-plot of UV data in C, showing the typical linear increase in K until the EECCC midpoint at K = 2, and the nonlinear (reciprocal) increase of K values thereafter.

The proportionality of the PMA signals to the relative composition of the phases also opens the opportunity to use the PMA for the monitoring of eluents in gradient CCS. Whereas the nature of changing solvent composition in gradients inevitably forfeits the ability to calculate K values, the PMA has a distinctive utility as a generic phase detector and can potentially provide a new means of defining gradient conditions in CCS. A2: K Plots. Real-time K values are calculated and graphed based on mobile and stationary phase volumes that are informed by the PMA. Partition coefficient values are calculated in real time using eqs 2 and 3 with corrections for extracolumn volumes,4 which tend to be insignificant on larger instruments. The main advantage of employing the PMA is that the loss of stationary phase during equilibration and also during a separation run may be monitored and immediately incorporated into Sf and K calculations. Once the run has been completed, the raw data from each data stream may be recovered as a *.csv file and graphed in the appropriate software application. Each method is stored and may be rerun or copied

CONCLUSIONS This report describes the development and application of a CCS system featuring a new permittivity-based phase metering apparatus (PMA) that continuously totalizes the balance of the 7424

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Analytical Chemistry

to the discovery of new antibiotics, on the occasion of his 75th birthday.

column’s stationary and mobile phases in real time. This permits instantaneous calculation of CCS’s key experimental parameter, namely, Sf. The volumetric measures are subsequently incorporated into partition coefficient (K) calculations. For any solvent system, K values are intrinsic properties of analytes, and in CCS they empower facile, targeted purification. Moreover, proper K calculation fosters full normalization of the chromatographic x-axes in CCS.11 In addition, utilization of modern CCS operation modes, such as EECCC, allow for the practical determination of K values for the complete range (0 < K < ∞) of analytes. The targeted purification of botanical reference materials such as the green tea catechins demonstrates the power of K-targeted preparative analysis. Finally, all sensing technology required to monitor key parameters is now available to enhance the reproducibility and validate CCS.

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S Supporting Information *

Tables listing nomenclature and constitution of two-phase solvent systems, SIA sensor testing protocol, sensor evaluation results, operational parameter effects, summary of sample loadings and Sf measurements, and various parameters used; text describing manual determination of the stationary phase retention volume ratio and sample loading and stationary phase volume retention experiments, and figures showing a diagram of automated CCS; a photograph of the CherryOne instrument with integrated Corbel data system, optical characteristics of two-phase solvent systems; pressure sensor responses to five different solvent systems, effluent sensing capabilities, linear correlation of experimental PMA values; CCS system schematic diagram, screenshot of the real-time operation schematic of the CherryOne system, and comparison of PMA values and pressure in a column with increasing flow rate. The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01613.



Corresponding Author

*Tel.: (312) 355-1949. E-mail: [email protected]. Notes

The authors declare the following competing financial interest(s): S.M.P. is President of Cherry Instruments, a Division of Wrightwood Technologies Inc. S.M.P., L.R.C., T.B., L.P., W.F., N.N., and J.M. are shareholders and/or employees of Cherry Instruments. The other authors declare no conflict of interest.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Support was received by grants R43AT004534 and R44AT004534 from NCCIH (formerly NCCAM) of the NIH. We are grateful to Dr. Martin Biendl and Mr. Harald Schwarz of Hopsteiner (New York, NY, USA, and Mainburg, Germany) and Dr. Kan He (formerly Naturex, South Hackensack, NJ, USA) for providing study materials and to Kalsec, Inc. (Kalamazoo, MI, USA) for providing CCS instruments for early development work.

DEDICATION Dedicated to Dr. James B. McAlpine, a pioneer in the design and innovative use of countercurrent separation devices applied 7425

DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.5b01613 Anal. Chem. 2015, 87, 7418−7425